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Management orientations

The form and substance of a company response to global market

opportunities depends greatly on management assumption and
beliefs (both conscious and unconscious) about the nature of
the world. The worldview of a company personnel can be
described as:

Ethnocentric orientation

• A person who assumes his or her home country superior

compared to the rest of the world is said to have an
ethnocentric orientation.

• The ethnocentric orientation means company personnel see

only similarities in market and assumes the product and
practices that succeed in the home country will due to their
demonstrated superiority be successful anywhere.
• At some companies the ethnocentric orientation means that
opportunity outside the home country are ignored. Such
companies are called domestic companies.

• Ethnocentric companies that do conduct business outside the

home country can be described as international companies.
They adhere to the notion that the products that succeed in
the home country are superior and therefore can be sold
everywhere without adaptation.

• In the ethnocentric international company foreign operations

are viewed as being secondary or subordinate to domestic
• Valuable managerial knowledge and experience in local
market may go unnoticed.

• For a mfg. firm ethnocentric means foreign market are

viewed as a means of disposing of surplus domestic

• Even if consumers needs or wants differ from those in the

home country those differenced are ignored at headquarters.
(Ex: Nissan)
Polycentric orientation

• The polycentric orientation is the opposite of ethnocentrism.

The term polycentric describes management belief that each
country in which a company does business is unique. This
assumption lays the groundwork for each subsidiary to
develop its own unique business and marketing strategies in
order to succeed.

• The term multinational company is often used to describe

such a company.
Regiocentric orientation

• In a company with a regiocentric orientation management

views regions as unique and seeks to develop an integrated
regional strategy.

• For eg: a US company that focuses on the countries

included in the NAFTA is a regiocentric orientation.

• Similarly a European company that focuses its attention on

the Europe is regiocentric.
Geocentric orientation

• A company with a geocentric orientation views the entire

world as a potential market and strives to develop integrated
worlds market strategies.

• A company whose management has a regiocentric or

geocentric orientation is known as a global or a
transnational company.
Centralized, Decentralized or Integrated ?
• The ethnocentric company is centralized in its marketing
management (home country superiority)

• The polycentric company is decentralized (there are so many

differences in cultural, economic, and marketing conditions that
it is impossible and futile attempt to transfer experience across
nation boundaries.)

• The regiocentric company is integrated on a regional scale, and

• The geocentric company is integrated on a global scale.

Evolution of GM from DM – stage - 1

• Domestic in focus with all activity concentrated in the home

market. Whilst many organization ca survive like this solely
domestically oriented organizations are probably doomed to
long term failure.
Evolution of GM from DM – stage - 2

• Home focus but with exports (ethnocentric). Probably

believes only in home values but creates an export division.
Evolution of GM from DM – stage - 3

• Stage two organization which realize that they must adapt

their marketing mixes to overseas operations. The focuses
switches to multinational (polycentric) and adaptation
becomes paramount.
Evolution of GM from DM – stage - 4

• Global organization which creates value by extending

products and programmers and focused o serving emerging
global market (geocentric). This involves recognizing that
market differences and that it is possible to develop a global
strategy based on similarities to obtain scale economies but
also recognize and responds to cost effective differences. Its
strategies are a combination of extension, adaption and
creation. It is unpredictable in behavior and always alert to

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