(无水印) class 1

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Naval equipments

Yang Bin

1.1 conception
• sea control
• The condition that exists when one has
freedom of action within an area of the sea
for one’s own purposes for a period of time
in the subsurface, surface and above
water environments.
An area of the sea

An island
The French Empire in Europe in
1812, near its peak extent
• Admiral Jervis
to the House of
Lords "I do not
say, my Lords,
that the French
will not come. I
say only they
will not come
by sea"
• Control of the
seas means
security. Control
of the seas An island
means peace.
Control of the
seas can mean
• —John F.
1.2 Operation Hailstone
• 1.2.1 location Truk (Chuuk)
• a pre-war
territory in the
central and
south Pacific
• the Caroline
• The atoll was the
only major
Japanese airbase
within range of
the Marshall
Islands and was a
significant source
of support for
garrisons located
on islands and
atolls throughout
the central and
south Pacific
• The base
was the
defenses in
the central
and south
• Truk was a major
military for the
Imperial Japanese
Navy‘s Combined
Fleet. Some have
described it as the
equivalent of the
US Navy’s Pearl
1.2 Operation Hailstone
• 1.2.2 time on February 17–18, 1944

• 1.2.3 adversaries
the United States Navy
the Japanese Navy
Operation Hailstone was a massive naval air and surface
attack launched on February 17–18, 1944, during World
War II by the United States Navy against the Japanese
naval and air base at Truk.
Attack side-Task Force 58
• five fleet carriers
• four light
• embarking more than 500 planes.
• seven battleships
• numerous cruisers
• Destroyers
• Submarines
• other support ships
Japanese side
• Numerous smaller warships
• Merchant ships
• Several hundreds aircraft
surface ships and submarines
• A force of U.S.
surface ships
possible exit
routes from the
anchorage to
attack any
ships that tried
to escape from
the airstrikes.
No place to hide

No way to escape
Sea control

Truk Lagoon
• Fighters
• dive bombers
• torpedo aircraft
• in attacks on
• Japanese airfields
• Aircraft
• shore installations ships in and around the
Truk anchorage.
1.2 Operation Hailstone
• 1.2.4 aftermath
(1) Japanese side
three Japanese light cruisers
four destroyers
three auxiliary cruisers
two submarine tenders
three other smaller warships
aircraft transport Fujikawa Maru
32 merchant ships
(2) U.S. lost
lost twenty-five aircraft.
Two damaged
11 crew killed
1.3 classifcation
• 1.3.1 Brown-water navy
• 1.3.2 Green-water navy
• 1.3.3 Blue-water navy
1.3 classifcation
• 1.3.1 Brown-water navy
• A broader meaning is any naval force that
has the capacity to carry out military
operations in river or littoral environments.
• The term has become associated with
littoral navies.
• gunboats and patrol boats
1.3 classifcation
• 1.3.2 Green-water navy
• Green-water navy is a national naval force
that is designed primarily to provide
coastal defense and may be beginning to
acquire the ability to sustain operations on
the open ocean.
shore-based air forces
Land-to-air missile assets
land-to-sea missile assets
diesel-electric submarines
Fast Inshore Attack Craft
1.3 classifcation
• 1.3.3 Blue-water navy
• A blue-water navy is a maritime force
capable of operating across the deep
waters of open oceans. There is a
requirement for the ability to exercise sea
control at wide ranges.
1.4 development
Born in river
Defense on coast
Security of the sea lines of communication (SLOCs)

A country
1.5 Chinese People's Liberation
Army Navy
• Chinese Navy
• People's Navy
• Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy
the Red Army was founded in 1927

83 years

2010 PLA

On 23 April 1949
the East China Military Region Navy was created
an Army general, Xiao Jinguang, as the first PLAN commander.
1.5.1 Headquaters of The PLAN
was founded on April 14th 1950
located in Beijing
1.5.3 Five Branches of the
• 1 Naval Surface Vessel Unit
• 2 Naval Submarine Unit
• 3 Naval Aviation Unit
• 4 Marine Corps
• 5 Coastal Defense Unit
1 Naval Surface Vessel Unit
• fight on the surface
• provide service support
• Include aircraft carrier
– China commissioned its first aircraft carrier, the
Liaoning, in September 2012.
– The PLA Navy successfully conducted its first launch
and recovery of the carrier-capable J-15 fighter on
November 26, 2012.
– it is not expected to embark an operational air wing
– the Liaoning is a refurbished vessel, purchased from
Ukraine in 1998
1 Naval Surface Vessel Unit
• fight on the surface
• provide service support
• Include destroyers
1 Naval Surface Vessel Unit
• Include frigates (escort vessels)
1 Naval Surface Vessel Unit
• Include missile gunboats
1 Naval Surface Vessel Unit
• Include mine layers and minesweepers

mine layers
1 .Naval Surface Vessel Unit
• Include landing vessels
3.1 Naval Surface Vessel Unit
• Include service support ships
2 .Naval Submarine Units
• assault forces
• raid against strategic enemy targets
• anti-submarine operation
• maritime reconnaissance
• attack enemy naval and coastal
targets and tie down enemies
3 Naval Aviation Unit
• carry out the combat task at sea and
coastal airspace
• seize air supremacy above the sea
• Its highly mobile operational capability
and great assault capability make it
possible to carry out various offensive
and defensive combat and guard tasks.
4. Marine Corps

• task of landing campaigns

• amphibious combat weapons
–strong firepower
–high maneuverability
–fierce assault power
–solid protection power
Type 63
Type 63A
5. Coastal Defense Unit
• coastal missile forces
• coastal artillery forces
5. Coastal Defense Unit
• coastal missile forces
• coastal artillery forces
• shore-to-ship missiles
• automated guns
• Perform the duty of defending naval
bases and coastal strategic locations

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