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“No one is entitled to deny a science that is

unknown to him.”

Latin verb suggero, suggessi, suggestum, to get under
or suggest.
“paedy” (pedy)
Related to pedagogy and thus is connected to matters
of teaching, learning and education.
Hence, “suggestopedy” denotes education and instruction
in which the laws and principles of suggestion are taken into
Georgi Lozanov
“Teachers are equally familiar with the
basic requirements of pedagogy and
the different teaching methods.”

Why then are there differences in
Georgi Lozanov
Now breathe in and breathe out.
Think of your teachers way back in
high school.
There are always favorite teachers
whose lessons are easy to remember
and easy to understand and in whose
classes the discipline is always good.
There are also teachers who are just
the opposite- whose lessons are
difficult to remember and to
understand, and who encounter
disciplinary problems.
It is quite obvious that there
exists a psychological
technique- often not
comprehended by the
teachers themselves- that
helps them to hold the
attention of their students.
Because of its intimate nature,
this technique still remains
outside the scope of

- A teaching method based on the idea how the human

brain works and how we can learn most effectively. It
includes a rich sensory learning, a positive expectation of
success and the use of a varied range of methods like
dramatized texts, music, active participation in songs and
games, etc.
Lozanov's Six Means of Suggestion
Six Means of Suggestion
Six Means of Suggestion
Six Means of Suggestion
Six Means of Suggestion
Six Means of Suggestion
Six Means of Suggestion
Six Means of Suggestion
Key Features of Suggestopedia

• Comfortable Environment
• The use of Music
• Peripheral Learning
• Free Errors
• Homework is limited
• Music, drama and art are integrated in the learning
Teachers' Roles
• Teacher should create situations in which learners are most suggestible and
then to present linguistic material in a way most likely to encourage positive
reception and retention by learners.
• Show absolute confidence in the method.
• Organize properly, and strictly observe the initial stages of the teaching
process- this includes choice and play of music, as well as punctuality.
• Give tests and respond tactfully to poor papers.
• Maintain a modest enthusiasm.
• Teachers are expected to be skilled in acting, singing and psychotherapeutic
Three barriers to suggestion
1. Logical-critical
* “That's not possible.”
* “Others may be able to do that, but not me.”

2. Affective-emotional
* “I won't do it. It just makes me feel uneasy. I can't explain it really.
* “I'd rather not, thank you.”

3. Ethical
* “I really think that's slightly dishonest.”
* “I don't think it's fair.”
Typical Techniques
• Classroom set-up

• Peripheral Learning

• Positive Suggestion

• Visualization

• Choose a New Identity

• Role-Play
Advantages of Suggestopedia
• Students can lower their affective filter.
• Classes are held in ordinary rooms with comfortable chairs, a practice that
may also help them relaxed.
• Authority concept
• Students remember best and are more influenced by information coming
from an authoritative source, teachers.
• Double-plannedness theory: It refers to the learning from two aspects. They
are the conscious aspect and the subconscious one. Students can acquire
the aim of teaching instruction from both direct instruction and environment in
which the teaching takes place.
• Peripheral Learning: Suggestopedia encourages the students to apply
language more independently, takes more personal responsibility for their
own learning and get more confidence. Peripheral information can also help
encourage students to be more experimental, and look to sources other than
Disadvantages of Suggestopedia
• Environment limitation: Most schools in developing countries have large
classes. Each class consists of 30-40 students. There should be 12 students
in the class.
• The use of hypnosis: Some people say that suggestopedia uses a hypnosis,
so it has bad deep effects for human beings. Lazanov strongly denied about
• Infantilization learning: Suggestopedia class is conditioned to be child-like
situation. There are some students who do not like to be treated like this as
they think that they are mature.
What suggestology could teach?
 Teachers to exert an influence on  The musician how to inspire the
the students not only with what they listener.
say, but also with the intonation of  The athlete how to rally his energy
their voices, their smiles, gestures, and use it at the most strenuous
clothes, movements and their moment to achieve victory.
whole attitude toward the students.
 The physician not only on how to In fact, there is no sector of public life
talk with his patients, but the inner where suggestology could not be
approach he must take to gain their useful.
 The actor how to win the audience.
 The writer how to touch the heart of
the reader.

• Suggestology and Oultines • Chapter 10 Suggestopedia

of Suggestopedy by in J.C. Richards and T.S
Georgi Lozanov Rodgers. (1986).
• G Lozanov- 2004 Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.
• Cambridge University
wiki/Suggestopedia Press.
• Suggestopedia-Slideshare • Powtoon
Thank you for listening :)

Prepared by:
Analyn V. Giganto

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