Electrical Safety: Prepared By: Emmanuel Areglo Jericho Andrew Javier Edmhel Jon Reselva (BSEE-3B)

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Prepared by:
Emmanuel Areglo
Jericho Andrew Javier
Edmhel Jon Reselva
Electrical Safety Goals

 Electricity and the human body

 Electrical hazards and safe work practices
What is Electrical Safety?

 Electricity is nature's most versatile form of

energy. Electrical power lights our homes,
streets, offices and factories. The power of
electricity can be dangerous if it's not used
correctly. Electrical energy can damage
property and ignite fires. It can also hurt and
even kill.

 Safety practices can help minimize electrical

hazards and cut down the risk of accidents. The
hazard of electricity cannot be eliminated, but it
can be controlled though education and
engineering. The more you understand about
electrical energy the safer you'll be at work and
Myths & Misconceptions
about Electricity
 Electricity takes the path of least resistance.
 Some believe that electricity wants to go to
ground and simply disappear.
Myths & Misconceptions
about Electricity
 When an electrical tool or appliances falls into
water, it does not short out.
 AC reverse polarity is not hazardous.
 It takes high voltage to kill; 120 volts is not
 Double-insulated power tools are doubly safe
and can be used in wet and damp locations.
Electrical Fundamentals

 Ohm’s Law:
One volt will cause a current of one ampere
to flow through a resistance of one ohm.


(Amps) (Ohms)
Electrical Fundamentals
 Assume a person is working and perspiring and has a
hand-to-hand resistance of 1,000 ohms. This person
contacts 220 volts with one hand and touches a
ground surface with the other, completing a loop to
the voltage source.
What would be the current going through the
I = E/R = 220/1,000 = 0.22 amp = 220 mA
Electrical Fundamentals

 Power:
Is measured in watts and is equal to E(volts)
x I(current). One watt would be equal to one
ampere of current flowing through a resistor with
one volt of potential difference.
Consider a 12-watt electric bulb that is
being used in a 220 volt light socket.
I = P/E = 12/220 = 0.05amp = 50mA
Electrical Fundamentals

 Formula Wheel
Electrical Fundamentals

 Electricity and People

 1 mA: Can be felt by the body
 2-10 mA: Minor shock, might
result in a fall
 10-25 mA: Loss of muscle
control, may
not be able to let go of the current
 25-75 mA: Painful, may lead to
or death
 75-300 mA: Last for 1/4 second,
almost always immediately fatal
Electrical Fundamentals

 Factors Enhancing Electrical Shock:

 Wet and/or damp locations
 Ground / grounded objects
 Current loop from power source back to power
 Path of current through body and duration of
 Area of body contact and pressure of contact
 Physical size, condition, age of person
Electrical Fundamentals
Electrical Fundamentals

 Factors Enhancing Electrical Shock:

 Type and/or amount of voltages
 Personal protective equipment, gloves, shoes
 Metal object such as watches, necklace, rings
 Miscellaneous
 Poor workplace illumination
 Color blindness
 Lack of safety training and knowledge of electricity
 No safe work procedures
Electrical Fundamentals

 Basic Rules of Electrical Action:

 Electricity isn’t “live” until current flows.
 Electrical current won’t flow until there is a
complete loop, out from and back to the power
 Electrical current always returns to its source,
that is, the transformer has created it.
 When current flows, work (measured in watts)
is accomplished.
Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters
Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters

 GFCIs reduce the likelihood of fatal shocks

 Detect small amount of earth current and
automatically switch off the power
 Used with extension cords and portable tools
 Fuses and circuit breakers protect equipment,
not people
Hazardous Location

 Are areas where flammable liquids, gases, or

vapors, combustible dust, or other easily
ignitable material exists, or can exists
accidentally in sufficient quantities to produce
an explosion or fire.
Hazardous Location

 Classifications of Location
 Class I - Where those in which flammable
vapors and gases may be present.
 Class II - Where those in which combustible
dust may be found.
 Class III - Where those in which there are
ignitable fibers suspended in the atmosphere.
Hazardous Location

 Division of Classes
 Division I locations are designated as such
because a flammable gas, vapor, dust, or easily
ignitable material is normally present in
hazardous quantities.
 Division II locations, the existence of
hazardous quantities of these materials is not
normal but they occasionally exist either
accidentally or when material in storage is
Hazardous Location

 Equipment Requirements:

 Intrinsically Safe

 Explosion Proof

 Dust-ignition Proof
Safety Program, Policy &
 Supervisory Responsibilities:
 Training and Education
 Hazardous condition
 Work practices
 Houskeeping
Safety Program, Policy &
 Employee Responsibilities:
 Training and Education
 Hazardous condition
 Work practices
 Houskeeping
Safety Program, Policy &
 Electrical Safety Policy:
 Plug power equipment into
wall receptacles with power
switches in the OFF position.

 Unplug electrical equipment

by grasping the plug and
pulling. Do not pull or jerk the
cord to unplug the equipment
Safety Program, Policy &
 Electrical Safety Policy:
 Checked for frayed, cracker,
or exposed wiring on
equipment cords.
 Personnel should know the
location of electrical circuit-
breaker panels that control
equipment and lighting in
their respective areas. Circuits
and equipment disconnects
must be identified.
Safety Program, Policy &
 Electrical Safety Policy:
 Temporary or permanent storage
of any materials must not be
allowed within 3 ft. of any
electrical panel or electrical
 When defective electrical
equipment is identified by
personnel, it should be tagged
immediately and removed from
service for repair or replacement.
Safety Program, Policy &
 Electrical Safety Policy:
 Any electrical equipment
causing shocks or with high
leakage potential must be tagged

 Electricity will try to reach ground even if it

means going through a person
 Even the “small” voltage from your home can
cause serious injury
 Always inspect power tools and cords and do
not use them if damaged
 Do not attempt to repair electrical equipment
unless trained and qualified
It takes a Minute to write a safety rule

It takes an Hour to hold a safety meeting

It takes a Week to plan a safety program

It takes a Month to put it in practice

It takes a Year to win a safety award

It takes a Lifetime to make a safe worker

But it only takes a Second
To destroy it all in one accident.

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