Systems of Wiring

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 Systems of Wiring

1. Cleat wiring
2. Wooden casing and capping
3. CTS or TRS or PVC sheathed wiring
4. Lead sheathed or Metal sheathed
5. Conduit wiring
o(a) Surface or open type
o(b) Recessed or Concealed or
Underground type
1. Cleat wiring
Cleat wiring
• In this system of internal wiring the cables
used are either VIR or PVC type.

• The cables are held by porcelain cleats

about 6 mm above the walls or ceilings

• The cleats are made in two halves, one

base and the other cap. As shown in the fig
The base is grooved to accommodate the cables
and the cap is put over it and whole of it is then
screwed on wooden plugs(gutties) previously
cemented into the wall and ceiling.
The cleats are of three types

• one groove,

• two groove and

• three groove to accommodate one , two

and three cables respectively.

For long life Cleat should be usually used at

intervals of 30 cm and in no case at more
than 60 cm.

 It is the cheapest system of internal wiring

 Its installation and dismantlement is easy and quick

 Material is recoverable after the dismantlement.

 Inspection, alternations and additions can be easily


 Skill required is little.

 It is not good looking
 It is quite temporary and perishes quickly
 The wires are exposed to mechanical injury.
 Oil and smoke are injurious to VIR insulation.
 The insulation catches dampness from the atmosphere and a
common salt like substance appears on the insulation which lowers
the insulation resistance and causes leakage.

 Hence this system of wiring cannot be used in damp places unless

precautions in an approved manner are adopted to effectively

prevent dampness from deteriorating the insulation of conductors.

Field of Applications
The wiring of this type is very suitable for
temporary installations in dry places.

This is also used where appearance is not so

important and cost is the main

The system is not suitable for use in domestic

Precautions to be observed
1.The wooden gutties should be inserted in walls with their
greater x- section towards the wall and should be spaced
at an interval not exceeding 60 cm vertically ad
Plastic Cleats
2. Wooden casing and capping wiring.
• Cheap in cost as compared to lead sheathed and
conduit wiring system
• Easy to install and rewire
• It provides good insulation as conductors are good
distance apart.
• Free from trouble of consideration, so
advantageous in tropical countries where there
might be trouble from condensation of moisture in
steel conduit.
• Easy to inspect by opening the capping.
• There is a high risk of fire in casing & capping wiring
• Not suitable in the acidic, alkalies and humidity
• Costly repairing and need more material.
• Material can’t be found easily in the contemporary
• White ants may damage the casing & capping of
Precautions to be observed
PVC or plastic casing and capping
3. Batten Wiring
(CTS or TRS or PVC sheathed wiring)
• Single core or double core or three core
TRS cables with a circular oval shape
cables are used in this kind of wiring.

• Mostly, single core cables are preferred.

• TRS cables are chemical proof, water
proof, steam proof, but are slightly affected
by lubricating oil.
• The TRS cables are run on well seasoned
and straight teak wood batten with at least
a thickness of 10mm.
• The cables are held on the wooden batten
by means of tinned brass link clips (buckle
clip) already fixed on the batten with brass
pins and spaced at an interval of 10cm for
horizontal runs and 15cm for vertical runs
Advantages of Batten Wiring
• Wiring installation is simple and easy
• cheap as compared to other electrical
wiring systems except cleat wiring
• Paraphrase is good and beautiful
• Repairing is easy, strong and long-lasting
• It can withstand the action of most
chemicals such as acids and alkalies
• Within certain limits it is fire proof
• less chance of leakage current in batten
wiring system
Disadvantages of Batten Wiring
• Can’t be install in the humidity, Chemical effects,
open and outdoor areas.

• High risk of fires

• Not safe from external wear & tear and weather

effects (Not recommended for use in open to sun,
rain, heat, dust, steam and smoke unless preventive
steps are taken.

• Heavy wires can’t be used in batten wiring system.

• Only suitable below 250V supply.

• The TRS wiring is suitable for low voltage installations
and is extensively used for lighting purposes
everywhere i.e. in domestic, commercial or
industrial buildings except workshop where it is liable
to mechanical injury. It cannot be used in damp
• This type of wiring is suitable in situations where
acids and alkalies are likely to be present.
Precautions to be observed
1. The batten used must be of well seasoned and
perfectly straight teak wood and thickness 10mm
at least.
2. The batten should be well varnished (on all four
3. The wooden gutties or plugs to which batten is to
be fixed should be spaced at an interval not
exceeding 75 cm.
4. While passing throuh structural steelwork the
wooden bushes should be provided in holes and
also at the ends of conduit or pipe used while
wiring is being passed through walls or ceilings.
5. Fibre clips should not be used in damp situations
as these are hygroscopic.
6. The ends of the cables must be sealed with
compounds in damp situations.
7. When the cables are to pass through
floors, walls, partitions or other concealed
locations, they must be carried through
8. The wiring after erection must be neatly
painted with two coats of oilless non-
cracking paint, as specified in IS 732.
9. If the fittings are accessories are to be
erected in damp situations, patterns with
suitable glands and of throughly good
watertight construction must be chosen
4. Lead sheathed or Metal sheathed wiring
• The type of wiring employs conductors that are insulated
with VIR and covered with an outer sheath of lead
aluminum alloy containing about 95% of lead.

• The metal sheath given protection to cables from

mechanical damage, moisture and atmospheric
• The whole lead covering is made electrically
continuous and is connected to earth at the
point of entry to protect against electrolytic
action due to leaking current and to provide
safety in case the sheath becomes alive.
• This system is similar to C.T.S wiring except that the
cable used is different in this wiring system.
• Same as C.T.S wiring system cables are run on
wooden batten and are fixed with the help of
tinned link clips
1. conductors are protected against
mechanical injury
2. it is suitable employed under damp
3. it gives better appearance
4. it has longer life
5. conductors are protected against
6. it can be installed in open space

1. cables are costlier than C.T.S OR T.R.S

2. In case of leakage ,there is risk of
3. skilled labour and proper supervision is
4. it is not suitable for places where
chemical corrosion may occur
• -
Field of application
• This wiring system is suitable for low voltage
(up to 250V) installations. It may be used in
places exposed to sun and rain provided
no joint is exposed.
• It may be used in damp placed with a
suitable protective covering.
• This type of wiring is very common in use
these days except for some small
installations and distribution boards etc.
Conduit wiring
• There are two additional types of conduit
wiring according to pipe installation
• Surface Conduit Wiring
• Concealed Conduit Wiring
• Surface Conduit Wiring
• If conduits installed on roof or wall, It is
known as surface conduit wiring. in this
wiring method, they make holes on the
surface of wall on equal distances and
conduit is installed then with the help of
rawal plugs.
• Concealed Conduit wiring
• If the conduits is hidden inside the wall slots
with the help of plastering, it is called
concealed conduit wiring. In other words,
the electrical wiring system inside wall, roof
or floor with the help of plastic or metallic
piping is called concealed conduit wiring.
obliviously, It is the most popular, beautiful,
stronger and common electrical wiring
system nowadays.
• Types of Conduit
• Following conduits are used in the conduit
wiring systems (both concealed and
surface conduit wiring) which are shown in
the above image.

oMetallic Conduit

oNon-metallic conduit
• Metallic Conduit:
• Metallic conduits are made of steel which
are very strong but costly as well.
• There are two types of metallic conduits.
• Class A Conduit: Low gauge conduit (Thin
layer steel sheet conduit)
• Class B Conduit: High gauge conduit (Thick
sheet of steel conduit)
• Non-metallic Conduit:
• A solid PVC conduit is used as non-metallic
conduit now a days, which is flexible and
easy to bend.
• Conduit wiring system is best for domestic
and commercial installations.
• It provide proper protection to the
installation against fire hazards, shock,
mechanical damage and dampness.
• The cable used in this system is either V.I.R
or P.V.C insulated and is run in mild steel or
P.V.C pipes called conduits.
• Conduits carrying the insulated wires can
be installed on the surface of the walls or
concealed in the walls and the ceiling.
Modern practice is to conceal the conduit in
the plaster of the wall , so that the
appearance of the house remains
1. Conduit provides protection against
mechanical injury and fire & is shock
2. Conduit provides protection against
3. The whole system is water proof
4. Conductors are safety secured from
5. This wiring has far better look
6. It has a longer life
• -
• It is expensive wiring system (due to PVC
and metallic pipes, additional earthing
for metallic pipes tee(s) and elbows etc.
• Very hard to find the defects in the
• Installation is not easy and simple.
• Risk of electric shock (in case of metallic
pipes without proper earthing system)
• Very complicated to manage additional
connection in the future.
Field of application
1. Places where considerable dust of puff is
present such as textile mills, saw mills, flour mills
2. Damp situations
3. In workshops for lighting and motor wiring
4. Places where there is possibility of fire hazards
such as in oil mills, varnish factories, etc.
5. Placed where important documents are kept
such as record room
6. Residential and public buildings where the
appearance is of prime importance
Precautions to be observed

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