Service Marketing: Presented By, Vinu.V. Nair S3 Mba

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Presented by,
Vinu.V. Nair
 Blueprinting is also called “flow charting”. It is
a structural process design developed by shoestack
for design of services. It highlights the importance
of service design , focuses attention on process
modeling and service mapping.

 The blueprint is an objective, graphical

depiction of the service
 Flow charts are used to analyse and manage
complex production process. They can identify
I. The time taken to move from one process to the
II. Cost involved in each step
III. The amount of built inventory at each step
IV. Bottlenecks in the system
 Blueprints provide the marketing manger a
detailed knowledge of the service operation. It is
important to estimate the number of contact
points between the service firm and the customer.
Service blueprint components
Service blueprint was developed by “ Lynn
shostack”. He identified the key steps in
preparing the service blueprint as follows:

 Identify the activities involved in delivering

the service and present these in a diagrammatic
form .The level of detail will depend on the
complexity and nature of the service.
 Identify the fail points.These are stages where
things might go wrong .The actions necessary to
correct these must be determined, and systems
and procedures developed to reduce the
likelihood of them occurring in the first instance.
 Set standards against which the performance of the
various steps might be measured. Frequently; this is
the time taken.
 Analyse the profitability of the service delivery, in
terms of the number of customers served during a
period of time

 Identify the process to be blueprinted,

basic business concept, A service(within a
Family of services)
 Map the process from the customers point of

 Draw the line of interaction.
 Draw the line of visibility.
 Map the process from the customer contact
Persons point of view
 Draw the line of internal interaction.
 Link customer and contact person activities

to need support functions.

 Add evidence of service at each customer

action step.
Service map


front Line of
stage Interaction

Front line
employees Line of visibility
Line of internal
Support staff interaction
stage Line of
Management implementation

service maps build on blueprint and provide

two additional features to add to management
 They pay greater attention to customer

interaction with the service organization.

 Additional vertical layers to the diagram are

drawn in service maps to provide a visual

representation of the structure of the service.
Benefits of service blueprinting.
 Provides an overview so employees can relate
“what I do” to the service viewed as an integrated
whole, thus reinforcing a customer-oriented
focus among employees.
 Identifies fail points,
 Line of interaction between external customers

and employees.
 Line of visibility promotes a conscious decision
on what customers should see and which
employees will be in contact with customers,
thus facilitating rational service design.
 Line of internal interaction clarifies interfaces

across departmental lines, with their inherent

 Provides a basis for identifying and assessing
cost, revenue, and capital invested in each
element of the service.
 Constitutes a rational basis for both external and
internal marketing.
 Facilitates top-down,bottom-up approach

to quality improvement.

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