1 Civil Registration Procedure
1 Civil Registration Procedure
1 Civil Registration Procedure
Facts and
Definition of Terms
Registry Number
is the sequential number indicating the order by
which the document for registration is entered in
the appropriate civil registry book
Delayed Registration
An act of registering a vital event that is made
beyond the reglementary period of registration
Certificate of Live Birth
Civil Registration Procedure
Live Birth
is a complete expulsion or extraction from its
mother of a product of conception,
irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy,
which after such separation, breathes or
shows any other evidence of life, such as
beating of the heart, pulsation of the
umbilical cord, or definite movement of
voluntary muscles, whether or not the
umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is
attached- each product of such a birth is
considered live born.
Civil Registration Procedure
Death is a permanent disappearance of
all evidence of life at any time after live
birth has taken place (postnatal cessation
of vital functions without capability of
Civil Registration Procedure
Death Facts
A fetus with an intra-uterine life of seven
(7) months or more and born alive at the
time it was completely delivered from the
maternal womb but died later shall be
considered as death and shall be
registered in the Register of Deaths.
Civil Registration Procedure
'Marriage' is defined as a special contract of
permanent union between a man and a
woman entered into in accordance with law
for the establishment of conjugal and family
life. It is the foundation of the family and an
inviolable social institution whose nature,
consequences, and incidence are governed
by law and not subject to stipulation, except
that marriage settlements may fix the
property relations during the marriage within
the limits provided in the Family Code of the
Civil Registration Procedure