1 Civil Registration Procedure

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Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority

Facts and
Definition of Terms

Vital or Civil Registration

 recording in the appropriate civil registers,
vital acts and events that affect the civil
status of individuals

Vital Acts and Events

 are the births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages,
and all such events that have something to
do with an individual's entrance and
departure from life together with the changes
in civil status that may occur to a person
during his lifetime
Definition of Terms

Registry Number
 is the sequential number indicating the order by
which the document for registration is entered in
the appropriate civil registry book

Delayed Registration
 An act of registering a vital event that is made
beyond the reglementary period of registration
Certificate of Live Birth
Civil Registration Procedure

Live Birth
 is a complete expulsion or extraction from its
mother of a product of conception,
irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy,
which after such separation, breathes or
shows any other evidence of life, such as
beating of the heart, pulsation of the
umbilical cord, or definite movement of
voluntary muscles, whether or not the
umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is
attached- each product of such a birth is
considered live born.
Civil Registration Procedure

Who are responsible to report the occurrence

of birth to the Local Civil Registry Office

 When the birth occurred in the hospital or clinic

or in a similar institution, the administrator
thereof shall be responsible in causing the
registration of such birth. However , the
attendant at birth shall certify the facts of birth.
Civil Registration Procedure

Who are responsible to report the occurrence

of birth to the Local Civil Registry Office

 When the birth did not occur in the hospital or

clinic or in a similar institution, the physician,
nurse, midwife, 'hilot' or anybody who attended
the delivery of the child shall be responsible
both in certifying the facts of births and causing
the registration of such birth.
Civil Registration Procedure

Who are responsible to report the occurrence

of birth to the Local Civil Registry Office

 In default of the hospital/clinic administrator or

attendant at birth, either parents of the child
shall cause the registration of the birth.

 When the birth occurs aboard a vehicle, vessel,

or airplane while in transit, registration of the
said birth shall be a joint responsibility of the
driver, captain or pilot and the parents, at the
case maybe.
Civil Registration Procedure

Exceptional cases for the place of registration

of birth

 When a child is born aboard a vehicle, vessel or

airplane while in transit within Philippine territory
and the exact place of birth could not be
ascertained, the birth shall be recorded in the
civil register of the city or municipality of the
mother’s destination or where the mother
habitually resides;
Civil Registration Procedure

Exceptional cases for the place of registration

of birth

 When the child is born aboard a vessel or

airplane en route to the Philippines, the birth
shall be recorded in the civil register of the city
or municipality where the mother habitually
resides, if she is a resident of the Philippines and
if either the father or the mother or both parents
are citizens of the Philippines. When the parents
are both foreigners but not residents of the
Philippines, the birth may be recorded in the
civil register of Manila, if they so desire;
Civil Registration Procedure

Exceptional cases for the place of registration

of birth

 For delayed registration of events where the

city/municipality has been divided or
integrated, the registration of birth shall be
made in the mother city/municipality, which
has jurisdiction over the reported place of
occurrence of birth.
Civil Registration Procedure

Out-of-town Reporting of Birth

 It is a reporting of birth that occurs when the

Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) is presented to
the civil registrar of a city or municipality which
is not the place of birth, not for registration but
to be forwarded to the civil registrar of the
city/municipality where the birth occurred and
where it should be registered
Civil Registration Procedure

Requirements in the out-of-town reporting of Birth

1. affidavit declaring the facts of birth and the

reasons why said birth was not recorded in the civil
registrar of the city or municipality where it
occurred. The affidavit which must be attested by
at least two (2) witnesses, shall serve as an
application for registration shall be submitted to
the civil registrar together with four (4) copies of
the Certificate of Live Birth;

2. If the application is for delayed registration of birth,

the requirements under the rules governing
delayed registration of birth shall also be complied
Civil Registration Procedure

Requirements in the out-of-town reporting of Birth

3. The civil registrar may require from the applicant such
other supporting papers as may be considered
necessary in establishing the facts of birth especially
those pertaining to the date and place of birth and
filiation of the child whose birth is being sought for

4. The Certificate of Live Birth, for the purpose of this Rule,

shall have the marginal annotation in the form of the
following remark : "Registered pursuant to Rule 20 of the
Administrative Order No. 1, s. 1993" ; and,
Civil Registration Procedure

Requirements in the out-of-town reporting of Birth

5. The civil registrar of the city or municipality where

the out-of-town reporting is sought, upon receipt
of the Certificate of Live Birth and pertinent
papers, shall proceed with the registration.

 He shall indicate the date when he received the document,

and shall sign over his printed name in appropriate space in
the Certificate of Live Birth.
Civil Registration Procedure

Requirements in the out-of-town reporting of Birth

 When the Certificate of Live Birth has been duly recorded

and assigned a registry number, the civil registrar shall send
back the original copy to the civil registrar who forwarded
the Certificate of Live Birth, who in turn shall give the copy
bearing the registry number to the registrant. (Rule 20, A.O.
Order No. 1 S. 1993)
Civil Registration Procedure

Who can apply for a person's birth certificate

 The concerned person himself, or any person

authorized by him
 His spouse, his parent or parents, his direct
descendants, or guardian of institution legally in-
charge of him, if he is a minor
 The court or proper public official whenever
absolutely necessary in administrative, judicial or
other official proceedings to determine the identity
of the child's parents or other circumstances
surrounding his birth- and
 In case of person's death, the nearest relative or kin.
Certificate of Death
Civil Registration Procedure

 Death is a permanent disappearance of
all evidence of life at any time after live
birth has taken place (postnatal cessation
of vital functions without capability of
Civil Registration Procedure

Death Facts
A fetus with an intra-uterine life of seven
(7) months or more and born alive at the
time it was completely delivered from the
maternal womb but died later shall be
considered as death and shall be
registered in the Register of Deaths.
Civil Registration Procedure

When and Where to Register

 Registration of death shall be made in the

office of the Civil Registrar of the
city/municipality where the death occurred
within thirty (30) days from the time of death.
Civil Registration Procedure

Exceptional cases for the place of registration

of death

 The death of a person in a vehicle, airplane or

vessel while in transit within the jurisdiction of
the Philippines and where the exact place of
death cannot be determined, the Certificate
of Death shall be registered at the Local Civil
Registry Office (LCRO) of the city/municipality
of the place of burial/cremation. If the place
of burial/cremation is outside the Philippines,
the death shall be registered at the Local Civil
Registry Office (LCRO) of Manila.
Civil Registration Procedure

Exceptional cases for the place of registration

of death

 When a citizen of the Philippines dies aboard a

vessel or airplane en route to the Philippines and
the exact place of death cannot be ascertained,
the death shall be registered at the Local Civil
Registry Office of the city/municipality where the
person habitually resides before his death, if he
was a resident of the Philippines.

 If the deceased is a foreigner and a resident of the Philippines, the

death shall be registered at the Local Civil Registry Office where the
deceased habitually resides.

 If the deceased is a foreigner and not a resident of the Philippines, his

death shall be registered at the Local Civil Registry Office of Manila.
Civil Registration Procedure

Exceptional cases for the place of registration

of death

 The death of a person in a vehicular

accident, airplane crash, or shipwreck within
the jurisdiction of the Philippines and the site
of the accident or the place where the victim
was found cannot be determined, a
Certificate of Death shall be issued by the
health officer of the place of burial and shall
be registered at the Local Civil Registry Office
of the said city/municipality.
Civil Registration Procedure

Exceptional cases for the place of registration

of death

 The death of a person aboard a vessel in the

high seas shall be registered at the Local Civil
Registry Office of the place of burial upon
presentation of a Certificate of Death issued
by the Health Officer of the said place, or by
the ship doctor, if any. Otherwise, the ship
captain shall issue and cause the registration
of the death certificate.
Civil Registration Procedure

Exceptional cases for the place of registration

of death

 If the person is buried or drowned in the high

seas, or for any other reason, the body was
not recovered- registration shall be made at
the Local Civil Registry Office of the place of
last known address of the deceased in the

 If the deceased is not a resident of the Philippines, the

registration shall be made at the Local Civil Registry Office of
Manila. The ship doctor or the ship captain or the health officer,
in the exercise of his wise discretion, may issue and cause the
registration of the death certificate.
Civil Registration Procedure

Exceptional cases for the place of registration

of death

 In case of mass death where several persons

died due to natural calamities, accidents,
epidemic, etc., the health officer may issue
and cause the registration of the death
certificates at the Local Civil Registry Office
where the mass death occurred.
Civil Registration Procedure

Who are responsible to report the event of


 It shall be the responsibility of the physician who

last attended the deceased or the administrator
of the hospital or clinic where the person died to
prepare the proper death certificate and certify
as to the cause of death. The death certificate
shall then be forwarded within forty-eight (48)
hours after death, to the health officer who shall
examine the Certificate of Death and then affix
his signature in the appropriate box and shall
order its registration in the Office of the Civil
Civil Registration Procedure

Who are responsible to report the event of


 It shall be the responsibility of the nearest relative

or person who has knowledge of the death to
report the same within forty-eight (48) hours if the
deceased died without medical attendance.
The health officer shall examine the deceased
and shall certify as to the cause of death and
direct the registration of the death certificate to
the Office of the Civil Registrar within the
reglementary period of thirty (30) days.
Civil Registration Procedure

Who are responsible to report the event of


 Where death occurs in a vehicle/vessel/airplane,

the driver/ship captain/pilot, as the case maybe,
shall report such death to the concerned health
officer. In accidents where there are no survivors,
it is the responsibility of the owner of the
vehicle/vessel/airplane to make the report of
Civil Registration Procedure

Who are responsible to report the event of


 In the absence of a health officer or his

authorized representative in the place of
registration, or when it is a non-working day and
the health officer or his authorized representative
is not expected to be in his office, the death
should be reported within forty-eight (48) hours
after its occurrence by the nearest kin of the
deceased or by any person having knowledge
of the death to the mayor, municipal secretary,
who shall issue the Certificate of Death for burial
Civil Registration Procedure

Who are responsible to report the event of


 The mayor, any member of the Sangguniang

Bayan or the municipal secretary, as the case may
be, shall sign the medical certification portion of
the Certificate of Death, and the same shall be
accepted for registration by the civil registrar
concerned, provided that the Certificate of Death
and the Register of Deaths shall carry a remark
that registration was made pursuant to Section 91
of P.D. No. 856.
Civil Registration Procedure

Out-of-town reporting of Death

 It is a reporting of death that occurs when

registration is not possible in the place of death
and the Certificate of Death was presented to
the civil registrar of the city or municipality other
than the place of death, it shall be accepted by
the civil registrar not for registration but to be
forwarded to the civil registrar of the city or
municipality, where the death occurred, for
Civil Registration Procedure

What is Mass death

 Mass death occurs when several persons die due

to natural calamities, accidents, epidemics etc.
When the deceased cannot be identified, the
health officer, upon submission of an affidavit by
two disinterested persons, in the exercise of his
wide discretion, may issue and cause the
registration of the death certificate bearing the
annotation 'Body Not Identified'
Civil Registration Procedure

What information shall the affidavit contain for

cases of Mass death?

The affidavit referred to in the aforementioned

statement shall contain the following information:
 sex of the deceased;
 estimated age;
 distinguishing features;
 condition of the body when found;
 date when the body was found;
 place where the body was found; and
 circumstances surrounding the death.
Certificate of Marriage
Civil Registration Procedure

 'Marriage' is defined as a special contract of
permanent union between a man and a
woman entered into in accordance with law
for the establishment of conjugal and family
life. It is the foundation of the family and an
inviolable social institution whose nature,
consequences, and incidence are governed
by law and not subject to stipulation, except
that marriage settlements may fix the
property relations during the marriage within
the limits provided in the Family Code of the
Civil Registration Procedure

Reglementary period and Place of Registration

 In ordinary marriage, the time for submission

of the Certificate of Marriage is within fifteen
(15) days following the solemnization of
marriage while in marriages exempt from
license requirement, the prescribed period is
thirty (30) days, at the place where the
marriage was solemnized
Civil Registration Procedure

Who is responsible to report the marriage


 The solemnizing officer has the duty to report

the marriage to the Office of the Civil
Registrar where marriage was solemnized
Civil Registration Procedure

What marriages are exempted from Marriage


In case either or both of the contracting

parties are at the point of death, the marriage
may be solemnized without the necessity of a
Article 27
marriage license and shall remain valid even if
the ailing party subsequently survives;

If the residence of either party is so located

that there is no means of transportation to
enable such party to appear personally before
Article 28
the local civil registrar, the marriage may be
solemnized without the necessity of a marriage
Civil Registration Procedure

What marriages are exempted from Marriage


Marriage among Muslims or among members

of the ethnic cultural communities may be
performed validly without the necessity of a
Article 33 marriage license, provided they are solemnized
in accordance with their customs, rites or
practices; and

No license shall be necessary for the marriage

of a man and a woman who have lived
Article 34 together as husband and wife for at least five
(5) years and without any legal impediment to
marry each other.
Delayed Registration:
Birth, Death and Marriage
Delayed Registration: BIRTH

Requirements for Delayed Registration of BIRTH

A. if the person is less than eighteen (18) years

old, the following shall be required:

1. four (4) copies of the Certificate of Live Birth duly

accomplished and signed by the proper parties;

2. accomplished Affidavit for Delayed Registration

at the back of Certificate of Live Birth by the
father, mother, or guardian, declaring therein,
among other things, the following:
· name of child;
· date and place of birth;
Delayed Registration: BIRTH

Requirements for Delayed Registration of BIRTH

· name of the father if the child is illegitimate and

has been acknowledged by him;
· if legitimate, the date and place of marriage of
parents; and
· reason for not registering the birth within thirty
(30) days after the date of birth

 In case the party seeking late registration of the birth of

an illegitimate child is not the mother, the party shall, in
addition to the foregoing facts, declare in a sworn
statement the recent whereabouts of the mother.
Delayed Registration: BIRTH

Requirements for Delayed Registration of BIRTH

3. any two of the following documentary evidences

which may show the name of the child, date and
place of birth, and name of mother (and name
of father, if the child has been acknowledged):
· baptismal certificate;
· school records (nursery, kindergarten, or preparatory);
· income tax return of parent/s;
· insurance policy;
· medical records; and
· others, such as barangay captain's certification.
Delayed Registration: BIRTH

Requirements for Delayed Registration of BIRTH

4. affidavit of two disinterested persons who might

have witnessed or known the birth of the child.

B. If the person is eighteen (18) years old or above.

1. all the requirements for the person who is less

than eighteen (18) years old; and

2. Certificate of Marriage, if married.

Delayed Registration: DEATH

Requirements for Delayed Registration of DEATH

1. four (4) copies of Certificate of Death, which

must be accomplished correctly and

2. affidavit for delayed registration which shall be

executed by the hospital or clinic administrator if
the person died in a hospital, clinic or in a similar
institution, or by the attendant at death if the
person died elsewhere.
Delayed Registration: DEATH

Requirements for Delayed Registration of DEATH

 In default of the hospital or clinic administrator or

attendant at death, the affidavit shall be
executed by any of the nearest relative of the
deceased, or by any person having legal charge
of the deceased when the latter was still alive;

3. the affidavit referred to shall state among other

things, the name of the deceased, the facts of
his death, the date and place of burial or
cremation, and the circumstances why the
death was not reported for registration within
thirty (30) days after death;
Delayed Registration: DEATH

Requirements for Delayed Registration of DEATH

4. authenticated copy of the certificate of burial,

cremation, or of other means of corpse disposal;

5. approval for registration by the health officer in

the box provided in the Certificate of Death
Delayed Registration: MARRIAGE

Requirements for Delayed Registration of MARRIAGE

 In delayed registration of marriage, the

solemnizing officer or the person reporting or
presenting the marriage certificate for registration
shall be required to execute and file an affidavit
in support thereof, stating the exact place and
date of marriage, the facts and circumstances
surrounding the marriage, and the reason or
cause of the delay

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