Intelligence and Aptitude Tests: by Elkana Kasogota. Undergraduate
Intelligence and Aptitude Tests: by Elkana Kasogota. Undergraduate
Intelligence and Aptitude Tests: by Elkana Kasogota. Undergraduate
By Elkana kasogota.
Concise definitions of Intelligence
• Capacity to acquire what is to be learned
• Ability to reason, solve problems and to use
higher mental abilities
• Ability to adapt to situations
• Ability to use the materials or tools of the
culture to advance
Manifestation of Intelligence
• Intelligence is not located anywhere in human
body. Not even in the brain.
• Intelligence is not distributed to various
people in a zero or one basis: rather various
people posses various degrees of different
types of intelligence despite of their cultures.
• Manifestation of intelligence somehow
corresponds to age of individual.
Intelligence with Age
IQ=Intelligent Quotient
MA=Mental Age
CA=Chronological Age