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Food Safety and Deped Order No. 13: Gilor A.Tino Nurse Ii

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DepEd Order No. 13

Gilor A.Tino
Nurse II
•Definition of Food Safety
•10 Facts on Food Safety
•Flow of Food
•DepEd Order on Healthy Foods

is a scientific discipline describing handling,

preparation, and storage of food in ways that
prevent food-borne illness.
• Fact 1: More than 200 diseases are spread through food
Fact 2: Contaminated food can cause long-term
health problems
Fact 3: Foodborne diseases affect vulnerable
people harder than other groups
• 640Images
Fact 4: There are many opportunities for food
contamination to take place

Fact 5: Globalization makes food safety more
complex and essential
Fact 6: Food safety is multisectoral and

Fact 7: Food contamination also affects the
economy and society as a whole
Fact 8: Some harmful bacteria are becoming
resistant to drug treatments
Fact 9: Everybody has a role to play in keeping food
Fact 10: Consumers must be well informed on food
safety practices
Flow of food
the sequence of steps needed to transform
raw materials and ingredients into manufactured
food products. ...
describes what happens to food from the
time it enters your workplace until it is served to

activity of acquiring goods

• receiving of products is your first step when developing a flow chart

> The quantity of the goods received should match the quantity on the invoice
and the quantity on the purchase order.
> The quality of the goods received should be to the specifications given on the
invoice or to specifications previously worked out with the supplier.
> This includes supplying the specific brand name when it is requested.
> The prices of the goods should be listed on the invoice and should match the
prices on the purchase order.
is a label required on most packaged food in
many countries. ... In some cases, the guides
are based on different dietary targets for
various nutrients than the labels on specific
Five easy steps to help you read the label.
Step 1: Look at the serving size. ...
Step 2: Look at the calories. ...
Step 3: Look at the per cent Daily Value (% Daily Value) ...
Step 4: Try to get more of these nutrients. ...
Step 5 : Try to get less of these nutrients. ...
• Delivery of food should be checked for
condition, temperature, expiration date and
• Food should be stored immediately after
checking delivery
• High, risk perishable and frozen food should
be stored before any other food
• There should be a designated receiving area
with adequate lighting for inspection
• Designate a separate area for unpacking
• Clean properly prior to storage
• Follow strict personal hygiene requirement
Top tips to eliminating fridge chaos:
experiences the greatest fluctuations in temperature,
Fridge Door particularly if the fridge is open and closed
Top shelves the upper shelves will be slightly warmer so ready to
eat foods such as cheese and yoghurt should live here.
Middle shelves the middle shelves are cooler with less temperature
fluctuation so keep unopened dairy here.
Stock up on healthy snacks for the kids and store them at child-friendly
eye level. Washed or cut up veggies and a tub of natural yoghurt work a
• designed so it is easy to arrange and rearrange supplies to
facilitate stock rotation. The best arrangement is to have
shelves situated in the middle of the room so they can be
stocked from both sides
• Shelving must be at least 15 cm (6 in.) above the floor.
Do not store items right on the floor
• This guarantees that first items received will be the first
items used, or the “first in, first out” (FIFO) concept in stock
• DRY GOODS for short term and long term of items,such as canned
and bottled foods, cereals ,tea ,coffee and spices
• REFRIGERATORS AND COLD STOCKS for storing high risk and
perishable food for short periods of time
• FREEZERS for long term storage of frozen food
displaying food for very short periods of time
• The food preparation area of the kitchen should be separate
• Area should not be used as a passageway while food is being
• you will learn to use various methods of pre-preparation and
prepa-ration food and also learn about the changes that occur in the
food during its preparation
perform many routine tasks ,such as prepare cold foods, slice meat,
peel and cut vegetables, brew coffee or tea, and perform many other
food service tasks.
Starting Work Between changing gloves Handling raw foods
Visiting toilet
Touching raw food As often as necessary to Handling raw eggs shell
or high risk food keep your hands clean Learing of tables/bussing
When switching between dirty dishes
handling raw and cooked Coughing/sneezing your
foods hands/tissues
Touching your face or hair
• Wash your hands in designated area for washing
• Do not wear nail varnish
• Appropriate clothes should be light colored overalls,
trousers,aprons/neck scarves/hairnet/beard net/nonslip
Food Hazards

Broken glass or Industrial/agricultural Bacteria that can cause

packing materials products illness or spoil food
Cleaning materials Viruses
Sharp objects Post bait Fungi (mold & yeast)
Fragmented Dissolved metals Naturally occurring
bone/shells Leaching chemicals from poisons
inappropriate use of Microscopic parasites
Jewelry, hair and plastic containers
Food allergy symptoms
• T ingling sensation in the mouth
• I tching in and around the mouth face/scalp
• S welling
• D ifficulty of breathing and swelling of tongue
• R ash or hives
• N ausea and/or vomiting
• A bdominal cramps and diarrhea
• L oss of consciousness
• In a refrigeration unit at 5C or colder
• In a microwave oven
• Submerged in cold running potable water

– act of preparing food for eating

encompasses a vast range of methods, tools and

combinations of ingredients to improve the flavour or
digestibility of food.
Five meal-prep rules to fill in memory!
•Pick Your Day Ahead Of Time.
•Know Your Numbers. ...
•Stick With Staple Items. ...
•Go Grocery Shopping. ...
•Invest In A Cooler Or Insulated Meal Bag.
•Dividing the hot food into smaller or thinner
•Placing hot food in shallow pans to
accelerate cooling process
•Use ice bath
•Stirring and rotating food while cooking
• Serve food as quickly as possible after preparing cooking
reheating and removing from refrigerator
“CONSUMPTION" has two basic meanings.

• > can be eating, in which case preparation includes the

fullest possible range of food handling.
• > purchasing in the modern market, which possibly leaves
some cooking to be done in the domestic kitchen.
Injuries and Illnesses for Food Preparation Workers
• Food preparation areas in kitchens often have potential safety
hazards, such as hot ovens and slippery floors.
• The most common hazards include slips, falls, cuts, and burns, but
these injuries are seldom serious.

Food Preparation Worker Schedules

• About half of food preparation workers are employed part time.
Food preparation workers typically do the following:
• Clean and sanitize work areas, equipment, utensils, and
• Weigh or measure ingredients, such as meats and liquids.
• Prepare fruit and vegetables for cooking.
• Cut meats, poultry, and seafood and prepare them for
• Mix ingredients for salads.
• The DepEd order cited the 8th National Nutrition Survey which
showed that for children 5-10 years old, 29.1% were underweight,
29.9% were stunted, 8.6% were wasted, and 9.1% were overweight.
• "The double burden of [undernutrition] and overnutrition
experienced by the school children in the Philippines is due to the fact
that total food intake for some children has remained inadequate,
resulting in undernutrition," the order read.
• "Unhealthy food eating patterns...and a sedentary lifestyle led to an
upward surge in overweight and obesity."
March 14 ,order signed by Education Secretary Leonor Briones, the department listed
the strategies that will "promote healthy diets and positive eating behaviors and
provide [a] healthy eating environment" in public schools and DepEd offices
Healthy diet, as defined in the order, refers to a balance in food intake which

 achieves energy balance and a healthy weight (slide 5 nutria asee)

 limits energy intake from total fats and shifts fat consumption away from saturated
fats to unsaturated fats and toward the elimination of trans-fatty acids (slide 35
nutria asee)
 increases consumption of fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts
 limits the intake of free sugars
 limits salt (sodium) consumption from all sources
• One of the DepEd's strategies is to make sure every school develops
its own healthy menu, with food and drinks that are nutritious and
• "The canteens in schools and DepEd offices shall not sell foods and
beverages high in fat and/or sugar and/or sodium…. There shall be a
shift towards healthier fat consumption by providing more of foods
with unsaturated fats and limiting foods laden with saturated and
trans fats," the order read.
• The order also mentioned other strategies such as the Food and
Nutrition Research Institute's (FNRI) Pinggang Pinoy, and the
importance of reading a product's Nutrition Facts.
• In addition, the order classified canteen-cooked
food, common Filipino snacks, and those
without Nutrition Facts into 3 categories:
• GREEN – Food and drinks that should always be available in the
canteen. The DepEd described the following examples as "the best
choices for a healthy school canteen.
Safe and clean water (nothing added) Milk (unsweetened)
Milled rice Fresh buko water (unsweetened)
Corn Brown rice or iron-fortified rice
Whole wheat bread Oatmeal
Boiled sweet potato (kamote) Cassava (kamoteng kahoy)
Boiled saging na saba
Corn, binatog Boiled peanuts
Suman Puto
Fish Shellfish
Lean meats
Small shrimps
Chicken without skin
Fresh fruits, preferably those in season
YELLOW – Food and drinks that should be served carefully. The
DepEd said these examples may be served once or twice a
week only (Tuesdays and Thursdays), in small servings, and
should be less prominent in the canteen menu, because they
may contribute to excess calories if eaten in large amounts.
100% fresh fruit juices Fried rice
Bread (using white refined flour)
Banana cue, camote cue, turon, maruya Pancakes
Arroz caldo
Butter, margarine, mayonnaise (use
Sandwiches (cheese, egg, chicken filling, etc) sparingly)
RED – Food and drinks not recommended in the
canteen menu, since they contain high amounts of
saturated fat or sugar or salt.
Soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, sports waters, sports drinks, Any product containing caffeine (for school canteens)
flavored mineral water, energy drinks, sweetened waters,
powdered juice drinks Any jelly, slushies

Any processed fruit/vegetable juice with added sugar of Cakes and slices, donuts, sweet biscuits and pastries, and
more than 20 grams or 4 teaspoons per serving other sweet bakery products
Any ice cream/ice drops/ice candies
French fries, bicho-bicho, etc
All types of candies including chocolates, hard/chewy
candies, chewing gums, marshmallows, lollipops, yema,
All types of heavily salted snacks such as chips
Instant noodles Chicken skin
Deep-fried food including fish balls, kikiams, etc
Fruits canned in heavy syrup Sweetened fruits or vegetables
• School canteens differ from other food services as
their menus are developed using the healthy school
canteen strategy guidelines for their state.
• The canteen has an important job providing healthy
food and drink for students. This reinforces the
nutrition messages being taught at school and shows
that healthy foods can be delicious and interesting.
What to consider before entering the school
canteen market:
• School students and parents are price sensitive
• Students like to get value for money
• School canteens like to buy from major distributors so they can
minimise their suppliers and deliveries
• Deliveries need to be during the opening hours of the canteen
• A product must be ‘Everyday’ or ‘Occasional’
• Are more likely to sell if appealing, well priced and not the usual
lunch box offering
The school canteen market is unique

• Canteens can be run by School Personnel, Parent

Associations, or leased by private operators.
• School canteens open at various times during the day
including before school, recess and lunch breaks,
sometimes with limited times for over the counter
sales. Many smaller schools may not open every day.
• Canteens are only open 40 weeks per year and are closed for extended
periods over the summer holidays.
• Canteens will often have hot and cold menus, so some products such
as ice creams and pies will only be sold seasonally.
• The canteen committee often makes the decisions about which
products will be on the menu so it can take some time to get products
into a school canteen.
• Most canteens are operated by a combination of paid staff and
voluntary help.
• Some canteens are not-profit driven as they provide a service for
students and staff however in many cases they aim to earn a profit,
which is used for the benefit of the school.

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