The Basics of Capital Budgeting

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The Basics of Capital

 Capital Budget
- is a summary of planned investments in long-
term assets

 Capital Budgeting
-the process of planning expenditures on assets with
cash flows that are expected to extend beyond one year
An Overview of Capital Budgeting

 Strategic Business Plan

--a long-run plan that outlines in broad terms he firm’s
basic strategy for the next 5 to 10 years

Accordingly, firms generally categorize projects and

then analyze them in each category somewhat
 Replacement: needed to continue current
 Replacement: cost reduction
 Expansion of existing products or markets
 Expansion into new products or markets
 Safety and/or environmental projects
 Other projects
 Mergers
Companies use the following criteria for deciding to
accept or reject projects:

1. Net Present Value (NPV)

2. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
3. Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR)
4. Regular Payback
5. Discounted Payback
Net Present Value (NPV)


- A method of ranking investment proposals using the

NPV, which is equal to the present value of future net
cash flows, discounted at the cost of capital.
 We find the NPVs as follows:
1. The present value of each cash flow is calculated,
discounted at the project’s risk-adjusted cost of capital, r=
10% in our example.
2. The sum of the discounted cash flows is defined as the
project’s NPV.
The equation for the NPV, set up with input data for Project
S, is as follows:
 Independent Projects
-projects with cash flows that are not affected by the
acceptance or nonacceptance of other projects
 Mutually Exclusive Projects
-a set of projects where only one can be accepted

Here is the summary of the NPV decision rules:

Independent projects: if NPV exceeds zero, accept the
Mutually exclusive projects: accept the project with
the highest positive NPV. If no project has a positive NPV,
reject them all.
Internal Rate of Return

 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

-the discount rate that forces a project’s NPV to equal

To calculate the IRR, begin with Equation 11-1 for the

NPV, replace r in the denominator with the term IRR
and set the NPV equal to zero. This transforms
Equation 11-1 into Equation 11-2, the one used to find
the IRR. The rate that forces NPV to equal zero is the
 Decision Rules:

Independent projects: If IRR exceeds the project’s

WACC, accept the project. If IRR is less than the
project’s WACC, reject it.

Mutually exclusive projects: Accept the project

with the highest IRR, provided that IRR is greater than
WACC. Reject all projects if the best IRR does not
exceed WACC.
Multiple Internal Rates of Return

 Multiple IRRs
-the situation where a project has two or more IRRs
Modified Internal Rate of Return

 Modified IRR (MIRR)

-The discount rate at which the present value of a

project’s cost is equal to the present value of its
terminal value, where the terminal value is found as
the sum of the future values of the cash inflows,
compounded at the firm’s cost of capital.
Conclusion is that the MIRR is better than the regular
IRR; however, this question remains: Is MIRR as good
as the NPV? Here are the conclusions:

 For independent projects, the NPV, IRR, and MIRR

always reach the same accept/ reject conclusion.
 However, if projects are mutually exclusive and they
differ in size, conflicts can rise.
 The MIRR is superior to the regular IRR; NPV is
better than IRR and MIRR
Payback Period

 Payback Period
-The length of time required for an investment’s net
revenues to cover its cost.

**The shorter the payback, the better the project.

 Discounted Payback
-The length of time required for an investment’s cash
flows, discounted at the investment’s cost of capital, to
cover its cost.
Conclusions on Capital Budgeting Methods

 NPV is the single best criterion because it provides a

direct measure of value the project adds to
shareholder wealth.

 IRR and MIRR measure profitability expressed as a

percentage rate of return, which is interesting to
decision makers. They contain information
concerning a project’s “safety margin.”

 Payback and discounted payback provide indications

of a project’s liquidity and risk.
Thank You 

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