Group No-1 Tunnel

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Railway, Bridge & Tunnel Engg.

What is Tunnel ?

 A Tunnel is an engineering structure, Passage or roadway beneath

the ground level, under the bed of stream or through the hill or

 A Tunnel is Constructed without removing the overlying rock or soil

and used for the purposes like transportation of passengers, water,
gas or sewage, etc.
Classification of Tunnels
 Based on Purpose:
- Highway tunnels
- Railway Tunnels
- Pedestrian tunnels
- Navigation Tunnels
- Subway Tunnels

 Based on type of material in which construction is done:

- Tunnels in hard rock
- Tunnels in soft rock
- Tunnels in quick sand
- Open cut tunnels
- Tunnels in river bed
Shapes of Tunnels:

 The Shape of tunnels depends upon the pressure of the ground and also the
purpose for which the tunnel is to be constructed.

 Most Common Shapes of Tunnels are…..

- Circular
- Egg Shaped
- Horse Shoe
- Segmental
- Elliptical
- Polycentric
Alignment of Tunnel

 The Alignment of Tunnel should be such that the total cost of construction can
be reduced.

 The Alignment of Tunnel should be…..

- Straight
- Short
- Easy
- Safe
- Economical
- Of Gradient around 0.2%
- Having effective Ventilation & Lighting
Tunnel Lighting

 A Light intensity of 260 lumens per sq.m. in the working area is considered

 Good Lighting is essential on the following locations…..

- Obstructions in Tunnels
- Drilling & Mucking Zones
- Bottom of Shafts
- Storage points
- Pumping Stations
- Where work is in progress
- Turnouts
Drainage System

Drainage Systems

Temporary Permanent

- Open ditch drainage - Central drain system

- Pumping system - Corrugated sheet roof with
side drains
- Single side drain system

 Shafts are vertical passages, reaching from ground surface down to the tunnel
roof along the centre line of tunnel.

 Objectives:
- To provide natural Ventilation
- Removal of muck
- To Deliver the materials
- Facilitate supplies
- As a passageway for workman
- For exhausting smoke & foul gases

 The main entrances of Tunnels are known as portals.

 Points to be kept in mind while constructing portals…..

- It should be made massive in appearance
- They should look beautiful
- Suitable side drains should be provided
- Revolving fans should be installed
Ventilations of Tunnels

 Ventilation means A technique to provide fresh air & removing polluted air
during & after the construction of Tunnels.

 Methods of Ventilation…..
- Natural Ventilation
- Mechanical Ventilation
* Blowing
* Exhausting
* Combination of blowing & Exhausting
Natural Ventilation

 It can be obtained by…..

- Difference of temp. inside & outside the Tunnels.
- By providing Shafts

 This Method is suitable if…..

- Diameter of Tunnel is large & length is small
- Tunnel orientation is along the wind Direction
Mechanical Ventilation

 Blowing:
- In this method, fresh air is blown by blower fans mounted in one or more input

 Exhausting:
- The foul air & dust, are drawn into an exhausting fan near working face by
creating flow of fresh air from entrance.

 Combination of blowing & Exhausting:

- In this method both Blowing & Exhausting operations are done by reversible fan
which can be used as both blowing & exhausting fan.
Dust Control

 In drilling, blasting, loading & hauling muck operations, the dust accumulates in
the air which must be controlled in a view to continue the work & maintain the
worker’s health.

 Methods of Dust Controlling

- Wet Drilling
- Use of vacuum hood
- Use of Respirators
Safety in Tunnels

 Safety in Tunnels must be kept in mind while constructing the one in a view to
avoid the accidents.

 Causes of Accidents:
- Limited Working Space
- Wet platforms
- Inadequate lighting
- Handling of explosives
- Unstable Rocks
- Working of heavy machines
Safety Measures

 Proper design of timber & supports should be provided.

 Provide extra light at working locations.
 All machine should be kept in tip top condition.
 Safety rules & Regulations should be taught to every worker.
 The walls & roof of Tunnel should be inspected frequently.
 Fire fighting service should be provided near the construction site.
 First aid & ambulance service should be in touch.
 Shaft must be equipped with ladder.
 Proper care must be taken while using explosives.

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