Madd Powerpoint 1

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Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Table of Contents

2. Meet PRecision
3. Letter of Transmittal
4. Executive Summary
5. Audience
6. The Situation
7-8. SWOT Analysis
9. The Research
10. Primary Research
11. Secondary Research
12. Key Message Design
13. Objectives, Strategies, Tactics &
14. Objective 1
15. Objective 2
16. Objective 3
17. Budget
18. Timeline
19. Measurement & Evaluation
20-33. Appendix A-M
Meet PRecision

Jamie Connell
Account Executive

Catalina Faczek
Content Creator

Megan Spaniol
Social Media Director

Kayla Scott
Creative Director

Brevin Mason
Research Director 2
Letter of Transmittal
201 S. School St,
Normal, IL. 61761

November 28, 2018

Mothers Against Drunk Driving,

2070 W Monroe St,
Springfield, IL 62704

Dear Ms. Seys

We at PRecision are excited to preset our proposal to bring awareness
of MADD and the affects drunk/impaired driving to people of all ages.
Our goal for this campaign is to engage the audience with emotionally
impactful content that will increase awareness of MADD Illinois and the
issues that they support. We have formed a list of objectives to increase
brand awareness, social media engagement and attendance at Walk
Like MADD by September of 2019.

We’re very proud to present this campaign to MADD and hope you find
this booklet valuable for your organization. We look forward to hearing
from you and answering any questions that you might have. Please feel
free to contact our Account Executive, Jamie Connell, at
[email protected].

Megan Spaniol Brevin Mason Catalina
Faczek Jamie Connell Kayla Scott

Executive Summary
Located in Springfield Illinois near the state capital, MADD Illinois, a non-profit
organization that helps victims who were affected by drunk driving, strives for stricter
impaired driving policies.
PRecision has created a public relations campaign that contains findings and
recommendations to improve MADD Illinois. The main goal of this campaign focuses
on MADD Illinois wish to increase awareness with our target audience, increase
social media engagement, and increase attendance at the next Walk Like MADD

Our research found that MADD is mostly recognized by people between the ages of
38-50. We believe the reason for that is because MADD was created in 1980 and
was more popular during that time. PRecision had taken this information and decided
to target our campaign to people between the ages of 18-30 who can drive a vehicle
and may consume alcohol. Although our target audience has a large age range, our
team believes this will be most beneficial to MADD Illinois based on the research we
conducted. We found that people between those ages are most likely to be involved
with drunk driving and know the least about MADD. If implemented, MADD will gain
awareness from a younger generation and be more successful in sharing information
to people who drink and drive.
Our research included personal interviews, surveys, and secondary research on our
target audience to understand their knowledge of MADD and how to target them
best. Our research shows that only 42% of those surveyed heard of MADD.
Secondary research showed that the best way to reach our target audience is
through social media. We found that 88% of our target audience uses Facebook and
59% use Instagram.

Based off this research, PRecision has created three objectives that will supplement
• Increase attendance to their next Walk like MADD event by 100%.
this research.
• Increase social media engagement among current followers by 25% in three
• Improve brand recognition with the target market by 100%
Our campaign includes visuals that allow the public to imagine themselves in life-altering
situations caused by drunk driving, a revamped Walk Like MADD event, and ways for
our audience to engage online with MADD. Our campaign will improve the pre-existing
efforts of MADD Illinois, and help stop drinking and driving.

PRecision personally believes in MADD Illinois’s mission and wants to help your
organization reach its full potential. Choosing our #PictureThis campaign would be
beneficial for MADDs growth among new generations.
Research from surveys that we conducted, and secondary
research, showed that people between the ages of 38-50 were
more familiar with MADD than any other age group. We believe this
is because MADD was created in 1980 and was more popular
during that time. We plan to target people between the ages of 18-
30 who can drive and may consume alcohol. We are targeting this
audience because they are the most unfamiliar with MADD and are
the most likely to be involved with drunk driving. By targeting this
audience, it will spread awareness about MADD and their mission
to more age groups, while also keeping MADD’s organization
relevant in the future.

Ways we will reach our target audience:

• Social media
• Geo-tagging bars and liquor stores
• Sharing e-newsletters about drinking and driving through
• Having people in our #PictureThis video and posters be
around the age of our target audience.

• Our research from surveys given out to our target audience
shows that only 42% of people have heard of MADD.
• 88% of our target audience uses Facebook and 59% use
• 38% of our target audience check social media sites multiple
times a day.
• Our target audience is best reached through social media
• Visuals help our target audience learn better retain information
• People between the ages of 21-25 have the highest rate of
driving under the influence.

The Situation
MADD Illinois is a non-profit organization located in Springfield,
Illinois. The organization began on September 5, 1980 by one
mother, Candace Lightner, who started a movement to change the
rising number of drunk driving tragedies to zero. MADD supports
drunk driving victims, seeks to stop drunk driving, and strives for
stricter impaired driving policies. Since MADD was founded, drunk
driving deaths have been reduced by 50%, more than 370,000
lives have been saved, and 840,000 victims have been served.

MADD Illinois wants to increase awareness of their organization,

enhance the public’s understanding of their mission, and improve
the public’s comprehension of who is involved with the
organization. MADD was originally created as an acronym for
“Mothers Against Drunk Driving.” People have perceived MADD as
being an organization that only mothers can be apart of, causing
non mothers to not join. People also aren’t involving themselves in
the organization because they are misconstrued on MADDs
message of anti-drunk driving; people are interpreting it as anti-
drinking. PRecision’s campaign focuses on fixing the target
audiences wrong understanding of what MADD is through the
tactics we have developed.

In order to execute our plan to improve the issues presented and

have MADD become more successful, PRecision has developed
specific tactics that enhance the target audiences understanding of
MADD’s message, and who is involved in the organization. MADD
will improve the public’s understanding of MADD’s mission,
increase the public’s knowledge of what MADD is, and Increase
donations at the Walk Like MADD event by following our
campaigns tactics.
SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis Cont .

The Research
To begin helping MADD to improve its brand, PRecision decided
on seven key research questions. This section outlines those
questions as well as the primary and secondary research we
conducted to answer them. Our firm conducted a survey of 100
participants within the target public (see appendix).

Have you ever
R1 heard of MADD
What types of
R5 advertisements
resonate most with
Has anyone you

R2 know been affected

by drunk driving?

Do you interact with

R6 social media daily?

Have you ever been

R3 affected by drunk
Do you know anyone
R7 that has passed away
from driving under the
Do you think there are

R4 enough messages to inform

people about the dangers
of driving under the
influence? 9
The Research Cont .
Primary Research
Precision conducted qualitative and quantitative research among
the target public in the form of a survey. 100 surveys were
distributed among individuals across the state of Illinois that are of
legal age to drive. Below are the findings from the survey.

74% of participants
have known someone
who has been affected
42% of survey
by drunk driving.
participants know
what MADD stands
for and what they

83% of participants
appeal to emotional

25% of the target

public surveyed are
aware of the MADD

The Research Cont .
Secondary Research
To better understand the prevention of driving under the
influence, we conducted secondary research. Focusing on
the target demographic on which messages would best

Social Media Emotional TAKE A WAYS

We found that Appeal
amongst social The key findings concluded that 1. Use social media to
media users, in many people resonated with our advantage.
2017, 80% of advertisements that were either 2. Use emotional
the U.S. comedic or emotional. appealing
population were This helped us understand what advertisements to our
using some sort people will respond best to when advantage.
of social media creating our campaign. Since the
platform daily. subject matter is more serious, we
decided to go the route that would
tug at the heart strings a little and
appeal to the public emotionally.
Key Message Design
MADD should be focusing on informing the public of their
organizations mission and what they are trying to accomplish.
They should spread awareness of who MADD is, while also
shedding light on the consequences of drunk driving. Focusing
on presenting the public with a visual message about drunk
driving to have a lasting effect.

It strives to evoke an emotional response

that will resonate with the viewers, while
MISSIO also enforcing MADD’s message of the
effects of driving impaired.

"Picture This” campaign is a visual message

that will put you in situations that will induce
VISI critical thinking about scenarios that could
affect people of all ages.

MADD is not against drinking, but instead,

drinking and driving. This campaign seeks to
POSITIO make the public more aware of the lasting
effects this could have on individuals and

N their loved ones.

Objectives, Strategies, Tactics
& Evaluation

#1 #2 #3
Increase social media
Increase Improve brand
engagement among
attendance to their recognition with
current followers by 25%
next Walk like the target market
and increase followers by
MADD event by by 100%.
30% in three months.

Benchmar Benchmark Benchmark

k Currently 65 people According to the surveys
140,732 people
attended the last conducted, including
currently ‘like’ the
Walk Like MADD 100 people of all age
MADD Facebook page.
event. groups in Illinois, only
No Instagram account.
42% have heard of
Rational Rational Rational

It is easyeto ‘like’ a By having e

more people Surveyseshow that
page on Facebook then attend their event it will our target public
completely forget generate more awareness are unfamiliar with
about, or it gets lost in of who MADD is and will MADD. It would be
the other pages you’ve generate more future a good opportunity
liked. Adding more involvement with the to increase
content to the FB page community. An increase of awareness and
and adding an participants at the event will understanding to
Instagram account will ensure a higher amount of our target
increase people donations that will help audience of who
viewing MADD
information, and
increase engagement.
victims and support
eliminating impaired driving.
MADD is.
Objective #1


Post the #PictureThis video on Have MADD Illinois social media followers
Facebook and Instagram and engage with the hashtag #PictureThis by
use promoted post encouraging followers to post their
Evaluation: we will measure this by looking at the personal stories or photos related to drunk
negative/positive impressions of the video on driving on their accounts and use the
Meltwater by tracking the hashtag. hashtag.
Evaluation: posts will be measured by now many
Post the #PictureThis photos people use the hashtag #PictureThis on their
on Instagram and Facebook social media, tracking this through Meltwater by
and use promoted post reviewing how the hashtag is used, negatively or
Evaluation: we will measure this by looking at the
negative/positive impressions of the images on GeoTag local bars and liquor stores
Meltwater by tracking the hashtag. to have MADD be marketed to the
Encourage users to share their public that walks into those
personal stories using locations.
#PictureThis. Evaluation: track GeoTag engagement
Evaluation: Use Meltwater to evaluate how many
through Geotag user account.
users add their personal stories by using the
Have MADD Illinois Instagram scan Create an Instagram account for
barcode posted on the #PictureThis MADD Illinois.
posters for the public to quickly add Evaluation: number of followers and
MADD Illinois on social media. amount of engagement with the account.
Evaluation: how many followers
MADD’s instagram account
Objective #2

Media Interperson
Channels al Strategy
Compose an email information letter
about Walk Like MADD event and cs Reach out to community leaders, such
as people involved with the O'Fallon City
send it to local school leaders, such Hall, schools and churches. We will
as PTO volunteers, principals, and explain our mission and share
teachers, and ask them to share the information about the Walk like MADD
letter to parents of students and the event.
Evaluation: the events success will be
community. measured by the increased or decrease of
Evaluation: the success of the event will attendance and how many online outlets pick
be evaluated by the increase of parents it up.
and children that sign up and attend the Utilize community leaders and
event together that attend schools we
their networks to create teams to
send the information to.
raise money for the Walk like
MADD event.
Evaluation: how much money is
earned by each community leader.

Compose a PSA newsletter for a

community leader, such as people
involved with the O’Fallon city hall,
schools and churches, to share with heir
publics about MADDs event.
Evaluation: did the message of the PSA
apprehend with the public. Where did
each individual public learn about
MADD. 15
Objective #3


Visual Shared
Advertiseme Partnership Media
nt Channels

When posting photos and If Binny's customers sign Have #PictureThis
videos from the #PictureThis up for MADD Illinois E- posters in highly
campaign on MADDs newsletters, they will populated areas with the
Instagram, a shoppable tag then receive in exchange MADD logo visible in
will be included on the photo a 20% Binny’s coupon places like liquor stores,
that will bring followers directly for their next purchase. hospitals, schools,
to their website. churches, bars, grocery
Evaluation: meltwater will show how Evaluation: we would evaluate
this by the number people sign
stores, car dealer ships,
many MADD followers used the
shoppable tag to their website. up for MADD Illinois E- gas stations.
newsletter through Binny’s.
Create E-newsletters to teach Evaluation: how many people
public how to talk to loved ones The checkout line at followed/ scanned the
about drunk driving. It will be Binny’s will have a Instagram barcode on the
sent to the public that sign up to poster. Evaluate through
donations box for MADD surveys by asking the public
receive them. MADD Illinois Illinois, if you donate you if they know about MADD,
website will be visible on E- will receive a wristband also ask if they have heard
newsletters. with MADD logo on it. about MADD from posters
Evaluation: this will be evaluated by being hung up.
counting the number of people who Evaluation: we would evaluate
receive E-newsletters. We will also this by counting the amount of

evaluate this as awareness, if awareness donations given and wristbands
of who MADD Illinois is goes up this will sold to the public from Binny’s.
be considered successful.

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