NRP ppt1

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Newborn Resuscitation Programme

 Low birth weight with complications

 Perinatal asphyxia
 Prematurity with complications

Present status of West Bengal: Sept 2017

 Neonatal mortality rate:18/1000 live birth
 Infant mortality rate 25/1000 live birth
 Single digit neonatal mortality by 2030

To achieve this
 Care at birth
 Skin to skin contact atleast for 1 hour
 Early breastfeeding within 1 hour.
 KMC 90 mins to 2hrs ( atleast for 6-8 hrs /day)
 Quality improvement.
 Poor muscle tone.
 Poor respiration.
 Bradycardia.
 Low blood pressure
 Tachypnea
 Persistent cyanosis
 Maternal hypertension  Abnormal fetal heart rate
 Maternal diabetes  Meconium stained liquor
 Antepartum haemorrhage
 Maternal medical problems
 Intrapartum haemorrhage
 Polyhydromnios/  No vertex presentation
oligohydromnios  Forcep/ vacum delivery
 Multiple pregnancy  Emergency C/S
 PROM  General anaesthesia to
 Post term pregnancy mother
 IUGR  Premature labour
 Fetal malformation  Prolonged labour
 Mother <18yrs or >35 yrs  Cord prolapse
 Inadequate antenatal care  Big baby
 Previousfetal death
 Personal preparation.
 Environmental preparation.
 Provide warmth
 Position
 Dry
 Stimulation
 Start PPV
 Chest compression:
3 compressions 1 breath
( in 1 min 90 compressions and
30 breaths are given)
 Epinephrine: 0.1 to 0.3 ml/kg of a 1:10,000
Preparation of drug: 1ml ampoule of 1:1000
concentrations however for neonate , add 9ml
distilled water
Route: endotracheal or intravenous
 Routine care:
 Observational care: for baby who have
received PPV for<1min ,
monitoring for every 30mins for 2 hrs
 Post resuscitation care: newborn
 received PPV for >1min ,
 Preterm with laboured breathing to be shift
in SNCU.
 To suction trachea in presence of meconium.
 To improve efficacy of ventilation .
 To facilitate coordination of chest
compressions & ventilation.
 To administer epinephrine if required.
 An experienced person.
 Laryngoscope blade with light.
 Suction equipment.
 Oxygen source.
 If after 10 minutes of effective ventilation,
chest compression, medications the heart
rate is absent or no progress is being made in
certain condition such as extreme
prematurity it may be appropriate to
discontinue resuscitative effeorts.
 FBNC.. Neonatal Resuscitation Module
 Updated neonatal resuscitation guidelines
 Newborn resuscitation slideshare ppt

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