Prescribing Patterns of Drugs in Outpatient Department of Paediatrics in Tertiary Care Hospital

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Prescribing Patterns of

Drugs in Outpatient
Department of Paediatrics
in Tertiary Care Hospital

Name of the journal: Indian Journal of By

Pharmacy Practice, Aleena Georgekutty
Volume: 7, Pharm D Intern
Issue: 4, 12Q0402
Date:Oct–Dec 2014

 Prescribing pattern studies are powerful exploratory tools to

ascertain the role of drugs in society.
 In a tertiary care centre, prescribing is expected to be
judicious, appropriate, safe, effective and economical. The
ultimate goal is to achieve rational and effective medical
care, particularly in the economically developing countries.
 Considering these facts, this study is planned to analyze the
prescribing pattern in pediatric patients at a tertiary care
 Paediatrics is the branch of medicine dealing with the
development, diseases and disorders of children Drug therapy
is considered to be major component of paediatric
management in healthcare setting like hospital.
 Effective medical treatment of a paediatric patient is
based upon an accurate diagnosis and optimum
course of therapy, which usually involves a
medication regimen.
 Infants and children are especially vulnerable to
contract illnesses and to the harmful effect of drugs
due to differences in pharmacodynamics and
 Compared to adult medicines, drug use in pediatrics
is not extensively researched and the range of
licensed drug in appropriate dosage form is limited.
 Epidemiological evaluation of medicine use in elderly is now
a highly visible topic, but drug prescribing studies in pediatric
patients have been limited.
 The need for the safe and effective drugs for use in sick
neonates, infants, children and adolescents requires the
establishment of thoughtful drug therapy strategies.
 The study of prescribing patterns seeks to monitor, evaluate
and if necessary suggest modifications in prescribing practices
to make medical care rational and effective.
 The assessment of drug utilization is important for clinical,
educational and economical reasons and study focuses on
effective medical treatment of pediatric patients with accurate
diagnosis and selecting the proper drug regimens, avoiding
unnecessary use of antibiotics and minimizes the prescription
 The use of antimicrobial agents, especially antibiotics
has become a routine practice for the treatment of
paediatric illnesses.
 However there are also reports of an irrational use of
antibiotics which may even lead to infections that are
worse than the originally diagnosed ones.
 An observational and prospective study was carried out for six
months from June to December 2013.
 The study site was Paediatric Out Patient Departments (OPD)
of The Voluntary Health Services, Chennai. The institutional
ethical committee permission was taken to conduct this study.
 A total number of 500 prescriptions were selected on random
basis to minimize bias. The information such as age, sex and
body weight was recorded. The drug data such as name of the
drug, dosage form, dosing frequency, duration, route of
administration and diagnosis data were also noted.
 The data obtained & the patient related parameters were
computed using SPSS 16 version. The results were presented
as percentage and mean ± Standard deviation (SD).
 A total of 500 prescriptions were analysed. The neonates were
24 (4.8%). The male patients were 273 (54.6%) and female
patients were 227 (45.4%).The distributions and proportions.
 Majority of the paediatric patients were suffering from upper
respiratory tract infection (34.6%) followed by bronchitis and
acute gastroenteritis. The number of drugs per counter was
found to be with a minimum of 0 and maximum of 5 drugs.
The profiles of basis of morbidity are as shown in Figure 1.
 The average number of drugs per prescription was 3.74 ±
1.02. A total of 1627 drugs were prescribed and most
frequently prescribed drug class was antibiotics (24.15%)
followed by nasal decongestants (18.86%) and NSAID
(16.47%) of total prescription. The classes of drugs prescribed
are as shown in Figure 2
Figure 1: Profile of basis of morbidity Figure 2: Classes of drugs
 Correct diagnosis of a disease & its management with medicines
constitute important aspect of patient care, which is more important
in case of pediatric patient.
 The present study is based on data obtained from 500 prescriptions.
 The male to female ratio reflected a higher number of male patients
who are visiting clinic compared to female patients.
 About 173 patients were diagnosed with upper respiratory tract
infection. 81 patients were found to be diagnosed with Bronchitis.
The most frequently prescribed drug class was antibiotics. About
393 patients have been prescribed with NSAIDs. Children differ
from adults in their response to drugs. So, special care is needed in
children and doses should always be calculated with care. 40% of
patients were prescribed up to 3 drugs which was less than that in
the study carried out 21 (i.e. 46.7%).
rest 60% were prescribed 4 to 7 drugs.7 It is
comparatively more than the study done by Jason Hall 22
(i.e. 60.6%).
 3-5 antibiotics were prescribed to 35.9% patients.
Antibiotics were prescribed without investigation mainly
based on clinical judgement with an average of 2.
 37 per prescription. At least an NSAID was prescribed to
14.28% patients.
 In the study only 16% of antibiotics were given by
intravenous injection which was quite opposite to the
study done by Thomas G23 which indicated excessive
use of injectables in many developing countries.
 This study provides important insights into the
prescribing patterns of drug use in the pediatrics
outpatient department of a tertiary care teaching hospital.
It has helped to identify irrational prescribing patterns of
drugs in pediatrics.
 Hence, the clinical pharmacist must be considered to be
an integral part of the multidisciplinary health care team.
 They should be involved in collection and presentation of
prescribing data as part of clinical audit and also
counselling of patients /care takers.
 Correct diagnosis of the disease and its management
constitute important aspects of patient care which is even
more important in case of pediatric patients.

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