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Stupas became a cosmic symbol in response to a major human

condition: death. With the enlightenment of the Buddha stupas became
a particularly Buddhist symbol. They incorporate the ancient, pre-
Buddhist burial mounds and elements of the Brahmanic religion –
several of whose followers converted to Buddhism.

A symbol to inspire aspiration and efforts in the religious life – the pursuit of

Stupas are physically composed of the four elements – earth, air,

fire and water. Symbolically of the Three Refuges and a three-fold
summary of the Eight Fold Path all topped by direct experience of
Of the early stupas some were centred
around sacrificial stakes but all evolved as
burial mounds. As Buddhism spread there
was an increase in both general support and
the funds available.

As Buddhism developed the stupa became more of a
general religious symbol, an object of worship. Less
emphasis was placed on the stupa as purely a site of
interment .

A symmetrical expression of the microcosm and macrocosm. A

centred construction designed to draw the viewer to their own
still centre through silent contemplation. The basic form is a
circle (heaven) inside a square (earth). The conceptual
components of a stupa (cube, sphere, cone) interlock and the
shared axis leads the viewer’s line of sight upwards to the apex
– a symbol of the goal of Buddhism, nibbana. The pure mandala
form of a stupa is best appreciated from above.
Stupas were built of stones or bricks to commemorate important events
or mark important places associated with Buddhism or to house
important relics of Buddha. Ashok Maurya who laid the foundation of this
group of monuments is said to have built 84,000 stupas, most of which
have perished.

Great Stupa, Sanchi

(Picture courtesy Archaeological Survey of India)
Sanchi in Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh is famous for its magnificent
Buddhist monuments and edifices. Situated on a hill, these beautiful and well-
preserved stupas depict the various stages of development of Buddhist art and
arch1teeture over a period of thirteen hundred years from the third century B.C.
to the twelfth century A.D. Inscriptions show that these monuments were
maintained by the rich merchants of that region. The Great stupa has a large
hemispherical dome which is flat at the top, and crowned by a triple umbrella or
Chattra on a pedestal surrounded by a square railing or Karmika. Buddha's
relics were placed in a casket chamber in the centre of the Dome.
Northern Gateway, Great Stupa, Sanchi

The first Torana gateway to be

built is the one at the principal
entrance on the South. Each
gateway has two square pillars.
Crowning each pillar on. all four
sides are four elephants, four lions
and four dwarfs. The four dwarfs
support a superstructure of three
architraves or carved panels one
above the other. Between these
are intricately carved elephants
and riders on horseback. The
lowest architrave is supported on
exquisitely carved bracket figures.
The panels are decorated with
finely carved figures of men,
women, yakshas, lions and
The entire panel of the gateways is covered with
sculptured scenes from the life of Buddha, the
Jataka Tales, events of the Buddhist times and
rows of floral or lotus motifs. The scenes from
Buddha's life show Buddha represented by
symbols - the lotus, wheel a riderless
caparisoned horse, an umbrella held above a
throne, foot prints and the triratnas which are
symbolic of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The
top panel has a Dharma chakra with two
Yakshas on either side holding chamaras.
Dharmaksha Stupa, Sarnath

The Dhamekh Stupa and the

Dharmarajika stupa at Sarnath are
believed to have been built by Ashoka
and later rebuilt in the Gupta period.
These stupas contain the relics of
Buddha and are therefore important
places of Buddhist pilgrimage. Buddha
gave his First Sermon in Sarnath and
also founded the Sangha or Order of
Monks here. The original Dhamekh
Stupa built with mud or brick is a
cylindrical structure 43.5 m. high. The
stone basement has eight projecting
faces with niches in them. Delicately
carved with beautiful floral and geo-
metrical patterns, it is believed to have
been put up in thc Gupta period.
• Viharas or monasteries constructed with brick or
excavated from rocks are found in different parts
of India. Usually built to a set plan, they have a
hall meant for congregational prayer with a
running verandah on three sides or an open
courtyard surrounded by a row of cells and a
pillared verandah in front. These cells served as
dwelling places for the monks. These monastic
buildings built of bricks were self-contained units
and had a Chaitya hall or Chaitya mandir
attached to a stupa - the chief object of worship.
Rock-cut Vihara, Nasik

• Twenty-five of the rock-cut caves of Ajanta are viharas and are the
finest of monasteries. Four of the viharas belong to the 2nd century
BC. Later, other caves were excavated during the reign of the
Vakataka rulers who were the contemporaries of the Gupta Rulers.
Some of the most beautiful viharas belong to this period. The finest of
them. Cave 1, of the Mahayana type consists of a verandah, a hall,
groups of cells and a sanctuary. It has a decorated facade. The
portico is supported by exquisitely carved pillars. The columns have a
square base with figures of dwarfs and elaborately carved brackets
and capitals. Below the capital is a square abacus with finely carved
makara motifs. The walls and the ceilings of the cave contain the
most exquisite paintings.
Three Storeyed Vihara, Ellora

The viharas of Ellora dated 400 AD to 7th century AD are of one, two, and
three storeys and are the largest of the type. They contain sculptured
figures and belong to both Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism

• Chaitya grihas or halls of worship were built all over the

country either of brick or excavated from rocks. Ruins
of a large number of structural Buddhist chaity grihas
are found in the eastern districts of Andhra Pradesh, in
valleys, near rivers and lakes. The ruins located in the
districts of Srikakulam at Salihundam, of
Visahkapatnam at Kotturu, of West Godavari at
Guntapalli, of Krishna at Vijayawada, of Guntur at
Nagajunakonda and Amaravati belong to the 3rd
century BC and later. The largest brick chaitya hall
was excavated at Guntapalli.
Karle, Chaitya Hall

• Hinayana rock architecture reaches the peak of excellence in the
splendid chaitya at Karle. An inscription in Karle mentions
Bhutapala, a banker to be the founder of the chaitya hall but later
scholars identify him with Devabhuti, the last of the Sunga rulers.
• The chaitya has a double-storeyed facade and has three doorways
in the lower part. It has an upper gallery over which there is the
usual arch. The walls of the vestibule to the chaitya hall are
decorated with sculptured figures of couples. The pillars separating
the central nave from the aisles have a pot base, an octagonal
shaft, inverted lotus capital with an abacus. The abacus has
exquisitely carved pairs of elephants kneeling down, each with a
couple in front and caparisoned horses with riders on them. The
stupa at the apse end is tall and cylindrical with two tiers of railings
around the drum. It is crowned by the original wooden chhatra.
The most perfect of this group of chaitya grihas is cave 19.
Excavated at the end of the 5th century AD it is similar to
the other chaityas in its plan and ribbed vaulted ceiling Facade, Cave 19, Ajanta
except for its single doorway and elaborate ornamentation.
It has a pillared portico in front leading into a courtyard with
the walls on either side heavily sculptured with figures. The
interior pillars are well decorated with cushion shaped
capitals. The corbel brackets are richly sculptured. The
drum of the central stupa is elongated and carved.
Projecting from the drum is an arched nasika or niche with
the figure of a standing Buddha carved in it. The rounded
dome of the stupa ~ is surmounted by a harmika and three
tiers of chhatras, diminishing in size and supported by
figures on four sides. On top of the chhatras and touching
the ceiling is another small stupa with a miniature harmika.
The facade of the cave is exquisitely carved. The chaitya-
window has figures of yakshas and richly carved, friezes
on either side. Two figures of standing Buddha flank the
entrance. The walls of the hall and the ceiling of the aisles
is richly painted with figures of Buddha, floral motifs,
animals and birds.

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