1.CATIA (Dassault Systèmes) 2. SOLIDWORKS (Dassault Systèmes) 3. PTC Creo (Parametric Technology Corporation)

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CAD Software

1.CATIA (Dassault Systèmes) 2. SOLIDWORKS (Dassault 3. PTC Creo (Parametric

• For designing the wide range Systèmes) Technology Corporation)
of sheet metal products, • This 3D software has a user • CREO(Formerly known
volume or surface modelling, friendly interface and can be as Pro/ENGINEER), It
sheet processing, assembly used for design, or to create
machinery parts, a great tool features simulation
drawings, tool making, to make mechanical drawings. tools for analyzing the
piping design, cast, forging, • Its major application is in solid product’s
hydraulic and pneumatic modelling , assembly performance including
design. creation, and 2D drawing structural, vibration,
• Most of the aerodynamic creation. and thermal analysis.
shaped products are • Startups and small scale • Primarily used for
designed using CATIA. industries using it widely for surface design.
its low cost.
• CATIA is used by leading
Automotive, Aerospace
based organizations in the System Requirements: Quad core i7, 8gb System Requirements: Quad core
world because of its ram. i7, 8gb ram.

System Requirements: Quad core i7, 8gb

ram, Gpu: Nvidia quadro entry level
CAE Softwares
1. Hypermesh (Altair Engineering) 2. ANSA (BETA CAE Systems)
• Primarily used for meshing mechanical • Has better algorithm over Hypermesh for rapid mesh
generation, but less manual control.
parts. • fast and high quality modeling of complex
• Supports wide variety of CAD software geometries
and solvers. • capability to interoperate between models built for
• Widely used by service based companied different solvers
due to low license cost. • highly automated processes and model set-up tools
in one environment
• Node limitations for educational version • complete model build-up for numerous solvers in
• Structural models: 100,000 nodes one environment
• CFD models: 500,000 nodes • significant modeling time reduction and
improvement in quality.
• Expensive over Hyermesh.
• Widely used by OEM’s such as Mercedes, Ford and
System Requirements: Quad core i7, 8gb ram GM.
(Hypermesh only)
Quad core i7, 16gb ram System Requirements: Eight core cpu, 16gb ram.
(Hyperworks suite)

1. ANSYS (Ansys Inc) 2. LS-DYNA (Livermore Software 3. Abaqus (Dassault

• One of the best static Technology Corp.) Systèmes SIMULIA
analysis software • Used for dynamic analysis in Corp)
• Used for Structural, automotive industry.
thermal and fluid flow • Has many mathematical models • Has both
simulations. to choose from to solve a specific implicit/explicit
• Can be used for mesh problem. capabilities.
generation for small and • Has very less error tolerance. • Has good contact
less complicated shapes. • Can represent the physics of a stability over ANSYS
• Has good numerical problem as close to real life. in non-linear analysis.
stability and supports • Very limited educational material
most of the cad and cae available online, difficult to
• Can be used in
software. master the software. conjunction with catia
• Easy to learn and • License cost is more and requires
and solidworks.
educational material is a very high end pc. • Easy to learn and
ideal for academics.
System Requirements: Eight core cpu (High end
cooling), 16gb ram, Gpu: Nvidia quadro
System Requirements: Quad core i7, System Requirements: Quad
16gb ram, Gpu: Nvidia quadro core i7, 16gb ram, Gpu: Nvidia
3D Experience (Dassault Systèmes)

• It has unified PLM environment (3D design, analysis, simulation and

file management software).
• Students and teachers can complete projects in collaborative
interactive environment.
• It has cloud support to save project files online and access anywhere.
• For parts with complex shapes we can opt for Hypermesh as Pre-
Processor software.
System requirements to run all the software

• Cpu: intel i9 9900 (aftermarket cpu cooler)

• Ram: 16 gb 3000Mhz
• Gpu: Nvidia Quadro RTX 4000

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