BLS Design Final

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Based on NFPA 20, series 2016 : Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection:
5.6.2 Fire Pump Backup. Fire pumps serving zones that are partially or wholly beyond the pumping capability of the fire
department apparatus shall be provided with one of the following:
(1) A fully independent and automatic backup fire pump unit(s) arranged so that all zones can be maintained in full service with
any one pump out of service.
(2) An auxiliary means that is capable of providing the full fire protection demand and that is acceptable to the authority having

1. Common Finding: No Back-Up Fire Pump

Low Zone

High Zone
With Back-up Fire Pump

Figure 1 (a) Figure 1 (b)



NFPA 20, series 2016 Section 9.3.1 and 9.3.3

Section 9.3.1 Unless there is an installed power arrangement as described in 9.3.3, at least one alternative source of power shall
be provided for high rise buildings or where the height of the structure is beyond the pumping capacity of the fire department
Section 9.3.3 An alternate source of power for the primary fire pump shall not be required where a backup engine-driven fire
pump, backup steam turbine-driven fire pump, or backup electric motor–driven fire pump with independent power source
meeting 9.2.2 is installed in accordance with this standard.

2. Common Finding: Fire Pump No Dual Power Source

Figure 1 Figure 2

Point of

Fire Pump No Dual Power Source Fire Pump Dual Power Source

3. Common Finding: Fire Department

NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation Connection (FDC) connected directly to
of Standpipe and Hose Systems
fire tank
6.4* Fire Department Connections.
6.4.1 Isolation valves shall not be
permitted between the fire department
connection and where the fire
connection piping connects to the
system piping.
6.4.2 A listed check valve shall be
installed in each fire department
connection and shall be located in an
accessible location. [13:] The check valve shall be
installed as close as possible to the fire
department connection inlets.
Fire Department Connection to
Figure 1 (a) Figure 1 (b)

4.A Common Finding: Enclosed fire exit but no

Fire Code of the Philippines. Section
pressurization B
Figure 1 Figure 2
A. All stairwells shall be enclosed and
protected in accordance with Rule 3.
All doors on stairwells shall be kept
closed. Stairway doors, which can be
locked, must be provided with
automatic electrical unlocking from
the fire command center.
B. All interior stairwells used as a
means of egress shall be pressurized.
In no case shall stairwells in high rise
buildings be allowed to be

Enclosed but with no Enclosed but with

Pressurization Fan Pressurization Fan

NFPA 101 2015 Section Openness. Outside stairs, other than existing outside stairs, shall be not less than 50 percent open on one side. Outside
stairs shall be arranged to restrict the accumulation of smoke.

4.B Common Finding: Open fire exit but did not met the "50%" openness

Without 50% Openness With 50% Openness

5. Common Finding: No Elevator Shaft (Fireman’s
NFPA 101 2015 Section Lift) Pressurization Fan* Where an elevator provides access from an
area of refuge to a public way that is in accordance with
Figure 1 Figure 2, all of the following criteria shall be met: (1)
The elevator shall be approved for fire fighters’
emergency operations as provided in ASME A17.1/CSA
B44, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. (2) The
power supply shall be protected against interruption
from fire occurring within the building but outside the
area of refuge. (3) The elevator shall be located in a shaft
system meeting the requirements for smokeproof
enclosures in accordance with 7.2.3, unless otherwise
provided in and

NFPA 92A: 2-4.1Elevator hoistways have proved to be a

readily available conduit for movement of smoke
throughout buildings in past fires. This is because the
elevator doors have not been tightfitting and elevator
hoistways have been provided with openings in their
tops. The building stack effect has provided the driving
force that has readily moved smoke into and out of the
loosely constructed elevator hoistways. Several methods
of correcting this problem have been proposed and
investigated. These include: (a) Exhaust of the fire floor,
(b) Pressurization of elevator lobbies, (c) Construction of
smoketight elevator lobbies, (d) Pressurization of the No Fireman’s Lift With Fireman’s Lift With
elevator hoistway, and (e) * Closing elevator doors after Stair pressurization Stair pressurization
automatic recall. fan fan

Fire Code of the Philippines 2008,. Section

6. Common Finding: No Elevator Trap Door B
1. Fire code of the Philippines 2008 states Figure 1 Figure 2
that: SECTION B. All new
elevators shall conform to the
firefighters’ emergency operations
requirements of ASME A17.1 Safety
Code for Elevators and Escalators,
except buildings of less than 5-storeys
in height.

2. ASME A17.1
Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators
Section 2.11 Protection of Hoistway
Protection: Emergency Doors in
Blind Hoistways. Where an elevator is
installed in a single blind hoistway, there
shall be installed in the blind portion of the
hoistway an emergency door at every third
floor, but not more than 11 m (36 ft) from
sill to sill etc..

Note: Every 3RD Floor not more than 11 m

7. Common Finding: Not Fire Rated EE but
NFPA 13 - no AFSS
Unless the requirements of are met,
sprinkler protection shall be required in electrical
equipment rooms.

NFPA 13 - Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Figure 1: Without

Systems AFSS
Chapter 5 Installation Requirements: 5-13.11
Electrical Equipment. Sprinkler protection shall be
required in electrical equipment rooms. Hoods or
shields installed to protect important electrical
equipment from sprinkler discharge shall be
Exception: Sprinklers shall not be required where all
of the following conditions are met:
(a) The room is dedicated to electrical equipment
(b) Only dry-type electrical equipment is used.
(c) Equipment is installed in a 2-hour fire-rated
enclosure including protection for penetrations.
(d) No combustible storage is permitted to be stored Figure 2: With
in the room. AFSS

NFPA 214 1996 (Standard on Water Cooling Tower). Section 1-1.4

Construction Materials of Cooling Towers. When the cooling towers’ structure, fan and distribution decks, louvers, and fill
materials are all of noncombustible materials, no fire protection is required. If any of these are combustible materials and the
factors in 1-1.3 necessitate it, fire protection shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 3 and towers shall be located in
accordance with Chapter 2. All other chapters shall be considered mandatory requirements.

NFPA 214 1996 (Standard on Water Cooling Tower). Section 3-2.1

Sprinkler and Water Spray. Fire protection systems shall be designed, installed, and tested in accordance with NFPA 13,
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, and NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection,
except as modified by this standard.

8. Common Finding: No appropriate AFSS at Cooling Tower

Figure 1: Without AFSS Figure 2: With AFSS


9. Common Finding: No check valve at combined

RA 9514 : Fire Code of the Philippines, IRR 19
Dec 2008, Section Stand Pipe per floor
(Standpipes) , paragraph E (Combination Stand
pipes), item #1 : All combination standpipes shall
comply with the requirements of this Section.
Design and installation shall be in accordance
with NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of
Standpipe, Private Hydrant and Hose Systems. Figure 1: Without
Where a combination standpipe system is Check Valve
installed in accordance with section, a separate
dry standpipe system need not be installed.

NFPA 14 Section and figure 6.3.5 a and

• Under Section 6.3.5* Control Valves and Check
Valves on Combined (Standpipe/Sprinkler)
Systems. Section Each connection from a
standpipe that is part of a combined system to a
sprinkler system shall have an individual control
valve and check valve. Figure 2: With Check
• Under 6.3.5 a and b at page 14-36 (Acceptable Valve
Piping Arrangement for Combined Sprinkler /
standpipe) clearly illustrates the need for a
“check valve” in each floor main isolation area
NFPA 1: 18.5.2 and 18.5.3
NFPA 1: 18.5.2 Detached One- and Two-Family Dwellings. Fire hydrants shall be provided for detached one- and two-family
dwellings in accordance with both of the following: (1) The maximum distance to a fire hydrant from the closest point on the
building shall not exceed 600 ft (122 m). (2) The maximum distance between fire hydrants shall not exceed 800 ft (244 m).
18.5.3 Buildings Other than Detached One- and Two-Family Dwellings. Fire hydrants shall be provided for buildings other than
detached one- and two-family dwellings in accordance with both of the following: (1) The maximum distance to a fire hydrant
from the closest point on the building shall not exceed 400 ft (76 m). (2) The maximum distance between fire hydrants shall not
exceed 500 ft (152 m).

10. Common Finding: Insufficient fire hydrant

NFPA 1-2015, Section 18.5.2 Detached One- and Two- Family Dwellings
Distance between Distance between
building and fire hydrant fire hydrants

Maximum distance Maximum distance

600ft (183m) 800ft (244m)


NFPA 1-2015, Section 18.5.1. The distances specified in Section 18.5 shall be measured along fire
department access roads in accordance with 18.2.3.
A. Fire department access roads are intended to include public streets provided they meet the
requirements of 18.2.3.
NFPA 1-2015, Section 18.5.3
Building Other than Detached One- and Two- Family Dwellings

Distance between Distance between

building and fire hydrant fire hydrants

Maximum distance Maximum distance

400ft (122m) 500ft (156m)

Section 18.5.3 (1) The

maximum distance to a fire Section 18.5.3 (2) The
hydrant from the closest maximum distance
point on the building shall between fire hydrants shall
not exceed 400 ft (122 m). not exceed 500 ft (152 m).


NFPA 1-2015, Section 18.5.1. The distances specified in Section 18.5 shall be measured along fire
department access roads in accordance with 18.2.3.
A. Fire department access roads are intended to include public streets provided they meet the
requirements of 18.2.3.

NFPA 101 series 2015 section and NFPA 72 series of 2015 section
• Based on NFPA 101, series 2015 : Life Safety Code; Section 9.6.5 : Fire Safety Function; Fire safety functions shall be
installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. Where required by the
another section of this Code, the following functions shall be actuated :
(1) Release of hold-open devices for doors or other opening protectives
(2) Stairwell or elevator shaft pressurization
(3) Smoke management or smoke control systems
(4) Unlocking of doors
(5) Elevator recall and shutdown
(6) HVAC shutdown

• Based on NFPA 72, series 2016 : National Fire Alarm & Signaling Code
Section 21.3 All fire alarm initiating devices used to initiate elevator Phase I Emergency Recall Operation shall be connected to
the required building fire alarm system
Section 21.7.1 The provisions of section 21.7 shall apply to the basic method by which a fire alarm system interfaces with the
HVAC systems

11. Common Finding: Insufficient FDAS interface

Code Requirement
• Stair & Elevator
Pressurization Fan
Smoke • Smoke Evacuation
Management Fan
Control • HVAC Shutdown
• Smoke/Heat

• Fire Pump
Fire • Flow Switch
Protection • Tamper Switch
• Fire Tank

Elevator • Elevator Recall

• Elevator Homing

Fire Alarm
Panel (FACP)

Unlocking • Fire Exit Doors

of Doors • Electronic Exit
door Locks

NFPA 82 series of 1999 section 3-2.5 12. Common Finding: No sufficient AFSS
NFPA 82:3-2.5 Chute Automatic Sprinklers. 3- inside Garbage Chute
2.5.1 Gravity Chute. Gravity chutes shall be
protected internally by automatic sprinklers.
This protection requires that a sprinkler be
installed at or above the top service opening
of the chute. In addition, a sprinkler shall be
installed within the chute at alternate floor
levels in buildings over two stories in height
with a mandatory sprinkler located at the
lowest service level.

NFPA 13 A-5-13.5 :
NFPA 13 A-5-13.5 : The installation of
sprinklers at floor levels should be arranged
so as to protect the sprinklers from
mechanical injury and falling materials and
not cause obstruction within the chute. This
installation usually can be accomplished by
recessing the sprinkler in the wall of the chute
or by providing a protective deflector canopy
over the sprinkler. Sprinklers should be placed
so that there will be minimum interference of
the discharge from the sprinklers. Sprinklers
with special directional discharge
characteristics might be advantageous.

PME Code 2012, Section 2532.3 (1)(A)

PME Code 2012, Section 2532.4 (2)
Elevators with automatic operation and
Upon activation of a seismic switch or
automatic power operated hoistway doors
derailment device and if in motion, either. Slow
shall conform with the following:
to a speed not greater than 150fpm and
(a) When the switch is in the “on” position, all
proceed to the next floor in the direction of the
elevators controlled by this switch and
travel and stop and then proceed to the next
which are on automatic service shall return
floor at a speed not greater than 150 fpm in
nonstop to the designated level and the
direction away from the counterweight.
doors shall open and remain open.

13.A Common Finding: No Elevator Fire Recall (EFR) 13.B Common Finding: No Elevator Earthquake Recall (EER)

Exit at

Exit at


Section 105.2 Earthquake recording
Instrumentation on the National Structural
Code of the Philippines, P.D. 1096 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS At least 3 accelerographs located ERI in compliance with this
A. Hospitals, schools and other at: IRR
buildings above fifty (50) meters 1. Ground Floor/lowest Basement;
14. Common Finding: No Seismograph in height 2. Middle Floor, and 3. Floor below
B. Hospitals with fifty (50)-bed One Accelerograph installed at ERI in compliance with this
Floor Below Roof capacity or more and schools Ground Floor/Lowest Basement IRR
with twenty(20) classrooms or
more but not than three(3)
C. Provincial/City/Municipal Halls One Accelerograph installed at ERI in compliance with this
and Buildings Ground Floor/Lowest Basement IRR
PRIVATE BUILDINGS At least 3 accelerographs ERI in compliance with this
A. Buildings above fifty (50) located at: IRR
Over 50 meters in height 1. Ground Floor / Lowest
Middle Floor Basement
Meters 2. Middle Floor, and 3. Floor
Below Roof
B. Hospitals with fifty (50)-bed One accelerographs installed at the ERI in compliance with this
capacity or more and schools Ground Floor / Lowest Basement IRR
with twenty (20) classrooms or
more but not less than 3 storeys
C. Commercial buildings with One accelerographs installed at ERI in compliance with this
Ground Floor occupancy of at least 1,000 the Ground Floor / Lowest IRR
persons or gross floor area of Basement
at least 10,000 square meters.
D. Industrial buildings with One accelerographs installed at ERI in compliance with this
occupancy of at least 1,000 the IRR
persons and gross floor area Ground Floor / Lowest Basement
Accelerograph of at least 10,000 square

15. NFPA 20-2010 Sec 4.30.1 Each controller of pumps shall have its own individual pressure sensing line.
16. NFPA 20 2016, There shall be no valve or other restrictions within the controller ahead of the pressure
switch or pressure responsive means.

15. Common 16. Common

Finding: No Finding: Fire and
individual Jockey pump
sensing line for sensing line are/is
Fire & Jockey provided with
pump's isolation valve

With individual Fire and

sensing line Jockey pump
sensing line
for Fire & without
Jockey isolation valve

17. NFPA 20 2016, 4.31.2 The pressure sensing line connection for each pump, including jockey pumps, shall be made between
that pump's discharge check valve and dis17. NFPA 20 2016, 4.31.2 The pressure sensing line connection for each pump,
including jockey pumps, shall be made between that pump's discharge check valve and discharge isolation valve.

17. Common Finding: Fire and Jockey Fire and Jockey pump sensing line are/is
pump sensing line are/is wrongly correctly connected before the alarm check
connected after the alarm check valve valve
18. NFPA-72 2016 Section where fire pumps are required to be monitored and a building fire alarm system is
installed, a pump running signal shall be permitted to be a supervisory or alarm signal where fire umps are required to be monitored and a building fire alarm system is installed, signals other
than pump running shall be supervisory signals.

18. Common
Findings: Main fire
pump isolation valve
is not provided with
supervisory switch.

Main fire pump

isolation valve
provided with
switch connected
19. NFPA-13 2016 Section - Alarm signals shall be provided for, but not limited to, each of the following: monitoring
position of control valves, fire pump power supplies and operating condition, water tank levels and temperatures, zone water flow
alarms, pressure of tanks, and air pressure on dry pipe valves.

19. Common Finding: Fire water tank level Water tank level indicator with alarm signal
alarm signal is not installed connected to FDAS
Supervision 1. Supervisory Signal Where supervised automatic sprinkler systems are required by another Section of this Code, supervisory attachments
shall be installed and monitored for integrity in accordance with NFPA 72, a distinctive supervisory signal shall be provided to indicate a condition that would
impair the satisfactory operation of the sprinkler system. Monitoring shall include, but shall not be limited to, monitoring of control valves,
fire pump power supplies and running conditions, water tank levels and temperatures, tank pressure, and air pressure on dry-pipe valves. Supervisory
signals shall sound and shall be displayed either at a location within the protected building that is constantly attended by qualified personnel or at an
approved, remotely located receiving facility.2. Alarm Signal Transmission Where supervision of automatic sprinkler systems is required, waterflow alarms
shall be transmitted to an approved, proprietary alarm receiving facility, a remote station, a central station, or the fire station.

20. Common Findings:

Common/unseparated signal of
floor by floor main control valve
and water flow switch was
provided (contrary to code
requirements of having separate
and distinct signal of main
control valve to FDAS)

Separate and
distinct signal of
floor by floor of
main control
valve and water
flow switch to

21. NFPA 72-2016 Section Where fire pumps are required to be monitored and
a building fire alarm system is installed, a pump running signal shall be permitted to be
a supervisory or alarm signal.

21. Common Findings: Fire pump and/or Fire pump and/or jockey pump
jockey pump are not connected/monitored at connected/monitored at FDAS

22. Fire Code of the Philippines SECTION FIRE COMMAND CENTER
A. For buildings ten (10) storeys or more, a fire command center shall be provided in a location approved by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction and shall
contain the following features: 1. The emergency voice/alarm communication system unit must have the following features:
a. Provide a predetermined message to the fire area where the alarm originated, actuated by a smoke detector, sprinkler head, water flow device, or manual fire alarm. The
message must provide applicable information and directions to occupants. b. The fire department two-way communication system must operate between the fire command
center and every elevator, elevator lobby, exit stairway, and exit access corridor. A telephone station or jack shall be provided in each fire pump room. NFPA 72 2016 Section
24.8.11 In buildings provided with a two-way telephone communications system, at least one telephone station or jack shall be provided at the following locations: (1) Each
floor level ; (2) Each notification zone ; (3) Each elevator cab ; (4) Elevator lobbies ; (5) Elevator machine room(s) ; (6) Emergency and standby power room(s) ; (7) Fire pump
room(s) ; (8) Area(s) of refuge ; (9) Each floor level inside an enclosed exit stair(s) ; (10) Other room(s) or area(s) as required by the authority having jurisdiction

22. Common
Findings: No
Telephone jack
telephone jack
and/or two-way
and/or two-way
communication communication
system was system was
provided at fire provided at fire
pump room pump room
23. NFPA 72-2016 Section Smoke detectors shall be installed in all areas where required.

24. NFPA 101 ( : Malls with a floor opening connecting more than two levels shall be provided with a smoke control system
NFPA 92 B : mandates smoke management system in mall, atria, and large spaces. Maintain a tenable environment in the means of
egress from large-volume building spaces during the time required for evacuation23. NFPA 72-2016 Section Smoke detectors
shall be installed in all areas where required.

23. Common Findings:

24. Common Findings:
No smoke detector
No smoke evacuation
provided at electro
system was provided
mechanical room,
in a mall atrium
and/or utility room

Detector provided at Smoke evacuation

electro mechanical system was
room, and/or utility provided in a mall
room atrium

25. Based on NFPA 20 ( Except as permitted in, fire pump units serving high-rise buildings shall be protected from
surrounding occupancies by a minimum of 2-hour fire-rated construction or physically separated from the protected building by a minimum of 50 ft (15.3 m).

26. Bus duct Access PEC 2009. 1.10.2 600 Volts, Nominal, or Less Spaces About Electrical Equipment. Sufficient access and working space shall be provided and maintained about all electric equipment to permit
ready and safe operation and maintenance of such equipment. Enclosures housing electrical apparatus that are controlled by a lock(s) shall be considered
accessible to licensed electrical practitioner or non-licensed electrical practitioner under the supervision of a licensed electrical practitioner

26. Common Finding:

No maintenance
25. Common Findings:
access for Busduct 1,
Fire pump is not fire
2 & 3 located at 2nd
rated (i.e wire
Flr Enclosed Shaft;
mesh/cyclone fence
(photo from actual
was provided)
project design)

Busduct provided
Fire pump Room is with working space
fire rated and Maintenance

27. RA 9514 Section B. Dimensional Criteria -

1. Standard stairs shall meet the following criteria:a. New stairs shall be in accordance with Table 2 and 4.
Table 2 - Dimensional Criteria for New Stair

Based on PD No. 1096 NBCP Chapter XII General Design And Construction Requirements
Section 1207: Stairs, Exits and Occupant Loads. (12) Headroom. Every required stairway shall have a headroom clearance of not less than 2.00 meters.Such
clearance shall be established by measuring vertically from a plane parallel and tangent to the atairway tread nosing to the soffit above all points.
• Based on RA 9514 Fire Code of the Philippines Rule 10 - Fire Safety Measure Chapter 2- Fire Safety in Buildings, Structures and Facilities Division 5 -
Means of EgressSection Standards for Fire Exit/Escape Stairs Headroom Clearance Section - General Provision N. The minimum headroom
shall not be less than two meters (2m) nor any projection from the ceiling be less than two meters (2 m) from the floor

27. Common
Findings: Fire exit
at Avida Centera
T4, Avida Vita T3, Design
Avida OPD and headroom for
Alveo Kroma are Stairwell
below the code
required 2m

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