Product Innovation
Product Innovation
Product Innovation
Why does smart firms which have been innovators in the past find themselves in
difficulties under discontinuous conditions?
1. To continually replicate innovation success, you must be insight driven; you must
start with a meaningful consumer or customer issue then, and only then, move to
2. Entrepreneurs are awesome at coming up with those ideas, jumping into action
and getting things done, which means they are idea and prototype factories.
Unfortunately, they often lack the discipline, rigor and time to get ideas to market.
3. Large corporations have the bandwidth, reach, channels, relationships and cash
to do quantitatively and qualitatively robust insight work. Unfortunately, they often
deny what the world is telling them. But they have the ability to see the future if they
want to. This power is priceless.
4. Most large corporations were designed to deliver short-term profit and mitigate
risk. In essence, this means to be competent, they kill or castrate any disruptive idea
because, by definition, these ideas are threatening.
5. The best thinkers in large companies are often frustrated because they have
solutions that would save the firm that go ignored. A great example of this is Steven
Sasson who invented the digital camera while working at Kodak—an idea that Kodak
continually ignored because they believed, correctly, that they had built a different
What might they do to avoid it?
Confidentiality Note: The data represented here are actuals to the extent permissible. Some of this data might be of
competitor interest. Request due discretion in sharing this report or data represented in this report.
Analysis Contents
Digital Customer Digital 3 Business Dimensions :
1.1 2 Business
Do the right Do the Right Things :
things apply digital technology to
Digitize innovate and ultimately delight
Customer’s Disrupt in the NEW digital
your customers
experience era
Disrupt your Product &
External Services offering with
Focus digital 1.2 Do the Things Right :
apply digital technology to
achieve operational excellence in
1.2 Digital Innovation execution and Product
Life-cycle Management
1. Approach to Digital Strategy for Innovation & Product Development
Our approach recognizes two different paths to Digital Strategy definition
depending on targeted business dimensions and the maturity of digital enablers
Do the right
Customer’s Disrupt in the NEW
experience digital era Products & Services
Disrupt your Product & disruption through Customer
Services offering with
fast prototyping experience
leveraging and I&PL operations
extended transformation
digital innovation through digitization
ecosystem projects
(start-ups, …)
Cost & hit rate ratio of new Increased Product Portfolio & Shorter Development &
product development Product Complexity Production Lead Times
Limited skills/resources to Innovate & Develop Products/Services
2. Latest & greatest on digital enablers for IPD transformation
Digitalization is addressing those challenges, providing Innovation & Product
Development capabilities to delight customers & achieve operational excellence
Open Development
Start-ups Partner
PPM technologies Social
Devices Open Innovation
Open Innovation Services
Digital Product & Connected
Customer Process Design Devices Customer
Regulatory authorities
IoT & Digital Product Digital Customer
Analytics Intelligence
Social Networks /
Web communities 3D
Virtual Printing
Reality Innovation
Portfolio 3D Printing
3D printing
Research brokers
Mobile Technologies : All technologies enabling interactions and information exchange via mobile devices
(smartphones, tablets etc.) to support product offering testing and real time consumer feedback
Social Listening : Ability to gather customer centric insights through web listening to develop target idea or product
testing, collect product improvements opportunities or services development opportunities via continuous feedback
Open Innovation & Crowd Sourcing Platform : Collaboration platforms enabling to reach an open or targeted array of
customers to test concepts and sense requirements, collect new ideas
Connected Devices: Environment in which electronic devices, wearable or enabling application specific consumer
interaction, are provided with unique identifiers and have the ability to transfer data over a network without human to
computer interaction thus enabling usage and customer insights
Digital Customer Intelligence: Personalized analytics developed through usage data and/or customer preference
listening through social networks, web sensing, that enable to inform ideation process, product portfolio management
and concept development process
3D Printing : Also known as additive manufacturing (AM), refers to various processes used to synthesize a three-
dimensional object. These objects can be of almost any shape or geometry, and are produced from a 3D Model or other
electronic data source.
Innovation Portfolio Management Tools : Tools enabling to deploy a consistent steering of innovation funnel while
implementing a cross functional and fact based approach to ideas and concept valuation
Virtual Reality & Mixed Immersive Reality : Artificial environment that is created with software, presented to the user
in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real experience environment
2. Latest & greatest on digital enablers for IPD transformation
IPD Digitalization leverages latest technological opportunities to achieve
Operational Excellence in Innovation & Product Development
Operational Excellence Digital Levers
Program / Project Portfolio Management Tools : Tools enabling to manage time, resources, skills, budgets, issue
resolution and risk mitigation of each program / project while providing central visibility and collaboration platform to
ensure efficient and timely planning and scheduling of teams across the company
Open Innovation Platform: tools that enable to improve efficiency and spread of ideas, concepts and solutions
exchange/selection/refinement within and outside of the company
Digital Collaborative Platform : set of tools that enable collaborative innovation and product life-cycle management
across companies, functions, geographies, thus enabling to achieve efficient and agile collaboration within desired
ecosystem and across the entire operating model (ex : iObeya, …)
Operations & Projects Steering by Data : approach that consist in monitoring product development operations &
product introduction projects based on analytics developed from Digital Design and Product Life Cycle Management
tools to enable to proactively predict operations & projects success or failure
Digital Product & Process Design: tools that enable to digitize product design (eg. CAx tools), including product digital
performance evaluation (eg. via performance prediction,,…), digital manufacturing process design / simulation, thus
enabling to reduce time to market, product fit & performance optimization
3D Printing : refers to various processes used to synthesize a three-dimensional object. These objects can be of almost
any shape or geometry, and are produced from a 3D Model or other electronic data source. They can be used for rapid
prototyping, to provide rapid iterations capabilities, customer testing
Connected Workforce: provide constant synchronization of Innovation & Product Development workers with latest
accurate product / process information and body of knowledge thanks to digitized information flows within the
company and across the company ecosystem thus enabling efficient innovation / development execution and optimized
utilization / deployment of skills and resources
IoT & Digital Product Analytics platform: provide consistent & permanent information flow and analytics between
commercialized products and Innovation / Product Life-Cycle workforce thus enabling constant innovation, and
proactive improvement of services / product value proposition
2. Latest & greatest on digital enablers for IPD transformation
Companies have various level of maturity depending on digital enabler
crowdfunding for
successful product off-site, fix it by
introduction rebooting it, deliver a
software upgrade
Product Testing apps Listen to develop new products Digital feedback on products Offering new services along the
for upgrade product
Email Brand web listening Products pushed the market No customer data on product
Projects handled standalone Internally managed innovation Teleconference, screen sharing, Declarative data
data base with file exchange
Program / Project Portfolio Open Innovation Platform Digital Collaborative Operations & Projects
Management Tools Platform Steering by Data
2. Latest & greatest on digital enablers for IPD transformation
Companies have various level of maturity depending on digital enabler
Digital Product & Process 3D Printing Connected Workforce IoT & Digital Product
Design Analytics platform
Analysis Contents
1 2 3 4
Assess impacts & Define business case and
Select digital levers Assess digital readiness
opportunities plan next steps
1 2 3 4
Assess digital Assess supply chain Define business case
Select digital levers
readiness &production impacts and plan next steps
1 2 3 4
Assess “Do the right Assess “Do the things Assess technical
Define digital readiness
things capabilities right” capabilities applicability
Innovation & Product Life-cycle digitalization is a performance enabler, that needs to be built on solid foundations and a
certain level of maturity in terms of Doing the right things upstream Innovation & Product Life Cycle execution.
132 135 Low Entry 0,4 High
116 126 8,1 High 1,5 Ave. 3,2 High
Incremental High Floor, Fav. 17 Strong 12 Dom. 8 Fav. 10
growth (£m) 50 > 16 ton 4,0 Low 1,6 Ave. 0,4 High 14,5 Ave.
150 132 135 High Floor, Weak 18
126 0
116 12-16 ton 24,1 Low
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Standardized 1 2 3 4 5 Customized Weak 21
Next Steps: 100
Benefits1 £ 188m value increase in Simple body 4,8 Low
124 124 chassis 20 22
50 Conservative Scenario Eco. Weak Weak
77 body 6,3 Low 0,8 Low
Define priorities (Quick Wins, etc.) 0
9 237 772 Basic Fav. 14 Tenable 19
Medium body 5,5 Ave. 3,9 Low
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 +412 117 Fav. 15 Strong 5
chassis Eco.
Define a transformation roadmap 57 body 3,5
Ave. 2,0 High
Luxury Weak 23
Additional growth from Optimistic Benefits Price Serve all body 0,2 Low
Additional growth from Conservative Benefits Strong 2 Strong 1
Current incr growth from Innovation in Pipeline Advan. body 10,8 High 13,1 High
Current profile chassis
Target incr growth from Innovation Current Productivity Increased Increased Potential Luxury Fav. 6
Fast follower
pipeline value Increase sales incr Focus on pipeline value body 8,6 Ave.
(Y1-5) pipeline due Breakthrough (Y1-5) Dom. 7
Desired profile Conver. 0,7 High
to Customer Innovations
Centricity Non existing x High priority Competitive
- Portfolio strategic fit - - Portfolio investment horizon -
13 Long term / high risk
15 Medium term / medium risk
17 Short term / low risk
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Start Projects PM Projects
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
% customer
Vehicle Adaptations adaptations 12%
12% 24%
24% 20%
Development 29% Market
22% Adaptations
3. Accenture approach for IPD digital transformation
Step 2 : Assess digital readiness
1 2 3 4
Assess digital Assess supply chain Define business case
Select digital levers
readiness &production impacts and plan next steps
1 2 3 4
Assess “Do the right Assess “Do the things Assess technical
Define digital readiness
things capabilities right” capabilities applicability
Innovation & Product Life-cycle digitalization is a performance enabler, that needs to be built on solid foundations and a
certain level of maturity in terms of Doing the things right during Innovation & Product Life Cycle execution.
Level of Competition
Colgate’s P&G’s Ariel 6.5% competitor in line), the
Protection ($25.3bn)
SoftSoap Excel for Unilever 40 bubble is coloured green.
Nutri-Serums washing at Sunlight Hair Care
colder 4.7% 35 Cotton Wool/Buds/Pads
sachets' small Men’s 12.9% ($70.3bn) Skin Care
temperatures size make the Grooming 30
product ($31.0bn) 5.7% Hair Care
affordable in 25
Nigeria Toilet Paper
JnJ’s Aveeno
Bath and 20 Bath and Shower
Vitality Reckitt Benckiser’s Air 6.55
Wick Odour Detect™ is an 9.1% 15
automatic spray with
($35.1bn) Colour Cosmetics Men’s Grooming
6.8% Colour
Wipes Sun Care
odour sensor technology, Cosmetics 10 Baby Care
which automatically Nappies/ ($49.2bn) Oral Care Deodorants Incontinence
P&G’s Naturella, a low 5
detects and overcomes Diapers/ Sanitary Protection
Affordable premium priced sanitary pad, now 7.7% L Tissues Depilatories Nappies/Diapers/Pants
unpleasant odours Pants 6,9%
technology based product the lead in feminine care o0
lines e- L'Oréal’s new Youth in Mexico, Brazil and ($36.7bn) 7,3% w 0.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 8.1
Code is priced at €16 Oral Care Fragrances ($41.8bn)
Russia Market Growth
($37.3bn) Toilet Paper ($39.7bn)
CAGR % (2011-15)
Feasibility Demonstration
Launch and Roll Out
Multigenerational Innovation
Rapid Manufacturing
Fulfill / Retire
Agile Replenishment
Product Retirement
Product Postmortem
Processes, Tools, and Methods Integrated Processes Processes, Tools, and Methods
Open Innovation System and Networks Integrated Systems Open SC Systems and Networks
1 2 3 4
Assess “Do the right Assess “Do the things Assess technical
Define digital readiness
things capabilities right” capabilities applicability
Once the pre-requisites are confirmed, a list of data needs to be collected to assess from a technical standpoint the feasibility of
each lever.
Open Innovation
Innovation IT Security policies Portfolio IT Security policies
platforms Management
Virtual Reality
Connected & Mixed
Relevant data exportable & readable Digital Product & Process data
Devices Immersive Reality
3. Accenture approach for IPD digital transformation
Step 2 : Assess digital readiness
1 2 3 4
Assess digital Assess supply chain Define business case
Select digital levers
readiness &production impacts and plan next steps
1 2 3 4
Assess “Do the right Assess “Do the things Assess technical
Define digital readiness
things capabilities right” capabilities applicability
Once the pre-requisites are confirmed, a list of data needs to be collected to assess from a technical standpoint the feasibility of
each lever.
Configuration Management
Digital Connected
Digital Product & Process data, idea Relevant data (ERP, PLM, pictures,...)
Collaborative Network infrastructure Workforce exportable & readable
Platform Information tracking system
Operations Quality of the data IoT & Product
Steering by Analytics Relevant data (ERP, PLM, etc.)
Effectiveness of analysis and
Platform exportable & readable
Data interpretation
3. Accenture approach for IPD digital transformation
Step 3 : Assess impacts & opportunities
1 2 3 4
Assess digital Assess supply chain Define business case
Select digital levers
readiness &production impacts and plan next steps
1 2
Evaluate Business
Validate opportunities
Challenge Implement
Kill Possible
Lever Partners
Mobile Technologies
Social Listening
Connected Devices
3D Printing
Lever Partners
Open Innovation
3D Printing
Connected Workforce
Client Innovation
Disruptions Client Impact Workshop
environment ecosystem
detection assessment
analysis research
Identify Client Evaluation & Launch &
Thinking Market Scan MVP – Pilot Run
Problem Pre-selection Scale
Open Innovation
“Innovation Think tank
Safari Project Prototype Pilot Implement
Center” discussion
Lean start up
VCs, external Large Company
SMEs… Innovators
(HP, JDA, Intel, etc.)