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 Availability of vehicles -14 year old vehicles

 Shortage of internet DSLAM Equipment

(Digital Subscriber Line Access Module)

 Unavailability of spare ports

 Multitasking / Shortage of manpower(Technical Operations)

-exodus to Singapore

 Delayed response of handling customer complaints

How to Choose the Problem

 Basic Priority Rating System (BPRS)

- is a tool on how to choose which problem needs
to be solved first, and which offers an achievable
solution given a period of time.
(Sustainable Mgt. Development Program)
Priority Setting 1. Size of the Problem
(Component A)

Percent of Resulting
Observed Problems Subscribers Rating
Availability of vehicles 20% 2
-14 year old vehicles
Shortage of internet DSLAM equipments 15% 1
Unavailability of spare ports 30% 3
Multitasking / Shortage of manpower 40% 4
(exodus to Singapore)
Delayed response of handling customer 30% 3

Note: Rating: 1.0-20%= 1-2; 21-40%=3-4; 41-60%=5-6; 61-80%=7-8; 81& 100%=9-10

Priority Setting 2: Seriousness of the Problem
(Component B)

Observed Problems Seriousness of the Problem Resulting

being considered Rating
Availability of vehicles Delayed response of repairs 5
-14 year old vehicles and installation; customers’
Shortage of internet DSLAM Migration of subscribers to 7
Equipments competitor (new subs)
Unavailability of spare ports Migration of subscribers to 8
competitor (existing subs)

Multitasking / Shortage of Inefficient delivery of expected 10

manpower( Exodus to services
Delayed response of handling Dissatisfaction of subscribers 10
customer complaints That may cause migration to
Note: 1-2-not serious; 3-5-mod serious; 6-8 serious; 9-10 very serious
Priority Setting 3. Intervention Effectiveness Rating
(Component C)

Observed Problems Immediate Effective Interventions Resulting

in Preventing Observed Problems Rating
Availability of vehicles Refleeting:Capital Budget 1
-14 year old vehicles
Shortage of internet DSLAM Purchase:Capital budget; 2
Equipment availability of supplies
-Purchase but dependent on
Unavailability of spare availability of supplies 5
ports -Re grooming of hardware from
other local exchanges
Multitasking/Shortage of Replacement of resigned staff- 2
manpower (exodus to dependent on HR
Delayed response of Logistical support 4
handling customer
Note: 1-intervention not available; 2-3 hardly available; 4-relatively available; 5-available
Basic Priority Rating System

Observed Problem Component BPRS Rank

Rating Formula
A B C (A+2B) x C

Availability of vehicles -14 2 5 1 12

year old vehicles 5th

Shortage of internet port 1 7 2 30

facilities 4th

Unavailability of spare ports 3 8 5 95


Multitasking / Shortage of 4 10 2 48
manpower (exodus to 3rd
Using Basic Priority Rating System (BPRS), the choice problem is :
Unavailability of spare ports, having gained an overall rating of 95, from
BPRS formula {(A+2B)xC)};
with components A or Size of the problem = 3;
B or seriousness of the problem = 8; and
C or intervention effectiveness = 5.

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