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Young people are more likely to develop

positive, healthy attitudes about themselves.
This is also true when the subject is sex.
Research shows that positive communication
between parents and their children can help
young people establish individual values and
make healthy decisions.

The scope of issues and problems relating to

human sexuality is immeasurable. These
include: sexually transmitted disease, unwanted
pregnancy and unwed mothers, rape,
overpopulation, jealousy, infidelity and
homophobia .
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are mainly passed
from one person to another during sex. There are at least
25 different sexually transmitted diseases with a range of
different symptoms. These diseases may be spread
through vaginal, anal and oral sex.

Most sexually transmitted diseases will only affect you if

you have sexual contact with someone who has an STD.
However there are some infections, for example scabies,
which are referred to as STDs because they are most
commonly transmitted sexually, but which can also be
passed on in other ways.
Symptoms include long lasting
infections, diarrhea, night sweats,
fever, weight loss, swollen glands,
coughing and shortness of breath.
Some of the effects on your health
are immune system damage leading
to cancer, pneumonia, brain damage
and death.
Symptoms include itching or
burning during urination, vaginal
discharge, white discharge from
penis, pelvic pain, or no symptoms
at all. Some of the effects on your
health are pelvic inflammatory
disease, epididymitis, and sterility.
Chlamydia can be cured with
Symptoms include sores on penis or
vagina, vaginal discharge. fever,
tiredness, itching, and aches and
pains. The first attack is quite painful
recurrent flare ups are less painful.
Reoccurring flare ups may occur 4-7
times a year. The symptoms can be
treated but there is not a cure for
Genital Herpes.
Symptoms include vaginal or penile
discharge and burning during
urination. At times you may not
experience any symptoms at all.
Some of the effects on your health
include pelvic inflammatory disease,
epididymitis, infertility and arthritis.
Gonorrhea can be cured with
Symptoms include sore on penis or
vagina, mouth, anus or elsewhere,
low fever, sore throat and other sores
or rashes. If left untreated your
health are damage to the heart,
blood vessels and nervous system,
blindness, deafness, insanity and
death. Syphilis can be treated with
Genita Symptoms include genital
itching, irritation or bleeding. Warts
may appear as small cauliflower
shaped clusters. If left untreated,
warts may grow in size and number
and in females may increase the risk
of cervical cancer. Genital Warts can
be treated (but not cured) with
medications applied directly to them
or with surgery to remove them.
Other Problems Related
to Sexuality
You're in the middle of college, and you're
pregnant. Or you're in the military. Or you
are the victim of rape. Or the pregnancy
was from a just-broken relationship.
There are dozens of reasons a woman
may find herself contemplating what to
do about an unplanned pregnancy. And
with any pregnancy, there are three
choices: parenting the baby, placing it for
adoption, or abortion.
Parent who is responsible for
raising children alone. Some
women choose to have children
on their own but the majority
becomes single parents after
separation or the death of their
Sometimes also called sexual assault, can
happen to both men and women of any age.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
defines rape as: "The penetration, no matter
how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body
part or object, or oral penetration by a sex
organ of another person, without the consent of
the victim". No matter how it happened, rape is
frightening and traumatizing. People who have
been raped need care, comfort, and a way to
In many intimate relationships,
in many cultures, there an
implied expectation of
superiority, especially in sexual
matters. Infidelity (known as
cheating) most commonly refers
to a breach of the expectation of
sexual exclusivity
The hatred or fear of homosexuals that
is, lesbians and gay men leading to acts
of violence and expressions of hostility.
Homophobia is not any one segment of
society, and can be found in people
from all walks of life. Organized hate
groups have viciously attacked
homosexuals and have used especially
violent language in attempting to
persecute and intimidate them.
How to solve sex related
1. Consult a physician,
gynecologist or urologist
and get guidance .
2. Don't visit quacks.
3. When you are with
partner, don't think
about anything else.
Forget about stress at
job, other tensions, etc.
4. Discuss your
problems with
the sex partner. .
5. Don 't go for
over the counter
6. Sexually
diseases ( STD's)
should be treated
What can I do to protect
myself against sexually
transmitted diseases?
Know the common symptoms
of sexually transmitted
diseases. These are: a sort
discharge (dripping), burning,
rash, severe itch, pain or
swollen glands around the
organs. Later: loss of hair or
abdominal (stomach) pains.
• Do not have sex
with someone if
you or they have
these symptoms .
• Come to the clinic or
see your private
provider right away if
you have these
• Limit the
number of
sexual partners.
• Have your partner(s)
use condoms
(rubbers) when you
have sex.
• Latex condoms, when used
consistently and correctly. are
highly effective I preventing
transmission of HIV, the virus
that causes All)S. In addition,
correct and consistent use of
latex condoms can reduce the
risk of other sexually
transmitted diseases.
• Know your
limitations .
• Don't take
partner for

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