Types of Managment Theory

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• In 1909, Taylor published “The Principles of
Scientific Management”.
• Taylor believed that all workers were
motivated by money, so he promoted the
idea of “a fair day's pay for a fair day's
• Frederick taylor developed the scientific or
classical management theory.
• To make organizations more effective.
• Managers are able to distill that helps them
run their businesses more efficiently and
• Worked for mechanized operations, but it
did not do justice to the human element.
• At the end of the 19th century, it was German sociologist and
author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
(1905), Max Weber who was the first to use and describe the
term bureaucracy.
• This is also known as the Bureaucratic Management Theory.
• Stresses clearly designated roles for employees and
management based on their hierarchies that streamune authority
and make it clear.
• Reduced simply to a mechanical, systematized approach to
managing human beings.
• He also wrote about the dangers inherent hierarchical
The following three elements support
Bureaucratic Management:
1. All regular activities within a bureaucracy
can be regarded as official duties;
2. Management has the authority to impose
3. Rules can easily be respected on the
basis of established methods.
• Elton Mayo is considered the founder of the Human
Relations Theory.
• Prior to this trend, Elton Mayo already started an
experiment in the Hawthorne experiment.
• There was a great deal of discontent among the
30,000 workers in the Hawthorne plants in Chicago
in the early twenties of the lastcentury.
• Elton Mayo and this assistant , including Fritz
Roetlishberger, conducted research into changing
working conditions.
• Individual employees and a sense of
belonging to a group;
• Informal groups in the workplace have a
strong influence on the behaviour of
employees in said group;
• Manager must take social needs, such as
belonging to an (informal) group ,
• Over the course of the 20th century,
management systems became more human-
• Bringing out the potential of the people they
• Importance of aligning the needs of the
• Adopting policies aimed at their mutual benefit.
• As a technical and general academic area of study it
predominantly refers to the science of systems that resulted from
Bertalanffy's General System Theory (GST), among others, in
iniating what became a project of system research and practice.
• Systems Theory is the interdisciplinary study of systems.
• The term “general systems theory” orginates from Bertalanffy's
general systems theory (GST).
• His ideas were adopted by others including Kenneth E. Boulding,
William Ross Ashby and Anatol Rapoport working in
mathematics, psychology, biology, game theory and social
network analysis.
• Holistic patterns in scientific and
metaphysical contexts.
• Aims for achieving an integrated and
balanced whole in business as well.
• Understanding the cycles regulating a
system's inputs and outcomes.
• Recognizing and leveraging the particular
patterns that a company's operations
• System theoretical approaches were later
appropriated in the fiields, such as in the
structural functionalist sociology of Talcott
Parsons and Niklas Lihmann.
• System Theory maintains of “ General System
Theory “from German into english has
“Wrought a certain amount of havoc”.
• Systems Theory is the interdisciplinary study
of systems.
Answer the following:
1-4. What are the 4 types of Management Theory?
5.In what year Taylor published ”The Principles of Scientific
6. What is the Theory that holistic patterns in scientific and
metaphysical contexts?
7. Who was the first to use and describe the term bureaucracy?
8. Who considered the founder of the Human Relations Theory?
9. It is the interdisciplinary study of systems.
10. Who developed the Scientific Management Theory?
1. Scientific Management Theory
2. Bureaucratic Management Theory
3. Human Relations Theories
4. System Theory
5. 1909
6. System Theory
7. Max Weber
8. Elton Mayo
9. System Theory
10. Frederick Taylor

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