Placement Presentation Module 4

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Placement Registration Form
The student should have appeared for all the
examinations & earned a valid grade.
The candidate will be sent for the interview which
he/she MUST attend according to the schedule. In
case student wishes to change the time and date
of interview he/she should inform the placement
in-charge well in advance.
The candidate is required to contact Jetking after
attending the interview to furnish the detail

• When a candidate gets an offer for a job either

by an offer letter or appointment letter,
he/she will have to produce the same for
Jetking record & information.
• The student must attend all mock interviews /
extra grooming classes if required that are
conducted by Jetking time to time to prepare
him to face interviews.
Salary Negotiation
Remember, salary is the amount that market will support for your services. Most
organizations, both large and small, establish salary ranges for every position
based on
standards and general practices for the field. Organizations determine where an
employee falls in the salary range based on experience and special expertise or
knowledge. It is in the organization’s best interest to hire you for fair market value
for several reasons. organizations want to hire and retain good employees. It is
unproductive to pay you less than other employees

• Tips for Successful Salary Negotiation

• Don’t Start with Asking “What would be my Salary?”

• Show Your Worth
• Appreciate What Interviewee Wants From You
• Be Realistic About Your Salary Expectations
• Nothing is Final, So Be Flexible
Making a good start in a new job
Importance of First Impression

You never get a second chance to

make a first impression

First impression

First Impression

• Never under estimate the impact of first impressions.

• The first few days are when your boss and colleagues form the most
lasting impressions about you.
• First impressions about you and your future potential can make a major
impact on your future success with the organization.
• First impressions about people often turn into long-term perceptions and
• Good for people who make positive first impressions - the halo effect but
• Bad for people who make negative first impressions - the horn effect
The good news is that

• Most employers realize that there is a learning

curve for most positions.

• There is often an unofficial grace period while

you settle into your job.
How to make a great first impression
when you’re starting a new job?

Making a great first impression

Have a positive Take notes Be a good listener

Take the initiative Keep track of your
Dress Be punctual
professionally Ability to work
Have a good under pressure
Show your attendance record
team spirit Show genuine
Avoid office politics
Learn colleagues
and gossip
names quickly Find a mentor

Keep personal
Be organized
Ask questions work to the
Positive Attitude

Have a positive attitude

• Nothing works better in all situations than

having and expressing a positive attitude.

• Let your enthusiasm for being part of the

team and the organization show.

• Always leave non-work problems at home.

Dressing professionally

Dress professionally
• Never underestimate the importance of dressing professionally in your
new job.

• In the beginning, even if your department has casual days, you should
dress professionally because you never know when you’ll be called out to
meet a top manager or key client.

• Perfectly groomed means efficient and reliable in work; unkempt means

disorganized and therefore difficult to trust with different assignments.

• After awhile, people realize these things do not necessarily correspond,

but initially, your looks and dress are your representation to them.
Team Spirit

Show Your Team Spirit

• You are now part of a team, and teams

work together to solve problems and get
the job done.

• Show loyalty to your colleagues and focus

more initially on sharing any recognition
you get with the team.

• Always give credit to the team.

Remembering names

Learn your colleagues names quickly

• No one expects you to remember everyone’s

name by the end of the first day or week

• But if you are bad with names you can use

some memory-aid tricks to remember names.

• If you are in a situation in which you forget a

person’s name, the best solution is to simply
apologize and ask the person’s name again.
Ask questions

Ask questions or for help
• No one expects you to solve all the organization’s
problems on your first few days on the job.
• Nobody expects you to know everything.
• So, relax a bit, and always ask questions or ask for
help when you need it.
• Remember that it’s better to ask before you’ve
completed the task the wrong way and wasted all
that time.
• Communicate openly with colleagues and
• Keep your ego at home.
Make Notes

Take Notes

• Make notes on all the various systems and

rules of the organization.

• Attend all orientation/induction sessions.

• Nothing is more irritating than a person who

repeatedly asks for the way a system works in
the organization.
Display initiative

Take the initiative

• In your first days on the job, you will be

given small doses of work.

• As you finish assignments and are ready

to handle a bigger workload, take the
initiative and ask for more assignments.

• Be proactive and volunteer for

Be Punctual

Be punctual

• Your reputation takes a beating if you

routinely come to work late or leave work

• In the first few days/weeks on the job, be

sure you get to work early and do not leave
earlier than when the majority of your co-
workers leave.

• In the beginning, be totally dedicated to

being there all the time and picking up as
much as you can possibly handle.
Good attendance record

Have a good attendance record

• It is very important to show up to work

every day and establish a good attendance

• Save the leave entitlement for emergencies

and sickness.
Avoid office politics

Avoid office politics and gossip

• Disassociate yourself from the office

politics and gossip to avoid being branded
as ‘political’.

• Stay out of the office politics as long as

you can.

• Inevitably you will get exposed to it and

may also participate in the same
Avoid personal work

Keep Personal Business on Company Time to a Minimum

• Keep your personal work to the minimum and stay

focused on your work.

• In the initial few weeks especially, keep away from all

personal work on company time like
– Checking personal email
– Chatting on the internet messenger with
– Booking personal air/train tickets on the net
– Making personal phone calls – local and
– Chatting with family and friends on the phone for a
long time
Be a good listener

Be a good listener

• Resist the temptation to come across as a


• If you have a legitimate contribution,

make it, but if not, do more listening and
absorbing in the first few days on the job.
Track your achievements

Keep track of your achievements

• It is up to you to keep track of your


• No one else will do it for you.

• Helps you in the following ways:

– for personal satisfaction
– for annual appraisals and
– for future job-hunting
Show appreciation

Show appreciation

• Show your genuine appreciation to

– everyone who has helped you to learn the job

• It can be your boss, colleagues or the HR

Be organized

Be organized

• Use an organizer to keep track of daily


• A ‘To Do’ list will help organize and

prioritize tasks on a daily basis.
Last but not the least……

Find a mentor in the organization

Find a mentor

• A mentor is a person who shares his experience,

knowledge and wisdom about the workplace in

• Typically a relationship between a senior manager

and a junior employee.

• A person who provides advice, guidance and


• Enlist the support of a senior manager ideally from

another department.
Current Vacancies

Requireme Required Job


12 Desktop, MS outlook,
1 Microland 12 detail JD in sheet 2

HP support voice. Btech
/BE fresher/ under grad
2 Redington 3 6 with min. 1 yr exp
Thank You

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