Cara Baca Radiologi

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JUNI 11TH 2019

Coass in charge:
Arizal Novrianto
Aifatin Venysya
Miera Maryama

dr. Indrastuti Nurmahayu, Sp. Rad (K)

No. Name Age Imaging Indication

1 Mr. B 21 yo Thorax PA Suspek HAPE
2 Mr. K 85 yo Thorax PA Susp. TB paru
3 Mrs. B 54 yo Thorax PA Ca Ovarium + post kemoterapi
4 Mr. M 37 yo Waters RSK Maxillaris D/S
5 Mrs. S 40 yo BOF 3 position Cystoma ovarii
6 Mrs. E 61 yo Thorax AP Dengue Fever
Femur AP, axial
7 Mr. S 50 yo Fracture Femur sinistra
Name : Mr. B
Age : 21 yo
Photo : Thorax PA
Indication : Susp. HAPE
Thorax PA
Thorax PA

•Cor: site shape and size normal

•Aorta: elongation(+), dilatation(-), calcification(-)
•Trachea: in the middle
•Pulmo D/S: increase vascular pattern
infiltrate perivascular (+), cavity(-), nodule(-)
•Costophrenic angle D/S : Sharp
•Hemidiaphragm D: Dome shaped
S : Dome shaped
•Bones: intact, no lytic lesion or blastic lesion or fracture line
•Soft tissue: normal

- Edema pulmonum
Name : Mr. K
Age : 85 yo
Photo : Thorax PA
Indication : Susp. TB paru
Thorax PA
Thorax PA

•Cor: site shape and size normal

•Aorta: elongation(+), dilatation(-), calcification(+)
•Trachea: in the middle
•Pulmo D/S: vascular pattern & hillus normal
infiltrate (-), cavity(-), nodule(-)
•Costophrenic angle D/S : Sharp
•Hemidiaphragm D: Dome shaped
S : Dome shaped
•Bones: intact, no lytic lesion or blastic lesion or fracture line
•Soft tissue: normal

- Aortasclerosis
- No pulmonary TB
Name : Mrs. B
Age : 54 yo
Photo : Thorax PA
Indication : Ca Ovarium + post
Thorax PA
Thorax PA

•Cor: site shape and size normal

•Aorta: elongation(-), dilatation(-), calcification(+)
•Trachea: In the middle
•Pulmo D/S: vascular pattern and hilus normal
nodule(+) on lung sinistra
•Costophrenic angle D/S: Sharp
•Hemidiaphragm D/S: dome shaped
•Bones: intact, no lytic lesion or blastic lesion or fracture line
•Soft tissue: normal

- Lung nodule sinistra susp. Metastatic process
- Aorta sklerotic
Name : Mr. M
Age : 37 Tahun
Photo : Waters View
Indication : RSK Maksilaris D/S
Waters View
Foto Waters
• Sinus maxillaris D/S : tampak penebalan dinding sinus maxilaris dextra
• Sinus frontalis D/S : normal
• Sinus ethmoidalis D/S: normal
• Sinus sphenoidalis : normal
• Cavum nasi : tampak penebalan dinding cavum nasi dextra sinistra
• Septum nasi : ditingah

Rhinosinusitis maxillaris bilateral
Name : Mrs. S
Age : 40 Tahun
Photo : BOF 3 position
Indication : Cystoma ovarii
Pre peritoneal fat line D/S : Normal
Psoas line : Covered by bowel air
Hepar/Spleen Contour : Normal
Renal D/S countour : Covered by bowel air
Sceleton : Normal, No osteolytic and osteoblastic
lesion. No osteofit.
Increasing bowel air with dilatation of small intestine with herring bone
appearance and short step ladder sign in laterolateral position. Air
distribution in cavum pelvis (+)
Free air extralumen (-)
Radioopaque stone in tractus urinarius (-)

Conclusion : Small bowel obstruction

Name : Mrs. E
Age : 61 Tahun
Photo : Thorax AP
Indication : Dengue fever
Thorax AP
Oppacity in hemithorax sinistra which covered left hemidiafragma and costophenrenicus
angle sinistra

Cor : Size and shape large. CTR 60%

Aorta : no elongation, dilation, and calsification
Trachea : in the middle
Pulmo : Vascular pattern was normal, Hilus D/S normal.
There are not infiltrate/cavitas/nodule
Costophrenicus angle D/S : sharp
Hemidiaphragma D/S : Dome shaped
Skeleton : intact, the are not fracture, osteolytic and osteoblastic
Soft tissue: normal

- Pleural efussion sinistra
- Susp Pleural effusion dextra
- Cardiomegaly
Name : Mr. S
Age : 50 Tahun
Photo : Pelvis, Femur AP Axial
Indication : Fracture femur sinistra
Femur AP Axial
Alignment : Disalignment
Bone : Fracture oblique 1/3 proximal sinistra
Cartilage : Normal
Soft tissue : Normal

Conclusion : Fracture os Femur oblique 1/3 proximal


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