Normal Distributions: The Normal Curve, Skewness, Kurtosis, and Probability

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M A E D 6 0 2 : S TAT I S T I C A L M E T H O D S

The Normal Curve, Skewness, Kurtosis, and


Affiliate, ESSU-Graduate School
Session Objectives
In this fraction of the course on Statistical Methods, graduate students
enrolled in the subject are expected to do the following:

1. Describe normal distributions 4. Interpret areas under the normal

through the properties of the normal curves as probabilities.
curve. 5. Define skewness and kurtosis.
2. Convert raw scores into standard (z) 6. Describe a distribution in terms of its
scores. skewness and kurtosis based on its
3. Compute for the area under the curve
normal curve.

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Distributions and
their Curve
Defining what is normal to know what is not
Consider the following histograms.

Which of these best represents the following distributions:

(1) Height of adult women; (2) monthly income of employees in a
company; (3) weight of male college students; (4) number of
Facebook friends of teenagers; (5) marrying age of men
▷ This is an example of a normal distribution.

A normal distribution is a continuous probability

distribution defined by the probability density function:
Normal distributions are also called the Bell or Gaussian Distribution.

Normal distributions are not represented by just one normal curve but a
family of normal curves.

The shape of these normal curves are determined by two important

quantities: the mean and the standard deviation.
• Defined by the mean and standard deviation
• Symmetric around the mean
• The three measures of central tendency are equal
• Unimodal
• The area under the curve is 1.0
• Denser in the center, less in the tails
• Asymptotic to the x-axis

Properties of • 68% of the area of the normal curve is within one

standard deviation of the mean, 95% within 2
the Normal
sd’s, 99.7% within 3 sd’s (Empirical rule)
• Symmetric around
the mean
Normal Distribution Bimodal Distribution • The three measures
of central tendency
are equal
• Unimodal
• Denser in the
center, less in the

Positively-skewed Negatively-skewed
Distribution Distribution
(Skewed to the right) (Skewed to the left)
Standard Score and
Area Under the
Normal Curve
How far do you mean? What are my chances?
The mean score of 250 job applicants of a private company in an English
Proficiency Test is 67 with a standard deviation of 6. If this data is normally
distributed, what interval would represent scores within one standard deviation
away from the mean? 2 standard deviations? 3?

Jason was one of the applicants. He was told that he got a score of 79 in the test.
What percent of the applicants did Jason outrank in the test with his score?

Kaye also took the test and obtained a score of 75. What percent of the
applicants did she outrank
  in the test?
▷The standard score, or z score, is the number of standard deviations
that a given value x is above or below the mean. It is found by using
the formula:

The z score is used to identify the probability that a score falls below a
value, above a value, or within an interval of values in a normal
distribution. This is done with the aid of the z table.

What is the probability that an applicant got a score of 70 or

less? greater than 60? at least 80?

What is the probability that an applicant got a score between

58 and 69?
▷ IQ scores have a bell-shaped distribution with a
mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Determine
the percentage of adults that meet the following
conditions. Draw a sketch and shade the proper region for
each problem.

1. IQ greater than 125

2. IQ equal to 125
3. IQ less than 93
4. IQ between 111 and 134
5. IQ either less than 80 or greater than 140.
6. Find the IQ that corresponds to .

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