Multi Degree of Freedom MDOF Vibaratory
Multi Degree of Freedom MDOF Vibaratory
Multi Degree of Freedom MDOF Vibaratory
MDoF system, eigen values, eigen vectors, modal analysis, orthogonal properties.
A Simplified Analysis of the Vibration of an Airplane
Multi‐degree of freedom systems
• Modeling of continuous systems as multi degree of freedom systems
• Eigen value problem
• As stated before, most engineering systems are continuous and have an
infinite number of degrees of freedom. The vibration analysis of continuous
systems requires the solution of partial differential equations, which is quite
• In fact, analytical solutions do not exist for many partial differential
equations. The analysis of a multi degree of freedom system on the other
hand, requires the solution of a set of ordinary differential equations, which
is relatively simple. Hence, for simplicity of analysis, continuous systems
are often approximated as multi degree of freedom systems.
• For a system having n degrees of freedom, there are n associated natural
frequencies, each associated with its own mode shape.
• Different methods can be used to approximate a continuous system as a
multi degree of freedom system. A simple method involves replacing the
distributed mass or inertia of the system by a finite number of lumped
masses or rigid bodies.
• The lumped masses are assumed to be connected by mass-less elastic and
damping members.
• Linear coordinates are used to describe the motion of the lumped masses. Such
models are called lumped parameter of lumped mass or discrete mass systems.
• The minimum number of coordinates necessary to describe the motion of the
lumped masses and rigid bodies defines the number of degrees of freedom of
the system. Naturally, the larger the number of lumped masses used in the
model, the higher the accuracy of the resulting analysis.
• Some problems automatically indicate the type of lumped parameter model to
be used.
• For example, the three storey building shown in the figure automatically
suggests using a three lumped mass model as indicated in the figure.
• In this model, the inertia of the system is assumed to be concentrated as three
point masses located at the floor levels, and the elasticity's of the columns are
replaced by the springs.
• Another popular method of approximating a continuous system as a multi
degree of freedom system involves replacing the geometry of the system by a
large number of small elements.
• By assuming a simple solution within each element, the principles of
compatibility and equilibrium are used to find an approximate solution to the
original system. This method is known as the finite element method.
Using Newton’s second law to derive equations of motion
The equations of motion of complete system:
Displacement Velocity Acceleration Force Vector
First, we set the displacement of mass 1 equal to one and the displacements
of mass 2 and mass 3 equal to zero The equilibrium of forces for the different
masses and in the horizontal direction yields:
The solution
Next the displacements of the masses are assumed as x1=0, x2=1, x3=0
The force equilibrium equations of the masses are:
The stiffness and flexibility matrices are the inverse of one another
Eigenvalue Problem
if the system is conservative, there are no non conservative forces so the equations
of motion become
Note also that if the generalized coordinates x are same as the actual (physical)
displacements, the mass matrix [m] is a diagonal matrix.
The solution of Eq. above corresponds to the undamped free vibration of the
system. In this case, if the system is given some energy in the form of initial
displacements or initial velocities or both, it vibrates indefinitely, because there
is no dissipation of energy. We can find the solution of above Eq. by assuming a
solution of the form
From which we can obtain the relations
Since the left side of Eq. above is independent of the index i, and the right side is
independent of t, both sides must be equal to a constant. By assuming this constant
as ω² we can write Eq. above as
Problem for Eigen Value, Eigen Vector, Natural Frequencies, Mode Shapes
A three-degree-of-freedom spring-mass system
For and
Flexibility matrix [a] can be calculated by taking inverse of [k] matrix.
Once the natural frequencies are known, the mode shapes or eigenvectors can be
calculated using equation:
denotes the ith mode shape. The procedure is outlined next slide.
First Mode: By substituting the value of ω1 (i.e. ), we obtain:
That is,
The solution of Eqs. can be obtained and first mode shape is given by:
The values of is chosen arbitrarily. Values are usually taken as 1.
The mode shapes are shown in Figure below:
Orthogonality of Normal Modes
In general, leads to
we also obtain,
Equations indicate that the modal vectors and are orthogonal with
respect to both mass and stiffness matrices.
When i=j the left sides of Eqs. are not equal to zero, but they do yield the
generalized mass and stiffness coefficients of the i th mode:
where [X] is called the modal matrix, in which the i th column corresponds to
the i th modal vector:
In many cases, we normalize the modal vectors such that that is
Modal Analysis
Modal analysis is a powerful tool to determine the free and forced vibrations of
MDOF systems. We can Consider Physical MDOF system to be replaced by
several SDOF Systems, each SDOF system representing one Specific Natural
Mode. This process of determining the modal masses and stiffness in each mode
of Vibration of a MDOF and determine the response in each of the modes to
determine the total behavior is modal analysis.
Undamped Free Vibrations:
We saw that there exist a set of coordinates called the principal coordinates, which
express the equations of motion in uncoupled form. Such coordinates enabled each
equation to be solved independently of others.
A modal matrix [U] is referred to a square matrix where in each column represents
an eigenvector.
Thus for an n degree of freedom system
Let the differential equation of motion for an n-degree of freedom undamped system be
x K x 0
To decuple these equations, let us use the linear transformation
x Uy
where yare the principal coordinate s and can be found out by pre
- multiplyin g the above equation by U to
U M U y U ' K U y 0
The term U ' M U and U '
K U in above equation are each a diagonal matrix.
Since the off diagonal terms which involve rth row and sth column express the
orthogonality relationships which are zero:
that is Xr M Xs 0, r s
The diagonal terms inU M U and U K U which involves rth row and rth
' '
column give us the generalized mass and the generalized stiffness terms,
that is Xr M Xs M r , r s
Thus the above equation as detailed below are n-uncoupled differential equations of
motion for an n-degree of freedom system in terms of the principal coordinates y.
yr 2 r yr 0 (r 1,2,......n)
The solution of the above equation is
yr {A r cosr t Br sin r t] (r 1,2,......n)
The above equation can be rewritten as
y {Acos t Bsin t]
Which give the vibratory response of undamped free vibrations Ar and Br (r 1,2,......n)
can be obtained from initial conditions.
Previous equation can be seen to be expanded and put in the following form which is
more convenient at times.
x X1 y1 X2 y 2 ....Xr y r ....Xn y n
Damped Free Vibrations
Apart from static and/or dynamic coupling amongst the generalized coordinates
x1 , x 2 ......x n , there exist now damping coupling also. The equations can get uncoupled
with regard to damping if the damping matrix contains only the diagonal terms i.e. if
Cij 0, i j
Let us use a linear transformation x Uy as before in undamped case, {y} being
the column of principal coordinates.
Substituting above and pre-multiplying transpose of [U], we get:
U M U y U CU y U ' K U y 0
' '
First and last term of previous equation reduce to following diagonal matrices:
Term containing [C] does not reduce to a diagonal matrix unless we use a concept of
proportional damping i.e. [C] being proportional to [M] or to [K] or a linear
combination of both. Let C α[M] β[K]
Where α and β are constants.
Then U CU αU [M]U βU [K]U
' ' '
Equating term α βω2 r 2ζ r ωr 31
So final equation give us
Forced vibrations
The differential equation of motion for forced vibration of a n-degree of freedom
system can be written as: M
x [c] x K x F
Using the concept of proportional damping equation becomes:
Left hand side is identical to damped vibration case and right hand side of equation can
be written as follows:
where 33
So final equation is as follows:
Multi-rotor system example These system are quite common in internal
combustion engines besides many other machinery
Adding all the above equations, we have
The left hand side of the above equations represents the sum of the inertia torques on all
discs and it is equal to zero since there is no external torque on the system. However, if
there are external torques acting on the system at different points, then we must have
After substituting the matrix values, the frequency equation can be obtained directly.
Special Case Three Rotor System
For a case of a three rotor system having two connecting shafts as shown in figure
equations becomes:
On rearranging we have
In the determinant form, the matrix expressions for the system of Fig. are:
The mode shapes can be obtained from the first and third equation and these are
When ω=0, both the above ratios are unity, indicating that the whole system rotates
rigidly, and there is no vibration as such. This is typical in a semi-definite system. For
value of 1 (the smaller of the two natural frequencies), one of the ratios in
equation is positive while the other is negative. And for 2 both ratios are negative.
The mode shapes are of the form shown in figure.