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Quality control is the term used to describe the practical steps

undertaken to ensure that errors in the analytical data are of a

magnitude appropriate for
the use to which the data will be put.

This implies that the errors have to be

quantified to enable a decision whether they
are of an acceptable magnitude, and that
unacceptable errors are discovered so that
corrective action can be
So, using the Standard Deviation we have a "standard"
way of knowing what is normal, and what is extra
large or extra small.
The The "Sample Standard
"Population Standard Deviation"

Looks complicated, but the important change is to

divide by N-1 (instead of N) when calculating a Sample Variance.
Tuberculosis is a chronic granulomatous disease and a major health
problem in developing countries. It was first isolated in 1882 by a
German physician named Robert Koch who received the Nobel Prize for
this discovery. About one third of world population is infected with
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. In India, annually 2 million people develop
active disease every year.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It typically affects the lungs (pulmonary TB)
but can affect other sites as well (extrapulmonary TB). The disease is
spread in the air when people who are sick with pulmonary TB expel
bacteria, for example by coughing. In general, a relatively small
proportion of people infected with Mycobacteriumtuberculosis will go on
to develop TB disease; however, the probability of developing TB is
much higher among people infected with the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV). TB is also more common among men than women and
affects mostly adults in the economically productive age groups; around
two-thirds of cases are estimated to occur among people aged 15–59
years (1).
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hypertension in adults patients,
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either alone or in combination
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with other antihypertensive
"In adults (≥ 18 years), as part of
 Combination therapy of pulmonary
tuberculosis  due to multi-drug
Bedaquiline Tablet 100 mg resistant  Mycobacterium 14.01.2015
tuberculosis when an effective
treatment regimen cannot
 Otherwise be provided”.   

For the treatment of adults with type 2

diabetes mellitus to achieve glycaemic
control in patients who are not controlled on
existing therapy:
 In combination with the following oral
Lixisenatide pre-filled solution for
antibiotics: 15.01.2015
injection 10µg/20 µg
-Metformin, a sulphonyl urea, or a
combination of these agents.
In combination with a basal insulin: alone, in
combination with metformin, or in
combination with sulphonyl urea.
“In adult aged 18 years and older with
 Type-II diabetic mellitus to improve
 glycemic control:  
As mono-therapy when diet and exercise 
alone do not provide adequate glycemic 
control in patients for whom use of 
metformin is considered inappropriate 
Dapagliflozin Tablet 5mg/10mg due to intolerance. 
As add-on combination therapy in 
combination therapy in combination 
with other glucose- lowering medicinal
 products including insulin, when these,
 together with diet and exercise, do not
 provide adequate glycemic control"

“As an adjunct to diet and exercise to

Emphagliflozin Tablet  improve glycemic Control in adults
10mg/25mg with
 Type 2 diabetes Mellitus.”
For the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
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diet and Exercise

“ As an adjunct to the diet & exercise

improve to improve glycemic control
adults with type-2 diabetes mellitus,
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as an
monotherapy or in  combination with
metformin in patients with
glycemic control on metformin alone”

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