Software Testing.c

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Presented By

Moulika Mani.O
1. Software Development Life Cycle
2. What is Software Testing?
3. Why should we do Software Testing?
4. Kinds of Testing
5. Types of Testing Methodologies
6. Differences between White Box and Black Testing
7. Black Box Testing
8. Kinds in Black Box Testing
9. Testing Life Cycle
10. Defect Life Cycle
11. Error, Defect, Bug & Failure
12. What is Scenario?
13. Examples for Scenario
14. Customer’s Requirement Specification for Registration
15. Scenarios for Registration Button
16. Test Case for Registration Button
17. Differences between Scenario and Test Case
18. Differences between Priority & Severity
19. Automation Testing
20. Conversion of Test Case into Test Script in Selenium Tool
21. What is a Framework in Selenium?
22. Parallel Test Execution Report using TestNG Framework
23. Different Tools used for Automation Testing
Software Development Life Cycle
What is Software Testing?
 Checking the functionality of an application is called
software testing.
Why should we do Software Testing?
 Every software is developed to support the business.
 If there is a defect in the software, it will affect the
 To ensure the quality of software application.
 So, before we launch the software to the customer,
every defect should be identified and should be
Kinds of Testing

Manual Testing Automation Testing

 Checking the functionality of  It is the process of testing the
an application is called application automatically using
the automation tool.
software testing.
 Advantages: Saves money and
 Drawbacks: Manual time.
Regression Testing  We can easily do compatibility
testing by running the test
scripts in multiple platforms
simultaneously, called parallel
 We can generate the reports
Types of Testing Methodologies
White Box Testing
 Testing the Source Code of an application, done by
Black Box testing
 Testing the UI and Functionality of an application,
done by Test Engineers.
Gray Box Testing
 Testing the Source Code and UI and Functionality of
an application, done by either Developers or Test
Difference Between White Box and Black Box Testing

White Box Testing Black Box Testing

Manual Testing: Manual Testing:
 Write Source Code for an  Testing UI and Functionality of an
application manually called
 Test every LOC(lines of code)
manually. manual testing.
Automation Testing: Automation Testing:
 Write Source Code for an  Write a program to test the UI and
application. Functionality of an application
 Write the program to test the using tool.
development program using a
tool.  Run the test program in the tool.
 For Example: (Ex: selenium tool)
JUNIT Tool - Java,
NUNIT Tool – Dot Net.
Black Box Testing
Software gives to Testing Team
Development Environment Testing Environment

Software Login page: we

enter valid
Compress Login page: whenever
we enter the valid
details, navigate to the
Compile home page.
Home page

write the
source code
If there is a defect
Types in Black Box Testing
Functional Non Functional
Smoke testing Compatibility
Functional testing  Performance
 Integration testing  Usability
 System testing  Adhoc
 Retesting  Accessibility
 Regression  Globalization
 Exploratory Recovery
Acceptance testing Aesthetic
1. Alpha Security
2. Beta
Testing Life Cycle
System study

Write Test Plan

Write Test Cases

Prepare RTM

Execute Test Cases

Defect Tracking

Test Execution Report

Retrospective / Post Mortem Meeting

Defect Life Cycle

Can’t fix
Fixed Cannot Reproduce
Invalid / Rejected
RFE(Request for

Closed Reopen
Error, Defect, Bug & Failure
 “A mistake in coding is called Error, error found by
the tester is called Defect, defect accepted by
development team then it is called Bug, build does
not meet the requirements then it Is Failure.”
What is Scenario?
 Testing the application in all possible ways.
 To find the defects, we have to identify scenarios first.
Positive scenarios:
 Testing an application with valid inputs.
Negative scenarios:
 Testing an application with invalid inputs.
Examples for Scenario
Scenarios for Pen:
 Check if all parts of the pen fitted without any looses.
[Integration Testing]
 Check if the pen ball is fitted properly and the ball is moving with ease.
[Integration Testing]
 Check if the pen is writing on the page properly. [Functional Testing]
 Check if the ink on the paper belongs with the similar color as what we
see in the refill. [Functional Testing]
 Check if the pressure needs to be applied on the pen to write down on
page with least efforts. [Usability Testing]
 Size and shape should be confirmable for writing. [UI Testing]
 The logo has to be printed properly on the pen. [UI Testing]
 Check pen stress testing by dropping pen down from the practical
height and check if nothing is breaking, no any damage to pen and pen
is working without any issues.
 Hold the pen upwards direction for some time and try to write on
 Keep the pen in water and try to write on paper.
 Check how the pen is working at different climate environmental
conditions like at room temperature, different climate conditions.
Customer’s Requirement Specification for Registration

 User Name: should accept 6 – 32 characters(only

 Email Id: should accept valid Email Id.
 Mobile Number: should accept valid mobile number of
10 digit number.
 Password: should accept 5 – 10 characters (any
 The Registration button: It is to a new customer to get
Scenarios for Registration Button
1. Enter all the fields with valid data & click on
Registration Button.
2. Enter only mandatory fields & click on Registration
3. Enter only optional fields & click on Registration Button.
1. Enter all the fields with Invalid data & click on
Registration Button.
2. Leave all the fields & click on Registration Button.
Test Case for Registration Button
 Open Browser(Chrome, Firefox etc)
 Enter website URL
 Click on login/Registration from header
 The popup will be displayed
 Click on Register from the popup
 Enter all valid the fields with valid data
 Click on the registration button
 Close the browser
Differences between Scenario and Test Case
Scenario Test Case
 The Scenario will tell what to  Test Case will tell how to do.
do.  Test Case has navigation
 Scenario does not have steps.
navigation steps.  Test Case will tell where
 The Scenario will not tell exactly the defect is.
where exactly is the defect.
Differences between Priority & Severity
Priority Severity
 How fast the Defect has been  How much the Defect will be
fixed by developer that will be impacted in the customer’s
convey through priority. business that will be
Types: conveyed through the
1. High
2. Medium
1. Blocker/Show Stopper
3. Low
2. Critical
3. Major
4. Minor
Automation Testing
 It is the process of testing the application
automatically using the automation tool.
How do Automation Testing?
 In automation testing, our job is to refer to all the Test
 For every Test Case create corresponding program
called Test Script.
Conversion of Test Case into Test Script in Selenium Tool

Test Case:
 Open Browser(chrome)
 Enter website URL
 Click on Login/Registration from header
 The popup will be displayed
 Enter Email Id([email protected])
 Enter Password(123456)
 Click on the login button
 Retrieve the “you're successfully login” message and
print it on a console.
 Close the Browser.
Test Script:
Package week1;
Public class Gharpe
public static void main(String[] args)
location in our PC”);
chromeDriver.d1=new chromeDriver();
d1.findElement(By.xpath(“//input[@type=‘email’]”)).sendKeys(“[email protected]”);
String s=d1.findElement(By.xpath(“//div[@toast-title=‘success’]”)).getText();
What is a Framework in Selenium?
Framework means a set of rules we should follow to
achieve the following advantages
 Maintenance of code in a very organized way.
 Reduction in duplicate code.
 Effective usage of time(Reduction of rework activity)
Types of Frameworks:
1. Data Driven Framework
2. TestNG Framework
3. Page Object Model Framework
Parallel Test Execution Report using TestNG Framework
Different Tools used for Automation Testing
Functional Testing Tools:
1. Selenium Web Driver – java, python, RoR(Ruby on Rails),
2. QTP – Licence – VBS(Visual Basic Script), Java Script
3. Win Runner
4. Silk Test
5. Test Partner
Performance Testing Tools:
1. Load Runner - Licensed
2. J meter - Licensed
3. Silk Performance
4. Neo Load
5. QA Load(Quality Assurance)
Defect Tracking Tools:
1. QC(Quality Centre)/ALM(Application Life Cycle
Management) - Licensed
2. Jira – partially free of cost
3. Bugzilla
Test Management Tools:
2. Jira
3. OTM(Oracle Test Manager) – Licensed
Automated Testing Tools for Mobile Apps:
1. Appium – Free - C#, Java, Ruby,
2. SeeTest- Licensed
3. Robotium – Free - Java
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