Features of Language

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What are the

features of
2.What are the ways
to achieve formality?

Academic writing requires
special knowledge and use of
more complex language and
This means that the writing
must be impersonal and maintain
a certain level of social distance
The question of what constitutes
"language proficiency" and the nature of its
cross-lingual dimensions is also at the core
of many hotly debated issues in the areas
of bilingual education and second language
pedagogy and testing. Researchers have
suggested ways of making second
language teaching and testing more
"communicative" (e.g., Canale and Swain,
1980; Oller, 1979) on the grounds that a
communicative approach better reflects the
nature of language proficiency than one
which emphasizes the acquisition of
discrete language skills.
We don't really know what
language proficiency is but many
people have talked about it for a
long time. Some researchers have
tried to find ways for us to make
teaching and testing more
communicative because that is how
language works. I think that
language is something we use for
communicating, not an object for us
to study and we remember that
when we teach and test it.
• "This is a very
interesting study.“
• “In my opinion, this
a very interesting
Objectivity can be achieved by:
1. Avoiding the set of personal
pronouns such as you, I and we.
Poor example: You need to
conduct experiment
Improved version: The
researchers need To conduct the
Poor example: We will
supervise those students who
are always skipping classes.
Improved version: Teachers
will supervise the students
who are always skipping
2. Avoiding rhetorical questions as it
marks “closeness” with the reader,
and constantly seeks his/her
Poor example: How can this problem
be solved?
Improved version: Certain measures
must be discovered to solve the
• It’s too hot today,
isn’t it?
• The actors played
the roles well,
didn’t they?
3. Avoiding emotive language that
shows biases and lessens objectivity.
Poor example: The investigators
were very shocked to see the
outcome of the tests.
Improved version: The
investigators did not expect the
• Another person in the
bar was injured by the
man's glass.
• An innocent bystander
suffered facial injuries
when the thug launched
his glass across the bar.
• The government
will slash interest
• The government
will reduce interest
Improve the text below by rewriting it into
a more objective, impersonal version.
I would call Wagner a subjective artist. What
I mean is that his art had its source in his
personality; his work was virtually
independent, I always feel, of the epoch in
which he lived.
On the other hand, I always consider Bach an
objective artist. You can see that he worked
only with the forms and ideas that his time
proffered him. I do not think he felt any inner
compulsion to open out new paths.
Wagner was what might be called a
subjective artist in that his art had its
source in his personality. His work seems
virtually independent on the epoch he
On the other hand, I Bach can be
considered an objective artist. He seems to
have worked only with the forms and ideas
that his time proffered him, feeling no any
inner compulsion to open out new paths.
Improve the text below by rewriting it into
a more objective, impersonal version.
I believe that incidence of drug overdose
has indeed become prevalent nowadays. When
people are faced with difficult problems, I
think that they can no longer bear the problem
and that is why they get into drugs. That’s
why if you are a psychologist, you should treat
your patients in a way that helps them To
understand their problems and ways to deal
with them. Yeah I know it can be very difficult
but hey, that’s what you specialized in, right?
Improved version.
The incidence of drug overdose has
become prevalent nowadays. When people
faced difficult problems, they can no
longer bear with them and that is the
reason why they resort to drugs. So, a
psychologist should treat his patients in a
manner that will make them understand
their problem and deal with them

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