Sacrament Holy Eucharist

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The Holy Eucharist as a Sacrifice

Christ's words...

“This is the blood of the covenant, poured out for many for the
forgiveness of sins” (Mt. 26:28).

The most unique and distinct quality of this sacrifice is that,

unlike other sacrifices, it did not end in death but in the glorious
resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection of Jesus is the fulfillment of
Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
Why give the Sacrament of the Holy
Jesus gives us the Sacrament of the Eucharist as food for our
spiritual life, In this same Sacrament we celebrate our unity in belonging
to one, big family - the Church. Every time we attend Holy Mass, Jesus
challenges us to “go in peace to love and serve “ Him in all people.
1. How did the Israelites in the Old
Testament offer their sacrifice?
2. Why were sacrifices offered
3. What sacrifice do we offer to
God today?
4. Why is the Holy Mass called a
How did the Israelites in the Old Testament
offer their sacrifice?
They killed their best lambs,
goats, calves and offered these to
Why were sacrifices offered then?

People offered sacrifices to show

their love for God in an act of
worship and to express sorrow for
their sin.
3. What sacrifice do we offer to God today?

Today, we offer the sacrifice of

the Holy Mass to God.
4. Why is the Holy Mass called a sacrifice?

The Holy Mass is called a

sacrifice because it makes present
for us today Christ's once-and-for-
all sacrfice on the Cross
The Eucharist as a Memorial of Christ's death
and resurrection
Luke 22, I Corinthians 11:24

At the Last Supper, Jesus commanded his disciples, “ Do this in

memory of me”.

In Biblical sense, “remembering” has a unique meaning, and deeper

meaning. It is not just looking backward to the event, but it is a making
present of the event, the great acts that God has done for salvation
In both the life of the Jews as God's chosen people (Passover Meal)
and the life of the Church ( Jesus' Passover- his death, resurrection,
ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit), the remembrance of God's
saving acts is primarily the action of God and not just our remembrance of
what happened in the past.
How is the Eucharist a memorial ?

The Eucharist is a memorial because it makes present God's

saving past acts through Jesus Christ. The Eucharist brings us into the
saving presence of the Risen Christ, precisely in his act of perfect
sacrificial love.
What is the meaning of “remembering” for
God's chosen people?

In the Bible, “remembering” for God's chosen people is not just

looking backward to the event, but it is a prayer for God to make
present the event of the great acts that He had done for their salvation
Why is the Mass a meal?

The Mass is considered a meal because in it we gather around

the table of the Lord and partake of the body and Blood of the Risen
Christ who is the Bread of Life, food from heaven for our souls.
Five Main Parts of the Mass
1. Introductory Rites
2. Liturgy of the Word
3. Liturgy of the Eucharist
4. Communion Rites
5. Concluding Rites
What happens during the Liturgy of Word?

During the Liturgy of the Word, God speaks to all those present
through the readings from the Old and New Testament. The people
respond to His Word with a prayer from the Psalms .
What happens in the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
The gifts of the bread and wine are transformed into the Body
and Blood of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Order of the Mass
I. Introductory Rite
A. Entrance
The communty prepares for the celebration with prayer
and/or song.
B. Greeting
The priest greets the congregation with a brief introduction
C. Penitential Rite
The priest leads the assembly in confessing sinfulness and
asking for God's forgivenss. This part includes the Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy)
in which the priest and the congregation repeat as a plea for God's mercy.
D. Gloria (Glory to God)
As the Church assembled in the Spirit, the Congregation
expresses its praises and prays to the Father and Christ, ths Incarnate Son
and Lamb of God, in the Holy Spirit.
E. Opening Prayer
The priest, in the name of the congregation, expresses the
theme of the day's feast an dpetitions the Father through Christ in the
Holy Spirit.
II. Liturgy of the Word
A. First Reading
a reading usually taken from the Old Testament
B. Respnsotial Psalm
taken from the Old Testament
C. Second Reading
a New Testament reading taken from one of the letters of
the Apostles and read on Sundays and feast days
D. Alleluia or Gospel Acclamation
a prayer of praise
E. Gospel
a reading taken from one of the four gospels proclaiming the life,
miracles, orteachings of Christ.
F. Homily
The priest explains and applies the message of the Gospel to the needs
of the congregation
G. Profession of Faith
The congregation proclaims its faith in God through the Apostles' Creed,
handed down from the early Church; said on Sunday's and special feast days.
H. General Intercessions or prayers of the Faithful
The congregation, as a uited priestly people, prays for the needs of the
Church and the world.
When did Christ institute the Eucharist?

Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist on the evening befroe his

death, “on the night when he was betrayed “ ( 1 Cor 11:23), when he
gathered the Apostles around him in the Upper Room in Jerusalem and
celebrated the Last Supper with them.
How often must a Catholic Christian participate in
the celebration of the Eucharist?
A Catholic Christian is obliged to attend Holy Mass on all Sundays
and holy days of obligation. Anyone who is really seeking Jesus'
friendship responds as often as possible to Jesus' personal invitation to
the feast.
For a Genuine Christian, “ Sunday duty” is just as inappropriate
an expression as “kiss duty” would be for someone who was truly in
love. No one can have a living relationship with Christ without going to
the place where he is waiting for us. Therefore, from ancient times the
celebration of Mass has been the “heart of Sunday” and the most
important appointment in the week.
Catholic 123
II. Liturgy of the Eucharist
Huddle Time ....
1. What are the main parts of the Mass?

2. What is included in the Liturgy of the Word?

3. When did Jesus institute the Eucharist?

4. How often must a Catholic Christian participate in the celebartion of

the Eucharist?

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