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*I am originally from Mount Airy, NC.

Home to
Andy Griffith
*I graduated from NC State with my Bachelors
of Science in Elementary Education
*This is my 3rd year teaching 5th grade at
*I am getting married in October!
*I am passionate about what I do
*I love traveling
*Establish & maintain a caring community
*Adhere to and teach the curriculum
*Offer multiple methods of instruction
* Communicate with you frequently regarding
both class and individual student needs
Students are expected to:

*Come to school prepared & ready to learn

*Follow school & classroom code of conduct to maximize
time spent learning
*Display respect, integrity & accountability by completing
assignments and homework & turning them in on time
*Treat their classmates with respect & kindness
*Stay positive!
Our 5th grade leaders are expected to follow the school-wide
BE LIKE CARY code of conduct at all times.
Our leaders are the role models for the entire school and
should see themselves and conduct themselves as such.
Our leaders should abide by the Wake County Student
Handbook that was sent home on the first day of school.
I have VERY HIGH EXPECTATIONS with regards to student
behavior in my classroom.

Students are expected to demonstrate integrity and respect whether

working independently, with a partner or in a small group setting.

Students that make the choice to behave in a manner that does not
meet expectations will be provided 2 redirections and then a reflection
referral will be sent home.
Consistent Expectations help students to know exactly what is
expected from them each day, which gives them confidence.

Students monitor themselves and take more responsibility for their

behavior — and their learning.
Students gain a sense of safety and security.
I will communicate with you via:

*The class REMIND app (please be sure to sign up if you haven’t


*monthly newsletters which are uploaded onto my classroom website
*Phone Calls –typically only in emergency situations
Please bookmark our class website –
msmarionsclass.weebly.com –
and visit often with your student
*Daily & Specials Schedule
*Student Links to Websites
*Curriculum related videos to help students with concepts
*State Standards & Curriculum Information
We have A LOT to cover this year in preparation
for Middle School!

* Academics!
*Organization Skills
*Life Skills/People Skills

Quarter 1:
Stories of Human Rights – reading Esperanza Rising

Quarter 2:
Research to Build Knowledge & Teach Others – Biodiversity in the Rainforest

Quarter 3:
Athlete Leaders of Social Change –

Quarter 4:
The Impact of Natural Disasters
This year students will write Personal
Narratives, Poetry, Opinion/Persuasive
pieces as well as Research Based pieces.

Students will respond to writing prompts

within the new ELA curriculum as well as
in Math, Science and Social Studies.
5th Grade Focus:
First Quarter
*Numerical Patterns
*Coordinate Points & Grid Systems
*Multiplication & Division

Second Quarter
*Place Value & Metric Measurement

*Geometry, Order of Operations*

First Quarter:
Traits & Human Body Systems
Second Quarter:
Third Quarter:
Force & Motion
Fourth Quarter:

EOG is on all 4 quarters of material

Quarter 1: Economy

Quarter 2: American Revolution

Quarter 3: Westward Expansion
Quarter 4: Civil War
We will use both a 4 point scale and a 10 point scale in order to help
familiarize students with the middle school grading format.
First Quarter: 100-85% = 4
84-70% = 3
69-50% = 2
49% & Below = 1

***Late work will lose 1 point per day late – unless a student has been absent.

***When possible, students will be provided a RUBRIC at the beginning of a

project so they can work towards a level 4 at all
Students are expected to:
*Read for 30 minutes each night
*Complete each night’s review tasks for Literacy & Math
*Practice their Multiplication Facts
*Homework is assigned Monday – Thursday
*Homework is to be written in student AGENDA
*Homework is to be turned in the following day unless otherwise stated
*Late or missing 2x’s: Parent Email; 3x’s Reflection Referral
*Counts as part of student Work Habits & Conduct grade on report card
(next year will count as part of overall grade
*If classwork is not completed, it will need to be taken home.
Informal Assessment:
*Observational data collected during small group
activities, discussions and any center activities

Formal Assessment:
*Daily assignments, quizzes, tests & projects
where a grade is given
*Common grade level assessments
*District/County Assessments
*EOG Math, Literacy & Science

**Math and Science assessments will be taken

online this year
We will use a variety of technology sites for
academic learning and sharing.

*Google Classroom
*Science Techbook
*Discovery Education
We Will Have LOTS of Opportunities for
Helping Our Class This Year!
*ROOM PARENT(S) NEEDED – indicate availability on the sign in form

*End of Year Picnic

*Graduation Day Slide Show

* Field trips

*Sign Up Genius for hands-on learning activities


*Check your child’s Agenda each night for their
*Help with / Encourage Reading
*Practice Multiplication Facts
*Provide a quiet, relaxing homework/study space
*View Website Resources Together for clarification
**The Growing Pains of 5th Grade**
*Appropriate Clothing Options
*Boys & Girls
4 In-Class Field Trips with Science Is Fun
*1 for each quarter
*Human Growth & Development
*Parents Welcome & Encouraged to join us
***In the process of an off campus “all day” trip
connected to our Social Studies curriculum***
Please stop by and see Mrs. Farnsworth for an AIG
information regarding current enrollment or nominating your
child for AIG testing.
(She is currently tracked out, but please let me know if you
would like to speak with her for nominating your student!)


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