Lecture Sheet 10 River Transportation and Stream Deposition Edited KAT
Lecture Sheet 10 River Transportation and Stream Deposition Edited KAT
Lecture Sheet 10 River Transportation and Stream Deposition Edited KAT
Learning Points:
1. Classification of Load
2. Movement of Bed Load
3. Longitudinal Profile of a Stream
4. Stream Deposition
River Transportation
Activities of Running Water:
The water that flows along the river does the following works:
a. It transports the debris
b. It erodes the river channels deeper into the bed
c. It deposits sediments at various points along the valley or
delivers them to lakes or oceans
River Transportation:
River transportation is the ability of the river to carry along the
particles that a stream picks up directly from its own channel or
that is supplied to it by slope wash, tributaries or mass movement.
River Transportation
Factors affecting the transportation power of the river:
a. Size of the particles to be carried
b. Volume of total load
c. Velocity of river
a. Dissolved Load:
These are the soluble materials and are carried in solution in the form of ions.
Whether a particle will go in solution depends on its chemical properties. When the
sediment discharge is high, even the soluble materials may not go in solution as the
water is already saturated. Again if the particle size is too large it may not dissolve.
The amount of dissolved load depends upon: (1) Climate (heat), (2) Season
(temperature) and (3) Geologic Setting (presence of sand, pebbles, etc.)
b. Suspended Load:
This is the load carried mechanically as sediment. These are the particles of solid
matter that are swept along in the turbulent current of the stream and remain in
suspension. The amount of this load depends upon (1) intensity of turbulence of
water and (2) terminal velocity of each individual particle.
c. Bed Load:
These are solid particles, which move along the riverbed. Bed load mainly consists of
gravel and sand.
Movement of Bed Load
Particles in the bed load move in three ways: By Saltation, by Rolling and by
a. By Saltation:
A particle moving by saltation jumps from one point of the stream to another.
First, it is picked up by a current of turbulent water and flung upwards and if it is
too heavy to remain in suspension, it drops to the stream floor again at some spot
The changes of the channel bed form that take place during the flood need clear
understanding of this unsteady behavioral pattern. River channel changes in configuration
with this rising and falling stage.
Movement of Bed Load
At first the bed may be built up by large amounts of bed load supplied in the
stream during the first phase of heavy runoff. [Observe the elevated bed level as
a result of it]. This stage disappears soon.
The bed is actively deepened by scour as the stream stage rises. This is quite
interesting to mark the lowest elevation of the bed at the highest stage.
In the next stage which can be identified by the falling stage of the stage
discharge curve, the stage starts to fall and the bed is built back up by the
deposition of the bed load.
Movement of Bed Load
When the flood crest has passed after the decrease in the discharge, the
capacity of the stream transport load also declines. Some of the particles,
that are in motion, come to rest on the bed in the form of sand and gravel
First the largest boulders and cobblestones will cease (stop) rolling, then
the pebbles and gravels and then the sand.
When restored to low stage, the water may become quite clear with only a
few grains of sand rolling along the bed where the current is still fast
Equilibrium & Graded Stream
Concept of Equilibrium and Graded Stream:
As an idealized concept, an ‘Equilibrium Condition’ means the supply of load to a
stream from its drainage basin is such that it exactly matches the capacity of stream
to transport. In this type of stream, the hydraulic factors are changing continuously
to bring about a state of equilibrium. This sort of stream is called a ‘Graded Stream’.
A graded stream is one in which, the slope is delicately adjusted over a period of
years to provide, along with the available discharge and prevailing channel
characteristics, just the velocity required for the transportation of the load supplied
to it by the drainage basin.
If the slope is too low for transporting the sediment load, deposition occurs until
the slope is sufficient for transporting. If the slope is so steep that it provides a
velocity greater than that necessary to transport the load, erosion reduces the
slope. This new slope will provide the velocity needed to transport the sediment
d. Channel Shape:
The ratio of width to depth is used to describe the channel shape. The
interaction of discharge, amount of sediment, slope and local factors such as
bank erodability and channel alignment determine channel shape.
Longitudinal Profile
Longitudinal Profile of a Stream:
The longitudinal profile of a stream is a graphic outline of the stream’s gradient along
its course. It provides information of the elevation of the streambed at any location,
the elevation being measured with respect to some fixed datum (e.g. Mean Sea
Note: The base level of a river or stream is the lowest point to which it can flow
Longitudinal Profile
Equation of Longitudinal Profile:
The tendency of a stream to erode at any particular point along its profile is
directly proportional to the height of the stream above the base level.
If, H = Elevation above base level or MSL in ft and X = Distance downstream
from source in mile, then based on the assumption,
Here, is slope.
• Scouring of stream
• Degradation (channel trenching) into the alluvium and lowering of stream
As a result of this, the channel takes a narrower cross section and develops
steep, wall-like banks of alluvium. After this channel trenching, the former
floodplain is free from annual flooding.
After degradation has taken place, the stream will normally attain a new and
lower profile of equilibrium. When the new equilibrium is established the
stream will usually develop meanders and will shift laterally to form a new
Stream Deposition
Alluvial Fan:
An alluvial fan is a fan-shaped deposit
formed where a fast flowing stream flattens,
slows, and spreads typically at the exit of a
canyon onto a flatter plain.
So, River delta is a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides
before entering a larger body of water. This is so named because the sediment
deposit at its mouth has the shape of the uppercase Greek letter delta.
Stream Terrace:
Stream terraces are relict features, such as floodplains, from periods when a stream
was flowing at a higher elevation and has downcut to a lower elevation. Stream
terraces often appear as plateaus on existing valley walls and indicate earlier stream
elevations. Changes in elevation can be due to changes in the base level (elevation
of the lowest point in the stream system, usually the drainage basin) of the stream
system which leads to headward erosion along the length of the stream, gradually
lowering its elevation. Terraces can also be left behind when the volume of stream
flow declines due to changes in climate, typical of areas which were covered by ice
during periods of glaciation, and their adjacent drainage basins.
Stream Deposition
Meanders develop narrow necks, which are cut through, shortening the river
course and leaving a meander loop abandoned. This event is called a cutoff. It is
quickly followed by deposition of silt and sand across the ends of the abandoned
channel, producing an oxbow lake. The oxbow lake is gradually filled with fine
sediment brought in during high floods and with organic matter produced by
aquatic plants. Eventually the oxbows are converted into swamps, but they retain
their identity indefinitely. During periods of overbank flooding, when the entire
floodplain is inundated, water spreads from the main channel over adjacent
floodplain deposits. As the current rapidly slackens, sand and silt are deposited in a
zone adjacent to the channel. The result is an accumulation known as a natural
levee. Between the levees and the bluffs is lower ground, the backswamp. Because
deposition is heavier closest to the channel and decreases away from the channel,
the levee surface slopes away from the channel.
Thanks to our respected teacher Dr. Md. Mahfizur Rahman, Professor, BUET for
taking this subject as one of our undergraduate courses in BUET. This lecture
material is entirely based on the lecture material he gave us.