Free Radicals & Antioxidants: Gandham. Rajeev

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Free Radicals & Antioxidants

Gandham. Rajeev
Email:[email protected]
 A free radical is a molecule or molecular
fragment that contains one or more unpaired
electrons in its outer orbital.
 Represented by a superscript dot, (R•).
 Oxidation reactions ensure that molecular
oxygen is completely reduced to water.
 The products of partial reduction of oxygen
are highly reactive, called Reactive oxygen
species or ROS
Free Radicals
 Superoxide anion radical (O2 -•)
 Hydroperoxyl radical (HOO•)
 Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
 Hydroxyl radical (OH•)
 Lipid peroxide radical (ROO•)
 Singlet oxygen ( 1O2)
 Nitric oxide (NO•)
 Peroxy nitrite (ONOO-•).
 H2O2 & singlet oxygen are not free radicals
 Because of their extreme reactivity, they are
included in the group of ROS.
 Characteristics of ROS:
 Extreme reactivity.
 Short life span.
 Generation of new ROS by chain reaction.
 Damage to various tissues.
Generation of Free Radicals
Cellular Metabolism

Leakage of electrons from ETC

Production of H2O2 or O2 by xanthine oxidase & NADPH oxidase.

Due to membrane lipid peroxidation

Peroxisomal generation-oxidation of O2 & H2O2

During prostaglandin synthesis

Production of nitric oxide from arginine

During phagocytosis

In the oxidation of heme to bile pigments

Auto-oxidation (e.g. metal ions, Fe2+, Cu2+ glutathione, ascorbic acid)

Environmental effects

Result of drug metabolism. Cytochrome P450 related reactions.

Due to damage caused by ionizing radiations on tissues (X-rays)

Photolysis of O2 by light

Photoexcitation of organic molecules

Cigarette smoke

Alcohol promotes lipid peroxidation.

Lipid peroxidation
 Lipid peroxidation of occurs in 3 stages-
initiation, propagation & termination
 Initiation phase:
 This step involves the removal of hydrogen
atom (H) from polyunsaturated fatty acids
(LH), caused by hydroxyl radical.

LH + OH- L- + H2O
 Propagation phase:
 Under aerobic conditions, the fatty acid
radical (L-) takes up oxygen to form peroxy
radical (LOO-).
 The latter, in turn, can remove H-atom from
another PUFA (LH) to form lipid
hydroperoxide (LOOH).

LH + OH- L- + H2O
 The hydroperoxides are capable of further
stimulating lipid peroxidation as they can
form alkoxy (LO-) & peroxyl (LOO-) radicals.

2LOOH LO- + LO2- + H2O

LOOH LO- + LOO- + aldehydes

 Termination:
 Lipid peroxidation proceeds as a chain
reaction until the PUFA gets oxidized.
Malondialdehyde (MDA)
 The products of lipid peroxidation are unstable e.g.
carbonyls, esters, alkanes, alkenes, 2-alkenal ,2 ,4-
alkadienal, MDA.
 Malondialdehyde (-CHO-CH2-CHO-) is a marker for
the assessment of lipid peroxidation.
 MDA & other aldehydes react with thiobarbituric
acid & produce red-coloured products - thiobarbituric
acid reactive substances (TBARS) which can be
measured colorimetrically.
Generation of ROS by macrophages
 During the course of phagocytosis,
inflammatory cells, particularly the
macrophages produce superoxide, by NADPH
 This O2 radical gets converted to H2O2 & then
to hypochlorous acid (HCIO).
 Superoxide radical along with hypochlorous
ions brings about bactericidal action.
 The beneficial affects of the free radicals
generated by the body.
 A large amount of O2 is consumed by
macrophages during their bactericidal
function, a phenomenon referred to as
respiratory burst.
Harmful effects of free radicals
 Proteins: Free radicals cause oxidation of
sulfhydryl groups & modification of certain
amino acids (e.g. methionine, cysteine,
histidine, tryptophan).
 ROS may damage proteins by
fragmentation, cross-linking & aggregation.
 Lipids: PUFA are susceptible to damage by
free radicals.
 Carbohydrates:
 Oxidation of monosaccharides (e .g. glucose)
can produce H2O2 & oxoaldehyde.
 Glycation increases the susceptibility of
proteins to the attack by free radicals. E.g. DM.
 Nucleic acids:
 Free radicals may cause DNA strand breaks,
fragmentation of bases & deoxyribose.
Clinical significance
 Chronic Inflammation
 Chronic inflammatory diseases such as
rheumatoid arthritis are self-perpetuated by
the free radicals released by neutrophils.
 ROS induced tissue damage appears to be
involved in pathogenesis of chronic
ulcerative colitis, chronic glomerulonephritis,
 Cardiovascular diseases (CHD):
 Oxidized low density lipoproteins (LDL),
formed by the action of free radicals,
promote atherosclerosis & CHD.
 Cancer:
 Free radicals can damage DNA & cause
mutagenicity and cytotoxicity & play a key
role in carcinogenesis.
 Respiratory diseases:
 Direct exposure of lungs to 100% oxygen for a
long period is known to destroy endothelium
& cause lung edema.
 This is mediated by free radicals.
 ROS are also responsible for adult
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a
disorder characterized by pulmonary edema.
 Diabetes:
 Destruction of islets of pancreas due to the
accumulation of free radicals is one of the
causes for the pathogenesis of IDDM.
 Cataract:
 Increased exposure to oxidative stress
contributes to cataract formation.
 Male infertility: Free radicals reduce sperm
motility & viability & male infertility.
 Aging process:
 Reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) play a
pivotal role in the degenerative brain
disorders such as Parkinsonism, Alzheimer's
dementia and multiple sclerosis.
 Cumulative effects of free radical injury
cause gradual deterioration in aging process.
 Antioxidants in relation to lipid peroxidation:
 Preventive antioxidants that will block the
initial production of free radicals e.g.
catalase, glutathione peroxidase.
 Chain breaking antioxidants that inhibit the
propagative phase of lipid peroxidation e.g.
Superoxide dismutase, vitamin E, uric acid.
 According to location:
 Plasma antioxidants: e.g. β-carotene,
ascorbic acid, bilirubin, uric acid,
ceruloplasmin, transferrin.
 Cell membrane antioxidants: e.g. α-
 Intracellular antioxidants: e.g. SOD,
catalase, glutathione peroxidase.
 According to nature & action:
 Enzymatic antioxidants:
 E.g. SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase &
glutathione reductase.
 Non-enzymatic antioxidants:
 Nutrient: carotenoids, α-tocopherol, selenium &
vitamin C.
 Metabolic: glutathione, ceruloplasmin, albumin,
bilirubin, transferrin, ferritin, uric acid.
Antioxidant enzymes
 Superoxide dismutase:
 It converts superoxide (O2) to hydrogen
peroxide & O2.
 This is the first line of defense to protect cells
from the injurious effects of superoxide
 Catalase:
 H2O2 is metabolised by catalase.
 Glutathione peroxidase:
 It detoxifies H2O2 to H2O, while reduced
glutathione (G-SH) is converted to oxidized
glutathione (GS-SG).
 The reduced glutathione can be regenerated
by glutathione reductase utilizing NADPH.
 HMP shunt is the major source of NADPH.

 Textbook of Biochemistry - U Satyanarayana

 Textbook of Biochemistry - DM Vasudevan
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