Born: Approximately 569 BC, Samos Greece Died: Approximately 500 - 475 BC, Metapontum Italy

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Born: Approximately 569 BC,

Samos Greece
Died: Approximately 500 - 475 BC,
Metapontum Italy
Life of Pythagoras
Some historians say that Pythagoras was married to a woman
named Theano and had a daughter Damo, and a son named
Telauges, who succeeded Pythagoras as a teacher and
possibly taught Empedocles.

Others say that Theano was one of his students, not his wife,
and say that Pythagoras never married and had no children.

They had no personal possessions and were vegetarians.

Another group of followers who lived apart from the school were allowed to have personal
possessions and were not expected to be vegetarians.

Pythagoras was well educated, and he played the

lyre throughout his lifetime, knew poetry and
recited Homer.

He was interested in mathematics, Thales (mathematics and astronomy)

philosophy, astronomy and music, and was and Anaximander (philosophy,
greatly influenced by Pherekydes geometry).
All things are numbers. Mathematics is the
basis for everything, and geometry is the
highest form of mathematical studies.

The physical world The soul resides in the brain, and is immortal. It
can understood moves from one being to another, sometimes from
through a human into an animal, through a series of
mathematics. reincarnations called transmigration until it
becomes pure.
Pythagoras believed that both
mathematics and music could purify..

Numbers have The world depends upon the interaction of

personalities, opposites, such as male and female, lightness and
characteristics, darkness, warm and cold, dry and moist, light and
strengths and heavy, fast and slow.
Certain symbols have a mystical significance.
All members of the society should observe strict loyalty and secrecy.

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