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At a glance
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The key takeaways are that streams are used for input and output in C++ and can be connected to the keyboard, screen, or files. Streams allow reading from and writing to files similarly to cin and cout.

Streams represent input/output paths in C++ and are used to perform file operations. The main stream objects are cin, cout, and cerr which are connected to the keyboard, screen, and error stream respectively. File streams like ifstream and ofstream allow reading from and writing to files.

Sequential access files require reading the entire file from the beginning to access a record while random access files allow direct access to any record by calculating its position. Random access is faster for retrieval and updating records while sequential access is simpler to implement.


We’ve used streams already
Input from stream object connected to
Output to stream object connected to screen
Can define other streams
To or from files
Used similarly as cin, cout
File input and output
 s
File Input Stream – reads data from disk
file to the program.

 File output Stream – writes data to the

disk file from the program.

 The I/O system of C++ contains:

 ifstream – provides input operations on
 ofstream – provides output operations on

fstream – supports for simultaneous input 6

and output operations on files


Writing in a file

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
ofstream filestream("testout.txt");
if (filestream.is_open())
filestream << "Welcome .\n";
filestream << "C++ Tutorial.\n";
else cout <<"File opening is fail.";
return 0;

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
string srg;
ifstream filestream("testout.txt");
if (filestream.is_open())
while ( getline (filestream,srg) )
cout << srg <<endl;
else {
cout << "File opening is fail."<<endl;
return 0;
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
char input[75];
ofstream os;"testout.txt");
cout <<"Writing to a text file:" << endl;
cout << "Please Enter your name: ";
cin.getline(input, 100);
os << input << endl;
cout << "Please Enter your age: ";
cin >> input;
os << input << endl;
ifstream is;
string line;"testout.txt");
cout << "Reading from a text file:" << endl;
while (getline (is,line))
{ cout << line << endl; }
return 0;
The Data Hierarchy
 From smallest to largest (continued)
Field: group of characters with some meaning
e.g., Your name
Record: group of related fields
struct or class in C++
In payroll system, could be name, S#, address, wage
Each field associated with same employee
Record key: field used to uniquely identify record
File: group of related records
Payroll for entire company
Database: group of related files
Payroll, accounts-receivable, inventory…
General File I/O
• Declare a file name variable
• Associate the file name variable with
the disk file name
• Open the file
• Use the file
• Close the file
Files and
C++ views file as sequence of bytes
 Ends with end-of-file marker
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... n-1
... e nd-of-file marker

Creating a Sequential-Access
 C++ imposes no structure on file
 Concept of "record" must be implemented by programmer
 To open file, create objects
 Creates "line of communication" from object to file
 Classes
ifstream(input only)
ofstream(output only)
 Constructors take file name and file-open mode
ofstream outClientFile( "filename", fileOpenMode );
 To attach a file later
ofstream outClientFile; "filename", fileOpenMode);
Creating a Sequential-Access
File-open modes

Creating a Sequential-Access
 Operations File
Overloaded operator!
Returns nonzero (true) if some error
Opening non-existent file for reading, no permissions, disk full etc.
Writing to file (just like cout)
outClientFile << myVariable
Closing file
Automatically closed when destructor called

// Create a sequential file. #include <iostream>
#include <fstream> using namespace std;

int main() {
// ofstream constructor opens file ofstream
outClientFile( "clients.txt",
ios::out );
// exit program if unable to create file
if ( !outClientFile ) { // overloaded !
operator cout << "File could not be opened" <<
endl; exit( 1 );
} // end if

cout << "Enter the account, name, and balance." << endl
<< "Enter \’N\’ to end input.\n? ";

int account;
char name[ 30 ], ch=‘y’; double balance;
// read account, name and balance from cin, then place in
file while (ch == ‘y’) {
cin >> account >> name >> balance;
outClientFile << account << ' ' << name << ' ' << balance
<< endl; cout << "? ";

} // end while

return 0; // ofstream destructor closes file 16

} // end main
Enter the account, name, and balance. Enter ‘N’
to end input.
100 Jones 24.98
200 Doe 345.67
300 White 0.00
400 Stone -42.16
500 Rich 224.62
Reading Data from a Sequential-
Access File
 Reading files
ifstream inClientFile( "filename", ios::in );
Overloaded !
 !inClientFile tests if file was opened properly
 Upcoming example
Credit manager program
List accounts with zero balance, credit, and debit

const int ZERO = 0, CREDIT = 1, DEBIT = 2, END = 3;

int main()
// ifstream constructor opens the file
ifstream inClientFile( "clients.txt", ios::in );

// exit program if ifstream could not open file if (

!inClientFile )
cout << "File could not be opened" << endl;
exit( 1 );
} // end if

int request;
int account; char name[ 30 ]; double

// get user's request (e.g., zero, credit or debit balance)

request = getRequest();
// process user's request
while ( request != END ) {

switch ( request ) {

case ZERO:
cout << "\nAccounts with zero balances:\n";

case CREDIT:
cout << "\nAccounts with credit balances:\n";

case DEBIT:
cout << "\nAccounts with debit balances:\n";

} // end switch
// read account, name and balance from file
inClientFile >> account >> name >> balance;

// display file contents (until eof) while ( !inClientFile.eof() )


// display record
if ( shouldDisplay( request, balance ) )
cout << account << ‘ ’<<name << ‘ ’<< balance << endl;

// read account, name and balance from file inClientFile

>> account >> name >> balance;
} // end inner while

inClientFile.clear(); // reset eof for next input

inClientFile.seekg( 0 ); // move to beginning of file
request = getRequest(); // get additional request from
user 21
} // end outer while
// getRequest function definition
int getRequest()
int choice;

cout<<“Enter 0 to see zero balance accounts”<<endl;

cout<<“Enter 1 to see credit balance accounts”<<endl;
cout<<“Enter 2 to see debit balance accounts”<<endl;
cout<<“Enter 3 to end the program”<<endl;

cin>>choice; return choice;

// shouldDisplay function definition
bool shouldDisplay(int req, double bal)

if( (req == ZERO && bal == 0) || (req == CREDIT && bal < 0) ||
(req == DEBIT && bal > 0) )
return true; else return false; 22
Reading Data from a Sequential-
Access File
 File position pointers
 Files have "get" and "put" pointers
 Index of next byte to read/write
 Functions to reposition pointer
seekg(seek get for istreamclass)
seekp(seek put for ostreamclass)
 seekgand seekptake offset and direction
 Direction (ios::begdefault)
 ios::beg- relative to beginning of stream
 ios::cur- relative to current position
 ios::end- relative to end
 Offset: number of bytes relative to direction 23
Reading Data from a Sequential-
Access File
 Examples
 fileObject.seekg(0)
Goes to start of file (location 0) because ios::beg
is default
 fileObject.seekg(n)
Goes to nth byte from beginning
 fileObject.seekg(n, ios::cur)
Goes n bytes forward from current position
 fileObject.seekg(y, ios::end)
Goes y bytes back from end
 fileObject.seekg(0, ios::cur)
Goes to last byte 24
 seekpsimilar
Reading Data from a Sequential-
Access File
 To find pointer location
tellg and tellp
int location = fileObject.tellg()

Storage in Sequential-Access
 "1234567"(char *) vs 1234567(int)
 char *takes 7 bytes (1 for each character)
 inttakes fixed number of bytes
123 same size in bytes as 1234567
 <<operator
 outFile << number
Outputs number (int) as a char*
Variable number of bytes

Updating Sequential-Access
 Updating sequential
Risk overwriting other data
Example: change name "White" to "Worthington"
Old data
300 White 0.00 400 Jones 32.87
Insert new data
300 Worthington 0.00

300 White 0.00 400 Jones 32.87

Data gets overwritten

300 Worthington 0.00ones 32.87

Instant access
 Want to locate record quickly
Airline reservations, Banking system, ATMs
 Sequential files must search through each one
Random-access files are solution
 Instant access
 Update/delete items without changing other data

 Programmer must create random-access files
 Fixed-length records
Calculate position in file from record size and key

0 10 20 30 40 50
0 0 0 0 0

}byte offsets
100 100 100 100 100 100
byte byte byte byte byte byte
s s s s s s

<<operator vs. write()
 outFile << number
Outputs number (int) as a char*
Variable number of bytes
 outFile.write( const char *, size );
Outputs raw bytes
Takes pointer to memory location, number of bytes to write
 Copies data directly from memory into file
 Does not convert to char *

Creating a Random-Access

outFile.write( reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&number), sizeof( number
) );
&number is an int *
Convert to const char * with
Size of number (an int) in bytes
read function similar (more later)
Must use write/read when using raw, unformatted data
Use ios::binary for raw writes/reads

• Command Line Argument in C++
If any input value is passed through command prompt at the time of
running of program is known as command line argument. It is a
concept to passing the arguments to the main() function by using
command prompt.
When Use Command Line Argument
When you need to developing an application for DOS operating
system then in that case command line arguments are used. DOS
operating system is a command interface operating system so by
using command we execute the program. With the help of
command line arguments we can create our own commands.
In Command line arguments application main() function will takes
two arguments that is;
argc: argc is an integer type variable and it holds total number of
arguments which is passed into main function. It take Number of
arguments in the command line including program name.
argv[]: argv[] is a char* type variable, which holds actual arguments
which is passed to main function.
• Compile and run CMD programs
• Command line arguments are not compile and run like normal C++
programs, these programs are compile and run on command
prompt. To Compile and Link Command Line Program we need
TCC Command.
• First open command prompt
• Follow you directory where your code saved.
• For compile -> C:/TC/BIN>TCC mycmd.cpp
• For run -> C:/TC/BIN>mycmd 10 20
• Explanation: Here mycmd is your program file name and TCC is a
Command. In "mycmd 10 20" statement we pass two arguments.
• #include<iostream.h>
• #include<conio.h>
• void main(int argc, char* argv[])
• { int i;
• clrscr();
• cout<<"Total number of arguments: "<<argc;
• for(i=0;i< argc;i++)
• { cout<<endl<< i;<<"argument: "<<argv[i]; getch();
• }}
• Output
• C:/TC/BIN>TCC mycmd.cpp C:/TC/BIN>mycmd 10 20 Number of
Arguments: 3 0 arguments c:/tc/bin/mycmd.exe 1 arguments: 10 2
arguments: 20

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