Group 1 Anions (CL, BR, I, CN, Fe (CN), Fe (CN), SCN)

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Group 1 Anions

(Cl-, Br-, I-, CN-, Fe(CN)64-,

Fe(CN)6 , SCN ) -

Forms ppt. AgNO3; no ppt. formed

with BaCl2; ppt. is insoluble in HNO3
Name of Anion Color of precipitate Reagents used Confirmatory Test
formed with AgNO3
Ferricyanide Orange Ferrous Sulfate TS + ferrous sulfate = Blue ppt.
Bromide Yellow Chloroform, HNO3, KMnO4 TS + chloroform + 10 drops 6N HNO3
+ KMnO4 = Orange to brownish red
chloroform layer
Iodide Yellow Chloroform, HNO3, TS + chloroform + 10 drops HNO3 +
KMnO4 KMnO4 = Violet chloroform layer

Reddish-brown ppt. Conc. HCl, KI, Starch TS + 5 drops conc. HCl + 5 drops KI +
solution 2-3 drops Starch solution = Blue

Ferrocyanide White Ferric chloride TS + 1 -2 drops ferric chloride = Blue

Thiocyanate White Ferric chloride TS + 1 -2 drops ferric chloride = Blood
red coloration

Hypochlorite White Acetic acid, Lead acetate TS + 6N acetic acid + 1ml lead
acetate = Brown ppt.
Cyanide White NaOH, Ferrous sulfate, TS + 6N NaOH + ferrous sulfate +
Ferric chloride 1drop ferric chloride = Blue ppt.

Chloride White Mercurous nitrate TS + mercurous nitrate = White ppt.

Group 2 Anions
(S2-, NO2-, H2PO2-, CH3COO-)

Forms ppt with AgNO3; no ppt formed

with BaCl2; ppt is soluble in HNO3
Name of Anion Color of precipitate Reagents used Confirmatory Test
formed with AgNO3
Sulfide Black HCl TS + HCl = evolution of
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas

TS + lead acetate =
Lead acetate Black ppt.

Hypophosphite White rapidly NaOH, HNO3, TS + 1ml 6N NaOH.

changing to brown Ammonium Boil mixture, acidify
or black molybdate with HNO3 and
ammonium molybdate
= Yellow ppt.

Nitrite White Dilute H2SO4 TS + dilute H2SO4 =

evolution of brown
Acetate White Concentrated H2SO4, TS + conc. H2SO4 + 5
Ethyl alcohol drops ethyl alcohol =
evolution of gas with
fruity odor
Group 3 Anions
(SO32-, CO32-, BO33-, C2O42-,
C4H4O62-, C6H5O73-)

Produces white precipitate with AgNO3;

produces ppt with BaCl2; both are soluble in
Name of Anion Reagents Used Confirmatory Test
Sulfite BaCl2, HCl, Bromine water TS + 3-5 drops BaCl2 + HCl +
1ml of bromine to the
filtrate = White ppt.
Carbonate Lime water Expose lime water to the
odorless gas using stirring
rod = White ppt.
Borate Concentrated H2SO4, Methyl TS + 1ml of conc. H2SO4 +
alcohol 3ml methyl alcohol. Light
the solution = Green flame
Oxalate CaCl2, Acetic acid TS + CaCl2 + acetic acid =
White ppt.

Tartrate Potassium acetate, Acetic TS + potassium acetate +

acid acetic acid = White
crystalline ppt.
Citrate CaCl2 TS + CaCl2 = White ppt.
Group 4 Anions
(PO43-, AsO43-, AsO33-
S2O32-, CrO42-)

Produces colored ppt with AgNO3; forms colored

or white ppt with BaCl2; both ppt are soluble
Name of Anion Color of precipitate Reagents used Confirmatory test
Arsenite Yellow ppt. with HCl, Thioacetamide TS + HCl + 10%
AgNO3 solution thioacetamide solution =
Yellow ppt.
Chromate Reddish brown ppt. Lead acetate TS + lead acetate = Yellow
with AgNO3 ppt.

Phosphate Yellow ppt. with Ammonium chloride, TS + 10 drops ammonium

AgNO3 Magnesium mixture, chloride + 1ml magnesium
Excess NH4OH mixture and excess NH4OH
= White ppt.

Thiosulfate White ppt. with Iodine TS + iodine = Immediately

AgNO3 rapidly turning discolorized solution of
black iodine

Arsenate Reddish brown ppt. NH4Cl, Magnesia TS + 5 drops 3N NH4Cl + 3

with AgNO3 mixture drops magnesia mixture =
white crystalline ppt.
Group 5 Anions
- -
(NO3 , ClO3 )

No precipitate is produced with AgNO3 and

Name of Anion Reagents used Confirmatory Test

Nitrate Concentrated H2SO4, TS + 1ml conc. H2SO4 and

copper wire copper wire = Evolution
of brown gas

Chlorate KNO2, AgNO3, HNO3 TS + 2-3 drops KNO2 and

AgNO3 + HNO3 = White
Group 6 Anions
(SO4 )

Produced no ppt with AgNO3; produces white

ppt with BaCl2, ppt is insoluble in HNO3
Name of Anion Reagents used Confirmatory Test

Sulfate Lead acetate, Ammonium TS + lead acetate + 1-2 ml

acetate solution ammonium acetate
solution = White ppt.

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