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Presentation On

A trademark or trade mark is a distinctive sign or

indicator of some kind which is used by an individual,
business organization or other legal entity to uniquely
identify the source of its products and/or services to
consumers, and to distinguish its products or services
from those of otherentities

A trademark is a device which can take almost any form,

as long as it is capable of identifying and distinguishing
specific goods orservices.
A trademark may bedesignated by the following symbols:

 (for an Unregistered Trademark, that is,a

mark used to promote or brandgoods)

 (foran unregistered Service mark, that is, a

mark used to promote or brandservices)

 (for a registered trademark)

A trademark is typically a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, sound
or a combination of these elements. There is also a range of non-conventional
trademark comprising marks which do not fall into these standard categories,
may therefore be visible signs (e.g. colors, shapes, moving images, holograms,
positions), or non-visible signs (e.g. sounds, scents, tastes, textures).
Indian Trademark law
 Indian trademark law provides protection
to trademarks statutorily under the Trademark Act, 1999
and also under the common law remedy of Passing Off.
 Passing off is a common law tort which can be used to
enforce unregistered trademark rights. The tort ofpassing
off protects the goodwill of a trader from a
misrepresentation that causes damage to goodwill.
 Statutory protection of trademark is administered by the
Controller General Of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, a
government agency which reports to the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion(DIPP), under theMinistry
of Commerce and Industry.
 The law of trademark deals with the mechanism of
registration, protection of trademark and preventionof
fraudulent trademark.
 The law also provides for the rights acquired by registration
of trademark, modes of transfer and assignment of the
rights, nature of infringements, penalties for such
infringement and remedies available to the owner in case of
such infringement.
HISTORY(Indian Context)
 The law of trademark in India before 1940 was based on
the common law principles of passing off and equity as
followed in England before the enactment of the
first Registration Act, 1875.
 The first statutory law related to trademark in India was
the Trade Marks Act, 1940 which had similar provision
like the UK Trade Marks Act,1938.
 In 1958, the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958was
enacted which consolidated the provisions related to
trademarks contained in other statutes like, the Indian
Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and the Sea
Customs Act.
 The Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 was
repealed by the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and is thecurrent
governing law related to registered trademarks. The 1999
Act was enacted to comply with the provisions of
the TRIPS(Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights).
 Though some aspects of the unregisteredtrade
marks have been enacted into the 1999 Act, but they are
primarily governed by the common law rules based on the
principles evolved out of the judgments of the Courts.
 Where the law is ambiguous, the principles evolved and
interpretation made by the Courts in England have been
applied in India taking into consideration the context of
our legal procedure, laws and realities of India.
According to Section 2 (zb) of the Trade Marks Act,
1999, “trade mark means a mark capable of being
represented graphically and which is capable of
distinguishing the goods or services of one person
from those of others and may include shape of goods,
their packaging and combination of colours.” A mark
can include a device, brand, heading, label, ticket,
name, signature, word, letter, numeral, shape of goods,
packaging or combination of colours or any such
Trademark Classification in India
Trademark in India is classified in about 45 different
classes, which includes chemical substances used in
industry, paints, lubricants machine and machine tools,
medical and surgical instruments, stationary, lather,
household, furniture, textiles, games, beverages
preparatory material, building material, sanitary material,
and hand tools, other scientific and educationalproducts.
These classes again are further sub-divided. The main
objective of trademark classification is to group together
the similar nature of goods and services. Here are the
classes for product and forservices.
 Class 1 (Chemicals)
 Class 2 (Paints)
 Class 3 (Cosmetics and Cleaning Preparations)
 Class 4 (Lubricants and Fuels)
 Class 5 (Pharmaceuticals)
 Class 6 (Metal Goods)
 Class 7 (Machinery)
 Class 8 (Hand Tools)
 Class 9 (Electrical and ScientificApparatus)
 Class 10 (Medical Apparatus)
 Class 11 (Environmental Control Apparatus)
 Class 12 (Vehicles)
 Class 13 (Firearms)
 Class 14 (Jewelry)
 Class 15 (Musical Instruments)
 Class 16 (Paper Goods and Printed Matter)
 Class 17 (Rubber Goods)
 Class 18 (Leather Goods)
 Class 19 (Non-metallic Building Materials)
 Class 20 (Furniture and Articles Not OtherwiseClassified)
 Class 21 (Housewares and Glass)
 Class 22 (Cordage and Fibers)
 Class 23 (Yarns and Threads)
 Class 24 (Fabrics)
 Class 25 (Clothing)
 Class 26 (Fancy Goods)
 Class 27 (Floor Coverings)
 Class 28 (Toys and Sporting Goods)
 Class 29 (Meats and Processed Foods)
 Class 30 (Staple Foods)
 Class 31 (Natural Agricultural Products)
 Class 32 (Light Beverages)
 Class 33 (Wines and Spirits)
 Class 34 (Smokers' Articles)

 Class 35 (Advertising and Business)
 Class 36 (Insurance and Financial)
 Class 37 (Building, Construction and Repair)
 Class 38 (Telecommunication)
 Class 39 (Transportation and Storage)
 Class 40 (Treatment of Materials)
 Class 41 (Education and Entertainment)
 Class 42 (Computer, Scientific and Legal)
 Class 43 (Hotels and Restaurants)
 Class 44 (Medical, Beauty, and Agricultural)
 Class 45 (Personal and Social Services)

 Under the Indian trademark law the following are the types of trademarks that
can be registered:
 Product trademarks: are those that are affixed to identify goods.
 Service trademarks: are used to identify the services of an entity, such as the
trademark for a broadcasting service, retails outlet, etc. They are used in
advertising for services.
 Certification trademarks: are those that are capable of distinguishing the goods
or services in connection with which it is used in the course of trade and which
are certified by the proprietor with regard to their origin, material, the method
of manufacture, the quality or other specific features
 Collective trademarks: are registered in the name of groups, associations or
other organizations for the use of members of the group in their commercial
activities to indicate their membership of the group.
Advantages of Trademark Registration
1. Protects your hard earned goodwill in thebusiness
2. Protects your Name / Brand Name from being used ina
same or similar fashion, by any other business firm,
thus discourages others from cashing on your well built
3. Gives your products a statusof .Branded Goods.
4. Gives an impression to your customers that the company is
selling some standard Products orServices
5. The exclusive right to the use of the trade mark in relation
to the goods or services in respect of which the
trade mark is registered.
6. To obtain relief in respect of infringement (misuseby
others) of the trade mark.
7. Power to assign (transfer) the trade mark to others for
Procedure/Steps for Trademark Registration
1. Filing of an application for registration by a person claiming to be the
proprietor of a trademark, in the office of the Trade mark Registry, within
the territorial limits of the place of business in India.
2. Examination of the application by the Registrar to ascertain whether it is
distinctive and does not conflict with existing registered or pending
trademarks and examination report isissued.
3. Publication of the application after or before acceptance of the application
in the Trademark Journal.
4. After publication if any person gives notice of his opposition to the
registration within three months which may be extended to the maximum
of one month.
5. If the opposition has been decided in favour of theapplicant of the
registrationof trademark, the Registrar shall register the Trademark.
6. On the registration of the Trademark the Registrar shall issue to the
applicant a Trademark Registration
7. Today, as per the Trademark Rules, 2002, the application fees (similar to a
tax) are Rs. 3500 pertrademark.
Term/Duration of a Trademark in India
The term of registration of trademark is 10 (Ten) years, but
may be renewed subject to the payment of the prescribed fee,
in accordance with the provisions of the Trademarks Act,
1999. An application for renewal of a trademark can be filed
within six months from Constantia (Body) the expiry of the
last registration of trademark.
Use of the .TM. and ® symbols
Generally, one who has filed an application (pending
registration) can use the TM (trademark) designation with the
mark to alert the public of his exclusive claim. The claim may
or may not be valid. The registration symbol, ®,may only be
used when the mark isregistered.
Intellectual property India website
Trademark Infringement
Trademark Infringement is a violation of exclusive rights
attaching to a trademark without the authorization of the
trademark owner or any licensee. Trademark infringement
mostly occurs when a person uses a trademark which may be
either a symbol or a design, with resembles to the products
owned by the other party. The trademark owner may begin a
legal proceeding against a party, which infringes its registration.

Offences shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term of

minimum of six months but which may extend to three years
and with a minimum fine of fifty thousand rupees but which
may extend to two lakh rupees or more. For adequate and special
reasons mentioned in the judgement, the court may impose a
sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than six months or a
fine of less than fifty thousandrupees
Trademark Infringement
Example Case
Amul won trademark case in Gujarat HC in2007

It was conclueded that Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul's name cannot be used by
any other proprietor even if the company is selling goods other than that sold by the
proprietor, who has registered the trademark. In a significant judgment, the Gujarat
High Court has ruled that a registered trademark user has the right to restrict others
using their trademark for different class or goods.
HC's judgment was in connection with a case where the Kaira District Co-operative
Milk Producers' Union popularly Amul Dairy and the Gujarat Co-operative Milk
Marketing Federation (GCMMF) had filed trademark infringement cases against
two local shop owners, Amul Chasmaghar and Amul Cut Piece Stores in the district
court. While Kaira Union owns brand Amul, GCMMF manages the brand.
It was on April 25, in 2007 year that the district court had passed an order that it was
a clear case of infringement and restrained the two from using Amul trademark.
Amul Chasmaghar however had challenged the district court's interim injunction in
the HC, where justice D N Patel upheld ruling of the district court.
 The trade mark is for protecting the name of the product or services rather the
product itself;
 Trade mark assures the customerabout the source of a product, though the quality
of the product is not assured by the trade mark;
 The trade mark should bedistinctive;
 Deceptively similar marks, geographical names etc. can not be registered as a trade
 In India, the Trade Mark Act of 1999 is presently in force;
 The term of trade mark protection is 10 years, which can be renewed from time to
time, indefinitely;
 Trade mark can be assigned or transmitted;
 Using deceptively similar marks, falsifying the mark or using unregistered mark
cause infringement under Trade Mark Act; and
 The penalties against offences related to trade mark can range from fine to

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