Leadership Styles and Theories 05-06-19 2020H

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 Ideally, leadership should result in the willingness of

individuals to work with zest, ardor, and self-reliance. The
leader guides them and facilitates their progress toward the
attainment of organizational vision, mission, goals, and
objectives. Leadership theories emerged in order to
respond to the need by explaining certain aspects of
leadership, and to better understand what drives success in
this area.
 Trait Theory - a theory based on leader traits or personal
characteristics that differentiate leader from the followers. The
trait theory of leadership envolved from the earlier Greatman
 Greatman Theory - the assumption that leaders were born
with sominnate ability to lead.
 Trait Theorists - the leadership traits were not inborn and
could be learned through experience and knowledge gained
through studies.
 Behavioral Theory - a theory that focuses on the behavior,
action conduct, demeanor or department of a leader instead of
his or her personality traits.
 Leadership theories envolved along with the
development of management thought throughout time,
giving rise to contemporary theories such as follows:

 Fiedler Model - it is a situational leadership theory

proposed by Fred Fiedler, an organizational behavior
 This theory is based on the assumption that a leader's
style is fitted to actual situations in the organization's
internal and external environment.Situational control, which
may be low or high. High control means that the leader has
the capability to influence work results while low control
implies very little influence.
 Hersey-Blanchard Model - another situational leadership theory
proposed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard.
 The theory focused on subordinate's readiness or extent to
which the said subordinates have the ability and willingness to
accomplish a specific work assignment.

 Path Goal Theory - a theory developed by Robert House which

state effective readers show their subordinates the path they
must take to help them achieve their work goals.
House identified four leadership
 Direct leadership - where the leader gives specific
guidelines to followers so that task accomolishment would
be easier
 Supportive leadership - where the leader shows concern
and friendliness to subordinates;
 Participative leadership - where the leader asks for
suggestions from followers before decision-making
 Achievement-oriented leadership - where the leader sets
the goals that subordinates must try to achieve.
Modern Leadership Views Similarly, views on leadership envolved
over time. Among the modern views on and approaches to leadership
are the following:
 Transactional Leadership Model - a theoretical model which
states that leaders guide their subirdinates toward the
achievement of their organization's goals by using social
exchange or transactions and by offering rewards in exchange
for their productivity.
 Transformational Leadership Model - it states that leaders
inspire or transform followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes.
It is also, strongly correlated with lower turnover rates and higher
levels of productivity, employee satisfaction, creativity, goal
attainment, and follower well-being.
 Charismatic Leadership Theory - the leadership which state the
leaders who have a charismatic personality are able to influence their
subordinatez to follow them.
 Visionary Leadership Theory - a leader are able to make their
subordinates follow because of their ability to create and articulate a
realistic, credible, and attractive vision that may improve present
conditions or circumstances.
 Team Leadership Theory - many managers are now trying to learn
how to become effective team leaders. Among the skills that they
must learn are information sharing, trusting others, lesseninh their
authority by empowering subordinates, and proper timing for
mediation, among others.
 Servant Leadership Theory - servant-leaders must focus on increased
service to others, rather than to one's self.It is focus on commitment
to the growth of people, building community.
 communication applies to all management function and its
general purpose for the organization to bring positive
changes that influence activities leading to the firm welfare.
 The communication proceeds start with the sender who has
an idea or a message, which is them transmitted through a
selected channel to the reciever. Accurate communication
occurs when the sendet and the reciever umderstand one
Type of Communication
 Verbal - through the user of oral and written words
 Non-verbal - through body movements, gestures, facial
ecpressions, eye contact, and by touching.
 Formal - communication take place within prescribed,
routine organizational work arrangements
 Informal - if communication is not defined by organization's
hierarchical structure.
 Communication flow in different directions with on organization. It may
be vertical, upward, down ward, horizontal/lateral or diagonal.

 Vertical Communication - flow between people belonging to

different organizational levels.
 Upward Communication - flow of information from an
employee to the boss/manager Employee/subordinates may
communicate upward regarding their personal problems
request that they would like the boss to approve, issues with
coworkers, and others.
 Downward Communication - the flow of information from the
manager to the subordinates/employees.
 Horizontal/Lateral Communication - take place among
employees belonging the same hierarchical level.
 Diagonal Communication - entails communication with
someone or others who belong to different
departments/units and different hierarchicsl levels.
 Communication Network in Organizations -combined
horizontal and vertical flow of organization communication.
Types of Communication Network
 Chain Network - communication flows according to the
usual formal chain of command, downward and upward.
 Wheel Network - communication flows between a leader
and other members pf their group/team.
 All-Channel Network - communication flows freely among all
member of a team.
Barriers of Communication
 Organization members may encounter various type of
barriers that can alter the meaning of communications that
they receive. These barriers include filtering, emotions,
information overload, defensiveness, language, and
national culture.
 FILTERING - the shaping of information communicated in
order to make it look good or advantageous to the receiver.
 EMOTIONS - the interpretation of communications which
may be influenced by extreme emotions felt by the receiver.
 INFORMATION OVERLOAD - another barrier to good
communication since there are too many pieces of
information receivedby an individual may have a negative
effect on a person's processing capacity.
 DEFENSIVENESS - the act of self-protection when people are
threatened by something or someone.
 LANGUAGE - could also hamper good communications because
words used may have different meanings to different people
belonging to different age, educational background, or cultural
 NATIONAL CULTURE - just like language, the prevailing
national culture may also caude problems in communication
among members of an organization, especially if it it
multinational company.
 Using feedback- this is usually done by asking
questions about a memo sent to subordinates
or by asking them to give their comments or
suggestions . In doing so, they are able to
determine whether the communication they
sent out was understood the way they
originally intended.
 Using simple language- this is done by
avoiding uncommon terms and flowery words
that may just cause misinterpretation.
Language used must fit the level of
understanding of the intended recipients of
the communication. Effective communication
is achieved when the message is understood
by those who recieved it.
 Active listening - This means listening well in
order to grasp the full meaning of the
communication. Hearing without giving full
attention to what others seek to communicate
usually results in misinterpretations and
communication distortions.
 Controlling emotions - This is another method
of overcoming communication
misinterpretation. When the receiver is
affected by extreme anger, his interpretation
of a message received may not be accurate.
On the other hand, when the sender is
affected by extreme emotions, he/she may
also send or transmit inaccurate information.
Therefore, it is important to practice
emotional restraint.
 Observing body language - This also
influences how communication is
interpreted. Actions of the message
receiver, like throwing away a delivered to
him, betrays his negative feelings
regarding its message, a if he says "yes"
or "okay" to what is requested. Nonverbal
cues must a be watched because, as the
saying goes, actions speak louder than
ORGANIZATIONS -management of change and
organizational diversity are two related
activities/functions of management because trying to
bring change in organizations is dependent on the
kind and the behavior of people within them. Bringing
about organizational innovations or changes in order
to respond to future competitors may threaten the
firm's members and, thus, cause resistance.
 An organization and it's members must undergo
constant improvement along with its achievement of
growth.changes may be implemented to bring
development in an organization.
Among the changes the typically occur or are
implemented to bring development in an organization
are the following:
Changes in people -People's attitude, values, wants and
needs ,expectations, perceptions, and behaviors
change as time goes by, but changing them for the
better is not easy to do.
Organizational development(OD) - used to describe
organizational change methods related to people,their nature ,
and the quality of their interpersonal relationships as they work
and collaborate with one another. team building, sensitivity
training, intergroup development, process consultation, and
survey feedback are popular OD techniques.
Changes in structure - due to changing conditions/situations and
changing strategies used,organizational structure may also
change according to work specialization, depatrmentalization
,changes of command ,span of control, centralization,
formalization, and job redesign, among others. managers are
advised to alter one or more of these structure components,
depending on the needs of their organization.
Changes in Technology- technology changes usually refer to
changes in work process and method used,introduction,of
new equipment and work tools,automation and
COMPUTERIZATION is the most popular example of
technological change.with the use of computer
networks,large amount of data can be stored,retrieved, and
utilized in many different ways from the simple keeping of
employees' record to controlling complex equipment.
Both large and small companies now use the internet
to transact business,hence the rise of e-commerce as
standard practices in many firms. "virtual workers" - group
of workers who work from their homes or elsewhere.
change is considered by many organization
members as a threat.the possible reasons for this fear
of change are uncertainly,concern about personal
loss,pessimism,the belief that it will have negative
effects on the organization,and changes in their
habitual practices,among others.

The following are required to manage resistance to

change: Education-employees have to be educated
regarding thr reasons for and relevance of change:
 Participation- allow organization members to
participate in decision-.making related to bringing
change in their company.
 Facilitation and support - facilitate and provide new
skills training and counselling for emloyess to
minimize their fear of change.
 Manifulation of information -withhold damaging
information about change to make it acceptable to
organization members.
 Selection of people -select people who are open to
change to help dessiminate the beneficial effects of
change, resistance to change is lessened.
 Coercion -the use of direct threats or force to make
people accept change: however, this method is
perceived as a form of bullying,so it is used only when
extremely necessary.
New Issues in Change Management
(Understanding Situational Factors)
 Waiting for the appropriate time and situation is
suggested when bringing change in organizations.
 Employees may show less resistance to change because
they may percieve their new leaders as more capable of
responding to their needs and the organization needs.
 A big financial crisis in the organization with trigger a
clamor for change.
Making Changes in Organizational Culture
 Set the tone through management behavior - top manager,
particularly, need to be positive role model.
 Create ne stories, symbols, and rituals tonreplace those
currently in use.
 Select and promote employees who adapt the new values.
 Redesign socialization process to align with new values.
 Change the reward system to encourage acceptance of new
 Replace unwritten norms with clearly specified
 Shake up current subculture through job transfer, job
rotation, and/ termination.
 Work to get consensus through employee participationand
create a climate with a high level of trust.
Managing Workplace Diversity
 Workforce diversity in oraganization is inevitable.
 Fact that organization members may differ in age,
gender, physical ability, ethnicity/race, culture, values,
attitude, beliefs , and personality.
 Workgroup diversity is associated with positive and
negative effects of diversity through
(a.)encourage employees to organizations culture
and its dominant values.
(b.)encouraging employees to accept the
differences in workplace.
Filipino and foreign culture as compared to their
foreign in organizations exert big influence on how
managers do their functions and how their
subordinates responds to the rules/regualations and
leadership styles.
Shared Values and Beliefs of Filipinos
-different people around the world have their own
set of values or beliefs that they share and consider
significant as a group or community.As Filipinos,we are
no different from other group around the world.Our
unique culture also influence our attitudes about
work, as well as our habits.
Three primary Filipino values:
 Social acceptance - the value focuses on the desire of
Filipino to be accepted and threated well by others–his
or her family,relatives,friends, and the members of
communties/organizations where he or she belongs–in
accordance with his or ger status,for what he or she
is,and for what he or she accomplished.
 Economic Security -the value emphasizes that one
must have financial stability and that he or she must
be able to stand on his or her own two feet,without
incurring debts in order to meet his or her basic
material needs.
 Social Mobility - this value is concerned with her or his
desire to move up the social ladder,to another higher
economic level, to a higher job position,to a position of
respect in his or her family or in the community where
he or she lives or in the orrganizations where he or she
belongs .
Among the examples of Filipono beliefs and practices
are the mañana habit,ningas cogon, and Filipino time.
Mañana habit -pertain to tbe belief that it is alright to
pospone or finish the task to another day .instead of
finishing the task at hand,one opt to rest or engage in
leisurely activity.
Ningas cogon -a filipimo practices that refers to the
initial show of ethusiasm over project during its beginning
and the waning of interest.similarity,the energy level of tve
worker lowers in the course of the project, hence work slow
Filipimo time -pertains to the common Filipino
practice wherein arriving 15 to 30 minutes late to work or
meetings with associates and friends is considered
●Filipino Values social acceptance, economic security,
and social mobility may have both positive and
negative implication to organizational management
● it motivate the Filipino worker to work hard and had
a mindset that they need to achieve their goals.
● managers easily manage the firm when they guided
by the primary values. NEGATIVE
● worker to be self centered, selfish, and unmindful
● Managing some obsessive and selfish Filipino Worker.
● Unmindful of following the company’s rule on ethical
behavior, respect the rights of other, maintaining good
interpersonal relation to avoid conflicts.
●mañana habit, and ningas cogon of Filipino Workers
● Postponing the completion of task
● Being energetic and enthusiastic ONLY in beginning of
the projects.
● Being late for work and meeting. -Managers find it
difficult to manage Filipino Workers with negative beliefs/
practices as it will inevitably result in endless conflict
Influence of foreign Culture on Organizational
Management Country's culture impacts on the
behavior of both administrators.knowing their beliefs
and values and their cultural dimensions will make it
easier for administrators to manage subordinates and
for subordinates to know the management style of
their superiors;also employess belonging to one
culture with have better relations with co-employees
belonging to other cultures because of this.

Some examples cited cy kreitner and kinicki (2013)are

the following cultural dimensions:
Gender Egalitarianism -refers to the amount of effort
which must be put into minimizing gender
discriminations and inequalities. it is hghest in
Hungary,poland, slovenia,Denmark anf sweden ,and
lowest in South Korea, Egypt ,Morocco, India and
Assertiveness -refers to how confrontational and
dominant individual should be in social relationships.
it is highest in Germany, Australia,Greece, US ,and
Spain,and lowest in Sweden ,New
Zealand,Switzerland,Japan and Kuwait.
Performance Orientation -refers to how much
individuals should be rewarded for improvement and
excellence. It is highest in singgapore ,Hongkong,New
Zealand ,Taiwan,US, and lowest in
Russia,Argentina,Greece,Venezuela,and Italy.
Human Orientation -refers to how much society should
encourage and reward people for being kind,fair
friendly,and generous. It is highest in the
Philippines,Ireland,Malaysia,Egypt, and Indonesia,and
lowest in Germany,Spain,France,Singapore,and Brazil.
Cultural Relativism VS Etnocentrism
-refers to the different -The belief that one's own way of
interpratations of the same or similar life or culture is superior to others. -it is
behavior by member of different important to understand that people
cultures. -it is important to interpret develop culture through adaptation to
the action of member of otger group in theor surroundings.
terms of their particular cultures.

Examples: Exampes:
An amrican manager's direct and A chinese manager who is
brusque manner of reprimanding a ethnocentric may not have high regard
Filipino subordinate is acceptable in the for filipino managers who have different
american culture;this,howeover,is management techniques.
considered insulting when he is judged
according to the filipino culture.

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