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 What is a virus?

Viruses are uniquely different from the many uni-

cellular micro-organisms you have studied so far.
Protozoa, yeasts, bacteria, mycoplasmas, rikettsiae and
chlamydiae are all living organisms with the following
features in common:
 They are all cells
 They store their genetic information as DNA
 Within their cell, they contain all
the organelles necessary for producing energy
and synthesizing proteins, carbohydrates, cell wall
structures etc.
 Replicate by means of binary fission
• smallest infectious agents that can pass through filters
• obligate intracellular parasite (require living cells for
replication)containing genetic material
surrounded by protein during replication they fully
depend on the complicated biochemical machinery
of eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells
•Contain either DNA or RNA but never both
•Too small to be seen with a light microscope
•Cannot be cultured outside their host
Introduction  A virus is an obligate intracellular
parasite containing genetic material
surrounded by protein.
 While Virion is the infectious particle
which is :
 composed of nucleic acid, protein
capsid, +/- envelope
 may be extracellular or intracellular
 The main function of the virion is to
deliver its DNA or RNA genome into
the host cell
 Viruses are very simple structures
consisting essentially of a nucleic
acid genome, protected by a shell
of protein. They are metabolically
inert and can only replicate once
they are inside a host cell.
 Viruses do not share these properties.
 They are not cells. They are very simple structures consisting
essentially of a nucleic acid genome, protected by a shell of protein.
They are metabolically inert and can only replicate once they are
inside a host cell.
 The genome either RNA or DNA.
 Most DNA viruses are double stranded and most RNA viruses have a
single stranded (ss) genome.
 A ssRNA genome may be either positive sense (this means that it can
be used as mRNA to make proteins) or negative sense. Negative sense
RNA is complimentary to mRNA, in other words, it has to be copied
into mRNA. The viral genome codes only for the few proteins necessary
for replication: some proteins are non-structurale.g. polymerase and
some are structural, i.e. they form part of the virion structure.
 They have no organelles.
 They are very small, sizes range from 20 to 200 nm, with newly
discovered viruses as large as 800nm. Most viruses are beyond the
resolving power of the light microscope.
 Virion – complete infectious particle, serves to transfer the
viral nucleic acid from one cell to another.
 Nucleic Acid core – constitute the genetic material or viral
genomes which can be single or double stranded
 Capsid – protein shell or coat that encloses the nucleic
acid genome which is either helical or icosahedral in
symmetry; covered by an envelope which usually consist of
lipids, protein and carbohydrates
-protect the viral genome from destructive agents in the
external environment
- Introduce the viral genome into the host cell
 Virion = virus particle
 Capsid = protein shell which surrounds and protects
the genome. It is built up of multiple (identical)
protein sub-units called capsomers. Capsids are
either icosahedral or tubular in shape
 Nucleocapsid = genome plus capsid
 Envelope = lipid membrane which surrounds some
viruses. It is derived from the plasma membrane of the
host cell.
 Peplomers = proteins found in the envelope of the
virion. They are usually glycosylated and are thus more
commonly known as glycoproteins.
 Capsomers – complex morphologic subunits of the
capsid which consist of several identical or different
protein molecules; they are clusters of polypeptide on the
surface of icosahedral virus particle, but the morphologic
units do not necessarily correspond to the chemically
defined structural units.
 Nucleocapsid – the capsid together with the nucleic acids
 Peplos – lipoprotein envelope that covers the capsid
a. Some viruses have envelope from the host cell membrane
or from the nuclear membrane; they exhibit glycoprotein
spikes or knobs
b. Some viruses have no envelope (naked)
 Envelope: A lipid-containing membrane that
surrounds some virus particles. It is acquired during
viral maturation by a budding process through a
cellular membrane . Virus-encoded glycoproteins are
exposed on the surface of the envelope. These
projections are called peplomers.
 Peplomers – lipoprotein sub-units of the peplos; a
virus encoded glycoprotein that are exposed on the
surface of the envelope

 Spikes – glycoprotein molecules which are usually

associated with each other in the form of oligomers
that are easily visible in the electron microscope;
used as a means of identification
How do viruses cause disease?
 Viruses are capable of infecting all types of living organism from
bacteria to humans, (including plants and insects!). A major factor
that controls which cell type a virus can infect (cell tropism) is the
presence (on the cell surface) of the appropriate receptor, to which the
virus must attach in order to gain entry into the cell.
 Viruses enter the body by inhalation, ingestion, sexual
intercourse or inoculation through the skin or mucous membranes.
Infection may also sometimes be passed from a mother to her fetus
transplacentally (vertical transmission). Once a virus has gained
entry into the body, infection may either remain localized to the site
of entry (an example of this is influenza where the virus remains
confined to the respiratory tract), or it may cause a disseminated
infection. Here, the virus replicates initially at the site of entry, but
then enters the blood (viraemia) or lymphatics and spreads
throughout the body (e.g. Measles). Other viruses such as Rabies and
Herpes Simplex may replicate locally initially, then
enter nerve endings and travel up the axon to infect the central
nervous system.
Viruses can be placed in one of the seven following
 I: dsDNA
viruses (e.g. Adenoviruses, Herpesviruses, Poxviruses)
 II: ssDNA viruses (+ strand or "sense") DNA
(e.g. Parvoviruses)
 III: dsRNA viruses (e.g. Reoviruses)
 IV: (+)ssRNA viruses (+ strand or sense) RNA
(e.g. Picornaviruses, Togaviruses)
 V: (−)ssRNA viruses (− strand or antisense) RNA
(e.g. Orthomyxoviruses, Rhabdoviruses)
 VI: ssRNA-RT viruses (+ strand or sense) RNA with
DNA intermediate in life-cycle (e.g. Retroviruses)
 VII: dsDNA-RT viruses DNA with RNA intermediate in
life-cycle (e.g. Hepadnaviruses)
Classification of viruses
 According to morphology, type of genome, or means
of replication.
 Morphology includes: type of capsid, such as
icosahedral or irregular
 Type of genome: RNA or DNA ( single- or double
stranded), size,
Classification of Viruses
 Basis of classification:
1. Virus Morphology – size, shape, type of symmetry,
presence or absence of peplomers or absence of
2. Physico-chemical properties of virion – including
molecular mass, density, pH stability and susceptibility to
physical and chemical agents such as ether as well as
thermal stability
3. Virus genome properties – including type of nucleic
acid (RNA or DNA), size of the genome, strandedness
(single or double), linear or circular, number and size
and nucleotide sequence
4. Virus protein properties including functional
activities of structural and non-structural proteins;
special functional activities such as transcriptase,
reverse transcriptase; neuraminidase and fusion
5. Genome organization and replication including
gene order; replication pattern and cellular sites
6. Antigenic properties

7. Biologic properties including mode of transmission,

vector relationship, pathogenicity and pathology
 Proteins ; number, size, sequence, etc.
 Lipids: content, character
 Carbohydrates: content, character
 Genome organization and replication: strategy of
replication, number and position of open reading
frames, transcriptional and translational strategies,
site of virion assembly and release
 Antigenic properties: serological relationship
 Biological properties: host range, mode of
transmission, pathogenicity, tissue tropisms and
geographic distribution
Classification of Viruses
Based on Symptomatology
A. Generalized Diseases
Viral diseases where there is spread throughout the
body via the bloodstream with multiple organ
Ex. Vaccinia yellow fever
measles dengue
rubella enterovirus
chicken pox
Diseases primarily affecting specific
 Nervous System
- Poliomyelitis
- aseptic meningitis (polio-coxsackie virus and echo
- Rabies , measles, vaccinia and slow viral infections
- - arthropod borne encephalitidis
- Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
- - herpes simplex
- - meningoencephalitis of mumps
Respiratory System
- Influenza
- parainfluenza
- respiratory syncytial viral pneumonia
- bronchiolitis
- adenovirus
- pharyngitis
- common colds caused by many viruses
Skin and Mucus Membrane
 HSV type 1 & 2
 Molluscum contangiosum
 Warts
 Herpangina
 Herpes zosters & others
 Hepatitis type A, B, C
 Yellow fever
 Enteroviruses
 Herpes viruses and rubella virus

Salivary Glands
 Mumps
 Cytomegalovirus
 Adenovirus conjunctivitis
 Herpes keratoconjunctivitis
 Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (enterovirus 70)

Gastrointestinal Tract
 Rotavirus
 Norwalk virus
 Enteric adenovirus
Sexually Transmitted
 Herpes simplex virus
 Hepatitis B virus
 Papilloma viruses
 Molluscum contangiosum virus
 Retroviruses associated with AIDS
 Cytomegalovirus
Universal System of virus Taxonomy
on the basis of virion morphology
 Genome structure
 Strategies of replication
- Virus family names have a suffix -viridae; groupings
of genera that share common characteristics from
the member viruses of other families
- Genus names based on physicochemical or serologic
differences have suffix -virus
- The names of subfamilies end in –virinae (not used
in all families)
- Virus orders may be used to group virus families that
share common characteristics from other orders &
 Example:
Adenoviridae (adeno,”gland”; refers to the adenoid tissue from which the
viruses was first isolated
Astroviridae (astron means star)
Arenaviridae ( arena “sand” describe the sandy appearance of the virion
Bunyaviridae (from Bunyamwera, the place in Africa where the type of
strain was isolated
Calcivirus (calix “cup” or goblet” from the cup-shaped depression on the
viral surfaces)
Coronaviridae (“crown”) describes the appearance of the peplomers
protuding from the viral surface
Filiviridae (from the Latin filum “thread” or filament) describes the
morphology of viruses
Herpesviridae (herpes “creeping) describe the name of the lesions
Orhtomyxoviridae (ortho means “true” plus myxo “mucus” a substance
for which the viruses have an affinity
Parvoviridae (parvus means “small”
Poxviridae (pock means “pustule”
Rhabdoviridae ( rhabdo, “rod” describe the shape of viruses
Togaviridae (toga, ‘cloak” refers to the tight viral envelope
Interference phenomenon & Interferon
 Interference – implies that superinfecting
viral particles are in some way prevented
from entering or multiplying in a cell
already infected with a virus of another kind

 Interferon – special class of protein,

produced by the host’s cell in response to
viral infections which acts as a virus
Specimen Collection
1. Specimen should be collected early in the acute
phase of infection that is within the 1st 72 hours of
an illness because the concentration of virus are
usually highest in the early part of the illness and a
four-fold rise in the antibody titer between acute
and convalescent sera has been used to identify
particular infectious agent as the cause of a recent
2. Inoculation of specimens into tissue culture within
2 – 4 hours is best for virus isolation. Specimen
collected for virus isolation. Specimen collected for
virus isolation should be kept at 4⁰C
Viral Culture
 Non-sterile sites Sterile sites
1. Conjunctival 1. autopsy
2. Skin (mouth & lips) 2. biopsy
3. Nasal aspirate & washing 3. CSF
4. Throat (URT) 4. FNAB
5. Sputum 5. blood
6. Genital (cervical) 6. BAL
7. Stool (rectal) 7. pleural fluid
Virus Transport Media
 Modified Stuart medium
 Modified Hank’s medium
 Leibovitz-Emory medium
 Buffered saline with protein stabilizer & added
 Veil infusion broth
 1% Bovine serum albumin
 Skimmed cow’s milk
In transporting ; specimen should be kept at 4⁰C or on
crushed ice until inoculated however, if there is a delay
of more than 4 days freezing the specimen at -70⁰C is
Specimens to be collected
Clinical Syndromes Specimens Viruses Commonly

Respiratory throat swabs influenza

nasal washing parainfluenza
nasopharyngeal RS virus
aspirates Adenovirus
paired sera Rhinovirus

Gastroenteritis Stool Rotavirus

rectal swabs Norwalk agent
throat swabs Adenovirus
paired sera Enterovirus
Skin lesions/rash skin scrappings Varicella zoster
vesicular fluid Herpes simplex
or swabs Measles
paired sera Rubella

Rectal swabs Enterovirus

Aseptic meningitis blood & CSF Rabies
throat & rectal swabs

Hepatitis stool & serum Hepa A & B

Congenital throat swabs Rubella

Infection products of CMV

conception, urine
Laboratory Diagnosis
I. Direct Microscopic Examination
for detecting the presence of characteristic viral inclusions
commonly used for herpes simplex, herpes zoster and CMV detection
1. Rabies virus = Negri bodies seen in Seller stain
2. Yellow fever virus –Torres-Councilman bodies
3. Fowlpox virus = Bollinger bodies
4. Variola & Varicella = Guarnerie-Paschen bodies
5. Ectromella = Marshall bodies
6. Herpes simplex = Papanicolau stain of cervical smear show giant
cells and intranuclear inclusions
7. CMV – intranuclear inclusion stain with H & E
8. Herpes zoster = multinucleated giant cells seen on Tzanck’s smear
II. Electron Microscopy
III. Antigen Detection
1. Immunofluorescence Microscopy (FAT)
a. Direct= uses a fluorescence –labeled specific
b. Indirect = uses a fluorescence-labeled
antiglobulin to detect unlabeled
specific antibody
2. Immunoperoxidase staining
3. Solid phase immunoassays (RIA, ELISA, particle
agglutination, cell culture)
4. Animal Inoculation test
5. Nucleic Acid Hybridization
 Chick Embryo
a. sites of inoculation
- yolk sac
- amniotic fluid
- allantoic membrane
- chorioallantoic membrane
b. Signs of growth
- death of the embryo
- pock formation = red & white lesion usually seen in
chorioallantoic membrane
- development of agglutinins determined by
hemagglutination method of embryonic fluids
When a virus infects a cell, the virus forces it to make thousands
more viruses. It does this by making the cell copy the virus's DNA or
RNA, making viral proteins, which all assemble to form new virus

 Viruses replicate within a host cell while utilizing the host cell’s
nucleic acids.
 Viral life cycle consists of six stages within the host cell
 Attachment
 Penetration
 Uncoating
 Multiplication
 Assembly
 Release
Viral Replication
1. Attachment/Adsorption – recognition of the
suitable host and specific binding between viral
capsid (often the glycoprotein spikes)
2. Penetration – process by which viruses enter the
host cell; involves fusion of the viral envelope with
the host cell membrane
3. Uncoating occurs once the virus has been
internalized – process by which the capsid is
removed by degradation of viral enzymes or host
enzymes or by simple dissociation. Uncoating is
necessary to release the viral genome before the DNA
or RNA is delivered to its intracellular site of
replication in the nucleus or cytoplasm
Viral replication
4. Macromolecular synthesis – involves the production of
nucleic acid and protein polymers. Viral transcription leads to
the synthesis of mRNA which encodes early & late viral
proteins. Early proteins are nonstructural elements such as
enzymes and late protein are structural components. Rapid
identification of virus in a cell culture can be accomplished by
detecting early viral proteins in infected cells using
immunofluorescent staining techniques
5. Viral assembly – process by which structural proteins, genomes
are assembled into virus particles. Envelopes are required
during viral “budding” from a host cell membrane.
Acquisition of an envelope is the final step in viral assembly
6. Release of viral particles occurs after cell lysis or by budding
from cytoplasmic membrane, Detection of virus in cell
cultures is facilitated by recognition of areas of cell lysis
Viruses are transmitted from:
= person to person by the respiratory
= fecal-oral route
= sexual contact
= trauma or injection with contaminated objects or
= tissue transplant
= blood transfusions
= arthropod or animal bites
= transplacental transmission (during gestation)
Pathogenesis & Spectrum of Disease
Viral infections may produce one of the three characteristic
clinical presentations:
1. Acute viral infection displaying evident signs &
2. Latent infection which has no visible signs and
symptoms but the virus is still present in the host cell in a
lysogenic state (inserted into the host genome in a resting
3. Chronic or persistent infection in which low level of virus
are detectable and the degree of visible sign or symptom
varies. Viremia occurs which inoculates secondary target
tissue distant from the primary site and releases
mediators of human immune cell function.
Secondary viremia
 Occur in a variety of tissues e.g. skin, salivary glands,
kidneys and brain tissues.
 Disease revolves when specific antibody and cell-mediated
immune mechanisms prevent continued replication of the
virus. Tissue is damaged as a result of lysis of virus infected
 Most DNA containing viruses (e.g. herpes group) remain
latent in host tissue with no observable clinical impact
 Retroviruses establish a latent state after primary infection
wherein the viral genome is integrated into the host’s cell
chromosome and no viral replication occurs. Latent viruses
can reactivate silently resulting in viral replication and
cause symptomatic even fatal disease.
Prevention and Therapy
 Immunizations
 Regular thorough handwashing
 Avoiding contact with others during episodes of
evident signs and symptoms such as fever, cough
diarrhea and respiratory infections
 Antiviral agents (HIV, HSV, VZV,CMV,RSV and
influenza viruses
Important General Rules
 The only ssDNA is Parvovirus all other DNA viruses have dsDNA
 The only dsRNA is Reovirus (Rotavirus) all other RNA viruses have
 Most DNA viruses replicate in the nucleus except Poxvirus which
replicate in the cytoplasm
 Most RNA viruses replicate in the cytoplasm except
Orthomyxoviruses (influenza A virus) and Retrovirus(HIV)because
they replicate in the nucleus
 Double stranded - linear or circular Single stranded – linear or circular
 RNA double stranded linear
 Single stranded linear – these single stranded genomes can be either
(+) sense, (-) sense or ambisense. The sense strand is the one that can
serve directly as mRNA and code for protein, so for these viruses, the
viral RNA is infectious. The viral mRNA from a (-) strand viruses is not
infectious since it needs to be copied into the (+) strand before it can
be translated. In ambisense virus, the part of the genome is the sense
DNA containing viruses
 Parvoviridae
 Adenoviridae
 Papovaviridae
 Poxviridae
 Herpesviridae
 Hepadnaviridae
RNA containing viruses
 Picornaviridae
 Calciviridae
 Togaviridae
 Flaviridae
 Coronaviridae
 Reoviridae
 Rhabdoviridae
 Filoviridae
 Paramyxoviridae
 Orthomyxoviridae
 Bunyaviridae
 Arenaviridae
 Retroviridae
 Medium –sized (70-90mm), naked, dsDNA
 Isolated from human adenoids and tonsils
 Replicate in the nucleus
 Associated with the following diseases
a. Pharyngoconjunctival fever d. Pneumonia
b. Acute respiratory diseases e. Hemorrhagic cystitis
c. Acute febrile pharyngitis f, Gastrointestinal diseases
 Airborne or aerosolized droplet, contact with contaminated
respiratory secretions, stool & fomites
 Incubation period = 2-14 days
 Can be detected using various epithelial lines such as A-549, Hep-2
and HeLa cells; growth is apparent in 2-5 days
 Confirmation is performed using indirect fluorescent antibody
(IFA) or enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
 – were first isolated from human adenoid tissues.
Characteristics: double-stranded, icosahedral
capsid, no envelope; approximately 50 human
o Adenovirus serotypes 40 and 41 cause
gastroenterititis in infants and young children
and other serotypes cause conjunctivitis and
Transmission: respiratory, fecal-oral, and direct
Diseases: pharyngitis, pharyngoconjunctival fever,
keratoconjunctivitis, pneumonia, hemorrhagic
cystitis, disseminated disease, and gastroenterititis.
Diagnosis: cell culture, EIA for gastroenterititis
Prevention: vaccine
 Hepatitis B
 pleomorphic, enveloped,
 icosahedral nucleocapsids with dsDNA
 Replicate in the nucleus through an RNA intermediate and then DNA
replication by means or reverse transcription
 Significant cause of liver damage associated with morbidity & mortality
 1⁰ route = percutaneous exposure to blood or blood products, perinatal
or sexual contact
 Heat stable virus and can retain infectivity in drying blood & other
body fluids for several days
 Incubation period = 1-3 months
 Causes acute & chronic hepatitis, persistent infection are associated
with high risk of developing liver cancer
 Mature virion is a “DANE PARTICLE”
 HBsAg – most reliable marker of identifying HBV infection; presence
of HBsAg 6 months after acute infection indicates that the patient is a
chronic carrier
Hepadnaviridae (HBV)
 – is the prototype virus found in Hepadnaviridae family ( hepa
from hepatitis and DNA from the genome type).
 Characteristics: partly double-stranded; icosahedral capsid
with envelope; virion also called Dane particle; surface
antigen originally termed Australia antigen.
 Transmission: humans are reservoir and vector; spread by
direct contact including exchange of body secretions,
recipient of contaminated blood products, percutaneous
injection of virus, and perinatal exposure (usually
asymptomatic but may result in acute or chronic hepatitis
with self limited or fatal outcomes
 Fatal disease occurs when co-infected with hepatitis D virus
or delta virus
 Chronic disease cause of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular

 Diagnosis: serology, viral antigen detection, and PCR.

 Site of latency: liver
 Treatment: antiviral and liver transplant for fulminant
 Prevention: HBV vaccine; hepatitis B immune globulin
Herpes viruses
 “herpes” to creep spreading, ulcerative lesion
 Large (150-200nm), ds DNA, enveloped icosahedral, has
several isometric forms due to the presence of terminal
& internal sequences
 Virion consist of four components: nucleic acid core,
capsid, tegument and asymmetric structure made of a
fibrous-like material surrounds the capsid host cell
upon fusion of the envelope and cell membrane and
initiate the viral replication cycle
 Replicate in the nucleus
 Establish latent infection, persist indefinitely in
infected host and may last for the life span of the host
usually in ganglial and lymphoblastoid cells
 - double stranded DNA viruses with envelope; atleast
8 human herpes viruses known: HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV,
 Latency -“once infected, always infected”
- site varies with virus type:
- HSV 1 & 2, VZV – sensory nerve ganglia
– lymphocytes

Human herpes viruses include herpes simplex virus

types 1 and 2, VZV, EBV and CMV. In addition, HH6 and
HH7 are lymphotropic viruses acquired in early life and
HH8 Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpes virus(KSHV).

 Transmission: direct contact with infected

 Detection: cell culture, direct antigen, PCR, and by
Kaposi’s sarcoma
serologic testing of acute and convalescent serum
 Varicella- zoster virus (VZV)
Disease: chicken pox ( varicella), shingles
Treatment: acyclovir and famciclavir Chicken pox

 Epstein- Barr virus (EBV)

Disease: infectious mononucleosis
Treatment : supportive
Site of latency: B- lymphocyte

Types of Herpes viruses
 HSV 1 – oral strain producing infections above the waist,
stomatitis, fever blisters, URI, severe & fatal encephalitis
 HSV2 – genital strain causing genital infections
 HSV 3 – Varicella Zoster virus (VZV)causing varicella or
chickenpox, Zoster or shingles present in the latent form in the
sensory ganglia
 HSV 4- Epstein –Barr virus (EBV) causing IM; “Burkitt’s
 HSV 5- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) salivary gland virus common
cause of congenital birth defects
 HSV 6 & HSV 7 – lymphotropic viruses acquired early in life,
associated with childhood disease “Roseola” (exanthem subitum)
fever & skin rash; mild mononucleosis-like syndrome in adults
 HSV 8 – Kaposi’s sarcoma (human cancer)
 Herpesvirus simiae B – causes severe fatal encephalitis in
 HSV 5 = Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Disease: asymptomatic infection, congenital disease of newborn,
heterophil- negative infectious mononucleosis
Treatment: decrease immune suppression, gancyclover and
Site of latency: white blood cells

 Human herpes viruses 6 & 7

Site of latency: T-lymphocyte (CD4 cells)
Disease: roseola, malaise, leukopenia, and interstitial pneumonitis
in organ transplant patient

 Human herpes virus 8

Disease: Kaposi’s sarcoma
Site of latency: endothelial cells and tumor infiltrating leukocytes
 Small(40-57nm)
 Naked, icosahedral tumor inducing viruses
 dsDNA
 Replicate in the nucleus
Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) causing “verrucae
vulgaris” or warts – this is a cause of Condyloma
acuminata or genital/perianal warts & skin warts
HPV type 16 & 18 are associated with cervical cancer
& can be identified from a PAP’s smear that identifies
dysplasia & possibly cancer
1. BK virus – isolated from urine of renal
transplant patients
2. JC virus – isolated from brain of patients
with progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy (PML)
 - includes the human papilloma viruses
Characteristics: double stranded,
icosahedral capsid, no envelope.
Virus: Papilloma Virus (HPV)
- contains more than 200 DNA types
- causes human warts
Transmission: Direct contact/ sexual contact
for genital warts
Site of latency: Epithelial Tissue
Diagnosis: cytologic examination of
cutaneous biopsy and DNA probes
Treatment: surgical or chemical removal
Viruses: includes JC and BK viruses, named with the
initials of the persons from whom the viruses were
first isolated.
Characteristics: double- stranded, icosahedral capsid
with no envelope
Natural host: mammals and birds
Transmission: direct contact with infected respiratory
secretions; both viruses are ubiquitous in humans.
Site of latency: both viruses have latent states in the
kidney and can result in symptomatic reactivation during
periods of immune suppression.
Disease: JC virus causes disease in the CNS, progressive
multifocal leukoencephalopathy.
BK virus causes hemorrhagic cystitis, mild respiratory
Treatment: decrease immune suppression
 - parvus (latin means small), have a
wide distribution among warm
blooded animals.
 Virus: Parvovirus B19 – represents the
one human pathogen in the family
Characteristics: single stranded DNA
virus, icosahedral capsid with no
Transmission: close contact, respiratory
Disease: Erythema infectiosum (fifth
disease), aplastic crisis in patients with
underlying hemoglobinopathies, fetal
infection and stillbirth
Detection: Serology, PCR, histology
 Very tiny, naked icosahedral
 sDNA
 Replicate in the nucleus
 5th disease or “erythema infectiosum” rash on the face,
arms & legs , sore throat & myalgia in children
 anemia in immunocompromised patients
 Causes arthritis & aplastic crisis in hemolytic anemia
Adeno-associated viruses – require co-infection with
adenoviruses for replication
 Largest (200-350nm)
 most complex of all viruses
 Brick-shaped or ovoid, ds DNA
 Stable at room temperature
 Replicate in the cytoplasm
 All members tend to produce lesion
a. Variola major – causing smallpox
b. Variola minor – causing alastrim, mild form of smallpox
c. Cowpox – causing vesicular & pustular skin lesion in humans
d. Vaccinia – agent used for smallpox vaccination
e. Orf virus – causing orf, ecthyma contangiosum, contagious pustular
dermatitis or scabby mouth
f. Molluscum contangiosum – a benign epidermal tumor
g. Yaba monkey tumor – produces histiocymas in monkey & humans
- Are the largest and most complex of
all the viruses.
Characteristics: brick- shaped virion
with non-comforming symmetry
referred to as complex; double-
Disease: includes smallpox which is a
devastating and frequently fatal disease
of historical importance (eliminated
from the world in 1977), but feared as
possible biologic weapon if
Transmission: respiratory droplets
Prevention: vaccine Rahima Banu, the last person with the
naturally-occuring case of smallpox, is
pictured here in 1975.
Pox viruses
 Stable at room temperature
 Replicate in the cytoplasm
 All members tend to produce a lesion
- Variola major = causing smallpox
- - Variola minor = causing alastrim, a mild form of
- - Cowpox = causing vesicular & pustular lesion in
- - Vaccinia = agent of smallpox vaccination
- -Orf virus = causing erythema contangiosum,
contagious pustular dermatitis or scabby mouth w/c is
primarily a disease of young goats transmitted to
humans via direct contact
Molluscum contangiosum
 A benign epidermal tumor whose causative
agent is an unclassified member of the

 Yaba Monkey Tumor Virus

- Produces histiocytomas in monkeys and
-derived from the Latin "arena", which
means "sandy"
-are a family of viruses whose members
are generally associated with rodent-
transmitted diseases in humans. Each
virus usually is associated with a
particular rodent host species in which
it is maintained.
-Transmission occurs through
inhalation of aerosols of infected
rodent excrement (urine, saliva, feces,
nasal secretion) or by direct contact
with infected rodents
 Enveloped , helical nucleocapsid with single strand
RNA, measures 110-130nm
 Replicate in cytoplasm
 They contain a number of electron-dense granules that
are ribosomes giving them a sandy appearance
 Causes disease in humans including Lymphocytic
choriomeningitis (LCM), Venezuelan hemorrhagic
fever and Lassa Fever virus.
- Both viruses are zooners( meaning they are found in
animals) which are transmitted from rodents to
humans through aerosol or skin abrasion.
- Tacaribe virus complex – hemorrhagic fever,
- frequently fatal
Arena viruses capable of causing
disease in humans
LCMV (Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus) - cause of
aseptic (nonbacterial) meningitis.
Lassa fever- causes hemorrhagic fever, shock and death.
 All cause a lifelong, persistent, in apparent infections in a
natural rodent host.

Diagnosis: Serology and PCR testing for viral nucleic acid.

Cell culture for viral isolation is unreliable because of
inconsistent sensitivity

Treatment and Prevention: Ribavirin and immune plasma

for Lassa fever. Avoid contact with virus, rodent control;
isolation and barrier nursing prevent nosocomial spread.
 Comprise a large (approximately 300 total members with 12 human pathogens)
diverse group of viruses, most of which are transmitted by mosquitoes.
Virus: Hantavirus
Characteristics: Segmented, single stranded, spherical or
pleomorphic capsid with envelope
Natural host: rodents and plants for Tospovirus
vectors: Mosquitoes, tick, and sandfly vectors
Disease: Encephalitis or California encephalitis virus for
Arbovirus and pneumonia for Hantavirus and
Diagnosis : Serology and antibody detection in CNS, PCR
Prevention : avoid contact with arthropod vector
 Bunyaviridae measures 90-120nm, causes
hemorrhagic fever, nephropathy and severe
pulmonary syndrome associated with
 Replicate in the cytoplasm
 Include all former group C arboviruses
 Differentiated with Togaviruses on the basis
that they are larger & possess a different
 Common insect vector – Aedes mosquitoes
 Mosquito, tick and sandfly vectors except for
Hantavirus which are zoonoses transmitted by contact
with rodent host and/ or their excretions

 Diagnosis: Serology and antibody detection in CSF

Reverse Transcriptase –Polymerase Chain
Reaction (RT-PCR) for Hantaviruses (sin
nombre virus)
Prevention: Avoid contact with arthropod vector
Control programs; avoid rodent urine and
Genus Bunyavirus
1. Bunyamwera and related viruses = causing fever and
2. California encephalitis group (Human pathogen in
the US) including La Crosse
3. Other human disease-causing members of the
a. Tahyna
b. Snowshoehare virus = causing encephalitis
c. Cache Valley (CV)
d. Jamestown Canyon (JC)
e. Rift valley fever
f. Inkoo viruses
Genus Phlebovirus
1. Sandfly fever virus = fever and facial erythema
2. Rift Valley fever virus = fever, arthralgia and retinitis

Genus Nairovirus
1. Crimean – Congovirus hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) =
hemorrhagic fever
2. Nairobi Sheep disease = acute febrile illness
Genus Hantavirus
Hantaan virus – Korean hemorrhagic fever with renal
and pulmonary syndrome associated with rodents
Have been known for years as major animal pathogens.
Characteristics :rounded, non-enveloped, icosahedral capsid
surrounding single stranded RNA, measures 35-40nm
Virus : Noroviruses and Hepatitis E
Norwalk agent – epidemic viral gastroenteritis
Hepatitis E = endemic hepatitis
Transmission: Fecal – oral route
Disease : Norovirus- nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Hepatitis E– similar to that caused by hepatitis A
Diagnosis: electron microscopy, RT-PCR, EIA for noroviruses,
 RNA viruses that cause acute gastroenteritis in human
 Causes respiratory diseases in cats and hemorrhagic
disease in rabbits
 Norwalk viruses named after Norwalk, Ohio
 Hepatitis E virus
Members of Norovirus and Sapovirus are the primary
cause of viral gastroenteritis in humans
S/S: nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and watery
diarrhea, symptoms usually occur after 1-2 days
incubation. Vomiting occurs more often in children
than adults
Norovirus are easily transmitted in water, person to
person or in airborne droplets of vomitus
 The prefix corona- is used
because of the crown-like
surface projections that are
seen when the virus is
examined by electron
Characteristics: single –
stranded, helical capsid with
envelope, club-shaped
peplomers , petal-shaped
surface projection arranged
like crown
Coronaviridae including SARS
 Measures 80-160 nm
Natural host : vertebrae
Transmission : direct contact or aerosol
Disease: coronaviruses are thought to cause
colds and pneumonia in adults and diarrhea
in infants based on the coronavirus-like
particles in stool of symptomatic patients.
Diagnosis: electron microscopy and
RT- PCR, cell culture using Vero-E6 cell line
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
 Identified as the cause of worldwide outbreak which was first emerged
in Guandong, China. The outbreak in China hotel in Hongkong as the
virus evolved and the virus propagate through person to person
transmission. Within months more than 8,000 were affected and
approx. 700 died
 Characterized by rapid onset of fever followed by a dry cough and
 Incubation period: 2 to 7 days after the appearance of initial symptoms
(fever, headache, myalgia and malaise) Illness progress to severe
respiratory distress, requiring the patient to be hospitalized for
supportive care and mechanical ventillation. During the
hospitalization of several patients a secondary attack rate was noted
among health workers caring for SARS patients and this results an
unusual respiratory virus. The highest viral loads in the upper airways
begins in the second week of illness during the time the patients were
severely ill
 Most pathogenic of the hemorrhagic fever viruses
 Viral hemorrhagic fever describe a severe multisystem
syndrome in which multiple organ systems are
affected that results in severe hemorrhages, vomiting,
abdominal pain, myalgia, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis
and proteinuria
 Filo “threadlike” filamentous structural morphology
 Pleomorphic, enveloped, non-segmented, ssRNA
 Filovirus
a. Ebola (or Ebola –Reston)
b. Marburg viruses
 1st Filovirus was detected in Marburg, Germany from a
lab.worker after handling African green monkeys while
preparing polio vaccine , became ill and developed
hemorrhagic fever
 Marburg virus was isolated from the African green
 Ebola virus was named after a river in Zaire (now the
democratic Republic of Congo)
5 Subspecies
1. Zaire Ebola virus 4. Bundibugyo Ebola virus
2 Sudan Ebola virus 5. Reston Ebola virus
3. Cote d’Ivoire Ebola virus
 All Ebola subspecies cause disease in humans and non-
human primates (eg. chimpanzees, gorillas and monkeys)
except Reston Ebola virus which causes disease only in
 Ebola outbreaks were attributed to nosocomial infections
 Transmissible from Humans to monkeys and other wild
animals via body fluids and respiratory droplets
 Disease produced: severe hemorrhage & liver necrosis
 Diagnosis: EM, cell culture in monkey kidney cells ,PCR,
EISA to detect IgM and IgG to Ebola virus
 TX: supportive
 Prevention: Avoid contact with virus
 Uses the latin word flavus-
meaning yellow
 Include viruses that cause disease
 such as yellow fever, dengue, and
West Nile viruses, St. Louis
encephalitis viruses. In addition, a non-arbovirus,
HCV, is a flavivirus.
Can replicate in arthropods that transmit diseases
Natural host: humans and mammals
Vectors: ticks or mosquitoes “Aedes aegypti”
 Flavivirus measures 40-50 nm, small, ssRNA, enveloped,
icosahedral viruses
arboviruses including yellow fever, dengue, west nile and
Yellow fever is one of the great plagues to have occurred
 throughout history. As a results of thousands dying during the
construction of Panama Canal in 1900 in the jungle habitat,
monkeys can serve as reservoir during outbreaks as long as the
mosquito vector is present.
Yellow fever virus infect primarily the liver, resulting in
jaundice, and hemorrhagic fever .
Transmission : bite of mosquito bite (3-6 days incubation prd)
Yellow fever is effectively prevented by a vaccine.
Signs & Symptoms:
 Fever
 Rigors
 Headache
 Backache
 Intensely ill with nausea, vomiting, facial edema,
dusky pallor, swollen
 Bleeding gums
 Hemorrhagic tendencies with black vomit , melena
(black tarry feces)
 Ecchymoses (bruising)
 Dengue virus- humans are the main reservoir.
Transmission occurs by mosquito vectors. It is
the most common arbovirus
 S/S= onset of fever, severe headache, chills
and general myalgia, macropapular rash may
be visible on the trunk of the body then
spread to the face and extremities. No vaccine
available for Dengue
 West Nile virus- is endemic for decades in
Africa, Israel and Europe. Transmitted from
person to person through blood transfusion
 West Nile Virus is maintained in a bird –
mosquito cycle
Virus: HCV
 HCV progresses to chronic infection an important
cause of liver disease and is associated with end stage
liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma.
 The virus is predominantly transmitted by means of
exposure to infected blood. Less efficient modes
includes sexual contact with infected partners,
acupuncture, tattooing, and
sharing needles/razors
 HCV is detected using
screening antibody tests,
confirmatory antibody testing
 Yellow fever virus = hemorrhagic fever,
hepatitis, nephritis often fatal
 Dengue virus (4 serotypes)= fever, arthralgia
and rash
 West Nile virus – fever, arthralgia & rash
 St. Louis encephalitis –=encephalitis
 Japanese encephalitis –=frequently fatal
 Murray Valley encephalitis = encephalitis
 Central European tick-borne encephalitis
 Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis
 Kyasanur Forest virus = hemorrhagic fever
 Louping ill = encephalitis
 Powaasan = encephalitis
 Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus
=hemorrhagic fever
Genera: Enteroviruses (5 types) = very tiny virus
found in the intestines of man & other animal, stable at
pH 3, spread by fecal-oral route & by poor sanitation at
least 70 human enteroviruses are known
Disease : Enteroviruses infect the enteric tract,
which is reflected in their name. On the other hand,
rhinoviruses infect primarily the nose and the
throat. Enteroviruses replicate at 37°C, whereas
rhinoviruses grow better at 33°C, as this is the lower
temperature of the nose.
 From the latin word piccolo- meaning
small.(28-30nm in diameter)
 Are small RNA viruses including the
enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, and Hepatitis A
virus (HAV).
 One of the smallest viruses
 There are currently 50 species in this family,
divided among 29 genera
Characteristics: single stranded, icosahedral
capsid with no envelope.
 Enteroviruses are stable under acid
conditions and thus they are able to
survive exposure to gastric acid. In
contrast, rhinoviruses are acid-labile
(inactivated or destroyed by low pH
conditions) and that is the reason why
rhinovirus infections are restricted to
the nose and throat.
 Prevention: avoid contact with the
Prevention of Picornavirus dse
 Mass education of the public on the mode of virus
transmission stressing on the importance of good
personal hygiene
 Provision of a good sewage disposal system
 Uncontaminated water supply, fecal and pharyngeal
 Vaccination for Poliomyelitis and Hepatitis A
Ribavirin shortens respiratory illnesses
Interferon nasal sprays for prophylactic for common
Poliovirus (3 types) = causing
poliomyelitis involving prominently the
anterior horn cells
Echinovirus (31 types) and more than
100 rhinoviruses are known
(common cold virus) = cause of
nervous disorder; usual symptoms are
fever, mild rash, mild upper respiratory
Coxsackie virus A
Coxsackievirus (23 types) etc.
Coxsackie A virus 16 = cause hand –foot &
mouth disease seen in children
= cause primarily general striated muscle
damage, herpangina, aseptic meningitis,
common cold syndrome, epidemic myalgia,
exanthema, infantile diarrhea and acute
hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
Coxsackie B virus (6 types) = causes illness like
URI, myocarditis neonatorum, aseptic meningitis,
mild paresis, epidemic pleurodynia (Bornholm
= causing primarily fatty tissue and CNS damage;
undifferentiated febrile illness, severe systemic
illness of newborn, pericarditis, upper resp. illness
and pneumonia
Enteric Cytopathogenic Human
Orphan)= paralysis, aseptic
meningitis, encephalitis,
exanthema, respiratory diseases
Human enterovirus 68-71 = lower
resp,illness, acute hemorrhagic
conjunctivitis, meningitis
. Natural host: vertebrates
 Diseases: paralysis (non-polio and polio-
type), summer cold, meningitis, diarrhea
caused by Enteroviruses; hand-foot-and-
mouth disease (ulcers in mouth, hands, and
feet) airborne; caused by Aphthoviruses;
myocarditis caused by Cardioviruses;
common cold caused by Rhinoviruses; and
hepatitis A caused by Hepatoviruses
- Constitutes a large group of viruses
that primarily infect vertebrates.
Characteristics: single –stranded, icosahedral
capsid with envelope; reverse transcriptase
converts genomic RNA to DNA
 Orthoretrovirinae (subfamily)
 Alpharetrovirus – avian leukosis virus
 Betaretrovirus – mouse mammary tumor viru
 Deltaretrovirus – bovine leukemia
 Epsilonretrovirus – walleye epidermal sarcoma
 Gammaretrovirus – murine leukemia virus
 Lentivirus - HIV 1 & 2
Virus: Human immunodeficiency virus types 1
and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2)/ Human T – cell
lymphoma viruses 1 and 2 (HTLV 1 & 2)
Retroviridae (RNA tumor viruses)
 Enveloped particles containing coiled
nucleocapsid within a probably
icosahedral core shell with a single
stranded RNA
 Replicate in the nucleus
 All members possess the unique enzyme
“reverse transcriptase” ; an RNA dependent
DNA polymerase which transcribe DNA
from virion RNA virion DNA integrates
into cellular chromosome as a PROVIRUS
Transmission: sexual contact( high
risk for homosexual or bisexual
individuals) , blood product
exposure, perinatal exposure etc.
Site of Latency: CD4 T lymphocytes
Disease : HIV-1: Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome
HTLV-1:Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL)
and HTLV-1 associated
myelopathy/tropical spastic
paraparesis (HAM/TSP).

Detection: serology, antigen

detection, PCR
Human Immunodeficiency virus
 Patients infected with HIV frequently develop resistance to
the antiretroviral drugs which often results in treatment
 Testing for antiretroviral resistance is crucial to the
assessment of the regimen of drugs intended to suppress
HIV replication and to testing for cross resistance to
alternative antiretroviral drugs.
 The recombinant virus assay (RVA) is a phenotypic type of
susceptibility test for HIV, used to test the reaction of HIV-
1 isolates to nucleoside analog reverse transcription (RT )
 RVA uses RT-PCR amplification of the RT and
pathogenesis related gene coding sequences directly from
the patient’s plasma
Retrovirus replication cycle
 Attachment of the virion to a specific cell surface receptor
 Penetration of the virion core into the cell
 Reverse transcription within the core structure to copy the
genome RNA into DNA
 Transit of the DNA to the nucleus
 Integration of the viral DNA into random sites in cellular
DNA to form the provirus
 Synthesis of viral RNA by cellular RNA polymerase using
the integrated provirus as a template
 Processing of the transcripts to genome and mRNAs
 Synthesis of virion proteins
 Assembly and budding of virions
 Proteolytic processing of capsid proteins
Reoviridae(Resp. Enteric Orphan)
 Wheel-shaped appearance and cause gastroenteritis
 The name is an acronym based on respiratory-entero
 Involved in mild respiratory infections and
gastroenteritis ; an unclassified species causing
colorado tick ferver
 Naked nucleocapsid that posses two capsid shells each
with icosahedral symmetry
 Double stranded RNA measuring 60-80 nm
 Replicate in the cytoplasm
Genus Orthoreovirus – mammalian
Genus Orbivirus e.g. Colorado tick fever
virus causing encephalitis
Genus Rotavirus causing acute infantile
Characteristics: single stranded, helical capsid with
envelope, bullet – shaped with spike
Measures 70-180nm
Genus : Cytorhabdovirus
Natural host : Vertebrates
Virus : Rabies virus causing fatal encephalitis
Transmission : bite of rabid animal most
Disease : rabies
 Genera
a.Cytorhabdovirus; Lettuce Necrotic Yellow virus
b. dichorhabdovirus; Orchid Fleck virus
c. Ephemerovirus ; Bovine Epehemeral fever virus
d. Lyssavirus; Rabies virus
e. Novirhabdovirus; Infetious hematopoetic necrosis
f. Nucleorhabdoviruws; Potato Yellow Dwarf Virus
g. Vesiculovirus; Vesicular Stomatitis Indiana virus
 Genus Vesiculovirus
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) causing mild febrile
illness, sometimes with herpes-like vesicular lesions
in the mouth. The name of the virus comes from the
vesicles that induces on the tongue and lips. VSV is
endemic in domestic animals; 25-90% of farmers in
such areas may have anti-VSV antibodies showing
past infection. The virus also replicates in numerous
arthropods and has been isolated from mosquitoes,
sandflies, blackflies, houseflies and eye gnats
Genus Lyssavirus
 Lyssavirus have helical symmetry, enveloped and have
a single stranded RNA
 Rabies virus - causing fatal encephalitis
 Present in saliva of a rabid animal and is transmitted
by its bite
 Human to human transmission does not occur
 Bats are also important in the transmission of rabies
Clinical Manifestations: in Humans
1. Incubation 4. coma
2. Prodome 5. death
3. Acute neurologic period
 Incubation period in rabies, usually 30-90 days but
ranging from as few as 5 days to longer than 2 years
after initial exposure.
 Clinical symptoms are first noted during the prodomal
period which usually lasts from 2 to 10 days. These
symptoms are often non-specific (general malaise,
fever and fatigue)or suggest involvement of the
respiratory system (sore throat, cough and dyspnea)
gastrointestinal system (anorexia, dysphagia, nausea,
abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea) or CNS
(headache, vertigo, anxiety, apprehension, irritability,
and nervousness
Clinical Features
 Furious rabies – generally manifests as headache, fever,
irritability, restlessness and anxiety. Muscle pains,
salivation and vomiting may follow. A few days following
exposure the patient may experienc3 a stage of excitement
or muscle spasms initiated from the ingestion of saliva or
water. As a result these individuals have a tendency to drool
and begin to fear water-hydrophobia. This excited phase
continues for a few days until the patient lapses into coma
and dies
 Dumb rabies – manifest itself in the opposite manner as
furious rabies. Instead of demonstrating excitement the
patient experiences depression and paralysis followed by
coma. Death results from respiratory arrest. This form of
the virus is difficult to diagnose.
Characteristics : single stranded,
icosahedral capsid with envelope;
family contains arboviruses and non-
arthropod borne rubella virus
Measures 60-70nm
Genus : alphavirus and rubivirus
Natural host : Human, mammals,
marsupials, birds, mosquitoes.
Transmission :
Rubella virus -respiratory,
Alphavirus- arthropod vector, usually
Diseases: rubivirus – congenital
rubella syndrome, ,alphavirus-
arthritis, encephalitis
Detection: serology and antibody
detection in CSF
Genus Alphavirus
 Alpha virus diseases include
1. Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and Western
Equine Encephalitis (WEE) causing encephalitis in
2. Sinbis,– causing fever rash and arthritis
3. Semliki forest virus – rarely encephalitis
4. Chikungunya- causing myositis, arthritis
5. O’nyong-Nyong – causing fever, arthralgia & rash
6. Ross River virus – causing fever, rash and arthralgia
Genus Rubivirus
 Rubella virus is transmitted by the
respiratory route
causing severe deformities of fetuses in the
first trimester of pregnancy & German
- The virus is teratogenic during the first
trimester of pregnancy and the fetus is at
great risk
 Measures 150-300nm
 Enveloped helical nucleocapsid with single stranded
 Replicate in the cytoplasm
 They differ from Orthomyxoviruses in that their
genome are not segmented and they employ a different
molecular strategy for gene expression and gene
 Members of the Genus Paramyxovirus possess two
types of glycoprotein and neuraminidase activities
Genus Paramyxovirus
 Paramyxoviruses causes parainfluenza,
mumps and Newcastle disease in chickens
 Mumps is an acute viral infection that
primarily infect parotid gland and causes
parotitis, orchitis & meningoencephalitis; a
painful swelling of the parotid gland and is
infective to others during the 48 hours.
Mumps is infectious for 2-7 days before the symptoms
and for approximately 9-10 days after the appearance
of the symptoms
Clinical Aspects
 Often asymptomatic
 Malaise and fever followed (24 hours) by redness and
swelling of parotid gland duct
 Swelling of other organs

Meningoencephalitis may occur
Swelling of orchitis cause sterility (20%) 2-5 days after
parotitis and subset after 3-6 days
50% may involve CNS
Genus Morbillivirus
 No neuraminidase activitity
Measles – causing measles, chronic degeneration of
the CNS

Genus Pneurovirus
- with no hemagglutinin & neuraminidase spikes
1. Respiratory Syncytial virus (RSV) - causing
pneumonia & bronchiolitis in infants and children;
common cold syndrome
 Measures 80-200nm
 Medium-sized, enveloped helical nucleocapsid
with segmented and single stranded RNA
 Replicate in the nucleus
 The term myxovirus denote the unique affinity of
influenza viruses for glycoprotein
 The virus possesses 2 glycoprotein spikes
a. Hemagglutinin
b. neuraminidase
Genus Influenza virus
 Influenza virus Type A – causing acute
respiratory disease
 Influenza virus Type B – causing acute
respiratory disease
 Influenza virus Type C – causing respiratory
Viral Syndromes & Common viral pathogens
Viral Syndrome Common Pathogens

Infants & Children

URI Rhinovirus,parainfluenza, adenovirus,
Pharyngitis Adenovirus, coxsackie A, HSV, rhinovirus,
parainfluenza, influenza

Croup Parainflueza, RSV, metapneumovirus

Bronchitis Parainfluenza, RSV, metapneumovirus

Bronchiolitis RSV, parainfluenza, metapneumovirus

Pneumonia RSV, adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza

Gastroenteritis Rotavirus, adenovirus 40-41, calcivirus,

Viral Syndrome Viral Pathogens
Congenital & neonatal HSV-2, echovirus,& other enteroviruses, CMV,
dse parvovirusB-19, VZV, hepatitis viruses
URI Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, Adenovirus, influenza
Pneumonia Influenza, Adenovirus, sin nombre virus(hanta
virus),SARS, hepatitis viruses
Pleurodynia Coxsackie virus B

Gastroeneteritis Norovirus
Viral Syndrome Viral Pathogens
All Patients
Parotitis Mumps, Parainfluenza
Myocarditis/Conjunctivitis Coxsackie virus B and Echoviruses
Keratitis/Conjunctivitis HSV, VZV, Adenovirus, enterovirus 70
Pleurodynia Coxsackie virus B
Herpangina Coxsackie virus A
Febrile illness with rash Echoviruses & Coxsackie viruses
Infectious Mononucleosis EBV, CMV
Meningitis Echoviruses & Coxsackie viruses, Mumps, LCM,
Encephalitis HSV-1, Togaviruses,Bunyaviruses, Flaviviruses,
Rabies virus, Enteroviruses, Measles virus, hv, JC
Hepatitis Hepatitis A,B,C,D, E & non A,B,C,D, E viruses
Hemorrhagic cystitis Adenovirus, BK virus
Hemorrhagic fever Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Yellow fever, dengue &
other viruses
Types of Hepatitis
 Hepatitis A (HAV) Picornaviridae
 Hepatitis B (HBV) Hepadnaviridae
 Hepatitis C (HCV) Flaviviridae
 Hepatitis D (HDV) Deltaviridae
 Hepatitis E (HEV) Calciviridae
 Hepatitis F (HFV) not separate entity-mutant of B
 Hepatitis G (HGV) Flaviviridae

Source Feces Blood, body Blood, body Blood, body Feces

fluid fluid fluid
Route of Feco-oral Percutaneous Percutaneo Percutaneous Feco-
Transmission Permucosal us Permucosal oral

Chronic No Yes Yes Yes No

Prevention Pre-post Pre-post blood donor Pre-post Ensure
exposure exposure screening exposure safe
immuniz Immunization, immunization drinking
ation blood donor water
Hepatitis A
 Infectious hepatitis  Transmission
 Short incubation period
Symptoms: Closed personal contact
Feeling tired Contaminated food and water
Blood exposure
Muscle soreness
Upset stomach Risk factor:
Fever Most common viral hepatitis to
Loss of appetite children and infant
Stomach pain
Dark-yellow urine
Light colored stools
Hepatitis B (HBV)
 Serum hepatitis  Symptoms
 Long incubation hepatitis Jaundice
Unusually light colored stool
 dsDNA
 Hepadnaviridae
Unexplained fatigue that persist
Immunization of HBV for weeks or months
Acute immunization Loss of appetite, nausea and
Passive immunization
Abdominal pain
MOT: parenteral –IV drug Prevention:
user, health workers are Vaccination
increased risk Hepatitis B immunoglobulin
Perinatal (mother – Screening blood donors, blood and
infant) body fluid
Hepatitis C
 Cause liver disease & inflammation of the liver and produce swelling
that occurs when the tissues of the body become injured or infected of
being born to a mother with hepatitis C
Accidental stick with a needle used by an infected person
Unprotected sex with infected partner
Contact with blood or open sores of an infected person
Tattooed or pierced with unsterilized tools
Sharing of razor, toothbrush or nail clippers with an infected person

 Screening of blood, tissue, organ donors
 High risk behavior modification
 Blood and body fluid precaution
 Feeling tired
 Muscle soreness
 Stomach upset
 Stomach pain
 Fever
 Loss of appetite
 Diarrhea
 Dark-yellow urine
 Light colored stools
 Jaundice

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