The Factories Act, 1948

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Presented By :- Nikhil Chaudhari

M.Pharm + MBA
 Introduction
 Chapter I: Preliminary
 Chapter III: Health
 Chapter IV: Safety
 Chapter V: Welfare
 Summary
 Reference

 In India the first Factories Act was passed in 1881. (more than
130 yeas before legislation)
 This Act was basically designed
 to protect children
 to provide few measures for health and safety of the workers.
 Applicable to only those factories, which employed 100 or
more workers.
 In 1891 another factories Act was passed which extended to the
factories employing 50 or more workers.
 “Factory” is defined in Section 2(m) of the Act. It means any premises
including the precincts there of.
1) Where on ten or more workers are working, or were working on any
day of the preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a
manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power, or is
ordinarily so carried on; or
2) Whereon twenty or more workers are working, or were working on
any day of the preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a
manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of power, or
is ordinarily so carried on
3) But does not include a mine subject to the operation of the Mines
Act,1952 or a mobile unit belonging to the Armed forces of the Union,
a railway running shed or a hotel, restaurant or eating place.
 To ensure adequate safety measures and to promote the
health and welfare of the workers employed in factories.
 To prevent haphazard growth of factories through the
provisions related to the approval of plans before the
creation of a factory.
 To regulate the working condition in factories, regulate the
working hours, leave, holidays, overtime, employment of
children, women and young persons ext.

 Total No. of Chapters – 11
 Total No. of Sections - 120

 CHAPTER I - Preliminary CHAPTER VII - Employment of
 CHAPTER II - The Inspecting Staff young persons
 CHAPTER III - Health • CHAPTER VIII - Annual leave with
 CHAPTER IV - Safety wages
 CHAPTER IVA - Provisions relating • CHAPTER IX - Special provisions
to Hazardous processes • CHAPTER X - Penalties and procedure
 CHAPTER V - Welfare • CHAPTER XI - Supplemental
 CHAPTER VI - Working hours of

 Sec 11. Cleanliness
 Sec 12. Disposal of wastes and effluents
 Sec 13. Ventilation and temperature
 Sec 14. Dust and fume
 Sec 15. Artificial humidification Sec 16. Overcrowding
 Sec 17. Lighting
 Sec 18. Drinking water
 Sec 19. Latrines and urinals
 Sec 20. Spittoons
 Sec 21. Fencing of machinery
 Sec 22. Work on or near machinery in motion
 Sec 23. Employment of young persons on dangerous machines sec 24. Strikig gear and devices for
cutting off power
 Sec 25. Self-acting machines
 Sec 26. Casing of new machinery
 Sec27. Prohibition of employment of women and children near cotton openers
 Sec 28. Hoists and lifts
 Sec 29. Lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting tackles
 Sec 30. Revolving machinery
 Sec 31. Pressure plant
 Sec 32. Floors, stairs and means of access
 Sec 33. Pits, sumps, openings in floors, etc.
 Sec 34. Excessive weights
 Sec 35. Protection of eyes
 Sec 36. Precautions against dangerous fumes, gases, etc.
 Sec 36a. Precautions regarding the use of portable electric light
 Sec 37. Explosive or inflammable dust, gas, etc.
 Sec 38. Precautions in case of fire
 Sec 39. Power to require specifications of defective parts or
tests of stability
 Sec 40. Safety of buildings and machinery
 Sec 40a. Maintenance of buildings
 Sec 40b. Safety officers
Section 1. Short title, extent and
 Hazardous Process: It means any
process in relation to an industry would cause
 This Act made in 1948 which extends in India.
effect on health of persons engaged in or
 It came into force on the 1st day of April, 1949.
connected, result in pollution of environment.
 The amendment came in 2016 by having changes
in Section 2, Section 64, Section 65 and Section  Factory: Any premises where ten or more

115. workers are working and in any part of which a

manufacturing process is being carried on with
the aid of power or ordinarily carried on.

Section 11. Cleanliness
 Accumulation of dirt and refuse shall be removed daily by sweeping or by any
other effective method and disposed of in a suitable manner.
 The floor of every workroom shall be cleaned at least once in every week.
 Where a floor is liable to become wet, effective means of drainage shall be
 All doors and window-frames and other wooden, metallic framework shall be
kept painted or varnished and should be done at least once in five years.

Section 12. Disposal of wastes and effluents
 Arrangements shall be made for treatment of wastes carried on as to render them innocuous and

their disposal.

Section 13. Ventilation and Temperature

 Adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air and secure to workers therein reasonable

conditions of comfort and prevent injury from heat.

 Where the work carried in the factories involves the production of excessively high temperature,

prevented by insulating the hot parts.

Section 14. Dust and fume
 The dust or fume is likely to be injurious to workers employed.
 In factory no stationary internal combustion engine shall be operated unless the
exhaust is conducted into the open air.
Section 15. Artificial humidification
 In respect of factories in which humidity of the air is artificially increased, rules
are about,
(a) regulating the methods used for artificially increasing the humidity of the air.
(b) directing prescribed tests for determining the humidity of the air.
 In any factory, the water used for the above purpose shall be taken from a public
supply, or shall be effectively have purified before it is so used.


 There shall be in every workroom  Lighting shall be provided and

maintained sufficient and suitable for
built, at least 14.2 cubic metres of
space for every worker employed.
 In factory prevention should be there
for the formation of shadows, may
cause eyestrain or risk of accident to
any worker.

Section 18. Drinking water-
 In every factory effective arrangements shall be made to provide and maintain at
points conveniently situated for all workers.
 All such points shall be legibly marked "drinking water" in a language understood
by a majority of the workers employed.
 In every factory where more than two hundred and fifty workers are ordinarily
employed, provisions shall be made for cooling drinking water during hot weather.


Section 19. Latrines and Urinals

 In every factory
(a) sufficient latrine and urinal accommodation of prescribed types shall be provided
to workers.
(b) all such accommodation shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
 The State Government may prescribe the number of latrines and urinals to be provided
in any factory in proportion to the number of male and female workers ordinarily


Section 20. Spittoons

 In every factory there shall be provided a sufficient number
of spittoons in convenient places.
 The State Government may make rules prescribing the
type and number of spittoons to be provided and their
location in any factory.
 No person shall spit within the premises of a factory except
in the spittoons and the penalty for its violation shall be


Section 22. Work on or near machinery in motion

 Where in any factory it becomes necessary to examine any part of
machinery, while the machinery is in motion, such examination shall
be made or carried out only by a specially trained adult male worker.
 No woman or young person shall be allowed to clean, lubricate or
adjust any part of any transmission machinery while it is in motion.

Section 23. Employment of young Section 25. Self-acting machines
persons on dangerous machines  No worker is allowed to go around
 No young person shall be allowed these machines within the distance
to work at any machine unless he of forty five centimetres during
has been fully instructed as to the their course of employment.
dangers arising in connection with
the machine and the precautions to
be observed.
Section 26. Casing of new machinery-
 In all machinery driven by power and installed in any factory,
(a) every part of the machinery if necessary, encased or
otherwise effectively guarded as to prevent danger.
(b) Machinery which does not require frequent adjustment while
in motion shall be completely encased.
Section 28. Hoist and lifts
In every factory, the hoist and lift shall be
 good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength and should
be checked once in every six months and should be recorded.
 every hoist way and lift way shall be sufficiently protected by an enclosure fitted
with gates.
 the maximum safe working load shall be plainly marked and no load greater than
such load shall be carried.

Section 29. Lifting machines, chains, ropes -
 All parts, whether fixed or movable, of every lifting machine and every chain, rope
shall be-
(i) of good construction, sound material and adequate strength and free from defects.
(ii) thoroughly examined by a trained person once in every twelve months.
 No lifting machine and no chain shall, except for the purpose of test, be loaded
beyond the safe working load.
 While any person is working on or near a travelling crane in any place, measures
shall be taken that crane does not approach within six metres of that place.

Section 32. Floors, stairs and means of access -
Section 30. Revolving machinery -
 In every factory all floors, steps shall be of
 In every factory in which the process
sound construction, and kept free from
of grinding is carried on, each
obstructions and substances likely to cause
machine in use a notice indicating
persons to slip.
the maximum safe working
 When any person has to work at a height
peripheral speed of every grindstone.
from where he is likely to fall, provision
shall be made by fencing.

Section 34. Excessive weights Section 35. Protection of eyes
 No person shall be employed in any  The process which may includes risk of
factory to lift, carry or move any injury to the eyes from particles or fragments
load so heavy as to be likely to cause thrown off in the course of the process.
him an injury.  They require the effective screens or suitable
 The rules and limits can be given by goggles and they shall be provided for the
the state government regarding the workers.
weights and workers to be carried.

Section 36. Precautions against dangerous Section 36A. Precautions regarding the use of
fumes, gases portable electric light
 No person shall be allowed to enter any
 The portable electric light which exceeding 24 volts
chamber, tank, or other confined space in
should not be allowed into tank, chamber or any
any factory in which any gas, fume,
confined space without any safety measures.
vapour or dust.
 Preventive measures should be taken by  If any inflammable gas or dust are there it may

taking breathing apparatus and rope tied cause fire and flame proof construction should be
to him. made for the appliance.

Section 38. Precautions in case of fire
 In every factory, all measures shall be taken to prevent outbreak of fire and
its spread and to provide and maintain
(a) safe means of escape for all persons in the event of a fire.
(b) the necessary equipment and facilities for extinguishing fire.
 Effective measures shall be taken to ensure that all workers are familiar
with the means of escape in case of fire and have been adequately trained.

Section 40. Safety of buildings and machinery
 If it appears to Inspector that any building, machinery in a factory
is in dangerous condition, he may give on the manager of the
factory an order in writing specifying the measures to be taken.
Section 40B. Safety Officers
 In every factory the safety officers should be employed,
(i) wherein one thousand or more workers are ordinarily employed,
(ii) wherein, any manufacturing process or operation involves any
risk of bodily injury, poisoning or disease, to the person employed in
the factory.

Section45. First aid appliances
 There shall be provided and maintained first-aid boxes and the number of such
boxes shall not be less than one for every one hundred fifty workers in the
 Each first-aid box or cupboard shall be kept in the charge of a separate
responsible person who holds a certificate in first-aid treatment.
 In every factory wherein more than five hundred workers are there shall be
provided and maintained an ambulance room of the prescribed size.

 The factories act should be followed to ensure safety and health
of the workers in the factory.
 Safety measures should be followed while handling machinery
and in the dust prone areas.
 Workers should be properly trained and be aware of the
preventive and safety measures during any accident.
 Surgeons C. The Factories Act , 1948. Vol. 1948. 2007.


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