Use Case

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Making use of use cases

& use case diagrams

By Nitin Dahale
Roll No. : VU182927
✘ What is a use case?
✘ How do we describe use cases?
✘ What is a use case?
✘ What is an Actor?
✘ Finding Actor
✘ What is a user story
✘ Use Case Diagram
✘ Use Case Diagram Objective
✘ Example Use-Case Diagram
✘ Elements of use case diagram: Actor
✘ Elements of use case diagram: Use Case
✘ Elements of use case diagram: Other details
✘ References

What is a use case?
✘ A requirements analysis concept
✘ A case of a use of the system/product
✘ Describes the system's actions from the point of view of a user
✘ Tells a story
✘ A sequence of events involving
✘ Interactions of a user with the system
✘ Is oriented toward satisfying a user's goal

How do we describe use
• Textual or tabular descriptions
• User stories
• Diagrams

Use Case Descriptions
✘ Actors - something with a behavior or role, e.g., a person,
another system, organization.
✘ Scenario - a specific sequence of actions and interactions
between actors and the system, a.k.a. a use case instance
✘ Use case - a collection of related success and failure
scenarios, describing actors using the system to support a

What is an Actor?
✘ Include all user roles that interact with the system
✘ Include system components only if they responsible for triggering a use
✘ For example, a timer that triggers sending of an e-mail reminder
✘ primary - a user whose goals are fulfilled by the system.
• Importance: define user goals.
✘ Supporting - provides a service (e.g., info) to the system.
• Importance: clarify external interfaces and protocols.
✘ offstage - has an interest in the behavior but is not primary or
supporting, e.g., government.
• Importance: ensure all interests (even subtle) are identified
and satisfied.
Finding Actors
Humans External System
Robot Sensors
External objects that
produce/consume data:
✘ Must serve as sources and
destinations for data.
✘ Must be external to the system.

What is a user story
✘ An abbreviated description of a use case .
✘ Used in agile development.
1.Who? As a <type of user>,
2.Does what? I want <some behavior from the system>
3.And why? So that <some value is achieved>

Use Case Diagrams
✘ A picture
• Describes how actors relate to use cases • and use
cases relate to one another
• Diagrams are not essential
✘ They are helpful in giving an overview, but only
secondary in importance to the textual description
✘ They do not capture the full information of the actual
use cases
✘ In contrast, text is essential

Use Case Diagram Objective
✘ Built in early stages of development
✘ Purpose
• Specify the context of a system
• Capture the requirements of a system
• Validate a systems architecture
• Drive implementation and generate test cases
• Developed by analysts and domain experts

Example Use-Case Diagram

Elements of use case
diagram: Actor
✘ Actor is someone interacting with use case (system function).
Named by noun.
✘ Similar to the concept of user, but a user can play different roles
; (example: a prof. can be instructor and researcher – plays 2
roles with two
✘ Actor triggers use case.
✘ Actor has responsibility toward the system (inputs), and Actor
have expectations from the system (outputs). systems)

Elements of use case
diagram: Use Case
Do something

✘ System function (process – automated or manual).

✘ Named by verb.
✘ Each Actor must be linked to a use case, while some use cases
may not be linked to actors.

Elements of use case
diagram: Other details
✘ Connection between Actor and Use Case

✘ Boundary of system

✘ Include relationship between Use Cases (one
UC must call another; e.g., Login UC includes
User Authentication UC)

Extend relationship between Use Cases (one
UC calls Another under certain condition; think
of if-then decision points



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