My Conceptual Framework Presentation
My Conceptual Framework Presentation
My Conceptual Framework Presentation
• Financial Reporting
Standards Council - Philippine Financial
standard setting body Reporting Standards
created by the PRC upon
recommendation of the include:
BOA in carrying out its PFRS corresponding to
powers and functions IFRS issued by IASB
under R.A. 9298. It shall PAS corresponding to IAS
have 15 members: issued by IASC
Chairman, BOA, SEC, Phil. Interpretations
BSP, BIR, COA, FINEX, corresponding to IFRIC and
and 4 sectors of SIC Interpretations and
accounting practice (2 per Interpretations developed by
sector) public, commerce
& industry, academe and
Consistency of presentation
The presentation and classification of items in the financial statements shall
be retained from one period to the next unless a change is justified either by
a change in circumstances or a requirement of a new IFRS
Materiality and aggregation
Each material class of similar items must be presented separately in the
financial statements. Dissimilar items may be aggregated only if the are
individually immaterial. [IAS 1.29]
Fair Presentation requires the following
Assets and liabilities, and income and expenses, may not be offset unless
required or permitted by an IFRS.
Comparative information
IAS 1 requires that comparative information to be disclosed in respect of the
previous period for all amounts reported in the financial statements, both on the
face of the financial statements and in the notes, unless another Standard
requires otherwise
Reporting period
There is a presumption that financial statements will be prepared at least
annually. If the annual reporting period changes and financial statements are
prepared for a different period, the entity must disclose the reason for the change
and state that amounts are not entirely comparable
Fair Presentation requires the following
Format of statement
IAS 1 does not prescribe the format of the statement of financial position. Assets can be
presented current then non-current, or vice versa, and liabilities and equity can be
presented current then non-current then equity, or vice versa. A net asset presentation
(assets minus liabilities) is allowed. The long-term financing approach used in UK and
elsewhere – fixed assets + current assets - short term payables = long-term debt plus
equity – is also acceptable.
Share capital and reserves
Regarding issued share capital and reserves, the following disclosures are required:
[IAS 1.79]
numbers of shares authorised, issued and fully paid, and issued but not fully paid
par value (or that shares do not have a par value)
a reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding at the beginning and the end
of the period
description of rights, preferences, and restrictions
treasury shares, including shares held by subsidiaries and associates
shares reserved for issuance under options and contracts
a description of the nature and purpose of each reserve within equity.
Fair Presentation requires the following
Statement of financial position (balance sheet)