Respiratory System: Gas Exchange

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Respiratory System

Gas exchange

• Why do we breathe? Think of all the T

reasons why we need a respiratory O
system. G
Warning: terminology!
• “Respiration” is used several different ways:
• Cellular respiration is the aerobic breakdown
of glucose in the mitochondria to make ATP.
• Respiratory systems are the organs in
animals that exchange gases with the
• “Respiration” is an everyday term that is often
used to mean “breathing.”
• Main Parts of the Respiratory System
• Nasal Cavity
• The nostrils are the opening into the
nasal passages that are lined with hairs
called cilia. The cilia filter the dust and
other particles present in the air. They
also protect the nasal passages and
other regions of the respiratory tract. The
blood vessels inside the lining of the
nose warms and humidifies the air.
• Pharynx and Larynx
• The pharynx is also called the throat. It is the
common passageway for both food, water and air.
Below the epiglottis is the larynx or voice box. The
larynx contain two vocal chords that vibrate when
air passes by them. With our tongue and lips, we
convert these vibrations into speech. The larynx is the
main site for sound production. Two ligaments called
vocal chords can be stretched in varying extents
across the opening of the larynx. To prevent food from
entering the windpipe or trachea, the epiglottis closes
the larynx when swallowing. This prevents food and
water to enter the passage.
• Trachea- is known as windpipe. It is
made up of muscles and elastic fibers
with rings of cartilage lined with cilia. The
trachea filters the air we inhale and
branches into the bronchi.
Bronchi- are two tubes that carry air into the lungs.
Bronchial tubes also branch into smaller tubes
called bronchioles. Bronchioles branch off into
Alveoli are grape-like structures at the end of
bronchioles. The alveoli have thin walls that are
surrounded by blood vessels.
The bronchioles and the alveoli together make up
the lungs. The alveoli increase the surface of the
lungs for greater exchange of gases to collect more
oxygen. It also protects the lungs from bacteria and
other harmful microorganisms.
• Lungs – the lungs are located in the chest
cavity surrounded by the rib cage. The lungs
are the main organ of the respiratory system.
This is where exchange of gases occurs. This
is the site where oxygen is taken in and carbon
dioxide is expelled out. Each lung is covered
with pleural membrane. This membrane
produces slippery fluid that allow the lungs to
glide freely during breathing.
Diaphragm –is a dome shaped muscle that controls
breathing, which located at the bottom of the lungs.
During respiration, the diaphragm flattens out and
pulls upward, making more space for the lungs. When
we inhale or breathe in, the diaphragm contracts and
pulls downward. This movement increases the space
in the lungs, which pulls air into it. When we exhale or
breathe out, the diaphragm expands. This movement
reduces the amount of space for the lungs and forces
air out.
Respiratory system function

• Respiratory systems allow animals to

move oxygen (needed for cellular
respiration) into body tissues and
remove carbon dioxide (waste product of
cellular respiration) from cells.
Gas exchange by Diffusion

• Some animals simply

allow gases to diffuse
through their skins.

• These animals have a

low metabolic rate.

• All of these are aquatic

animals. Why?
Specialized structures
• Structures
specialized for gas
exchange include:

• gills (aquatic

• spiracles
(terrestrial insects)

• lungs (most
Fish Gills
• Fish increase gas
exchange efficiency
using countercurrent

• Running blood through

the system in the
opposite direction to
water keeps a diffusion
gradient throughout the
entire exchange.
Gills exchange gases in fish. What is the
site of gas exchange in mammals?
25% 25% 25% 25%

1. Alveoli
2. Tracheids
3. Bronchi
4. Esophagus

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• Why are gills so widely seen in aquatic K
animals but not in land animals?
• One group of land animals that have gills O
is the Isopods (“pill bugs” and “sow G
bugs”). How can these organisms E
survive on land with gills? T
Human respiratory system
• Parts of the
respiratory system

• Trachea

• Bronchi

• Bronchioles

• Alveoli
Moving air in and out
• During inspiration
(inhalation), the
diaphragm and
intercostal muscles

• During exhalation,
these muscles
relax. The
diaphragm domes
• The alveoli are
moist, thin-walled
pockets which are
the site of gas

• A slightly oily
surfactant prevents
the alveolar walls
from collapsing and
sticking together.
Circulation and Gas Exchange
• Recall the
between circulation
and the respiratory

• Gas exchange at
the lungs and in the
body cells moves
oxygen into cells
and carbon dioxide
What happens when you breathe
1. The rib muscles 25% 25% 25% 25%
2. The diaphragm
3. Air leaves the
4. Air moves between
the chest wall and
the lung.
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• Premature infants sometimes die of lung T

collapse and other lung problems. What O
might preemies be missing? How could G
this be remedied? E
In the alveolus
• The respiratory
surface is made up
of the alveoli and
capillary walls.

• The walls of the

capillaries and the
alveoli may share
the same
Gas exchange
• Air entering the lungs
contains more oxygen
and less carbon dioxide
than the blood that
flows in the pulmonary

• How do these
differences in
concentrations assist
gas exchange?
Oxygen transport

• Hemoglobin binds
to oxygen that
diffuses into the
blood stream.

• What are some

advantages to using
hemoglobin to
transport oxygen?
Carbon dioxide transport
• Carbon dioxide can
dissolve in plasma,
and about 70%
forms bicarbonate

• Some carbon
dioxide can bind to
hemoglobin for
At the cells
• Cells use up oxygen quickly for cellular
respiration. What does this do to the
diffusion gradient? How does this help
cells take up oxygen?
• Cells create carbon dioxide during
cellular respiration, so CO2 levels in the
cell are higher than in the blood coming
to them. How does this help cells get rid
of oxygen?
Diffusion of O2 from lungs to blood
is rapid because:
1. Active transport 33% 33% 33%
moves oxygen.
2. Hemoglobin takes up
oxygen, keeping
concentration low.
3. Blood plasma is

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Most of the oxygen in blood is:
25% 25% 25% 25%
1. In the white cells.
2. Bound to
3. Combined with
carbon to make
carbon dioxide.
4. Dissolved in the

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