Controller of 6 DOF Robotic Arm: Group Members
Controller of 6 DOF Robotic Arm: Group Members
Controller of 6 DOF Robotic Arm: Group Members
Group Members:
Muhammad Shahram Arshad (400541)
Muhammad Nabeel(400406)
Aitazaz Ahsan(400405)
Engr. Hamza Shahid
Department of Electrical Engineering
Problem Statement
The foremost task of the project is to accurately control the movement of the robotic
Low cost and light weight robot capable of executing many industrial and personal
Study the concept of picking and placing of an object utilizing 6 axis robotic arm.
Make an interface between the programming of robotic arm and the sensors.
Advantages of closed loop are that angular position can be controlled precisely, but the feedback
of actual position can also be obtained during the system operation. The voltage feedback which
comes from the built-in potentiometer is accurate enough to represent the actual angular position
of the motor.
We also came across a project of 6 DOF robotic arm that was implemented on FPGA
Project focused on the build of a multipurpose robotic arm which can perform operations with
higher accuracy with 6 degrees of freedom.
Arm exhibited higher speed of operation and lower delay in processing due to the use of FPGA for
processing and control.
Improved the speed of operation and reduced the latency of response when used for applications
such as bionic arm when compared to present methods.
1. Joint arm
Resembles human arm
Very Flexible and accurate
Ability to reach over obstructions and achieve and positon
Applications include paint spraying, arc and spot welding, machine tending etc
When the grippers hold an object and the limiting switch is closed
Which will tell controller to stop sending PWM signal to servo motor.
Total Rs.38350
[2] D Shri Lakshmi Pravalika and Dr. Alex Noel Joseph Raj " IJIET: FPGA based robotic arm with six degree of
freedon” International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 2319-1058,
February 2013.
[4] Agus Bejo, Wanchalerm Pora and Hiroaki Kunieda, “Development of a 6-axis robotic arm controller
implemented on a low-cost microcontroller,” in 2009 6th International Conference on Electrical
Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Pattaya, Chonburi,
Thailand, 2009, pp. 772-776.
[5] Electronics Hub available at
[6] Adafruit (analog feedback) available at
[7] FPGA vs Microcontrollers available at
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