Traffic Flow Theory

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Introduction to traffic flow theory

A. Types of Flow
• Uninterrupted – vehicles are not required to
stop by any cause external to the traffic stream
• Interrupted – vehicles are required to stop by
cause outside the traffic stream, such as a traffic sign,
or signal (usually at an at-grade intersection)
B. Basic Traffic Flow Variables

1. Speed (u) – rate of motion (length of road/time),

[kilometers per hour]
2 principal average speeds:

1.Time mean speed (spot speed)

average of speeds of vehicles passing a point during a
given interval of time It is a common practice among traffic
engineers to report the “spot speed” for a given location
If 3 cars are traveling at constant speeds u1, u2, and u3:
ut = ⅓ (u1 + u2 + u3)
2. Space mean speed (harmonic mean speed)
average speed of vehicles traversing a given
length of road at an instant of time
Considering again the 3 cars, the average travel time is:

The space mean speed is computed as:

us = D/t
Example: 10 vehicles were observed with speeds
of 40, 30, 35, 50, 42, 60, 63, 45, 48, and 52
km/h. What is the average speed?

Note Ut is usually higher than Us

B. Basic Traffic Flow Variables

2. Volume (q) – number of vehicles passing at a

point or section of roadway per lane for a given time
period (number of vehicles/time),

[vehicles per hour ph, passenger car units per hour,

vehicles per 15 minutes]

– Flow rate – equivalent hourly flow expanded from sub-

hourly volume count
Example: The table gives a summary of 15min count of

Type 15 min Count PCEF

Car/van 420 1

Jeepney 300 1.5

Bus 16 2.2

Truck 28 2.4

Estimate the flow rate in vehicles per hour

a. Vehicles as counted
Note that the count within
b. By PCU (Passenger Car Unit) the 15 minute interval is
assumed to be the same for
other three 15 minute
B. Basic Traffic Flow Variables

3. Density (k) – number of vehicles in a given length

of roadway or lane at an instant of time (number of
vehicles per length of roadway),
[vehicles per kilometer]

Fundamental equation relating speed, volume and density:

q = us x k
B. Basic Traffic Flow Variables

Time headway – inverse of volume (1/q) [seconds]

Space headway – inverse of density (1/k) [meters]

Peak Hour

Peak Hour Factor -the ratio of total hourly volume to the

maximum rate of flow within the hour

Peak Hour Volume – the total volume of traffic within the


Design Hourly Volume – the ratio of Peak Hour Volume to

the Peak Hour Factor
Peak Hour


Compute the peak hour factor if the hourly volume

of traffic is 1800 vehicles/hour and the highest 15
min volume is 750.

Note Number of 15 min in 1

hour is 4.

The speeds of 25 cars were observed. 10 cars

were noted to travel at 35kph, 8 cars at 40kph, 2
cars at 50 kph , and 5 cars at 45kph. Assuming
that each car was traveling at constant speed,
and the total observation time is 60 sec.
determine the
a. time mean speed
b. Space mean speed
c. Density

The table shows a 15 min volume counts during the peak

hour on an approach of an intersection. Determine the

Time Volume of Traffic

6:00-6:15 PM 375
6:15-6:30 PM 380
6:30-6:45 PM 412
6:45-7:00 PM 390

a. Peak Hour Volume

b. Peak Hour Factor
c. Design Hourly Volume (DHV)

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