Lecture 22

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Intellectual Property

Lecture 22
Summary of Previous Lecture
 In past lecture we have studied
 Definition of Ethics
 Morality
 Integrity?
 Difference between Morals, Ethics and Laws
 Ethics in Business World
 Ethics discussions
 Fostering good business ethics.
Summary of Previous Lecture
 How to improve corporate Ethics?
 Including Ethical Considerations in Decision
 Different approaches
 Virtue ethics approach
 Utilitarian approach

 Fairness approach

 Common good approach

 Ethics in Information Technology

Today’s Lecture
 Intellectual Property
 Types of Intellectual Property Rights
 Copyrights
 Patents
 Trade Secrets
 Laws
 Employees and Trade Secrets
 Key intellectual Property Right Issues
 Plagiarism
 Reverse engineering
Today’s Lecture
 Open source code
 Competitive intelligence
 Cyber squatting

 Summary
What Is Intellectual Property?
 Term used to describe works of the mind
 Distinctand “owned” or created by a person or group
 Under intellectual property law, owners are granted
certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible
assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works;
discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases,
symbols, and designs.

Types of Intellectual Property
 Common types of intellectual property rights
 Copyrights
 Protects authored works
 Trademarks
 A distinctive sign
 Patents
 Protects inventions
.Types of Intellectual Property Rights
 Industrial design rights
 For example Textile industry print rights in Pakistan
 Trade secret law
 Helps safeguard information critical to an organization’s
 Copyright Laws has been enacted by most governments
 Pakistan updated copyright law in 1992.
 Established in the U.S. Constitution
 Article I, Section 8, Clause 8

 Grants creators of original works the exclusive right to:

 Distribute
 Display
 Perform
 Reproduce work
 Prepare derivative works based upon the work
 Author may grant exclusive right to others

Copyrights ..
 Copyright term
 Copyright law guarantees developers the rights to
their works for a certain amount of time.
 Types of work that can be copyrighted
 Architecture
 Art
 Audiovisual
 Choreography

 Drama
 Graphics
Copyrights …
 Types of work that can be copyrighted
 Literature
 Motion pictures
 Music
 Pantomimes
 Pictures
 Sculptures
 Sound recordings
 Other intellectual works:
Copyrights ..
 Must fall within one of the preceding categories
 Must be original
 Evaluating originality can cause problems
 Fair use doctrine
 Allows portions of copyrighted materials to be used
without permission under certain circumstances
 Maintains balance between protecting an author’s
rights and enabling public access to copyrighted
 Different factors are considered when evaluating
copyrighted material.
Copyrights ..
 Fair use doctrine factors include:
 Purpose and character of the use
 Nature of the copyrighted work
 Portion of the copyrighted work used
 Effect of the use upon the value of the copyrighted
 Copyright violation
 Copy substantial and material part of another’s
copyrighted work
 Without permission

Copyrights ..
 Software copyright protection
 Raises many complicated issues of interpretation
 Copyright law should not be used to inhibit
interoperability between the products of rival vendors

 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

 A multilateral agreement regulating international trade
 Trade agreement between 117 countries
 Created World Trade Organization (WTO) to enforce

Copyrights ..

 The WTO and the WTO TRIPS Agreement (1994)

 TRIPS= Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights
 Many nations recognize that intellectual property has
become increasingly important in world trade
 Established minimum levels of protection that each
government must provide to the intellectual property
of members

Copyrights ..
 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
 Agency of the United Nations
 Advocates for the interests of intellectual property
 WIPO Copyright Treaty provides additional copyright
protections for electronic media
 “The protection of broadcasting organizations will be
maintained on the agenda of the 24th session of the
SCCR”. To be held in 2012.

WIPO Web Portal
Copyrights ..

 Grant of property right to inventors
 Issued by Intellectual Property Organization of
 In U.S. issued by U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office (USPTO)
 Permits an owner to exclude the public from
making, using, or selling the protected invention
 Allows legal action against violators
 Prevents independent creation as well as
Pakistan’s Intellectual Property Organization official Web Portal
Patents ..
 Applicant must file with the IPOP
 IPOP searches prior art
 Prior art
 Existing body of knowledge
 Available to a person of ordinary skill in the art

Patents …
 An invention must pass four tests
 Must be in one of the five legal classes of items
 Must be useful
 Must be novel
 Must not be obvious to a person having ordinary skill
in the same field
 Items cannot be patented if they are:
 Abstract ideas
 Laws of nature
 Natural phenomena

Patents ..
 Patent violation
 Making unauthorized use of another’s patent
 No specified limit to the financial penalty
 Software patent
 Protects feature, function, or process embodied in
instructions executed on a computer
 In US 20,000 software-related patents per year have
been issued since the early 1980s

Patents …
 Before obtaining a software patent, do a patent search
 Software Patent Institute is building a database of
 Software cross-licensing agreements
 Large software companies agree not to sue each
other over patent infringements
 Small businesses have no choice but to license

Patents ..
 Defensive publishing
 Strategy used to prevent another party from obtaining
a patent on a product, apparatus or method by prior
publishing the product idea.
 Company publishes a description of the innovation
 Establishes the idea’s legal existence as prior art
 Defeat the novelty of subsequent patent publication.
 Fast
 Patent troll firm
 Company who enforces patients against one or more
alleged infringers (Patent Infringement) in a manner
considered aggressive or opportunistic.

Patents ..
 Standard is a definition or format
 Approved by recognized standards organization or
accepted as a de facto standard by the industry
 Enables hardware and software from different
manufacturers to work together
 Submarine patent
 A patent which an "inventor" files on a device or
technology that doesn't exist yet, or which has not yet
been successfully implemented.
 Patented process/invention hidden within a standard
 Does not surface until standard is broadly adopted
Patents ..
 Patent farming involves:
 Influencing a standards organization to make use of a
patented item without revealing the existence of the
 Demanding royalties from all parties that use the

Trade Secrets
Trade Secrets
 Trade secret
 Business information
 Represents something of economic value
 Requires an effort or cost to develop
 Some degree of uniqueness or novelty
 Generally unknown to the public
 Kept confidential
 Information is only considered a trade secret if
the company takes steps to protect it
Trade Secrets ..
 Trade secret law has a few key advantages
over patents and copyrights
 No time limitations
 No need to file an application
 Patents can be ruled invalid by courts
 No filing or application fees

 Law doesn’t prevent someone from using the

same idea if it is developed independently
 World Trade Organization (WTO)
 TRIPs Agreement provides for a minimum level of
protection for intellectual property
Trade Secret Laws
 Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA)
 Established uniformity in trade secret law
 Computer hardware and software can qualify for trade
secret protection
 The Economic Espionage Act (EEA) of 1996
 Penalties of up to $10 million and 15 years in prison
for the theft of trade secrets

Employees and Trade Secrets
 Employees are the greatest threat to trade
 Unauthorized use of an employer’s customer list
 Customer list not legally considered a trade secret
 Educate workers about the confidentiality of lists

 Nondisclosure clauses in employee’s contract

 Enforcement can be difficult
 Confidentiality issues are reviewed at the exit

Employees and Trade Secrets..
 Non-compete agreements
 Protect intellectual property from being used by
competitors when key employees leave
 Require employees not to work for competitors for a
period of time
 Safeguards
 Limit
outside access to corporate computers
 Guard use of remote computers by employees

Key Intellectual Property
Key Intellectual Property Issues
 Issues that apply to intellectual property and
information technology
 Plagiarism
 Reverse engineering
 Open source code
 Competitive intelligence
 Cyber squatting

 Stealing someone’s ideas or words and passing
them off as one’s own
 Many students:
 Do not understand what constitutes plagiarism
 Believe that all electronic content is in the public
 Plagiarism also common outside academia
 Plagiarism detection systems
 Check submitted material against databases of
electronic content
Plagiarism ..

Turnitin.com Online Plagiarism checker

Similarity index of all types of research and productivity documents

can be checked here!
Plagiarism ..
 Steps to combat student plagiarism
 Help students understand what constitutes plagiarism
and why they need to cite sources
 Show students how to document Web pages
 Schedule major writing assignments in portions due
over the course of the term
 Tell students that instructors are aware of Internet
paper mills and plagiarism detection services
 Incorporate detection into an antiplagiarism program

Reverse Engineering
 Process of taking something apart in order to:
 Understand it
 Build a copy of it
 Improve it

 Applied to computer:
 Hardware
 Software

 Convert a program code to a higher-level design

 Convert an application that ran on one vendor’s
database to run on another’s
Reverse Engineering ..
 Compiler
 Language translator
 Converts computer program statements expressed in
a source language to machine language
 Software manufacturer
 Provides software in machine language form
 Decompiler
 Reads machine language
 Produces source code
C Programming Compiler Example

In the subsequent lectures you will be introduced with

Programming fundamentals
Reverse Engineering ..
 Courts have ruled in favor of reverse
 To enable interoperability
 Software license agreements forbid reverse
 Ethics of using reverse engineering are debated
 Fairuse if provides useful function/interoperability
 Can uncover designs that someone else has
developed at great cost and taken care to protect

Open Source Code
 Program source code made available for use or
 As users or other developers see fit
 Basic premise
 Software improves
 Can be adapted to meet new needs
 Bugs rapidly identified and fixed
 High reliability

 GNU General Public License (GPL) was a

pioneer to the Open Source Initiative (OSI)
Competitive Intelligence
 Gathering of legally obtainable information
 To help a company gain an advantage over rivals
 Often integrated into a company’s strategic
plans and decision making
 Not the same as industrial spying
 Without proper management safeguards, it can cross
over to industrial spying

Competitive Intelligence..

Competitive Intelligence ..
 Trademark is anything that enables a consumer
to differentiate one company’s products from
 May be a:
 Logo

 Package design

 Phrase

 Sound

 Word
 Trademark law
 Trademark’s owner has the right to prevent others
from using same mark or confusingly similar mark
 Cyber-squatters
 Registered domain names for famous trademarks or
company names
 Hope the trademark’s owner would buy the domain
name for a large sum of money
Cyber-squatting ..
 To curb cyber-squatting, register all possible
domain names
 .org, .com, .info
 Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN)
 ICANN is adding seven new top-level domains (.aero,
.biz, .coop, .info, .museum, .name, and .pro)
 Current trademark holders are given time to declare
their rights in the new top-level domains before
registrations are opened to the general public
Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers

Web Portal containing all related services

 Intellectual property is protected by laws for:
 Copyrights
 Patents
 Trademarks
 Trade secrets
 Plagiarism is stealing and passing off the ideas
and words of another as one’s own
 Reverse engineering
 Process of breaking something down in order to
understand, build copy, or improve it
Summary …
 Open source code
 Made available for use or modification as users or
other developers see fit
 Competitive intelligence
 Notindustrial espionage
 Uses legal means and public information

 Cyber-squatting
 Registration of a domain name by an unaffiliated

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