Bullying in The Classroom

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Bullying in the

What it looks like and what to do about it
"There is a light at the end of the
tunnel but first you'll have to find
the light switch and change the bulb
before switching it on yourself. No
problem, as targets of bullying are
picked on for their competence and
- Tim Field
Forms of bullying
• This form of bullying can be visually detected. This type of maltreatment involves physically
contacting the student (kicking, hitting etc.). It can also entail stealing or hiding the belongings of
the affected students.

• This form of bullying is difficult to detect, unless the adult is in the presence of the participants. It
involves name calling, insults, offensive and threatening language.

• This aspect could include gestures or comments, spreading rumours or stories, graffiti and defacing

• This is the modern extension of bullying. This occurs via the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber
technology. This can include: (1) sending malicious text, e-mail, or instant messages (2) posting
defamatory pictures or messages about others in blogs or on websites (3) using someone else’s user
name to spread rumours or lies about someone.
• More commonly, students are using sites such as Facebook and Myspace to carry out bullying tactics.
• It is essential that teachers be on the lookout for signs of bullying. Here are a few of the
characteristics that may be displayed by a student who is being bullied:
• Unexplained bruises
• A decline in academic performance
• Anxiety in the class
• An unusual sadness or withdrawal from peers.
Bullying Statistics
Source: www.bullyfreeworld.com

• Bullying against boys is a more frequent occurrence than by girls.

• Around 10% of children have time off school due to bullying.
• Up to 40% of children think teachers have no clue that bullying is
happening within the school.
• About 17% of all calls to child help lines are made by children who are
being bullied.
• More children in the age group of 12 call child help lines regarding bullying
than any other age.
• Almost one third of secondary school children have reported being the
object of sexual jokes, gestures or comments.
• Victims of bullying are more likely to suffer from common illnesses such as
colds, sore throats and stomach problems.
• By the average age of 23 children who had been bullied in school were
found to still suffer from depression and stress related illnesses.
• Nearly 60% of boys who were classified as bullies when they were younger
had been convicted of at least one crime by the time they were 23
Case Study
Case Study #1 Source: www.pathwayscourses.samhsa.gov
Henry is 11 years old and attends an Elementary School which is located a
few blocks from his home. He is in the sixth grade and is an average
student. Henry has always been a bit shy and somewhat anxious around his
peers. He just moved to this city 3 months ago and has not yet made any
friends at the new school, though he does have a "best friend" at his old
school. Henry is quite tall and thin for his age and is very self-conscious
about his appearance.
Over the past month, Henry has become increasingly withdrawn. Several
weeks ago he came home with a tear in his favorite jacket. When his
mother asked him what happened, he hurriedly said it was an accident. He
goes straight to his room after school and shuts the door. His mother has
noticed that he has become more irritable and is often tearful, but when
she tries to talk to him about this, he tells her to go away. She is worried
about him but, thinks this is a phase he's going through because they've
just moved to a new city, etc. She also worries about making Henry too
dependent on her if she gets too involved in his problems.
You hear through others that Henry is being teased by his classmates
several times a week. In particular, two children -a girl and a boy,make fun
of the way he looks and have convinced most of his classmates to avoid him
at lunch.
Discussion Questions
• Does a problem exist? If so, what is it?

• How could you encourage Henry to talk about

what is happening?

• Who are the people you may want to talk to about

this problem?

• Who are the bullies? The victim? The witnesses?

• What are some of the warning signs Henry

Case Study
Case Study #2 Source: www.pathwayscourses.samhsa.gov
On the second day of eighth grade, a girl in Emily's class shoved her into
the road. Thinking she was playing, Emily shoved her back. Rumours began
circulating within the school and Emily gained a reputation. The girl was
part of a group of girls who continued to spread rumors about Emily; they
also began stalking her in the playground. Some of the teachers, believing
the rumours about Emily, accused her of bullying the other girl, and
cautioned her parents about her behavior. Roughly once every 2 weeks
Emily's parents would meet with the principal to try to convince him that
Emily was the victim. No one in authority admitted that bullying existed at
the school. Nothing was done.
For 3 years, the bullying continued with silent phone calls, threats, and
occasional physical incidents. Each time after Emily or her parents
complained, the teachers would glare at her in the hallway. After the bully
graduated, the rest of the group of girls continued the bullying. Once when
they cornered Emily against the wall, a teacher approached them and
threatened Emily with further punishment if she continued her behavior.
The teacher then sent the other girls back to the playground.
Discussion Questions
• What can a teacher do for Emily?

• What could a counselor do for Emily?

• Who is the bully in this case?

• How might this continued abuse affect Emily in

the long term?
Setting up a bully-free
(Source : http://www.bullyfree.com/resources/teachers.php)

• Hang anti-bullying posters

• Talk to your students about bullying (set the tone on the first day of class)
• Make anti-bullying part of one of your lessons
• Give the students a list of anti-bullying rules that you can also hang
somewhere in the classroom
• Have the students sign an anti-bullying class pledge on a banner and hang
that banner in the classroom
• Train students on how to deal with bullying (ex: scenarios)
• Do activities that promote class unity
• Have an anonymous “notes-to-the-teacher” box
• Do not allow students to pick their own groups (for group work)
• Get students involved in an anti-bullying campaign
• Keep your eyes and ears open at all times!
What else can be done?
Source: http://www.bullyfree.com/resources/teachers.php
Strategies for Teachers
• Do not allow students to choose their own groups/teams
• Have assigned seating (and change seating plan if you see a
problem arise)
• Be consistent!
• Take every student’s complaint seriously
• Have meetings with students to discuss bullying issues
• Get parents involved!
• Be approachable
• Create an open and safe environment
• Provide students ways to deal with bullying
• Display the “Kid’s Help Phone” number in your classroom (1-
• Others?
A lot of people are afraid to tell the
truth, to say no. That's where
toughness comes into play. Toughness
is not being a bully. It's having
- Robert Kiyosaki

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