Storytelling Marketing Practice: Send Me Suggestions If You Like

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Storytelling Marketing Practice

David Morris, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing
C 2005 - 2007

Send me suggestions if you like.

Timeless Marketing Secrets

This book reveals a secret known to only a few.

Like all secrets once learned they becomes obvious.

When such an important secret is revealed a counter

strategy always takes place:
Steps to Stop the Spread of a Secret in Open

Ignore secret

Prevent access to secret

The secret is a joke

The secret teller is some how flawed

The secret teller has other motives

Steps in Open Societies

Public relations campaign

The secret is held by the extreme fringes

Sue them for something

Get the law to punish secret messenger

Punish other that support the secret

Steps to Stop Secrets in Restrictive Societies

Arrest, jail, torture

It is Simple

Follow the Circles in this book round and round applying 6+ or

-3 actions to each turn.

Stay within your own rhythm.

Remember the thoughts, ideas, and values that you learned

long ago.
Secret One
All marketing practice follows and reinforce stories,
myths, legends, and the poetic constructs.

Any marketing actions that do not fit into our story

constructs are not understood and resisted.

Marketing stories, myths, legends, and poetic

constructs change from group to group but the
same human drives are ever present.
Secret Two
Human survival is dependant on our acceptance
and rejection by other story holders.

All our stories, myths, legends, and poetic

constructs are created, expressed, and followed
through human production and consumption.

The endless role of marketing is to assure that our

stories, myths, legends, and the poetic constructs
are secure and outside stories do not enter.
Secret Three
Production and consumption create identified bonds
among followers of stories, myths, legends, and
the poetic constructs.

The value of particular production and consumption

within each group is determined by all group

Production and consumption that is given the

greatest value in the story is willingly distributed
to the dominate group.
Secret Four
The value received from marketing production and
consumption in any story protection and reproduction.

Women in any story want children with men who can give
them the best chance to survive and prosper.

Men are rewarded in a story with the rewards of production

and consumption that then bring to them the responsibility
of the raising and preparing the story leaders of the next
Secret Five
The same story must give each member an
understanding and model of how to live their
entire lives from birth to death.

Meaning derived from a story must allow followers

the flexibility of interpretation to grow with them.

Meaning for each member is created by continuous

consumption linked back to symbols of belonging.
Secret Six
Production and consumption become symbols of
personal meaning and status for each story

Followers want storytelling marketing to reinforce

their story and differentiate social status.
Secret Seven
All storytelling marketing practice is transferred
through a knowledge of human experience.

Marketing practice is reinforced through the heroic,

fear, sex, shunning, and the life transitions of the
common story of all members.

We buy stories of belonging derived from human

experience not products and services.
Secret Eight
All marketing stories, myths, legends, and poetic
forms are made up of the three ever changing
ways of thinking of form, force, and power.

In marketing storytelling practice form is what is

known and unknown, force is the common
process from which form is selected, tested, and
applied, and power is timing and distance.

Form is constantly changed, force is always held

constant, power is ever changing.
Secret Nine
Form, force, and power are marketing tools used in
storytelling marketing practice to express our common
story and human experiences of belonging.

Nothing in form, force, and power marketing is successful

unless it is founded and reinforces a commonly held story
and human experience.

The difference in storytelling marketing practice of belonging

and the current marketing story held by followers of
mathematics and science is that meaning to them is
specific and therefore no flexibility is given to follows as
they change and grow in their story.
One Small Change Changes Everything
When even one person, product, thought, or
service enters an existing story that was created
to support another story the entire existing story
is at risk.

An existing story must ignore, destroy, declare

illegal, or recreate any different story or risk the
loss of everything.
Background Power Point Colors

Form – Green
Force - Blue
Power - Pink
General Knowledge – This Color
White – Suggestions
Yellow - Secrets

Color is very important in education and marketing. The above four

background colors let you know if the content is FFP or general

Why did I pick green, violet, and orange? Because they are made up of the
combinations of primary colors.
Things to Know Before You Begin
You will have to create your own understandings that will be different
from mine.

As you increase your knowledge, skills, and attitudes keep it to


No one will understand your story.

Only you can understand your own story.

It is nothing to worry about.

E-mail me and I will try to help you.

Things to Know Before You Begin
The Internet will give you many different points of view.

From the range of opinions you can create your own understandings.

Our current understanding must always be open to the concept that change is
possible. Why? Because we change.

This also includes anything that I put forth in this book.

Change is individual.

You cannot be me and I you.

Things to Know Before You Begin
You will have to create your own understandings that will be different
from mine.

As you increase your knowledge, skills, and attitudes keep it to


No one will understand your story.

Only you can understand your own story.

It is nothing to worry about.

E-mail me and I will try to help you.

Suggestions For Reading this Book
Start with the big picture.

Go through the whole book.

Get some overall idea of what the book is about.

There are no exams – Life is always the exam.

Importance of the Concept

* Not too important

** In the middle of importance

*** Very Important

This does not mean that these measures of importance have to be yours. We
are all different.
Topic Headings


Monolinear, Polylinear, and Storytelling Marketing Practice

Monolinear Marketing

Polylinear Marketing

Storytelling Marketing

Storytelling Marketing History

Storytelling Marketing and Education

Form, Force, and Power

Topic Headings
Topic Headings
Pick a few of the following acronyms and look them up.

This does not mean that the meanings that you find will be the same as those
in this book.

Meaning is contextual.

Contextual is an important word to know.

Acronyms in This Book
Attention, Reliance, Confidence, and Satisfaction ARCS

Cosmology, Storytelling, Direction, Analysis, Design, Development,

Implementation and Evaluation CSD ADDIE

Knowledge, skills, and attitudes KSA

Form, Force, and Power FFP

Marketing, Human, Physical, Intangible, and Financial Resources 5Rs

Monolinear, Polylinear, Nonlinear MPN

Monolinear, Polylinear, Storytelling MPS


Monolinear Symbol <- ->

*Storytelling Marketing Practice SMP

Nonlinear Symbol

Political, Religious, and Military PRM

Polylinear Symbol <<< >>>

Six Plus or Minus Three 6+ or -3

Theory S

*The word Practice identifies that this is a concept that is applied to

marketing practice as differentiated from academic marketing.
The Book In a Graph
6+ or -3


The Book in a Word

The Book in a Line

We live our lives through stories.

The Book In a Poem
Storyteller Wars

Love is always there;

there is a difference between love and stories of love;
love is there yet the storyteller puts their imprint.

The story is always there;

there is a difference between the story and the storyteller;
The story is there yet the storyteller puts their imprint.

Consumption is always there;

There is a difference between consumption and marketing;
consumption is there yet marketing puts their imprint.

c 2005
The Book In a Symbol
The Book In a
The Book In a
Big Transition

Now I will try to introduce the idea of storytelling

marketing practice.
Storytelling Marketing Practice SMP

General Overview

Every story told puts forth a way to live our lives.

The words for storytelling in business are called storytelling marketing


Every business tells endless stories.

Storytelling marketing practice attempts to link a business’s story with the

great themes of life.

By participating in stories we find our identity as individuals and as a member

of larger communities.

It is in our identity found through stories that we seek and find self.

Storytelling marketing practice is different from the application of storytelling

to marketing.
General Overview

Many profess the impact of storytelling without understanding how to apply

the concept.

We never buy products or services we buy our identities within stories.

Products and services are connected with a story through symbols.

The words for symbols in storytelling practice are called brand names or a

When a product or service no longer support our symbolic identification with a

story their value goes to zero.

To continue in business storytelling marketing practice must assure that their

brand continues to support the identity created by the story.
General Overview
The story is linked to the business through the corporate symbol or symbols.

Storytelling marketing practice is the endless combining and connecting of

products and services that are offered to participate in a story.
The Human Drive for Power

When we explore the history of the human drive for power it has changed
very little since the beginning.

The human drive to control production and consumption is called marketing.

See book “Market Power and Business Strategy” under the heading Books by
David Morris on the main page.
I Know
Everyone before us was stupid and we cannot learn anything from them.
Who Has the Power Then and Now

Three groups have vied for power throughout time.

Political Power

Religious Power

Military Power

Each attempts to control the other two.

Market Power

Military Political
Power Power

Theory S (Storytelling)

The three power centers (political, religious, and military) survive by following
a storytelling model.

Each calls there organizational structure by many names but it is always


They are all at their core storytelling cultures.

I never figured out why Theory S has not been quoted until I read that we
cannot talk about or write about the concept of tribe in textbooks.

The concept of tribe has been sanitized and removed from marketing
textbooks and scholarly publications.
Theory S (Storytelling)

The only way to take power from other forms of organization is to move them
away from a storytelling foundation.

Thinkers believe that tribe is something to be feared and they continue to use
the story that tribe is uncivilized to brake the model in others.

Once other storytelling models are broken and their organization remains in
tact they assume power.

Once in power the only threat to the social elite’s power is the reformation of
the storytelling model by others.

The storytelling model is actually the most civilized organizational structure in

the world.
Theory S (Storytelling)

I developed Theory S in 1986 and since then no one but my students have
learned its value.

The concept is that leadership and follower ship are created through stories.

It always has been and will be.

In the monolinear West we profess leadership to be things such as traits.

The monolinear believe leadership to be a permanent position.

The storytelling model assumes we must shift roles when our circumstances

No one is always assumes just one role at all times.

All relationships are nonlinear and ever changing.

The three roles are leader, trusted follower, and support staff.
Theory S (Storytelling)

Three Changing Roles


Theory S (Storytelling)

The three power groups (political, religious, military) all attempt to

develop strict role clarification.

Nowhere else but within the storytelling model can we be accepted

through deeds and trust.

The storytelling model protects the young and the old.

In the corporate model the young and old must go.

The corporate model advocates other criteria such as job


In the corporate model employees have no value.

Theory S (Storytelling)

Political, Religious, and Military Market Power

Each apply storytelling as a method of teaching a way to live our life. Each
have symbols of belonging to their story.

A person that may wish to do you great harm may be a top performer.
Theory S (Storytelling)
Political, Religious, and Military Market Power
Each apply storytelling as a method of teaching a way to live our life.

Each have symbols of belonging to their story.

Each apply language to process that is supported by their story.

Each apply language to content that is supported by the story.

Each promise rewards to followers of their story.

Each rejects other stories.

Storytelling Marketing Practice
6+ or -3

The only reason I used the above representations for the three symbols of 6+ or -3 is
that they were available on PowerPoint. I thought it looked good.

6+ or -3 is a great concept in storytelling marketing practice.

The idea first came to me through psychology and 7+ or –2. This was supposed to
represent the number of ideas that can be held in memory. I had difficulty holding 5
things in memory and thought this a bit extreme.

I had a logo done by a great artist and it came out to be 9 circles in a circle. The 9 circles
were divided into 3 small, 3 medium, and 3 large interconnected circles.

When I began to develop the concept of storytelling marketing practice I found that 6+
or -3 was a very effective organizational structure that was derived from my logo.

Several years later I looked on the Internet and found a professor of mine also used 6+
or -3 for a different purpose.
6+ or -3 is so easy for me but I find some students have confusion.

Everything in the world that is created by humans seems to be easily organized into 6+
or -3.

Maybe it is because the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are mystical numbers?

Maybe because people actually only remember up to 9 thing at the same time.

My own view is that 6+ or -3 is Celtic and nonlinear.

You pick your own reason.

This entire book attempts to limit actions and thoughts to 6+ or-3.

This page now has 7 lines.

Marketing and Storytelling
Marketing and Storytelling

Business is a storytelling enterprise.

Marketing is the enterprises storyteller.

The same story can be told by storytellers that supports three different
worldviews. MPN

The same story is changed by storytellers to support one of these three

worldviews. MPN

Marketing storytelling must be accessed to be supported.

Competing internal and external stories vie to tell their marketing story that
supports their worldview.
Marketing and Storytelling

The same stories told through marketing resources can be linear, polylinear, or

The marketing story told reinforces and eliminates competitive stories.

Enterprises control their monolinear, polylinear, and nonlinear stories.

Monolinear, polylinear, and nonlinear are secrets.

When we do not know this secret we are not equipped to make the same decisions.
Marketing and Storytelling

Wealth created from the enterprise through marketing storytelling

flows to the elite and their supporters.

The slightest change in marketing’s story is a threat to the stability

and leadership of dominate story holders.

Linear marketing stories control, enforce, and expand to increase the

power of the firms elite.
Marketing and Storytelling
Competing stories and their storytellers that are gaining power to tell their story must be
crushed by the dominate elite.

Any action will be taken to maintain storytelling power.

Stories gain and loose power over time.

Stories change as we change. We change as stories change. Those who cannot change or
are not allowed to change are excluded.

A story that controls production without consumption is bondage.

A story that controls consumption without production is tyranny.

The dominate story rewards and punishes with production and consumption.
Marketing and Storytelling

There is a difference between what a story professes and its manifestations.

Marketing as defined by competing stores moves in a circle from invisible to


The dominate story holders only allow marketing definitions that support and
do not threaten their power.

When other stories are subsumed under a dominate story they quickly fail.


Because the dominate story is unable to incorporate any transformation.

Marketing and Storytelling

Stories Are Expressed Through Products and Services.

When a product or service supports a story, followers will respond positively.

When a product or service does not support a story, followers will respond

When a product or service is not supported by any story, it will stay in

oblivion until found by a story.
Marketing and Storytelling
One Small Change Changes Everything

When even one person, product, thought, or

service enters an existing story that was created
to support another story the entire existing story
is at risk.

An existing story must ignore, destroy, declare

illegal, or recreate any different story or risk the
loss of everything.
Monolinear, Polylinear,
and Storytelling Marketing Practice
Do not spend too much time on monolinear and
polylinear marketing thought. Once you figure
out what I am describing focus on storytelling
marketing practice.

Remember they are all just different forms of

Storytelling Marketing Practice

Marketing Monolinear

<- Monolinear Marketing ->
A monolinear marketing story is a single linear functional business
model that is the same for the entire organization.

This linear model enforces a division of labor with specialized,

specific, separate, and distinct marketing knowledge, skills, and
attitudes KSA to achieve organizational goals.

A monolinear marketing story restricts, excludes, and protects the

unchanging resources, applications, and thoughts of marketing

Content, process, and outcome are all separate.

<- Monolinear Marketing ->


of Labor
Monolinear Marketing Storytelling

<- One Story ->

A monolinear marketing story is a single linear functional business model that is the
same for the entire organization.

This monolinear model enforces a division of labor with specialized, specific, separate,
and distinct marketing knowledge, skills, and attitudes to achieve an organizational

A monolinear story creates barriers that exclude, restrict, and protect the unchanging
resources, applications, and thoughts of marketing.

A monolinear marketing story controls, enforces, and expands monopoly power.

Monolinear marketing is thought to be derived from a military model.

Content, process, and outcome are all the same.

Application of Monolinear Marketing Stories
Monolinear Marketing

American Academic Textbooks.

Textbooks are linear and separate.

Same linear story held constant in all textbooks.

When Does History Begin in Monolinear Marketing
For those devotees of marketing textbooks, history does not exist.

For the devotees of Economic textbooks, history began in 1776 with the
publishing of “wealth of Nations.”

European history textbooks begin the history of Europe in the Enlightenment.

For fun, next time you look at a higher educational textbook figure out when
history began for that discipline.
Application of Monolinear Marketing Stories
Monolinear Marketing

American Academic Textbooks.

Textbooks are linear and separate.

Same linear story held constant in all textbooks.

Monolinear View of History
Two Examples Come to Mind

On a marketing professor web page ELMAR a professor asked the group if they had any
examples of ancient marketing techniques.

Professors interpreted this to mean techniques that had occurred in the last century

In a conversation with a professor I asked what was their research interest?

The person said European history.

I asked if this included Celtic history?

The reply was no, European history began in the 17th century.
<<< Polylinear Marketing >>>

Intrafunctional Competing
Conflict Stories

of Labor
<<< Polylinear Marketing >>>

A polylinear marketing story is an adaptation of a monolinear business model

that is constantly changing the linear story forms of marketing.

Each new polylinear story attempts to re-impose a new monolinear story to

achieve organizational goals.

New polylinear marketing stores are constant attempts to gain internal

monopoly control over the organization.

Polylinear marketing is thought to be derived from a military model.

Content, process, and outcome are separate.

Concentrate Your Thoughts

If you cannot see the difference e-mail me with a questions.
Storytelling Marketing Practice

Barriers Everything Tells

Combined a Story

Storytelling Marketing Practice
Storytelling marketing is the endless incorporating, combining, and
connecting of marketing KSA with any and all story resources
that can be applied to achieve an organizational direction.

Content, process, and outcome are combined. All content follows a

common process of Form, Force, and Power.
Monolinear M, Polylinear P,
and Storytelling Marketing Practice N
Again just get the ideas from the monolinear and
polylinear examples.

If you cannot see the differences go back and

reread again.
MPN Applications of Each Marketing Story

Monolinear Marketing: American Academic Textbook (Form, Force, and Power

are separated).

Polylinear Marketing: American Business Practice (Form, Force, and Power are
separated with each attempting to gain power over the other).

Storytelling Marketing Practice: American Academic and Business Practice

(Form, Force, and Power are combined).

Social status plays a role in MPN marketing

Morris 2005
Storytelling Marketing Practice
Monolinear Marketing:
Textbooks are linear and separate.

Polylinear Marketing:
Linear and separate working at dominating the other linear business functions.

Storytelling Marketing Practice:

Nonlinear and combined thought process.
MPS Stories

Monolinear Marketing:
Same linear story held constant in all textbooks.

Polylinear Marketing:
Changing from linear story to linear story in an attempt to dominate.

Storytelling Marketing:
Nonlinear interpretations stories. All connected through Form, Force,
and Power.
MPS Dominant Story

Monolinear Marketing:
All functional textbooks advocate division of linear labor creates

Polylinear Marketing:
A single linear function must dominate.

Storytelling Marketing:
Constant functional connection, contraction, and decline.

Actions in MPS marketing that appear to be the same are absolutely different.
Monolinear Textbooks
Three Marketing Orientations
Ok this is what you will get from the marketing

My suggestion is to read over and come back and

compare and identify the differences when you
bring storytelling marketing practice into your
<- Monolinear Marketing ->

Exchange Marketing

Needs and
Textbook Marketing

Monolinear Marketing

This is a partial list of areas of American Post World War II monolinear

textbook marketing. The reason that these areas are considered
monolinear and not polylinear is that in textbook marketing they all apply
the exact same linear model.

<- Health Care Marketing ->

<- International Marketing ->

<- Education Marketing ->

<- Service Marketing ->

<- Consumer Marketing ->

<- Religious Marketing ->

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

This is a partial list of areas of American Post World War II monolinear

textbook marketing. The reason that these areas are considered
monolinear and not polylinear is that in textbook marketing they all apply
the exact same linear model.

<- Political Marketing ->

<- Sports Marketing ->

<- Financial Marketing ->

<- Non-Profit Marketing ->

Three Marketing Orientations

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

1. <- Marketing Orientation ->

2. <- Needs and Wants of Customers ->

3. <- Exchange ->

I do not know what is meant by an orientation.

1. <- Marketing Orientation ->

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

<- Product Orientation ->

<- Sales Orientation ->

<- Marketing Orientation ->

<- Societal Orientation ->

1. <- Marketing Orientation ->

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

Two marketing orientation thoughts put forward in monolinear textbooks.

Each of the four marketing orientations represents a particular time in
history. As we developed as a nation we evolved to the current social
orientation. This view is historically unsupported.
Each of the four orientations represent a philosophy of business that is
followed. The best philosophy is presumed to be a societal orientation. In
my view textbook marketing is not representative of their own advice. A
textbook orientation is to create a useless product selling it for 20 times
more than it is worth while proposing that it will benefit society.
2. <- Needs and Wants of Customers ->

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

There is no agreement on a definition of needs and wants

Needs are imperative for life: water,
Wants are transforming these life imperatives into wants: Coke a Cola

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs represents needs.
2. <- Needs and Wants of Customers ->

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

Firms have a relationship with customers where they assist their customers in
the creation of products and services that the customer determines their
needs and wants.

The customer is king and queen.

Those firms that respond to the customer are successful.

Society moves forward because of the continual advancement and pleasing of

3. <- Exchange ->

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

All kinds of ways to exchange with others.

• <- Money ->

• <- Material ->

• <- Knowledge ->

• <- Labor ->

• <- Barter ->

• <- Fear: Not advocated ->

3. <- Exchange ->

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

For Exchange to Work

All must be happy with the exchange. If one or both are not happy it is not an

When exchange does not work.


The question is if the exploited are uninformed and happy is it still an

<- Marketing and Customer Value ->
<- Marketing and Customer Value ->
Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

• Change in our lives

• Does not have to be the same thing

• Marketing creates and reinforces value to a target market.

• Marketing then repeat the created value in different formats: Newspapers, TV,
Internet, Billboards, Magazines.
Questions and Answers
Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

Are you aware of the loss of academic position of marketing?

Answer: I think so but very few professors can stand against the monolinear power in
marketing academics.

Are your students aware of the loss of academic position of marketing education?
Answer: No question.

What are we doing to improve linear academic marketing?
Answer: It is dangerous to try. The presidents of universities are destroying every
professor that may challenge the linear position.

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing


To move linear mass marketing textbook publishing into distance learning.


Big money for the Universities.

What about the student learning marketing?

Answer: The vast majority of marketing students will be trained for the
consumers society and those few that move into practice will be taught on
the job.

Textbook Marketing
Monolinear Marketing

Question: What can we do?

Answer: Learn how to apply form, force, and power Storytelling marketing.

Question: Why?
Answer: To survive in the middle class and not be driven into the debt
bondage suffered by the poor.
<<< Polylinear Marketing >>>
<<< Polylinear Marketing >>>
Differentiation and wealth creation are attained through government support.

Social status for American monolinear marketing is derived from the mass
consumption of specific products and services that are moved from
military to civilian applications.
<<< Polylinear Marketing >>>

This is a partial list of areas of American Post World War II polylinear

marketing. The reason that these are considered polylinear and not
monolinear is that different military and government models are applied to

Subtle Marketing

1 Company: Total support of the military.

2 Company: Shared support with the military and consumers

3 Company: Shared support with government or other outside organization

and consumers.

4 Company: Minimum support outside of the resources of organization.

<<< Polylinear Marketing >>>

Public Relations
The of Manufacture Consent.

US Military - Cutting edge marketing thinking in the world.

Neuroscience Marketing
Cutting edge applying science and marketing.

Morris 2005
Storytelling Marketing Practice
Storytelling Marketing Practice

Contextual monolinear, polylinear, and nonlinear (MPN) each seek a different

outcome from storytelling.

No one buys or sells a product or service for any identifiable reasons.

All story leaders, trusted followers, and supporter protect and reinforce their
own story.

Contextual power attained through a form of storytelling is never shared with

any competing story.

Storytelling marketing is derived from all that is known and unknown.

Successful and unsuccessful marketing stories are contextual, created, and

Storytelling Marketing Practice

For those in business outside the dominate group never do anything in

marketing that you cannot afford to loose 100% of the costs of the total

Select the least expensive action with the greatest perceived returns. Any
attempt at marketing for those outside of the dominant story will not

All stories offer enhance social status to their followers.

For those outside of the dominate story every selected marketing action is a
multiple of 6 + or – 3.

No two people ever buy or sell anything for any identifiable combination of

The actual combinations that have occurred within each individual are never
revealed or known to others.
Storytelling Marketing Practice
Each story creates a rational for consumption that reinforces and supports
their narrative.

The greatest differentiation of cost to price is made by the lower, middle, and
then upper classes.

The control and relief from debt bondage is given to the leaders and trusted
followers of the dominate story.

Any attempt to reduce cost and increase availability of products and services
to other story holders is not tolerated
Storytelling Marketing Practice
Nonlinear Marketing: Nonlinear marketing is the endless combining and
connecting of a story in marketing KSA that changes any and all resources
as we change to achieve an organizational direction.

When any concept in the world is defined it creates and tells a story. All ideas
are free until defined. Change a definition and every story is transformed.
Marketing has infinite possibilities until defined by the monolinear and

Nonlinear marketing is inclusive and marketing thoughts, resources, and

applications are directed at the control of consumption.
Storytelling Marketing Practice

If all resources are combined and connected to control consumption it

is only nonlinear if the concept of marketing controlling
consumption can change.

At this point in time when consumption is not controlled it not


When people identify marketing as fulfilling the needs and wants of

customers it is a form of marketing created to hide the concept of
controlling consumption.

Which would you want to hear as a consumer? Because you hear

needs and wants does not make it so.
Storytelling Marketing Practice
Marketing needs and wants is often credited with creating consumption when
there is no actual relationship between what was done in marketing and

The elite (dominant) storytellers of the world have always known that
nonlinear marketing is too effective to share with others.

Why am I sharing this information with you? Amazingly enough in a single

solution linear society it is extremely difficult to even identify the

Single solution adherents will use the term nonlinear but actual understanding
and actions followed will be either monolinear or polylinear.
Storytelling Marketing Practice
With the disastrous decline in business education has come the strict
adherence to orthodoxy. This orthodoxy continues to destroy the
education of the poor, working, and middle classes. When student’s
(resources) were plentifully there was far more tolerance of other points of

Instead of following the originally stated pre World War II intent of marketing
education to prepare students for the workforce we have became so self
absorbed we just forgot. Marketing KSA became unnecessary because we
had no competition.

Can we follow monolinear and polylinear marketing and succeed? As long as

we identify them both as public relations and not fall into following their
proposed actions.

When in the history of the world was such information shared freely with
Prediction in Marketing ?
Three Ways to predict in marketing.

Monolinear Marketing and Prediction <- ? ->

An unchanging story that predicts future consumption and moves to meet that

Polylinear Marketing and Prediction <<< ??? >>>

A story that happens by accident.
Cannot be duplicated.
A story supported by a single form of prediction.

Storytelling Marketing Practice and Prediction

Best form of prediction is to do it and sees what happens.
Learning from others.
Form, Force, and Power KSA are an ever changing story.
No set form of prediction are relied upon.
Each predicts in different ways.
Do you have an understanding of what this book is
about beginning to develop for you?
Storytelling Marketing Practice
Go to the internet and see if you can find any
supporting evidence of this history.
Roman Empire to World War I

Western History Marketing Lesson


Until the linear rise and success of the Roman Army and the creation of
the Roman Empire the world was nonlinear.

When Roman linear power defeated the known world everyone left was
convinced that the linear military model was superior.

The military quest in the West has been to improve and refine linear

Linear military thinking as been understood since Rome as the means of

keeping and taking power from others.

To sustain the linear military model requires continual acquisition of


When military linear thought dominates the quest is toward empire.

Every aspect of society must be remade and follow the linear military model.
Linear Attributes of Roman Army
Roman Empire
Nonlinear Marketing

Divided and specialize military resources.

Train each specialized group in their specific area of military specialization.

Create a very clear hierarchy.

Do not have too many layers of hierarchy between the top and the bottom of
the army.

Each layer in the hierarchy must submit to the will of those who are above
without question.
<<< Polylinear Marketing >>>
Linear Attributes of Roman Army

Roman Empire
Nonlinear Marketing

Roman soldiers must suffer in daily life to prepare them for the
discipline of war.

Failure to carry out orders is met with very harsh punishments.

Bring the soldiers into the Roman Army when they are young.

Separate the soldiers from their previous links to family and


When not fighting train.

World War I to the End of World War II

American Marketing History Lesson

Nonlinear Marketing

Before World War I the USA wanted to remain neutral and not get
involved in European wars.

Woodrow Wilson wanted to get the USA into the War in Europe
against the Germans.

Wilson created the Creel Commission to influence US citizens to

enter the war against the Germans.

To the amazement of everyone this group was extremely

successful in moving the US citizens into war against Germany.

The techniques that were employed by the Creel Commission

were called propaganda. This was not considered a negative term.
World War I to the End of World War II
American Marketing History Lesson
Nonlinear Marketing

Public Relations

When World War I ended several members of the commission changed the
name of what they were doing from propaganda to public relations PR.

This group would continue to apply their techniques to assist both the
government and business sector.

Public relations impact on business was equally startling and overwhelmingly


Public relations continued to grow in influence and power until pre World War
World War I to the End of World War II
Public Relations

At this time public relations became critical to the World War II effort
and tremendous resources and power were given to this activity
before, during, and after the war. The military once again
dominated the research and application of the field of
propaganda. Very sophisticated techniques were tested and
applied beginning at this time.

All participants in World War II were also racing ahead in the field of
propaganda or public relations. The Germans began to apply
these tool with great precision before the Americans.

When the war ended the American military could not let other
nations move a head of us.
Russian History and the Creation of American Marketing
End of World War II to Fall of Soviet Union

The Russian people were in a fight for their human survival. Hitler wanted to
kill them all. He did not see the Russians as human.

Russia then rebuilt its military productive capacity to such an extent and at
Stalingrad began to drive the German Army back to Germany and

At the end of World War II the Soviet Union emerged as the most powerful
army in the world. They were willing to take tremendous loses to
accomplish their military goals.
End of World War II to Fall of Soviet Union
Every USA military thinker was well aware that the Soviet Union had made
a terrible strategic error by putting their military productive capacity in
the European side of Russia.

No one dreamed that the German Army could take away Russia’s military
production capacity so easily and quickly.

If we did not help the Russians before they were able to rebuild military
productive capacity in the Urals they may have fallen.
End of World War II to Fall of Soviet Union

At the end of World War II the Soviet Union emerged as the most
powerful army in the world. They were willing to take tremendous
loses to accomplish their military goals.

We were fortunate that we had the atomic bomb to foil a Soviet

attack through Siberia.

We did not have the standing army but the post World War II
American military leadership were the greatest strategists and
thinkers in the world.
The cold war was real. We were threatened with our survival until
Stalin died.

No American military strategist dreamed that the German Army

could take away Russia’s military production capacity so easily
and quickly.
End of World War II to Fall of Soviet Union

US Military

If we did not help the Russians rearm before they were able to
rebuild their military productive capacity in the Urals they
may have fallen.

Russia had three things, a brutal dictator who would kill

countless millions of his own people, one of the greatest
generals in the history of the world, and an extremely
tough and hardened people.

When the war ended against the Germans and Japanese we

were also very aware of the power of the Soviet Union.

Every USA military thinker was well aware that the Soviet
Union had made a terrible strategic error by putting their
military productive capacity in the European side of Russia.
End of World War II to Fall of Soviet Union
US Military

We were fortunate in the USA that we had the atomic bomb to

foil a Soviet attack through Siberia.

We did not have the standing army but the post World War II
American military leadership were the greatest strategists
and thinkers in the world.

The cold war was very real.

We were threatened with our national survival until Stalin

End of World War II to Fall of Soviet Union
US Military

The American military had to maintain their productive capacity at all cost to
foil a Russian attack.

This required spreading our productive capacity throughout the USA so that
the same thing that happened to Russian capacity would not happen to us.
US Military and Marketing
The US military influence and role in our lives is
light years ahead of what we think

This is not bad it is just the way it is.

American Business History
and Storytelling Marketing Practice
American Business History Lesson
After September 11th

Linear business education has collapsed during the current Bush


Linear marketing education has never transferred to business

practice. Academic marketing's role has been to give business
practice the rhetoric but not the actions.

Marketing education rhetoric is no longer necessary for marketing

practice to profess.

As long as the military remains linear so will marketing.

Linear business practice collapsed during the Regan administration.

American Marketing History Lesson
End of World War II to Fall of Soviet Union

The Development of Marketing Practice Created after World War II.

At the end of World War II the Soviet Union emerged as the most
powerful army in the world. They were willing to take tremendous
loses to accomplish their military goals.

We were fortunate that we had the atomic bomb to foil a Soviet

attack through Siberia.

We did not have the standing army but the post World War II
American military
American Business History Lesson
Post 9/11

A sea change has occurred in the world since the collapse of the former
Soviet Union and September 11th.

The linear is now understood by the military as incapable of protecting

against current and future threats.

Linear business practice collapsed during the Regan administration.

Linear business education has collapsed during the current Bush

administration after 911.

Linear marketing education has never transferred to business practice.

Academic marketing role has been to give business practice the rhetoric
but not actions.

Marketing education rhetoric is no longer necessary in marketing practice.

Western Marketing Education History Lesson
Roman Empire to World War I
American Marketing Education History Lesson
World War I to the End of World War II
American Marketing Education History Lesson

End of World War II to Fall of Soviet Union

This linear world included marketing theory and practice.

Business everywhere must follow the linear military model to make society
safe from the Soviet Union.
American Marketing Education History Lesson
After September 11th
American Education
and Storytelling Marketing Practice
Storytelling Marketing Practice Philosophy

Philosophy is understood as a way to live your life.

Linear and polylinear marketing create a separate and distinct specific

language with specific definitions.

have attempted to created a particular language that differentiates marketing

from all other areas of thought.

In nonlinear marketing the created language is to break xxx

When our thinking changes our world and actions change.

When you first learned the adult understanding of Santa Cause your whole
world was most likely changed.
Form, Force, and Power
Now you will see that

Form is green.

Force is blue.

Power is pink.

Form, force, and power are the Circular components of storytelling

marketing practice. Each turn of the circle has 6+ or -3 activities.
Storytelling Marketing Practice
Form, Force, and Power (FFP)
6 + or – 3

Power Form

Storytelling Form, Force, and Power Marketing Practice

Content 6 + or – 3

Common Process CSD ADDIE
Cosmology, Story, Direction, Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and

Timing and Distance

Morris 2005
Form, Force, and Power (3 FFP)
6 + or – 3

In storytelling marketing practice Form, Force, and Power are nonlinear when
meaning is individual and contextual.

In Form, Force, and Power meaning is never understood in the exact same
way at the exact same time.

Exact meaning has never been transferred from one person to another.

Because a person may say or exhibit anything does not represent that
meaning has transferred.

The struggle to assure that the transfer of meaning exacts is

counterproductive and destructive.
Form, Force, and Power (3 FFP)
6 + or – 3

In storytelling marketing practice Form, Force, and Power (FFP) are

interconnected, ever changing, and circular

In storytelling marketing practice Form, Force, and Power are continually

combined and recombined to achieve a temporary outcome.

Any storytelling marketing practice outcome attained is understood to be


Form, Force and Power storytelling marketing practice applies 6 + or – 3.

Form, Force, and Power (3 FFP)
6 + or – 3

Collective meaning is never attained in marketing.

Collective meaning is not required to attain the perception of similar actions.

When meaning is understood as individualized in marketing but the results of

that meaning overlaps it is nonlinear.

We all can read and enjoy the same exact story but what we take at anytime
is individual and contextual.
6 + or – 3
Form (3 GSU)
6 + or – 3


6 + or – 3

Form in storytelling marketing practice is the combination of knowledge,

skills, and attitudes that may be understood as moving from the unknown
to general and specific.

The unknown in nonlinear marketing is the greatest part of Form when

compared to general and specific KSA. For example the totality of my
general and specific KSA is not as great as what I do not know.

Nonlinear marketing philosophy continually broadens, adds and combines

what is known and unknown to enhance decision making.
6 + or – 3

Form is organized by the process called Force.

The outcome of what is known and unknown (Form) is applied through a

process (Force) to attain Power (Timing and Distance).

No two people have the same combinations of the known or unknown (Form).

What is known always becomes unknown.

Resources - Known and Unknown
6 + or – 3

Form is everything that is known and unknown.


What is known can be thought of in terms of general and specific knowledge,

skills, and attitudes KSA.

General KSA are any KSA that you cannot yet apply to specific actions.

Specific KSA is that which is applied at the present moment to move in a

desired direction.
6 + or – 3


Not known by anyone.

Known by others and not by you.

Others believe that they know but they do not.

You believe it to be known but you but you do not know.

General KSA - Form (5 ICKSE)
Resources - Known
6 + or – 3

Experience Information

Skills Content

Storytelling Marketing Practice
Form - Unknown
6 + or – 3
Resources - Known and Unknown
6 + or – 3

Form can be known or unknown in a culture.

Form is controlled, protected, and enforced by the dominate culture.

Form is philosophically controlled.

Form is constrained by a refusal and fear knowing.

To bring the unknown to the known is extremely dangerous and rare.

When Form changes power changes.

6 + or – 3
Force (3 CAU)
6 + or – 3

Unknown CSD

Nonlinear Marketing Practice
CSD Repeating Processes - Force
6 + or – 3
ADDIE Repeating Processes
6 + or – 3

• Process controls outcomes.

Repeating Processes - CSD ADDIE* -
6 + or – 3

• Process controls outcomes.

Timing and Distance
6 + or - 3
Power (3 TDU)
Timing & Distance - Outcome
6 + or – 3

Unknown Timing

Timing Power (4 RTRP, WTRP, WTWP, RTWP)
Timing and Distance - Outcome
6 + or – 3

Right time Right time

Wrong place Right place

Wrong time Wrong time

Wrong place Right place
Distance Power (3 U)
Timing and Distance - Outcome
6 + or – 3

Timing & Distance - Outcome
6 + or – 3


Physical Distance
Life experience
Distance - Outcome
6 + or – 3

Attraction and Repulsion
Job Experience
Social status
Five Resources 5Rs
6 + or - 3
Form (5 Rs MHPIF)
Known and Unknown
6 + or – 3

Financial Marketing
Resources Resources

Intangible Human
Resources Resources

Form (5 Rs MHPIF)
Known and Unknown
6 + or – 3

Nonlinear marketing identifies and applies any and all 5Rs resources to
accomplish Form, Force, and Power.

There is no idea that any of the 5Rs are not part of marketing.

It is up to the individual to find the 5Rs nonlinear applications to marketing by

combining and simplifying knowledge skills and attitudes, KSA.

When you embrace linear marketing you will find yourself out of business.
Form (5 Rs MHPIF)
Known and Unknown
6 + or – 3

Even the idea of calling something marketing and something else human,
physical, intangible, and financial resources limits understanding and
accomplishment in business.

The nonlinear preference is to understand these 5Rs as Form or a single body

of KSA that can be applied and rethought in any way.

Each of these five resources have attempted to separate themselves from all

The reasons have no relationship with human capacity.

Form (5 Rs MHPIF)
Known and Unknown
6 + or – 3

Linear business practice collapsed during the Regan administration.

Linear business education has collapsed during the current Bush


Linear marketing education has never transferred to business practice.

Academic marketing role has been to give business practice the rhetoric
but not actions.

Marketing education rhetoric is no longer necessary in marketing practice.

Three Marketing Resources
6 + or - 3
Three Marketing Resource
Known and Unknown
6 + or – 3

Marketing Relationship
Content To Storytelling

Role in
Marketing’s Relationship to Storytelling
General KSA
6 + or - 3
Marketing’s Relationship to Storytelling
General KSA

Marketing reveals our relationship within a story.

Stories have been told since the beginning when people began to
gather into communities.

Each community immediately begins to create and follow a unique

story that represents a way for all member to live their lives.

Each community’s story is a guide to follow that reveals our changing

roles and derived benefits.
Marketing’s Role in Storytelling
General KSA
6 + or - 3
Marketing’s Role in Storytelling
General KSA

All groups have a marketing activity to assures that their story is not

Everything that is produced or consumed must support, reinforce, and protect

the group’s story.

To be rejected or have our role changed outside of the story is to become an


Once outside of the group’s story none of the derived benefits are shared.
Marketing Content
Specific KSA
Marketing Content
Specific KSA
6 + or – 3

Positioning Price

Motivation Product

Targeting Promotion

Segmentation Place
Marketing Content
Specific KSA

Textbook marketing has been applying the 4Ps (price, product, promotion,
and place), segmentation, targeting, and positioning for fifty years.

The above actions are believed by those in marketing to go together like a

puzzle. Professors believe that these combinations can be found through

Professors see their role as a scientist searching for the secret formula's of

I add the concept of motivation.

Marketing Content
Form (3 MPN)
Marketing Resources
6 + or – 3

Monolinear marketing resources conceptualizes that all organizational

resources follow the exact same cosmology.

Polylinear marketing resources conceptualizes that different resources of an

organization follow different and separate cosmology models.

Nonlinear marketing resources follow Form, Force, and Power in an

organization transcending cosmologies.

Morris 2005
Marketing Content
Marketing Resources
6 + or – 3
Marketing Content
Price – Form (5 RDSMG)
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Geographic Wholesale


Marketing Content
Retail, Wholesale - Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Discount - Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Skimming -Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Market Power - Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Geographic– Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Price - Diamonds

• Diamonds are a monopoly in world and one of the best examples of power
derived from monopoly.

• Diamond marketing is one of the best examples of the power that can be
derived from marketing.

• De Beers has maintained a diamond monopoly for 100 years.

• DeBeers is prevented from doing business directly in the USA.

Marketing Content
Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Price - Diamonds

DeBeers diamonds are sold in Europe by DeBeers and then brought to USA.

It cost five dollars to mine, cut, and polished a 1 Ct diamond.

Retail mark up on 1 Ct diamond can be up to 1000 %.

Large diamond mines are in South Africa, Canada, Russia, and Australia.
Marketing Content
Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Price - As a Factor

Non price competition is when the purchase of a product is not effected by


If the price is lowered dramatically by competition customers will move to the

lower price.

A customer orientation does not assure that price is not a factor.

Honesty with customers does not assure that price is not a factor.
Marketing Content
Price - Form
Marketing Resources
6 + or – 3

Who Will Buy

How do you know who will buy?

Marketing Content
Price – Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Price – Taxes

Cigarettes tax adds to price

In Russia less tax means lower price

Liquor tax adds to price

Sin tax changes price

Marketing Content
Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Price - State Control

State owned jewelry stores in China are price controlled by government.

The worst pricing experience of your professors was in Egypt

Marketing Content
Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Price - Duty Free Shop Pricing

Prices are all different around the world in duty free shops.

It does not have to be a good price because it is from a

duty free shop.

No idea what duty free means.

Marketing Content
Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Price - Textbook Marketing


Textbooks retail for $140 in bookstore.

Used textbooks in bookstore $90
On-line textbook used $30-50
Marketing Content
Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Price - Textbook Marketing


Student can sell books back to bookstore for about $30.

Bookstore gets textbook from publisher for about 40% off.

Bookstore makes more money selling the used textbooks.

Marketing Content
Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Price -The Dark Side of Textbooks

International profit driven enterprises

Created monopoly by universities where they benefit directly and indirectly
The content is dumb down
Politically correct to sell textbooks
Little real input from professors
Marketing Content
Price – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Pick a low number and just talk about that.

• Stayed on message
• One thing that drives them crazy.
• Pick their strength and attack that.
• Only talk about things that you want to talk about.
Marketing Content
Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3




Size Quality

New Product
Marketing Content
New Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

New product development is almost impossible.

It is said that up to 90% of new products fail.

The risks involved in new product failure for American companies can drive
major industries out of business.

The risks involved with allowing new products into the USA developed and
supported by other nations can drive major American industries out of
Marketing Content
New Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Many new and innovative marketing ideas and products have not been known
because those in positions of responsibility are not willing to listen for 10

Look in Motivation Section

Marketing Content
New Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or – 3

New Products Enter Markets in Several Ways

Through the Young.

Through The Military.

Through Creative Geographic Locations For Example California and Japan.


Through Creative Individuals. Often not the inventors.

Connections to Great Stories.

Marketing Content
New Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or – 3

New Products Enter Markets in Several Ways

From the Poor to the Rich - Rich To the Poor

From Other Cultures.

From The Past

Current Product
Marketing Content
Current Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Change an existing product.

Sell an existing product to different target market segment.

When creating a product separate and take away functions. Each function is
then sold to a different target market segment. Sell the high end function
of a separated product functions for an extremely high mark up. This is
where the profit comes from. The individuals that seeks high social status
will pay much more. These consumers are rarely from the top economic
class. The most vulnerable to this method are the poor, working, and
middle class.
Brand Name - Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Brand Name - Product – Form

Marketing Resources

6+ or – 3


People remember slogans.

Originally slogans were wise statements to help people. “An apple a day
keeps the Doctor away.” “A stitch in time saves nine”

Marketing took this idea from proverbs, and attempts to link them to a brand
and or company

A famous slogan “Just Do It”

Marketing Content
Quality - Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Quality can be deceptive.

Quality is always understood to be related to a standard.

Lowering the standard and rising the quality may not be the best product to
purchase. This product can then be sold as having high quality. This
strategy may be more marketing than a clear understanding of the value
of a product by the consumer.
Marketing Content
Style - Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Size - Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Service - Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Packaging - Product – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
• The sun rises in the East and sets in
the West.
• The sun is in the southern sky.
• Always facing south.

• The position of a house in

relationship to the sun is important.
Heat and repairs
Marketing Content
Product– Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Product - Textbook Marketing

Color pictures

600 plus pages

Learning objectives


Charts and graphs

Marketing Content
Product– Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Product - Textbook Marketing

• Hard cover

• Good paper

• Big text

• Low reading level, Perhaps 12th grade

• Different text for different students. Community, undergrad and


• A major team effort to produce a textbook.

Marketing Content
Product– Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Product - Textbook Marketing

Written by Professors in the field.

Reviewed by professors in the field.

Can be translated into many languages.

A great deal of professor support material.

A major team effort to produce a textbook.

Marketing Content
Product– Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Product - Textbook Marketing

Marketing textbooks have very little marketing content that transfers to

business practice.

Most of the content not written by professor.

Color pages to sell advertising to students.

Marketing Content
– Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Promotion – Form
Marketing Resources
6 + or – 3

Sales Promotion Internet

Personal Selling
Point of Purchase
Sales Management

Advertising Public Relations

Word of Mouth Sops

Marketing Content
Internet Promotion - Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Public Relations
Marketing Content
Public Relations – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Sops – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Word Of Mouth
Marketing Content
Word of Mouth Promotion– Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Advertising Promotion– Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Point of Purchase Promotion– Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Sales Promotion– Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Promotion – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Promotion – Textbook Marketing

Research funds for departments and professors.

Research funds for international professors and Schools of Business.

Personal Selling
Marketing Content
Promotion – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Promotion - Personal Selling


Every environment has a rhythm

Every sales force has a rhythm
Move out of your rhythm and you have problems
Sales person and buyer can have a different rhythm.
Marketing Content
Promotion Personal Selling– Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Promotion - Personal Selling

Sports Model

The way we like to play sports is the way we like to do business

What type of preparation (information) + (intuition)
Willing to ask for and receive advice from outside
Willing to take some risk but not willing to jump off the deep end
Works with budget
Marketing Content
Promotion: Personal Selling – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Promotion: Personal Selling

Tennis - Sports Model

Fast Pace
Like the experience to be exciting to you.
Can be slightly detached from the sale of the product.
Would probably want to include someone to reinforce the decision of the
selection of A or B.
Marketing Content
Promotion Personal Selling – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Promotion - Personal Selling

Tennis - Sports Model

Like to watch
Top seed rather than low ranked
Singles vs. doubles
Does not matter if man or woman
TV preferred over venue
Alone or with others ok
National with family
Marketing Content
Promotion Personal Selling – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Promotion - Personal Selling

Tennis - Sports Model

Close match
If not fair you will get mad
Excited for good plays
Ace ok
Like back and forth
Struggle of competition
Most sets possible
Marketing Content
Promotion Personal Selling – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Promotion - Personal Selling

• Tennis - Sports Model

• Commentary is dependant on knowledge.

• Do not like them to talk too much about too little.
• Not many brakes.
• Two minute brakes between each set. Short brakes
• Will not answer phone or will get right back to the match
Sales Management
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Organization of ideas and thoughts

When people talk and write it is not the same.

There is a standard method to write something
in the West.

Have a thesis
You support that thesis
Come to a conclusion

Thesis supported or not supported

Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Thesis Statement

• David is innocent
• David is guiltily

• If person moves from this controlled sales

presentation leadership thinks they will not be
• The role of sales manager is to make sure that
the sales process is followed.
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
• Subject
• What it is that you are going to talk about to your
• General introduction to sales.
• Issue
• What are different points of view about selling?
• Thesis
• Personal selling is easy. 1 It is easy to sell with the Morris
method 2 do not have to be born a salesperson and 3
selling does not take years of practice
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Section 1, 2, 3
• Each argument becomes a section.
• Section 1 It is Easy to Sell With the Morris Method
• Section 2 Do not Have to be Born a Salesperson
• Section 3 Selling Does not Take Years of Practice
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Sections 1,
• It is Easy to Sell With the Morris Method
• 1 Reason
• 2 Reason
• 3 Reason
• Conclusion
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Section 2
• Do not Have to be Born a Salesperson
• 1 Reason
• 2 Reason
• 3 Reason
• Conclusion
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• 1 Reason
• Selling Does not Take Years of Practice
• Section 3
• 2 Reason
• 3 Reason
• Conclusion
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Conclusion
• Repeat thesis and each section in order in the conclusion.
Of course use less words.

• Then end with a call for action

• Selling is easy if you use the Morris method
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Rhetoric is just talking without saying anything.

• Sophistry: Use the tools of rhetoric for bad outcomes

Nonlinear Marketing
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
• Planning Implementation Evaluation (From Textbook)
• CP DADDIE (Morris Method)
• Analyze
• Design
• Development
• Implementation
• Evaluation
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
• Daily clock is in a 24 hr and 11 minute cycle. Our clock is
divided into a day and night cycle.

• Do you think that there is any relation between our feet

and our daily clock cycles?
• We thought the answer is yes.
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
• What type of change to shoes may have what type of
impact on our daily biological clock?

• Could it be possible to create a shoe that that could trick

the clock into believing that it is in a peak time of the day?
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
• We thought yes it is.

• We came up with some ideas of what would have to change

in the design of a shoe to link to our biological clock.

• We need more information and research.

Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
• How much would the shoes be worth to different target
• How could we protect our self from a company taking this
idea and running with it themselves.?
• What target markets would require such a shoe?
Marketing Content
Promotion Sales Management – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Lets do more research and return next week with what we

Marketing Content
Place – Form
Marketing Resources
6 + or – 3

Trade Routes

Logistics Transport

Ancient Trade Routes
Marketing Content
Place – Form
Marketing Resources
6 + or – 3

• Place – Textbook Marketing

• Distribution through publisher to campus bookstores.

• Bookstores create their own distribution with book buy


• Private firms buy textbooks from professors.

• Private firms sell textbooks to Internet outlets.

Marketing Content
Segmentation – Form
Marketing Resources
6 + or - 3



Geographic Demographic

Marketing Content
Segmentation – Form
Marketing Resources
6 + or - 3

Segmentation information is often derived from government data.

Census data is important to segmentation.

Government data should be supported by other forms of information.

Many organizations and governments when collecting data have outcomes

that support their preconceived outcomes.
Marketing Content
Census Segmentation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Demographic Segmentation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Psychographic Segmentation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Behaviorist Segmentation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Physical Geography
Marketing Content

• Physical Geography-Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Human Geography
Marketing Content

• Human Geography-Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content

Segmentation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Segmentation – Textbook Marketing

Segmentation Male, Female

• Age group - 18-24
• Economic Condition - Working Class, Middle Class
• Subject _ Specific
• Interest _ Specific
• Psychological - Dependency
• Social status - Low
Marketing Content
Targeting – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

All Single
Segments Segment

Marketing Content
Targeting – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Targeting is the reason why marketing segmentation is

done to determine what is the make up of those within
an area.

• When segmented data is assessed marketing selects
targets from those segments.

• Targeting is selected from a single segment, many

segments, and all segments.
Marketing Content
Targeting – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Marketing has advocated that it is best to target markets

which the firm believes they will make the greatest

• Targeting for profit may easily lead to negative political,

health, and consumer reactions.

• Targeting for negative purposes is more obvious outside

of the USA.
Marketing Content

Targeting – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

3 Ways to Target a Market

Single Target Segment

Multiple Target Segments

Target All Segments

Single Target Segments
Marketing Content
Single Segment - Targeting – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Multiple Target Segments
Marketing Content
Multiple Segments - Targeting – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Target All Segments
Marketing Content
All Segments - Targeting – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Targeting – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Targeting – Textbook Marketing

• Targeting
• High school age
• University age
• Graduate learners
• Marketing programs
• Income levels
• Some libraries
Marketing Content
Targeting – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Everyone wanted to “live and let live”

• Ethical standards in a target market that rewards added
• A legal standard that does not allow competition to lower
• Producing products outside of USA
Marketing Content
Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3



Irish Marketing
Marketing Content
ARCS Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

ARCS –Motivation Marketing

Many soldiers do not have a history of success in

Motivation is a critical component in all instruction.

The military is far ahead of other educational

institutions in the world in the area of instructional
design and motivation.
Marketing Content
ARCS Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• ARCS Model of Motivation

• A - Attention

• R - Relevance

• C - Confidence

• S - Satisfaction
Marketing Content
ARCS Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• ARCS –Motivation Marketing

• A - Attention

• Attain and sustain

• Methods Applied
• Research

• R - Relevance

• To you
• For what you want to accomplish
Marketing Content
ARCS Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• ARCS –Motivation Marketing

• C - Confidence

• In the form of motivation

• In the delivery of motivation
• In the person

• S - Satisfaction

• Intrinsic
• Within yourself
• Feel good and have good thoughts about yourself

• Extrinsic
• External awards
• Receive external rewards such as money
Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Ethics –Motivation Marketing

• Is marketing how to deceive people?

• To buying what you do not need.
• To buying more than you need.
• Is marketing neutral and it can be used for good
or bad?

• Thanks to my friend and teacher for guidance in ethics and much more Professor Joel
Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Ethics must be an action that is taken.

• Harvard was given money by Enron and they then told

everyone how great Enron was and how much potential
they had for growth..
Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Importance of Marketing to Business

• Marketing as a concept does not care if it is good or bad.

• Ethical components are added to marketing by people,
culture, religion, philosophy
• Professing an ethical position is not the same as ethics.
Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Ethics –Motivation Marketing

• Can a person deceive themselves and do things in

marketing that may not be ethical?

• Is marketing a violation of trust between the buyer and


Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Ethics –Motivation Marketing

• What does a person’s motive have to do with doing the

right thing?
• If no law then no problem.
• Joe Camel was said to appeal to children.
• Smoking in bars in CT.
• If it is not enforceable people will do it anyway.
Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Ethics –Motivation Marketing

• Some believe that supply and demand will do the ethical

job without laws or conscience.

• In the USA law becomes the embodiment of ethics.

• Individuals can be changed through self regulation.

• Is deception a lesser evil than lying?

Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Ethics –Motivation Marketing

• True lies

• It is not the fact but the intention or motivation that is real.

• What do moral issues have to do with standing and say no

to others?
Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Ethics – Motivation Marketing

• Direct Mail

• If it deceives is it marketing?
• We can deceive but cannot lie in
marketing in USA.
• Anything can be for good or bad.
• Each person and society must decide.
Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Ethics – Motivation Marketing

• Is marketing ethical?

• Mail and advertising examples of deception.

• Is it marketing or is marketing deception?

• Should marketing mislead even if it is within the law?

Marketing Content
Ethics Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Lying is a form of deception.

• Deception is doing anything that the person doing it thinks

it is false.

• What are true lies?

• True but still a lye.

Marketing Content
Irish Marketing Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Irish Marketing– Motivation Marketing

Be brave enough to accept your family.

Be brave enough to accept your heritage.

Be brave enough to express this in front of your ethnic


Learn your own stories from your family, history, fables,

folktales, and myths.

Learn from your family by asking your family about their


Identified by David Morris 1996

Marketing Content
Irish Marketing Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Irish Marketing – Motivation Marketing

• Learn about your family’s struggles.

• If they are here they are not stupid.

• Be brave enough to express this in front of others.

• You must retain your ethnic heritage to develop into an


• To reject your ethnic heritage is to reject yourself.

Marketing Content
Irish Marketing Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Irish Marketing – Motivation Marketing

• Individual-Ethnic-Universal
• To keep us from the universal we must stop you at the
• Marketing is individualized just for you and you alone.
• Sacrifice for the other is not necessary
Marketing Content
Irish Marketing Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Irish Marketing – Motivation Marketing

• In commercials the father comes in and kid is

eating something. He takes it and eats himself.

• Parents must sacrifice through consumption for

their children.

• The consumption that is put forth is not helpful

for the child to become an adult.
Marketing Content
Irish Marketing Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

• Irish Marketing – Motivation Marketing

• You failed if your child does not have a new car.

• Sacrifice for the other is not part of the philosophy.

• Parent becomes the method to teach the child to be

Marketing Content
Irish Marketing Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Even if you tell the truth they will not believe you.
Marketing Content
Social Status Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Nonlinear Marketing
10 Seconds Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
10 Seconds Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Egypt and History

Islam is dominate religion in Egypt
Pharaoh and current story conflict
Many things unknown to current customers.

October 31 and Nov 1 first day of the year Celtic New Year
Marketing Content
10 Seconds Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or -3

When Making Money Not Enough

Made a lot of money on a project in Egypt

US Govt closed it down because it was successful. Kept the money

Ramses Hilton and your professor and US Military Intel and Osama B
Nonlinear Marketing
10 Seconds Motivation – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Egypt and History

Islam is dominate religion in Egypt

Pharaoh and current story conflict

Many things unknown to current customers.

October 31 and Nov 1 first day of the year Celtic New Year
Marketing Content
Positioning – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Within a

Image in
Nonlinear Marketing
Within a Product Line Positioning – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Image in Customer Mind Positioning – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Positioning – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3

Positioning - Textbook Marketing

The fundamental knowledge required to do the job

Expert driven content

Tested over time

The truth

The standard of the field

Human Resources
Marketing Content
Marketing Interconnections - Form (3 STU)
Human Resources
6 + or – 3

Upgrading Section

Marketing Content
Selection Human Resources – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Training Human Resources – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Upgrading Human Resources – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Human Resources
6 + or – 3

Monolinear human resources conceptualizes that all organizational resources

follow the exact same cosmology model.

Polylinear human resources conceptualizes that different resources of an

organization follow different and separate cosmology models.

Nonlinear human resources follow Form, Force, and Power in an organization

transcending all cosmologies.
Physical Resources
Marketing Content
Marketing Interconnections - Form
Physical Resources
6 + or – 3


Economies of Equipment,
Scale Inventory

Acquisitions, Natural
Joint Resources
Marketing Content
Buildings, Land, Location Physical Resources – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Equipment, Inventory Physical Resources – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Natural Resources Physical Resources – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Mergers, Acquisitions, Joint Ventures Physical Resources – Form
Physical Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Marketing Interconnection - Form
Physical Resources
6 + or – 3
Marketing Content
Marketing Interaction - Form
Physical Resources
6 + or – 3

Monolinear physical resources conceptualizes that all organizational resources

follow the exact same cosmology model.

Polylinear physical resources conceptualizes that different resources of an

organization follow different and separate cosmology models.

Nonlinear physical resources follow Form, Force, and Power in an organization

transcending all cosmologies.
Intangible Resources
Marketing Content
Marketing Interconnections - Form
Intangible Resources
6 + or – 3

Reputation, Copyright,
Historic Trademarks,
Accident Patents


Goodwill, Laws,
Reputation, Statutes,
Historic Voluntary
Accident Restraints
Marketing Content
Copyright, Trademark, Patent Intangible Resources – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Contracts, Accreditation, License Intangible Resources – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Laws, Statutes, Voluntary Restraints Intangible Resources –
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Trade Regulations Intangible Resources – Form
Marketing Resources
6+ or - 3
Marketing Content
Intangible Resources Form
6 + or – 3

Monolinear intangible resources conceptualizes that all organizational

resources follow the exact same cosmology model.

Polylinear intangible resources conceptualizes that different resources of an

organization follow different and separate cosmology models.

Nonlinear intangible resources follow Form, Force, and Power in an

organization transcending all cosmologies.
Financial Resources
Marketing Content
Marketing Interconnections - Form
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3


Cash Interest
Reserves Rates

Currency Stocks
Rates Bonds

Taxes To
Marketing Content
Credit Rating - Form
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3
Nonlinear Marketing
Interest Rates - Form
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3
Marketing Content
Stocks, Bonds - Form
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3
Marketing Content
Access to Capital - Form
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3
Marketing Content
Taxes - Form
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3
Marketing Content
Currency Rates - Form
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3
Marketing Content
Cash Reserves - Form
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3
Marketing Content
Debt - Form
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3
Marketing Content
Financial Resources
6 + or – 3

Monolinear financial resources conceptualizes that all organizational resources

follow the exact same cosmology model.

Polylinear financial resources conceptualizes that different resources of an

organization follow different and separate cosmology models.

Nonlinear financial resources follow Form, Force, and Power in an organization

transcending all cosmologies.
Nonlinear Marketing
6 + or – 3

Evaluate Cosmology

Implement Storytelling

Develop Direction

Design Analyze
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Cosmology
6 + or – 3

Physics Metaphysics

The Void
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Cosmology
6 + or – 3

• Metaphysics as a Way to Live Your Life

Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Cosmology
6 + or – 3

• Origin Myth as a Way to a Live Your Life

Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Cosmology
6 + or – 3

The Void
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Cosmology
6 + or – 3

Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Storytelling
6 + or – 3
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Storytelling
6 + or – 3

• Story
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Storytelling
6 + or – 3

• Story
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Storytelling
6 + or – 3

• Story
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Direction
6 + or – 3

All goals No goal

Many goals One goal

A few goals
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Direction
6 + or – 3
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Analyze
6 + or – 3

Classify Divide

Separate Research

Dissect Dialogue

Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Analyze
6 + or – 3
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Design
6 + or – 3


Contents Blueprint

Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Design
6 + or – 3
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Develop
6 + or – 3

Limit Risk Test

Experiment Verify
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Develop
6 + or – 3
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Implement
6 + or – 3

Sustain Initiate

All at once Gradual

Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Implement
6 + or – 3
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Evaluate
6 + or – 3

Internal External
Formative Formative

External Internal
Summative Summative
Nonlinear Marketing
CSD ADDIE – Evaluate
6 + or – 3
Timing and Distance
Nonlinear Marketing
Outcome of Form and Force
6 + or – 3

Timing & Distance

Nonlinear Marketing
Outcome of Form and Force
6 + or – 3
Marketing Strategy
• Step of Strategy
• Mission (Textbook)
• Marketing Myopia
• Claiming that the film and RR did not define their
mission broad enough.

• Direction (Professor)
• Leader sets the direction
• Open to exploring
Marketing Targeting
• Companies that are in business
today that were in business 100
years old.
• Change is too fast.
• Competition
• Forced the prices down below the
cost to their competition.
Target Marketing
• Everyone wanted to “live and let
• Ethical standards in a target market
that rewards added cost.

• A legal standard that does not allow

competition to lower price.
• Producing products outside of USA
Marketing Target
• They can sell below the cost of your

• Everybody follows quickly because

they want to stay in business.

• If you do not shut this down what

Sales Management
• Everybody does not define words the
same way. Be careful of meaning in sales.

• Dictionary holds the definition of a term in

the West. This does not mean that the
person uses this definition.

• Relationship holds the definition of a term

in the East.
Sales Management
• People kill and fight over definitions
or meaning of words.

• Definitions must come first before

shared meaning.

• If you see that the customer seems

to understand but you think they do
not really understand. Wait
Sale Management
• I often agree even though I think it
is wrong.
• Must be really sure.
• You may be incorrect when you
• What is there to gain by informing
customers of their mistakes.
• If disagree with the customer in
front of others may be bad for sale.
Sale Management
• Better to say:
• It is possible.
• Interesting Point

• Relationship Marketing
• The buyer does not care if you go out of
business. They want the lowest possible prices.
• Goes back and forth
• Buyer has power
• Seller was power

Sales Management
• Market Power and Sales

• Republicans and Sales Strategy

• A Democrats power was derived
from Unions
• B Republican power is now derived
from the conservative
• Take power from A and give it to B
Sales Management
• Sales is influenced by the dominate
group in religious, economic, and
political power.

• Power influences behavior and the

direction of resource allocation.
Sales Management
• Wealthy
• When the wealthy attain more power
the products and services that
appeal to them are still marketable.
Selling Management
• Middle Class

If middle class is happy and rich or poor it

does not matter. They consume.

• If middle class is unhappy and rich or

poor it does matter. Slow consumption
Sales Management
Selling to the poor is dependent on several factors.
What is the definition of poor?
Who are the people that are poor?
Do the poor see a way out?
Is the way out for the poor effective?
Are the poor united or divided.
Sales Management
• Expand you sales knowledge and explore
opportunities for new products and

• Liberal arts have been overlooked

• For example the influence of sunlight on

our lives.

• Biological clock and sun light

Sales Management
• Exercise
• Take any unrelated area and combine it
with what we just learned about the
human biological clock.

• A student picked shoes.

• Let is think about what product can be

created and sold combining what we have
learned at BC and shoes.
Sales Management
• If there is such a human experience
as a daily biological clock then what
impact can shoes have on this

• Can something be done to shoes to

change and alter the daily clock of
any individuals and groups of
Sales Management
Every environment has a rhythm
Every sales force has a rhythm
Move out of your rhythm and you
have problems
Sales person and buyer can have
different rhythm
Jobs in Storytelling Marketing

1 Sales
Go out and sell a product or service to a targeted market

2 Advertising firm
Pays for advertising

3 Writing script
Storytelling Marketing Practice Careers

4 Researcher

5 Blogging

6 Internet

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