MAED Lecture01 11

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GW- “philo”= LOVE GW- “sophos” = WISE/ WISDOM


-quest for truth -the science of all things -man's attempt to think most
based on logical studied from the viewpoint speculatively, reflectively, reflectively, &
reasoning aside of their ultimate causes, systematically about the universe in
from actual reasons of principles by which he lives; his relationship witj the
observation of the light of human reason universe
nature's -reflective technique -Evaluate the sum total of human
multifarious applied to lived experience experience: systematic and logical
phenomena examination of life
-Bauzon, 2012
-Duka, 1997; 2006 -Callahan & Clark, cited by San Mateo & Tangco,
EDUCATION: It is as old as life itself
Schools of thought
A. Evolutionist B. Creationist
-Education was started by primitive -God created man according to His
people image and likeness, and equipped
man with intellect and freewill.
-very simple
-absence of reading, writing , and a -Adam & Eve multiplied and
comprehensive langugae passed on to their offsprings the
-limited to survival practices: find ways to knowledge acquired from the
feed, clothe, shelter, and protect Creator: ability to communicate,
themselves read, and write; the knowledge of
-Education was informal
science and arts; other skills like
-done through observation, imitation,
andapprenticeship hunting, farming, etc.
Education covers a broad spectrum
Formal Informal Non-formal education
Education Education -refer to activities/ programs
-incidental learning: meant to improve the quality of
-classroom-based life
learning how to
-managed by -literacy (for out-of-school youth
cross the street,
trained formal & adults) rural development;
how to do the training for occupational skills,
school teachers
dishes, etc. informative education
-age is prescribed
for every level -learn via -target clientele: unemployed,
underemployed, with little or
-textbooks are used observation
no schooling, technical
workers who need to upgrade
***Education: to promote change for the their skills
-happens outside the classroom/
better. community- based
Three interrelated meanings of education

1) any process by means of which man is shaped and

brought toward fulfillment

2) the task of formation which adults intentionally

undertake with regard to youth

3) in its most specific sense, the special task

of schools and universities
-Schools are develop to satisfy the rudiments of learning:
skils: speaking & listening, reading & writing, &
arithmetic: tools to achieve the goal of education----learned
“Education has to do with influencing man to become what
he ought to be”.
-Education helps man to develop his own philosophy or
belief which will help him in the attainment of his ultimate

What shall we take to the proper relation to

general philosophy to philosophy of education? On
this point, there are several opinins. Most obvious is
that which holds a philosophy of the basic and
primary to a philosophy of education. The FORMER
establishes fundamental principles, the LATTER
carries out their implications in a special field.
Philosophy of education:
Kilpatrick: Philo of educ pertains to any distinctive
political outlook... that wishes its kind of education to
perpetuate its kind of life. It is concerned with what social
outlook the school system, school management, and
teaching procedure tend to support. Likewise, it considers
what kind of social life they ought to support, and what kind
of school management and teaching-learning procedure or
methods they ought ti adopt in order to attain this desired
social life.
Therefore, Philosophy of education...

:pertains to the aims and objectives towards which the

educational system and practices are directed. It takes into
consideration the the MEANS to arrive at concrete solutions
to the dilemmas that haunt the educational system and the
society as well.

: serves as the guiding spirit or principle which serves as the

very foundation of the educational system.
Branches of Philosophy
I. METAPHYSICS- nature of being; reality; existence; spirituality
-Cosmology -Teleology -Ontology

II. EPISTEMOLOGY-study of knowedge; what is knowledge;

where does it come from; how do we acquire knowledge of right &
wrong?; how do gain knowledge of God; how do we know God does
or does not exist?
-Agnosticism -Skepticism

-A Posteriori -A Priori
III. AXIOLOGY- deals with problems of value; what is value?;
what are the important values which are to be desired in living?
are these values rooted in reality? how can these values be
realized in our daily experiences?
a) Ethics b) Aesthetics

IV. LOGIC- systematic treatment of the relation of ideas:

distinguish valid thinking from fallacious thinking.
a) induction b) deduction

c) syllogism d) dialectic
a) Bauzon, P. (2012). Fundamental Philosophies of Education. (4th
Ed.) Phils: National Bookstore

b) Duka, C. (2006). Philosophy of Education (Revised). Phils: Rex

Book Store

c) Duka, C. (1997). Historical, Philosophical, and Legal Foundations

of Education. Phils: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

d) San Mateo, R. & Tangco, M. (1997). Foundations of Education II:

Historical, Philosophical, and Legal Foundations of Education. Phils:
Katha Publishing Co., Inc.

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