Concat: We Are Concators

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Presented By:Naman-chawla
 Concat is a business-consulting firm providing support platform for
Startups, SOHO, MSME and Large Corporates. We offer One Stop Shop
for any business needs helping organizations focus on their core

business and grow faster. Services include bouquet of B2B, regulatory
support, digital marketing, web site, e-commerce portal, cost
optimization, sales force efficiency, customer engagement, and team
management, and financial and back office support services. It is
dimensioned to extend its services to spectrum of digital economy
corporation’s providing an intelligent and efficient bridge between
services seekers, providers and the technology tools enabling online

 Registering online, our portal lets you leverage host of above

mentioned services online gaining almost real time access to
information on the service providers corresponding to your asks,
based on leading edge technology of our platform. Our support
system and experienced team have been helping organizations focus
on their core business and thrive sooner. Gamut of other services also
covers outsourcing of planning, operations, administrative, accounting
and manpower recruitment functions, in addition to, Payroll, HRMS
management, Venture funding, Insurance, day-to-day regulatory
filings, submittals, lobbying and approvals.

 Services are available as turnkey, bouquet and need based and our
platform support these options.

01 04
Business Plan – Strategy and Operational Plan Organisation Set up and scale plans ,
execution in terms of company registration,
Financial advisory and HR outsourcing

02 05
Back office processes support – Sales, After Sales Block-chain Technology
Support, admin, HR, Operations Website Design &
Development, Payroll

03 06
SCM Production/Inventory- M7A Advisory A

To own eased out business-life.
No presence of double thinking. Get your filtered
reviewed advised options at one place.
No dependence on to another individual. Hence no
fell of mistaken or unsatisfaction. In simple words
you get what you deserve to get.

No need of Multi-Analysis in terms to cost of
different parties pitching or bargain.

In simple words CONCAT is the way to all
your wants your fulfilment

Patience Give
You never know when ; where things get It's never wrong to give a another shot.
up to, head to, move to.

Be Smart
work smart.. Working hard is
just a buzz.

life do have different flavours, you just
need to get back to track.

Want Service Subscription Accomplishment


Mr Amit Bharghava Mr Raj kanjilal Mr Yuvraj Bharghava

Due to the fact that mobile lorem Due to the fact that mobile lorem Due to the fact that mobile lorem
1. No market need. A whopping 42 percent of post-mortem
letters admitted that a lack of market need in some way
contributed to those businesses' demise. For example, Patient
Communicator wrote that the majority of doctors simply wanted
more patients, not a more efficient office.

2. Lack of cash. Even if your business is profitable on paper, if

you don’t have enough cash to pay your employees or vendors,
you could go under. About 29 percent of post-mortems listed
running out of cash.

3. Inappropriate team. Your team is the driving force to make

your vision a reality. If these employees don’t have the
experience, the passion or the problem-solving skills to execute
and improve on your idea, you’re dead in the water, like the 23
percent of startups that referenced team issues as an ingredient
in their failure.

4. Strong competition. Sometimes, the competition is just too

fierce to take on. For example, upon Wesabe’s demise, its
founder revealed that the company just couldn’t compete with
Mint. It’s one of the 19 percent of companies that referenced
5 Ways to Recover from Startup Failure 10.Bad timing. When good ideas come too early,
the market may not yet be ready to buy. When 15. Bad location. Metro is one of the 9 percent of
5. Pricing and cost issues. Profitability is a simple they come too late, the market is saturated. companies that cited a bad location as a reason
equation of your costs against your pricing. If you Roughly 13 percent of companies claimed this as for their failure; the startup worked perfectly well
set the prices too high, you won’t be able to a primary reason for failure. in Chicago, but could not expand to other urban
compete, but if you set them too low, or your areas because it failed to adequately grab the
costs are too high, you won’t be profitable, like 11. Loss of focus. Strong starts and passionate attention of those residents.
the 18 percent of companies that mentioned it. leaders aren’t always sustainable for the long
term. When you lose your focus halfway through 16. Lack of financing or investor activity. Like a
6. Bad core product. About 17 percent of a development cycle, your team can crumble; 13 lack of cash, a lack of initial investor interest
companies admitted their product wasn’t good percent of companies cited a lack of focus. caused 8 percent of start-ups in the study to fail
enough to make the company succeed. Without prematurely.
a strong product, it’s virtually impossible to grow. 12. Intra-team conflicts. Infighting isn’t good for
any organization, especially when it’s among 17. Legal hurdles. Whether it was getting sued,
7. Lack of a business model. A surprising 17 high-ranking team members, or worse, partners navigating legal disputes or trying to establish a
percent of start-ups admitted not having a and investors. About 13 percent of failed legal operation, 8 percent of start-ups
business model to drive their efforts. They came companies cited this as a reason. succumbed to challenging legal hurdles.
to market with a product, or an idea, but no
infrastructure to back it. 18. A lack of advisors or network. You don’t need
13. A pivot gone bad. When your original plan a mentor to build a business, but it certainly
8. Bad marketing. “Bad marketing” here refers to isn’t working out, you pivot -- but if that pivot helps to get that outside expertise; 8 percent of
one of a few different possible causes, including goes in an unprofitable direction, your start-up start-ups admitted to not having a network, and
too much money spent on marketing, ineffective won’t last long. Ten percent of companies in the not having advisors to help guide them in their
marketing or a single bad campaign that trashed list tried to pivot and failed. decision-making.
the start-up's reputation. Some 14 percent of
companies cited this reason. 14. Lack of passion. If you try to build a business 19. Burnout. I’ve written about the dangers of
without really being passionate about it, you are entrepreneurial burnout before. The data
9. Customer neglect. eCrowds is one of the 14 much less likely to be successful, like the 9 indicates that 8 percent of start-ups get closer to
percent of companies that cited customer percent of companies that claimed lack of failure when their entrepreneurs burn out.
neglect as a main reason for failure; eCrowds passion as the main reason for their failure.
ignored or de-prioritized customer feedback, and
couldn’t improve its product as a result.

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