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History and Background

The word Oligopoly is derived from two Greek

OLIGI meaning few
POLEIN meaning to sell
An Oligopoly market situation is also called
competition among the few.

• Dominated by a few firms

• Sells homogeneous OR differentiated


• Every seller influences the behavior of the

other firms and other firms influence it

• Few firms • No uniqueness pattern of

• Barriers to Entry pricing behavior

• Non-price Competition • Indeterminateness of the

• Interdependence Demand Curve

• Nature of the Product

• Selling Cost
Few Firms

• Exact number of firms is undefined

• There is a severe competition since

each firm produces a significant
portion of the total output.
Barriers to Entry

• There are barriers to entry like patents, licenses,

control over crucial raw materials, etc.

• Can earn super-normal profits in the long run

with the presence of the barriers of entry.

• These barriers prevent the entry of new firms

into the industry.
Non-price Competition

• Firms try to avoid price competition due to the

fear of price wars

• Depends on non-price methods like advertising,

after sales services, warranties, etc.

• Ensures that firms can influence demand and

build brand recognition.

• There is a lot of interdependence among firms in an


• Each firm is affected by the price and output

decisions of rival firms.

• A firm takes into account the action and reaction of

its competing firms while determining its price and
output levels.
Nature of the Product

• Either homogeneous OR differentiated.

Selling Cost

• Selling costs are highly

important for competing
against rival firms for a larger
market share.
No Unique Pattern of Pricing Behavior

• Predicting the pattern of pricing behavior among

firms is IMPOSSIBLE.

• Some wants to act independently and earn

maximum profits and some also wants to cooperate
with rivals to remove uncertainty.

• Firms can compete OR collude with other firms

which can lead to different pricing situations.
Indeterminateness of the Demand Curve

It is IMPOSSIBLE to determine the demand curve of a

firm because:
– there is a huge interdependence among rivals

– there is uncertainty regarding the reaction of the rivals

• rivals can react in different ways when a firm changes its price and
that makes the demand curve indeterminate
Advantages of Oligopoly

• They may adopt a highly competitive strategy, in which case they can
generate similar benefits to more competitive market structures, such as
lower prices.

• May be dynamically efficient in terms of innovation, new product and

process development. The super-normal profits they generate may be
used to innovate, in which case the consumer may gain.

• Price stability may bring advantages to consumers and the macro-

economy because it helps consumers plan ahead and stabilizes their
expenditure, which may help stabilize the trade cycle.
Disadvantages of Oligopoly

• High concentration reduces consumer choice.

• Cartel-like behavior reduces competition and can lead to higher prices

and reduced output.

• Given the lack of competition, oligopolists may be free to engage in the

manipulation of consumer decision making.

• Firms can be prevented from entering a market because of

deliberate barriers to entry.

• There is a potential loss of economic welfare.

• Oligopolists may be allocatively and productively inefficient.

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